Fiend-205: End of the Clone W...

By FiendHalo205

225 6 9

we know how the story goes. Anakin goes to Palpatine to try and save his wife from childbirth, and becomes a... More



88 4 1
By FiendHalo205

3 years after Halo event

the camera opens on the upper levels of Coruscant. people going about their business, speeders going from one place to another, etc. the camera pans left and we see Fiend-205, dawning his Mark V [B] armor, standing on his balcony, looking at the sky. so much had happened in the past few days. the battle on Yerbana was a victory, thanks to Anakin's arrogance, somehow. Ahsoka had returned after a year of being gone. she needed forces to assist in taking Mandalore from Maul. while Fiend had considered joining her, mainly for a rematch with the Dathomirian, but ultimately decided against it, in part because he was still mad at Ahsoka for, from his perspective, abandoning him, but mainly due to the UNSC's current relationship with the Sangheili. helping Mandalorians free Mandalore was not a good look, given the two species beef. so instead, he returned to Coruscant with Anakin and Obi-Wan, and took part in the Battle of Coruscant

during the battle with Dooku on his ship, Anakin was conflicted. he knew Dooku should stand trial, but Palpatine was ordering him to kill Dooku. before Anakin could decide, however, Fiend knocked him away and killed Dooku himself, saying "the Galaxy is better off with one less Sith Lord". they had since returned to Coruscant, and Fiend was taking a few days off, mainly to focus on his mental health. he knew his capabilities, and knew that if his anger was unchecked, all hell would break loose. after sighing, the Spartan walks back inside his home and sits down on the couch. as he goes to turn on the TV to watch the Grifball game, someone knocks at his door. he groans

Fiend: no, I don't want any girl scout cookies

he is surprised when the voice that comes through the door is not a girl scout, but in face, that of one Anakin Skywalker

Anakin: Fiend, I need to talk to you

Fiend flicks his wrist and the door opens. Anakin walks in and closes the door behind him, before taking a seat

Fiend: what's up?

Anakin: well..

Anakin sighs

Anakin: something might be going down.. and, you're the only person I can trust

Fiend: so what is it?

Anakin looks down at his hands before looking back at Fiend

Anakin: Padme, is pregnant

Fiend: I assume the child is yours?

Anakin nods

Fiend: congrats mate.... that's not all.. is it?

Anakin nods

Anakin: last night, I- I had a nightmare... that she died during childbirth..

Fiend: oh...

Anakin looks down again and takes a deep breath

Anakin: I know.. I know after you did it with Ahsoka you vowed never to mess with the laws of life and death again, but.... if she passes..

Anakin looks up. Fiend knows what he's implying, and nods

Fiend: I'll do it, on one condition

Anakin: o- of course! just name it

Fiend: recently, I've had.... suspicions....

Anakin: suspicions of what?

Fiend: about the Chancellor... I feel like Palpatine is the Sith Lord, but I can't be certain of it

Anakin's face turns to shock

Anakin: Palpatine? the Sith Lord? what makes you so sure?

Fiend: when you've used the Dark Side as long as I have, you come to understand it, know it. it surrounds the Chancellor like ants going for a picnic. though I'm uncertain if the Chancellor himself is the Sith, or a puppet being used by them

Anakin: what does this have to do with the condition?

Fiend: I.. I know this may be hard for you, given he is a good friend to you.. but, I need you to spy on him, watch him. if he is the Sith Lord, he may reveal it to you. he won't reveal it to someone like me or Obi-Wan

Anakin looks down, conflicted. Palpatine was his friend, he could never be the Sith Lord.. could he? on the other hand, his wife's, and potentially, his child's lives were on the line. he sighs

Anakin: ok.. I- I'll do it

Fiend: thank you, Anakin. if he reveals himself to you, you let me know first, understood?

Anakin nods, then stands up

Anakin: thank you, really

Fiend nods as Anakin leaves. Fiend then stands up and heads into his workshop. he sits at his desk and continues to design a new set of MJOLNIR. he had seen some of the specs for the Gen 2 Platform, and while the Gen 2 platform was decent, it was inferior to his current armor. so he began drawing up plans for the Gen 3 MJOLNIR Platform, which theoretically, would surpass the Gen 1 Mark VI Platform, which was widely considered to be the best platform of Spartan Armor. but Fiend was a genius, and he planned to surpass the masterminds behind the revolutionary armor

the next day, Fiend was welding together the armor. he had stayed up all night working on the schematics, and once done, began working on the physical armor itself. the hardware and firmware had all been installed, as well as the armors operating system. armor attachments such as UAC thrust boots, a device not used since the Hell invasion of Mars back in 2149, thruster packs, standard issue with modern MJOLNIR armor, armor lock, energy shields, etc. he had finished with the armor plating itself, and looked the armor over. it was looking good so far, just needed some paint and it was finished. Fiend walks out to find his paints, when he hears a knock at the door. he opens it and Anakin is standing there

Fiend: what is it Skywalker?

Anakin: you were right. Palpatine is the Sith Lord!

Fiend: I fucking knew it

Fiend ran over to his workshop and grabbed his Battle Rifle, Magnum, and sword. he walks back out

Fiend: tell the Jedi, now

Anakin: and what will you do?

Fiend: Finish the Fight

the Chancellor sat in his office, expecting Jedi to show up. he hears heavy footsteps and turns around to Fiend, standing in his office

Palpatine: ah, Spartan! I must say I was not expecting you

Fiend: worlds full of surprises Chancellor. or, should I call you, Darth Sidious

Palpatine's face turns to one of shock

Palpatine: Spartan that is a bold-

Fiend cuts him off

Fiend: cut the shit, Palps. Anakin spilled the beans. I'm here to dispose of the can

Palpatine: are you threatening me, Spartan?

Fiend: this isn't a threat, Chancellor. its an execution

Palpatine stands up and grabs his lightsaber

Palpatine: its treason, then

Fiend POV

Sidious leaped at me, but I saw this coming, and rolled out of the way. I draw my BR and open fire. Sidious blocks the shots and cuts my rifle in half. fuckwit. I then draw my Argentblade and engage him in furious sword combat. eventually, I knock down the Sith, and point my sword at his neck

Fiend: I will end this here, and now, you piece of shit

Sidious: no... no... YOU WILL DIE!!

Sidious fires an insane amount of Force Lightning, but I quickly armor lock before the bolts of electricity can touch me. he eventually stops and I come out of armor lock

Fiend: did you really think your basic ass Force Lightning could-

I'm cut off by Sidious using the force to grab my knife and impaling me in the gut. he pulled out, and I fall to the ground, clutching my wound. I watch as blood seeps out of it and falls to the ground as Sidious throws the knife away. I watch him walk over to his discarded lightsaber

Sidious: it is too late, Spartan. I have orchestrated this war since you were a mere child. everything, from the Naboo Blockade, to the death of Qui-Gon Jinn, the entire Separatist Alliance, this entire war was by my design! MINE! Skywalker WILL become my apprentice, the Jedi WILL be defeated!! I WILL RULE THE GALAXY AS ITS EMPEROR!! NOTHING YOU DO CAN STOP ME!!

I then begin to laugh a somewhat evil laugh

Sidious: something funny?

Fiend: hehe... I just... I want to thank you for your cooperation

Palpatine: cooperation?

Fiend: see, if I wanted you dead right now, you would be. but, agh... me killing you doesn't bode well for me. investigations will start, my reputation could be ruined, you know how it is

Sidious remains silent

Fiend: so I figured.... why not get a confession out of you?

Sidious: but you're the only one who heard it, so who will believe you?

Fiend: yeah, no-one will believe me if I just tell them.... but, say, what if, I had a video of you confessing

Sidious: and how would you get a video of this?

I smirked under my helmet

Fiend: with my helmet cam, which has been recording since I entered your office

Sidious' eyes go wide

Fiend: looks like someone just got fuckin' busted

I then tap a button on the comm device attached to my helmet, and my dumb A.I. speaks

A.I.: upload complete

Fiend: the entire Senate now has access to a video of you confessing to treason against the Republic

Sidious: why you...

he raises his lightsaber to end me, and I close my eyes

???: I wouldn't do that if I was you

I open my eyes to see Anakin, his lightsaber ignited, accompanied by Commander Fox and the Coruscant Guard, their weapons aimed at the Dark Lord of the Sith. Sidious turned to Fox

Sidious: Commander, Execute Order 66

Fox: sorry, Palpatine. only the Chancellor can execute that order


Anakin: not anymore you're not. the Jedi managed to convince the Senate to oust you as Chancellor

Sidious' eyes glow orange with rage. he turned to me, having realized I had planned this from the very beginning

Fiend: what was that about... agh, there being nothing I can do?

Sidious growled in anger, before cutting open the glass window and jumping out. Fox and the Coruscant Guard opened fire, but Sidious dodged all the shots. that's when my vision begins to blur. Anakin kneels Infront of me

Anakin: Fiend, are you ok!?

Fiend: I'm gunna pass out. peace motherfuckers

and I pass out. what a sick way to pass out, am I right?

I wake up some time later. how long? I don't know. I slowly open my eyes, and as predicted, everything is blurry

???: Fiend? can you hear me?

that voice. I could recognize it anywhere. I turn my head and see an orange blur. Ahsoka. my vision then clears up and I can see her clearly

Fiend: what are you doing here?

Ahsoka: Anakin told me everything. you really faced Sidious on your own?

I nod

Fiend: how long was I out?

Ahsoka: a day

I lay back down and look up

Fiend: Sidious?

Ahsoka: he managed to escape the planet, or so I've been told

Fiend: fuck...

I close my eyes

Ahsoka: are you still.. mad with me?

Fiend: yeah

I open my eyes, sit up and turn to her

Fiend: look I- I can understand you leaving the Jedi, after the shit they pulled. I just don't understand why you had to leave me too..

Ahsoka looks down, facing away from me

Ahsoka: I know.. I- I don't understand the decision fully myself... I- I can't tell you how much I regretted it...

she hugs herself

Ahsoka: I was so lonely, for so long... Coruscant is a dangerous place to be by yourself I- I've been robbed a few times, beaten up, people have even tried to... y-you know..

Fiend: I know

she looks at me, her eyes welled with tears

Ahsoka: I know I- I can never even begin to defend myself. just... c-can we.. go back.. to the way we were? b-before I...

she trailed off. I look down. I look back to her and see tears rolling down her face. I'm still mad, but seeing her cry, just breaks my heart. I open my arms slightly, inviting her for a hug. she slowly climbs into my lap, and hugs me like I was her lifeline. I hug her back as she cries into my shoulder. I look over in the corner of the room and spy my armor laying in a pile. I look back down at Ahsoka, and she's looking right at me

Ahsoka: are.. are we?

I nod

Fiend: where are we anyway?

Ahsoka: the Halls of Healing in the Jedi Temple. it was the closest place to take you. Anakin somehow managed to convince the masters to let Meds patch you up though

Fiend: I see. did he tell you?

Ahsoka: about Padme? yeah. she gave birth an hour ago

Fiend: is the kid ok?

Ahsoka chuckled

Ahsoka: they're fine. she had twins

Fiend: you know what? good for them

Ahsoka smiles. I kiss her on the forehead, causing her to let out a purr and snuggle into me

Fiend: can we go now?

Ahsoka: go? I just got comfortable!

Fiend: you can get comfortable later

I pick Ahsoka up off me and stand up. she hisses in protest as I put her on the medical bed, before walking over to my armor. I start suiting up

Ahsoka: you're seriously gunna wear that? its damaged

Fiend: its either damaged armor, or nothing at all

I turn to her

Fiend: but something tells me you'd prefer me wearing nothing

Ahsoka's Blue Lekku stripes darken, and her cheeks glow red

Ahsoka: uh- w- well y- you see- I-

Fiend: relax, Soka, I'm teasing

I put my helmet on

Fiend: but, I think it's still factual

Ahsoka: shut up, please

I chuckle and hold my hand out for her to take. instead she leaps off of the bed and into my arms. thankfully I'm almost a full 2 ft taller than her and am easily able to stand my ground, but that doesn't stop her from holding me for dear life

Fiend: Ahsoka, get off me

Ahsoka: no!

Fiend: Ahsoka

Ahsoka: NO!

I sigh and give her a tiny zap of Argent Energy. she leaps off of me, squealing in pain, and lands on her ass. she looks up at me

Ahsoka: bastard

Fiend: I told you to get off

Ahsoka: I already got off!

Fiend: don't make it weird

I walk out of the medical ward, with Ahsoka hot on my tail. she comes up next to me and we begin to make our way to the temple hanger

Fiend: is the war over?

Ahsoka: no. somehow Sidious made his way to Raxus and since Dooku was killed, he took over

Fiend: we trade one villain for another

Ahsoka: that line makes no sense Sidious was always the villain. why'd you even say that?

Fiend: I dunno, Arbiter said it back on the Ark and I wanted to say it now

we eventually make it into the hanger, and Ahsoka turns to me

Ahsoka: they offered for me to join the Republic Military again. I'm taking over as General of the 501st

Fiend: really?

Ahsoka: yeah. since Anakin is a father now, he can't really fight in the war

Fiend: how did the Jedi react to Anakin having been married all this time?

Ahsoka: Obi-Wan and Anakin managed to convince the council to bar the no attachments rule

Fiend: they asked you to rejoin the order didn't they?

Ahsoka: no. I didn't want to go back anyway, I have more freedom now

we both hop into a speeder and Ahsoka begins driving us home

Fiend: well. let's just hope that this is the beginning of the end for the Clone Wars

Ahsoka: yeah

hopefully, I'm right, and the war will end soon. and if it doesn't, well, it will. I know it will. I just need to fight my hardest, and end Sidious, along with any other enemy that stands in the way

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