
By CourtesyTrefflin

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After leaving Vader a second time, Obi-Wan is given, and takes, the chance to travel to the past to fix his m... More

Chapter 2 - Fight to the Death
Chapter 3 - Escape
Chapter 4 - Tatooine
Chapter 5 - Luke and Leia
Chapter 6 - Mos Eisley
Chapter 7 - Brush With Death
Chapter 8 - Sandstorms
Chapter 9 - Missing Pieces
Chapter 10 - Sidious
Chapter 11 - The Dragon
Chapter 12 - Reunions
Chapter 13 - Crisis
Chapter 14 - Home

Chapter 1 - Into the Past

715 14 5
By CourtesyTrefflin

Author's Note: Ever since we started watching the OWK series, we've been thinking about this in some shape or form. Lol. I hope y'all enjoy this fic featuring lots of Vaderkin-Obi-Wan bonding, miscommunications, relationship troubles/drama, and all of the problems associated with time traveling after getting roasted by your brotherson. :D

This was also written for the Obikin 2023 bingo. ^-^

WARNING: Homicidal thoughts – not unlike everything in Star Wars.

~ Amina Gila

Anakin's lightsaber crystal hums with an aching familiarity in Obi-Wan's hands. It's the last of him he has now – the last he ever had.

The Tatooine suns beat down on him relentlessly as he stands, clipping the lightsaber to his belt beneath his robes alongside his own. This time, he's taking them both with him.

The all-consuming guilt that's been crushing him all these years is gone, at least for the moment, replaced by something else. Something he can't say is any better. He feels dead inside. (Something died in him, that moment he walked away for a second time, and he knows this time, it will never be filled.)

Obi-Wan doesn't know yet, where exactly he's going as he rides on his eopie across the never-ending stretches of sand, but he can't stay in that cave anymore. It's nothing but a reminder of everything that happened that day, of all the years that he thought of it ceaselessly. He doesn't need that reminder if he's ever going to let it go.

Anakin was gone long before he ever even knew. 'The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader.' Master Yoda had been right, in the end.

(He still can't shake the memory of Anakin's anguished screams from mind, or of Vader calling him as he walked away.)

Something shifts suddenly in the Force, and all Obi-Wan can do is stare as Qui-Gon materializes a distance ahead of him, shimmering with an odd blue hue. He's – he's here?! All these years, and especially on his excursion to rescue Leia, he'd been reaching for him, hoping for guidance before he confronted An-Vader again, but here he is.

"Master Qui-Gon?" Obi-Wan asks in surprise, "You're here."

"I was always there, Obi-Wan," he replies in that painfully familiar voice. It's been so many years since he last heard his voice. He missed him too, but it was hardly anything compared to Anakin. He accepted Qui-Gon's death years ago. "You were just not ready to see it. The Force is giving you a third chance, Obi-Wan, if you are willing to take it."


"A chance to change things," he explains, in his usual unenlightening fashion, "You can go back to the past, to right before all of this started. With your knowledge of the future, you can make better choices."

Wait, what? A chance to go back to the past? Is he talking about time-travel? That doesn't make any sense! "What are you talking about?" he asks, desperately. "How is that possible?"

"Time-travel," Qui-Gon replies, distinctly amused, "If you want this, you leave now."

Seeing that this is Qui-Gon ghost who's always been involved in the most bizarre things known to the Jedi and beyond, Obi-Wan shouldn't even be surprised he found a way to time-travel or whatever happened. His mind is spinning from the very implications of what he's saying. A chance for all of this to be undone? It feels as ludicrous as it sounds.

But he's genuinely offering it, and can Obi-Wan really refuse that? Why would he not want a chance to make things better? (A chance to get Anakin back? Is that even possible? He's scared to hope it might be, after what just happened.)

"I accept," Obi-Wan replies, "But I have questions. What time am I going back to?"

"As I said, right before everything fell apart."

Right before? He doesn't know what that means. "What do you mean 'third chance'?" he asks, thinking back to the beginning of the conversation.

"I cannot tell you what choices you need to make or what to change," Qui-Gon replies as though that answers anything. Why did he expect anything clearer? "You must leave now."

Obi-Wan doesn't have the chance to reply before he feels the Force surging around him. He's never felt a disturbance of this magnitude, and before he can prepare himself for what's to come, nothingness whites out his vision.


For a moment, Obi-Wan's only thought is that he's dreaming, because the Force is teaming with such light and life, like he's never felt in so many years. He opens his eyes, to find himself in a mediative position on the floor of his room at the Jedi Temple.

A room that he hasn't seen in so many years, he's forgotten the small details of what it looked like, even if he could never actually forget it, seeing that he spent so many years here. Not that he cares for those little details right now. He's – he's really in the past.

The Force is still dark, but it's nothing like before. He can feel the light all around him, as he once did when the Jedi were still there.

Because they are still here now.

But what shines out most of all is the most brilliantly pulsing bond he's had with anyone, long gone for years as he agonized over it every day. It's –

Obi-Wan reaches out with the Force, almost desperately touching Anakin's presence. He hasn't felt him like this, so light, since – since –

And now Anakin is here and alive because he's back in the past where none of this happened, and –

That's all it takes for the reality of the situation to crash down on him again. This is right before everything fell apart. He doesn't know when exactly, but it's... He doesn't know when Anakin started working for Palpatine. (He doesn't know when Vader was... created.)

All he wants is to go see Anakin again, but suddenly a part of him is... Uncertain. Wary.

He's longed for Anakin every day for years, and to see him again, only to lose him again would be... He couldn't go through that a second time, he knows already. He couldn't kill Vader twice, and he knows he never could this time either if he had to. Now would be even worse, after seeing Anakin's face again.

Because he is going to see him again.

Unless it's not too late to save him. Obi-Wan really wants to believe that, but he doesn't dare get his hopes too high. Not after everything that just happened.

He will talk to Anakin again, but not tonight. He's probably with Senator Amidala, anyway. She's alive too, he realizes numbly. Everybody is alive. Everybody he lost and mourned for years are all alive, and he has the chance to do something differently this time. Qui-Gon was really less than helpful on what that should entail.

He'll talk to Anakin in the morning once he has his head on straight about all of this. (Despite himself, a strange sense of nervousness and excitement flood him, but he immediately tamps down on them.)

For now, he needs to take everything he knows about the future to the Council immediately. Although they don't have time for a lengthy meeting right now and explaining all of it to just a couple of the leading members might be easiest right now. Yoda was on Kashyyyk, he remembers belatedly, which means he'll have to take all of this Windu.

It's surreal to be walking through the halls of the Jedi Temple again, seeing an occasional Jedi – though mostly the nocturnal ones, at this hour – walking through the halls, as though everything isn't about to come crashing down around them.

All he can remember is the last time he was here, when the halls were full of bodies. This still feels unreal enough anyway that it's like he's looking at ghosts.

He remembers seeing those recordings, what A-Vader did here. He can't let that happen again, whatever it takes. He probably won't be able to prevent Order 66 if this is really right before it, but at least the Jedi will have a forewarning. They can take whatever steps they need to, to neutralize anyone who attacks the Temple.

He missed the days when the Jedi were still here, but he's long since grown accustomed to being without them. Going back to that would be strange. (It's Anakin that he can't seem to let go of.)

Walking through these halls fill him with sense of nostalgia; this is the only place he called home, and he hasn't been here in years. It was the only place he ever knew.

Even seeing Master Windu again is jarring, and Obi-Wan can't help wondering what happened to him before. He can only be grateful that the Jedi Master listens to what he says without much question. The Jedi Master confesses that he senses a plot to destroy the Jedi, so he's unsurprised though quite alarmed to hear the little details Obi-Wan knows of it. "Our worst fears have been realized," Windu declares grimly. "We must act immediately."

Obi-Wan wishes he knew the details of what transpired on Coruscant without him. "We can warn everyone, but I do not believe there is anything we can do to stop Order 66 from happening on this time frame." It's only the night before everything fell apart. He's supposed to be leaving for Utapau in the morning, and there's no way he can do that this time around. He's needed here. (He needs to stay with Anakin. He needs to make sure he's alright.)

"I agree," Windu replies gravely, "We must prepare to evacuate the Temple. I will send out a message to all Jedi to remain away from their clones as much as possible."

It won't save everyone, but it's something. "We should begin immediately, then."

"There is still the matter of Skywalker," Windu points out.

And as painful of a topic as it is, Obi-Wan knows he needs to be objective. "I do not know when he Fell before, or if it is too late to stop it."

"I don't trust him," Windu says, bluntly. Obi-Wan figured as much from before anyway, and now, he can hardly disagree with the sentiment. "Even if he has not Fallen yet, the chance is high that he will. We must be prepared to eliminate him if it becomes necessary."

Something in him clenches instantly, but he nods, anyway. Windu is right, even if Obi-Wan knows he could never be the one to do it. "I must stay here," Obi-Wan declares, "If it's not too late, I may be able to stop it and if not, I have fought him in the past." (Although he can't imagine getting in another fight to the death with Anakin, even if it's someone else who finishes it.)

"Given your knowledge of the future, I agree," Windu replies, "Our resources are limited, but we can send Masters Fisto and Tiin to deal with Grievous. Fisto has fought him in the past. We must speak with the rest of the Council."

Right. The Council which Anakin is technically on. "It's probably best if Anakin hears nothing of this," Obi-Wan reminds. He can't, until Obi-Wan knows whether or not they can trust him.

"Of course not," Windu agrees, "We will begin preparing for the evacuation immediately but discreetly. And we must have Jedi Masters here ready to fight him if it comes down to it."

Obi-Wan can only things won't come that far again.


He's seen Anakin in his dreams every day since they parted, but to see him here – alive and whole, burning with Light is... He could get lost in it. They're on the way to the Council chambers, and they have a moment alone, for which Obi-Wan is exceedingly grateful, even if part of him is unsure he wants to be around Anakin at all. This is what Vader looked like when...

"Master," Anakin says, "I heard you weren't going to Utapau." He seems confused, but not in a bad way. At least Obi-Wan hopes it's not in a bad way.

"Yes, a sudden change in plans," Obi-Wan replies, trying to feign nonchalance. It's difficult to focus, seeing Anakin here again. Anakin has been gone from his life for years. It's like looking at a ghost, and Obi-Wan isn't certain he won't disappear the moment he looks away. "Master Windu thought it best if I were to remain here. The war is almost at an end."

Anakin nods, but he seems jittery, somehow. Uncertain. "We may not win this battle."

"I find that a small concern." He does, really. There are far more important matters at hand.

"Obi-Wan." How he missed this, hearing the way the boy always said his name, with so much affection. But the way he says it makes Obi-Wan sense something important, though he doesn't know what this is about. He hates how he hardly remembers anything about this time. It's been ten years, most of which he spent hyper focusing on what happened after. Anakin stops, gathering himself together, and turning to face Obi-Wan as they stand alone in the hall. "Master, I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of your training. I've been arrogant, and I apologize." He's struggling to meet Obi-Wan's gaze, but when he does, it's almost searchingly – like he's looking for something, but Obi-Wan has no idea what that might be. "I've just been so frustrated with the Council."

He has no idea what to say to that. None at all. The things Anakin is speaking of now happened a decade ago for Obi-Wan. He vaguely remembers this conversation last time, but he could never say what he did before now.

Obi-Wan reaches for him without thinking, touching Anakin's arm. (He'd touched Vader briefly, and when they fought on Mustafar, but he doesn't remember the last time he touched Anakin. If this is Anakin. He knows he needs to be prepared for it, but he doesn't know if he can handle losing him again, even if it doesn't fully feel real that he has him back.) "They do their best."

"I know."

He should say more, but he doesn't know what. There's so much he's wanted to say to Anakin, but he never knew what or where to begin. Now that he's facing him, he's even less sure. "I am not disappointed with you," Obi-Wan says at last. "You have saved my life more times than I can remember, and I am... very proud of you." He doesn't know what more he could say. So much has gone down between them, none of which Anakin even remembers.

Anakin smiles faintly and looks away when Obi-Wan finishes speaking.

They're supposed to be going to the Council chambers, and when Anakin doesn't speak again, Obi-Wan keeps walking, hating more than anything how it feels like there's something more he should say. He doesn't know what, though.

After a moment, Anakin follows.

The Council has a brief discussion, and Obi-Wan can't help how out-of-place he feels being here. He doesn't feel like a Jedi Master anymore, but it doesn't much matter.

He doesn't appreciate when Anakin leaves for the Senate right afterwards, either. Not at all.

He doesn't want Anakin anywhere near Palpatine, but it's not as if someone asked his opinion, and Anakin was on an important mission – though Obi-Wan has some serious doubts as to whether that was what destroyed everything. They should never have allowed Anakin to be so close to a Sith.


Anakin can tell something is wrong. Obi-Wan's presence is different. He feels dead for lack of a better term. The spark of burning light that was once always inside of him is completely gone. It's nothing like how he felt the previous day, and he doesn't understand what's changed. And he thinks there is something more to the fact that Obi-Wan isn't going to Utapau.

Obi-Wan isn't really talking any differently than normal, but something about the way he's acting seems strangely closed off. It might not be quite as strange if something about the way all the other Masters, especially Windu, are acting around him seems off, too. It's not openly hostile or anything; it's just as though they don't want him here. (The feelings are mutual – he doesn't want to be here.)

For a moment, he thinks back to what his master said after his apology. He never thought Obi-Wan would say that he's proud of him. He never once showed it. Even if by whatever off chance that he is now, he won't be when... the child is born.

The mere thought instantly sends a fresh wave of fear coursing through him. He wants to believe that everything will be fine, but he knows otherwise. The visions have been haunting him constantly, every single night from the moment he came back to Coruscant, and he's certain something very, very bad is about to happen. He can feel it in every fiber of his being, even if he can't say what it is. Though that, too, has changed from last night. Whatever happened then sent a ripple through the Force, and it changed everything. What, he can't say, but it's leaving him on edge.

He wants to know what it is that Obi-Wan is really staying here for, because it must be something else. The Council had no problem with sending him to Utapau before, and it's no secret that Obi-Wan is best suited to fight Grievous and knows Utapau personally. Suddenly changing that doesn't really make sense.

He finds he's not really surprised the Council would have an emergency meeting about it without him, but there's a very small part of him that wonders for a moment if what Palpatine was saying the previous night is true. (That the Jedi are planning to betray him. He doesn't want to believe that, though. Obi-Wan would never betray the Republic.)

He's at the Senate for a while before returning for the briefing. Focusing is hard. All his mind can fixate on his how something is very wrong, and he needs to find a way to help his family, at least that's all he's thinking about until a hologram of Rex flickers in, reporting that he'll get Ahsoka, and they've made progress, at least. There may have been more, but Anakin is too out-of-it to notice.

Ahsoka steps into the hologram moments later, her eyes immediately darting over to him. A wave of emotion wells up in him instantly at the sight of her. He – he wants to talk to her so badly, but now isn't the time or place. He doesn't know if she's ready for that either, from how she was acting when they first reunited.

"I understand your mission was a success," Windu states.

"Yes," Ahsoka replies, "I have Maul in custody. I will escort Commander Rex when he delivers him to Coruscant." So, she is coming back to Coruscant, then. It means he will have another chance to see her in person, and he doesn't know how to feel about that. He wants to, but she... she brushed him off last time. Whatever emotional connection they had before she left the Order seems to have been destroyed. It hurts, but it's what it is.

"A great service to the Republic, you have done," Yoda congratulates.

"I did my duty as a citizen." She's grown, changed so much in the time she was gone, and Anakin wasn't there to see it. She seems so much more mature now unless it's just the face she's putting on.

"Not as a Jedi?"

Her expression twists a little, and she looks to Anakin again for a moment. "No. Not yet." What does she mean not yet?

"Anakin?" Ahsoka asks, suddenly.

"Yes?" he answers, slightly startled. He didn't expect her to actually say anything to him, unless it's mission related, of course.

"I... there's some things I want to talk to you about, once I'm back."

Anakin nods. "You did a good job, Ahsoka."

She smiles, for a moment, a little of her professional mask slipping away. "Thank you."

They don't have a chance to say more, before a hologram of Master Fisto appears. He has a few lightsaber marks on his clothes, but he's otherwise fine, which is more than what Anakin can say for most people who fought Grievous. "Grievous has been defeated," he informs, "We are dealing with the rest of his droids now."

Windu nods, though instead of the relief Anakin may have expected to feel in the room, all he feels is... more tension? Windu and Obi-Wan exchange an unreadable glance. Really, what's with that?

"Anakin, you must take this report to the Chancellor," Windu instructs.

"Yes, Master," he replies immediately, slipping from the room. The war is almost over, and then... Ahsoka will be back and she does want to talk to him, and he'll be able to leave the Order to be with Padme. (If nothing happens to her.) Everything is almost over, so why doesn't it feel like it?


Obi-Wan was hoping for another chance to talk to Anakin, but with how busy the day is, he's unsurprised, though very unhappy, when he doesn't find one. He doesn't really know what he'd say either, but this is the last day he'll have, and he doesn't know when things started falling apart.

He doesn't have to wait long to find out.

Obi-Wan can feel something is wrong even before Anakin arrives in the hangar, face pale. "Masters," he calls urgently. "I have discovered a terrible truth. Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."

It's all coming apart right now. Of course, it is – Obi-Wan doesn't know why he expected anything different. They've been preparing for this since yesterday evening, but he still feels hopelessly unprepared.

From the look on Anakin's face, it seems like he legitimately didn't know, which leaves Obi-Wan more than a little confused on how things went from here to what happened before. Unless things are already changing that much because of the time-travel, but he doesn't think so.

But what happened before doesn't matter. Every moment, every decision they make now is determining the fate of everything. (Determining what will happen to Anakin.) All they can do is keep Anakin away from Sidious, and hope that will be enough.

"How do you know?" Windu demands.

"He knows the ways of the Force. He has been trained to use the Dark Side."

"He told you?" Obi-Wan asks, almost incredulously. Or is there more to the story? Now is hardly the time to ask for details, even if he doesn't know what better time there will be. If they act fast enough, maybe they can stop Order 66 before it even happens. He's not counting on it, but there's still a chance. If they destroy Sidious now...

"Yes," Anakin confirms.

"We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive," Windu declares, throwing a quick glance to several of the other Jedi Masters waiting around. It's the moment they've been preparing for – it's time for them to begin locking down the building and preparing for evacuation.

"Master, the Chancellor is very powerful. You will need my help if you are going to arrest him."

"For your own good," Master Windu replies, "Stay out of this affair. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker."'

"I must go, Master," he protests, looking to Obi-Wan.

"No," Windu says firmly. "If what you told us is true, you will have gained my trust, but for now, remain here."

Anakin practically deflates, and Obi-Wan can tell he's upset – but this is for his own good. If he's here, he'll be safely away from Sidious. "Yes, Masters."

"Wait in the Council Chambers, Anakin," Obi-Wan tells him. "We should be back soon." Or so he can hope. He wants to say something, anything as a final word to Anakin before going, but he doesn't know what, and there's no time to think of it. He can only hope Anakin listens to them and stays put. (He can only hope he hasn't already joined Palpatine. If he has, being in the Council chambers will mean he won't see it when the Temple is being put on high alert and get suspicious. He doesn't think he can deal with Vader a third time.)

"Yes, Master," Anakin says. Obi-Wan, Windu, and Kolar board the gunships, giving the order to begin the evacuation only after leaving. Obi-Wan watches until Anakin is out of sight, unable to shake the feeling that he's about to lose him again.

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