Miss popular is a lesbian?

De Defo_Not_Here

14 1 1

Jane is your average british teen but everything changes when the new year comes around. Mai multe


New Years Resolution

3 0 0
De Defo_Not_Here

- Jane's POV -

Jane layed in bed listening to her music even tho it was completely drowned out by her thoughts.

School started tomorrow. She hadn't seen her friends in person for weeks due to them both being on holiday. They had all called once or twice a week but that was about it.
Jane had done absolutely nothing over the Christmas holidays. She had nothing to do. She only had two friends and she found almost everything boring. She had watched almost every movie on Netflix even the stupidest love movies that Millie had been begging her to watch.

If only she had another week. Mabey then she would be ready to see people other than her family again.
She was just hoping that she had some classes with her friends this year. Last year Millie was in top set and James was two sets below her. She was bang on in the middle. She was with the same class for the whole year. Every lesson with the annoying popular kids breaks was the only time she got away from them. Well that's an overstatement, she was far enough away that she couldn't hear their idiotic conversations.

Jane grumbled as she turned on her side looking at herself in the mirror that was lead against her wall. She tried to part down the hair sticking up out of her ponitail. She sighed and closed her eyes.

But her rest was interrupted by her seven year old brother who badged into her room with a superman Cape on and a disgusting amount of hair gel in his thick hair.
He didn't say anything just stood there in a 'super hero pose'

Jane opened one of her eyes for a second and then shut it "Marvel is better" she said as she turned over

She couldn't see her brothers face but his gobsmacked face was very loud and clear.

"Dinner is ready" He huffed as he walked out the room offended by Jane's comment

- - - -

Here she was. Monday morning 8:30am stood leaning against the school building, headphones in her ears waiting for her friends to arrive.

All of a sudden she felt a shove and then her head hit the concrete wall behind her.
She caught herself just before she hit the floor, as she opened her eyes she saw a very blurry purple blob in front of her and then a green one appear behind it. After she blinked a few times the blobs turned into her friends.

Jane grunted as she rubbed her head "What was that for?"

"GAH I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hit you that hard. I just wanted to get your attention.." Millie had a very guilty look on her face and a hand on her neck

"Yeah well it fucking hurt dipshit." Jane felt her head go really light for a couple of seconds

"WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Millie suddenly covered her ears and was shaking her head "YOUR GOING TO RUIN MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION!!!!" she screeched

Jane gave a confused look to James

"She decided that she wouldn't listen to any swear words for her new years resolution" James shrugged

"That's so strange..." Jane said putting her headphones in her bag.

"Well your going to have to stop swearing or I'm gonna go find new friends who will accept my new year's resolution!" Millie said proudly crossing her arms

"Yeah right" Jane scoffed and they started walking into the school

"I'm being serious yknow! S-seriously guys I will!" Millie seemed to be regretting her resalution already

They stopped at James and Jane's lockers which were right next to each other

"Oh yeah?" Jane turned to Millie after she put her bag in her locker. Then she leaned into Millie ear "Fuck" she whispered into her ear with a grin on her face

Millie paused for a second, and then started looking around. She layed eyes on the a group of popular people, and turned to her friends with a grin on her face
"Have fun being a duo" She smiled and then walked over to the group

"She won't last a second" James laughed closing his locker.

Jane and James stood by there lockers faces full of amusement as they saw Millie start to walk over to them.

"Guys I just thought before we stop being friends you should meet my new best friend" Millie said proudly

They both stood there confused as to what she was on about. When they then saw Jessica Anderson start walking over to them.

James was in utter shock, were as Jane definitely did not believe that the most popular girl in school would be friends with the girl that's been ease dropping in on her conversations for the past 3 years

"Yeah right."Jane laughed her eyes looking back at Millie" There is no way she would want to be friends with someone like you. Or us for that matter"

Millie looked slightly confused "Oh yeah and Why's that?"

"Um I don't know if you remember but we are all gay?" Jane looked at Millie like it was obvious "I mean for starters your pansexual, I'm a lesbian and James is unlabelled."

"Hey I don't like how you said my part" James said sounding jokingly offended

"I'm sorry Millie but it's just not happening" Jane seemed pleased with herself

"Oh and why wouldn't I like you for your sexualities princess?" Jane hadn't realised that Jessica was standing right next to Millie

Jane stayed quite

"What just because I'm popular I have to be homophobic?" Jessica said in her usual sassy tone

"I-I didn't say that. I just said that... Um..." Jane's mind froze it's like she forgot what words were

"Hm?" Jessica had a quite prominent smile on her face as she walked closer to Jane. She lifted Jane's face slightly up, caressing her cheak with her thumb "An I not aloud to like girls? Because you look very appealing right now"

Jane's cheaks went a flushed red. Jane couldn't help it. It's not that she had a crush on Jessica it's just that Jane hadn't been flirted with in a long long time, so she was bound to react.

Suddenly Jessica let go of her face and started laughing

The trio were all so confused. What just happened and why was Jessica laughing?

"Omg you actually believed that?! Your so stupid! How could anyone like me ever like someone like you? Your disgusting face would scare anyone off" She carried on laughing to herself as she went back to her group of "Friends" who had been watching snickering to themselves.

Jane was still in shock. She had just been apart of one of Jessica's little jokes. She turned to James. She didn't know what to say she was so confused
"What on earth just happened..?"

They all started walking away still trying to figure out what had just happened.

- Jessica's POV -

Seeing them walk away without any negative reaction, no crying, no anger, no nothing. The trio then bursted out into laughter. Wth?! This had nether happened before why didn't they care? Why didn't they get annoyed at her for messing with that girls feelings?

She had to do something! She had to get a reaction out of that girl. She shouldn't be ignored and she was gonna make sure that it was clear not to ignore her!


Hey guys let me know what you think of this story. I quite enjoy this idea and I hope I can share my love for it with you guys <3

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