Always, Arlo [Published]

By NaiWriting

279K 11.6K 8.6K

Valentina Morgan, a woman who just got out her long relationship that was half of her heart. Her heart that i... More

Always, Arlo
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 19

7.1K 351 351
By NaiWriting

A night out.

It was Monday evening and I felt better already. Arlo took good care of me those past two days and tended to me to his best ability. I appreciate how he goes out of his way to make sure i'm doing alright, he's beyond thoughtful and i'm grateful for him.

As soon as I told Noor and Minji I felt better they insisted I go out with them tonight. They wanted to be with me for when the photos drop today to give me additional support. I agreed of course, I also wanted to share this achievement with other people. People who actually care and have supported me more than my family or my ex-boyfriend has all these years.

I had left the shower and hurried to pick out my clothes. Minji was going to come with Noor soon to pick me up so we can meet up at this nice club Arlo picked out. A lot of people from the company got invited out tonight and I was excited to socialize and see everyone for this event.

I picked out a tight long-sleeved dress. It snugged my body in all the right ways and accentuated the curves on my waist. I've had this dress in my closet for what seems like ages. Just waiting for the right moment to wear it and now seems to be the time. It has a low neckline that teased some cleavage, so I paired it with a nice silver necklace. I also wore some high heels that laced up along my legs that ended just below my knee.

As I sit down at my vanity I get a few incoming messages from Minji and Noor, I check them real quick before I begin to do my makeup.

I snicker at the messages from the group chat, It feels nice to have people to hang out with and get to call my friends. Minji and Noor have been so supportive and kind to me since the first day they met me. They immediately took me into their little circle and they make me feel included and very welcomed.

I begin my makeup routine in a bit of a rushed manner just so when Minji gets here she doesn't die from impatience. She's been very excited about going out tonight and honestly I am too. I want to have some fun in the mist of all this commotion, I desperately need the breather.


I waddle-run to the car, not able to run properly due to my heels. I open the back door and slide my body inside the warmed car. My body automatically relaxes as I sit on the warm seat. I took a risk and wore the dress bare without stockings underneath because I liked how my legs looked in this dress. The warm seat of the car is providing an unnecessary amount of bliss on my cold legs right now. "Hey lovely." Noor's voice chimes from the front passenger seat. They both look back in unison to greet me, I give them a smile as I click the seatbelt into place. "Hey, are you ready?" Minji asks and I nod my head excitedly. "Yes, I'm so excited." My face lights up with amusement and so does theirs.

"Atta-girl. Don't let anything dim your shine tonight babe, okay? Tonight is all about you." Minji reaches her arm over and gives me a small squeeze on my thigh. I gleam at her words, giving her an appreciative gaze. "Soon Valentina Morgans face will be all over SaintWear and magazines, etcetera. How exciting!" Noor squeaks with amusement in her soft brown eyes.

Eventually Minji shifts the car into drive and begins driving off and away from my apartment, she follows the directions to the club from her GPS. Noor blasts music on the aux cord, she's currently playing Call Out My Name by The Weeknd and Noor and I sing the lyrics out like we're doing a karaoke duet. Newfound interest me and Noor share is our love for The Weeknd. We play his whole trilogy album during our car-ride to the club. Minji loves his songs too but she's more focused on the GPS directions because she said she's prone to getting distracted easily. Karaoke would lead her straight into a ditch she said.

Finally we make it to the club. The outside of the club was beautiful, the whole building has different colored lights illuminating the architecture as the sky turns to nightfall. The lights flash and change color all in unison and theres a bunch of people entering the club with their beautiful outfits. Finding a parking spot was quite hard as everyone surprisingly is at this club on a Monday night. It's apparently a hot topic right now among the media, so I get that people don't want to miss out on the fun while its still active and popular. Minji finally finds a parking spot and we all gather our items and adjust our clothing before we exit out the car.

Walking along the sidewalk, we get closer to the building and I see the beautiful fountain in front of the club that captures the eye of everyone. It also has changing color lights on the base of the fountain and the sound of the water running through the structure is soothing and oddly calming to hear as we walk by it.

Noor and Minji walk extra close by me as the cold September air chills us, we obviously were thinking more about our outfits than the weather. Minji has a tight silver dress on that matches her silver eyeshadow on her pretty mono-lids. She has dangling earrings that pairs the outfit together. Noor has on a baby pink mini-skirt on with a white tube top with a bedazzled logo on the center. We all collectively shiver from the chilly weather, hurrying to get inside the club.

The booming music from inside the club rattles through my bones as we enter. The vibration from the loud music rings through my core and throughout my entire body. The music is great and this place is packed. Everyone is either getting drinks at the bar, sitting at a table or booth chatting with others, or on the dance floor. There where people everywhere, So Minji and Noor held onto both of my hands and we all walked together closely as we get deeper into the crowd of people, so not one of us gets lost.

As we head for the bar I glance around, looking for a certain someone in this crowd of hundreds upon hundreds of people. Not one soul in this club catches my attention the way he manages to do, even with the different faces and all the good-looking people. All I was searching for was him. It was about seven PM, and the photos where supposed to drop at eight. A marketing strategy to make everyone wait in suspense for the new photos and then boom they drop at an unexpected time. I kept a lookout for him because I wanted to celebrate this achievement with the one person who believed I could achieve this before anyone else did.

We get to the bar and we conveniently find three available stools. We all take a seat and Minji looks at the menu as she doesn't waste any time trying to get some alcohol in her system. I turn to Noor who is gazing at the flashing lights and the scenery of this beautiful night-club. "Where is everybody?" I ask her and her eyes snap onto me after a minute, realizing she was lost in a little trance. She gazes around curiously before answering, "They're probably all just doing their own thing. Arlo told us all to meet up around seven-fifty at one of those tables though, for your photos." She points in the direction of the tables and booths. I glance over but no one from the company is there yet. I wonder where they are in this sea of people.

It was only about seven o' two, so I was trying to relax a little bit. I shift my attention over to the drink menu, looking at the variety of options before I order a strawberry vodka-martini. The bartender gets right on it as there are many other people who crowd around the bar. I never seen the melt have such a successful bar as this club. I gazed to the menu and realized the club was named The Essence. I took note of the name, it felt fitting to a club like this.

As I sit there chatting with the girls I feel a sudden hand tap my shoulder.

I turn my stool around and get met with someone I actually didn't expect. Aaron, the photographer from the other day was standing behind me holding what seemed like a Mimosa in his hand. He had a long sleeved sweater on that was sort of baggy in a stylish way with some jeans. His wolf-cut was fluffed out and styled nicely and his burgundy-red hair was illuminated nicely under this lighting. "Big day," He starts off the conversation as he reaches his free hand out to greet me, I shake his hand with a smile on my face. "Yeah, very excited." I tell him with a fluttering thrill in my stomach.

Aaron gazes at me up and down taking in my appearance, a little twinkle in his eye appearing ever-so-slightly. He passes a quick hand throughout his hair as he studies me. "You look beautiful tonight, miss Morgan." He tells me almost breathlessly, my face burns with flush at his compliment. "Please, call me Valentina." I request and he nods his head rapidly like a puppy dog following a command.

"Miss Mor–I mean, Valentina. Would you like to dance with me for a bit?" Aaron stutters over his words clumsily and I laugh at how his race reddens with embarrassment. Minji passes me over my drink, shooting me a smirk as she watches how Aaron basically is in shambles in front of me. She comes close to my ear, "He seems to be in to you." She whispers before she turns back to face the bar.

I question her statement for a bit but I brush it off, reverting my attention to Aaron whose looking at me eagerly. I take a sip of my drink, appreciating the great taste of the strawberry flavor mixed with the alcohol. "Sure, I'll dance." I agree, taking a few more sips of my drink before I leave it behind. Noor offered to drink the rest for me and I let her. I wasn't that big on alcohol because I was a lightweight and this one drink would probably make me a bit out of character anyways.

Aaron offered out his arm for me to hold onto and I oblige, tangling my arm around his as he guides me to the dance floor. We pass through multiple people who are already dancing and chatting before Aaron finds a vacant spot. He lets a waiter take his empty glass away from him before he begins to pull me in a little closer. He lets the music take control and so do I. The alcohol taking its place while I begin to relax a bit as I dance to the booming music in this club. We're crowed by all the other people who are dancing and the atmosphere here feels amazing. Aaron tests his limits by getting closer slowly and I allow it for the moment as we're both enjoying ourselves.

After a moment I feel a burning of a stare. A deep one, one that you can feel and detect in a crowd of hundreds–thousands of people. A stare you can simply differentiate from any other because this set of eyes are powerful and addicting. Almost so addicting you can sought it out no matter how many others are also staring at you. When I gaze over at the general direction of this glance, I spot Arlo. He's sitting at another bar across the club, surrounded by women who are chatting up his ear and are trying to touch him, feel him up. He's sitting with his back facing the bar as he leans against it, his curls fluffed and framing his face perfectly. His tight white dress shirt that has a black tie paired with it, thats also layered with a black leather jacket, and black jeans. His fingers are curled tightly around a glass of what looks like rum, his tattoos vibrant under the lighting.

He's gazing–No, He's glaring at us. He pays no mind to the vast majority of women who are surrounding him, begging for his attention. They're all eating him up with their eyes, quite literally eye-fucking him but he solely just watches Aaron and I with his lip piercing between his teeth. His dark eyes are basically shooting daggers through Aaron's skull and Aaron doesn't even seem to notice. Arlo's dark eyebrows are indented in a obvious grimace, he shifts in his stool with unease and tension. Just then Aaron pulls me in a little closer until our bodies are just a few inches apart, the alcohol making him a little frisky. His green eyes are too busy gazing at me to even notice Arlo's fierce eyes darkening with impatience.

Arlo is quick on his feet as he watches how Aaron is getting comfortable quickly. He wastes no time leaving his drink and the thirsty women behind as he heads for our direction. He gracefully makes it through the crowd of many people, his tall figure catching the attention of many as he passes by. He approaches us and it's only then, Aaron notices him. "Hey Arlo." He greets obliviously, Arlo gives him a cold look in response. "Do you mind?" Arlo states more than he asks and Aaron lifts a brow in confusion, "Do I mind what?"

"If I steal her," Arlo loops his arm around my waist, his touch feeling eccentric on my body. He brings me in close to his side, protectively. His signature cologne fills up my lungs addictively as I inhale in. I watch how Aaron's expression turns to one of objection, he was obviously enjoying our moment. He even opens his mouth to object but Arlo cuts him off before he can," I was more letting you know than asking, thanks." Arlo winks cockily at him, a little smirk emerging on his lips as he strings me along with him across the crowd, leaving Aaron speechless and stunned. As he brings me along with him he doesn't remove his tight hold on my waist. Oddly enough I actually like it, the feel of his touch is driving me insane and I have no idea why. I didn't have this sort of reaction when Aaron looped his arm around mine, but then again everything Arlo does leaves me in a weird daze.

Arlo brings me along to this small hallway on the side of the club, there where several doors leading to the bathroom and some VIP lounges. Instead he took me towards this door towards the end of the hall, it was slightly empty in this hallway as it contained people who where only leaving and entering the bathroom. He opens the door and there were stairs leading up, which I had no idea this building had more than one floor. "Where are we going?" I question curiously as he tightens his grasp slightly on my waist.

A smile dances on his lips as we reach the door at the top of the stairs leading out somewhere. "Look," Is all he says as he opens the door that leads to the rooftop of the building. It was beautifully decorated and it was isolated, probably because of the weather no one is coming up here anymore. It was a beautiful lounge with fairy lights hanging across pillars. It had an empty bar and some couches and tables around. It was lit up so nicely and the music from the club was still audible but slightly muffled which allowed me to hear our every breath and footsteps. "Wow, this place is gorgeous." I mutter as the cold air raises goosebumps across my skin. I hug myself as I begin to shiver, Arlo glances at me and without skipping a beat he removes his jacket and puts it over me. He helps me slide my arms inside the sleeves.

"You just healed from getting sick, why are you outside with no jacket and such a small dress?" He says sternly as he adjusts the oversized jacket on my body, brushing my hair back with his fingers as he gazes down at me. "I wanted to look cute, beside this jacket feels like a dress on me and it's ruining my outfit. I want to show off, you know?" I say sassily with my arms on my hips. I glance down at myself and notice how the jacket practically covers almost everything from my cleavage down to my ass. I mentally groan in my head, I had such a cute dress on and wanted to showcase it.

"Show off?" He lifts an eyebrow as his jaw gets a little tensed at my words, I nod my head at his response. "Show myself off, you know." I repeat again and Arlo's eyes spark with a little glimmer of protectiveness. He glances down at my outfit and analyzes it closely. The low neckline, the way its tight against my body and how it ends just at my mid thigh. He bites at his lip slowly as he takes me in, hungry eyes looking like they're ready to devour me at any given moment. "I think everyone in there has already seen enough, don't you think?" He finalizes as he finishes adjusting his jacket on my body, covering almost everything purposely. This time I groan out loud.

"By everyone, you mean Aaron?" I interject and his jaw only just tenses a bit more at my question, he scoffs out a humorless laugh before backing up slightly when he's done fixing the jacket. I move in closer though, not wanting the space between us to widen. "No Valentine, everyone had their eyes basically devouring you in there." He retorts as he watches how I inch myself closer to him, he doesn't move or object. His breathing grows a little deeper as he heaves out heavy breaths. "Does that bother you?" I question and in this moment I don't know what's coming over me. Maybe its the tipsiness or maybe its the tension of being alone with Arlo right now thats driving me to act on my impulsions. "No," He says reluctantly but his eyes say different, his eyes are looking at me a little wider as he lies through his teeth.

"I'll go back inside and continue my dance with Aaron then," I say as I begin to shuffle off Arlo's jacket from my body while I walk away but he stops me, he grabs my arm before I could move another step. He spins me around and as he pulls me in, I crash into his body. He puts his thumb and index-finger on my chin and lifts it up to face him. Despite my heels our height different still varies. "Don't go," He tells me and his minty warm breath collides with my skin and tingles arise. New set of goosebumps rush across my body and it's not because of the cold. His free arm tangles around my waist and he presses our bodies together even tighter, no space is left in between us. His warmth burns through me, and the look on his eye is hungry and pleading. The shine of his lip ring is calling my attention under these fairly lights and the way his body is pressed against mine tells me he does in fact get bothered by Aaron touching me and dancing with me the way that he was.

"You said it doesn't bother you though," I say as my breathing grows a little heavier as well and Arlo twinkles his eyes with a burning unrecognizable desire. "It doesn't.." He reiterates, he's denying it but his eyes are saying different. He glances down at my lips slightly but quickly rises his eyes back to meet mine. "Then let go, I'll give you back your jacket too so I can showcase my outfit again in the warmth inside." I tease, knowing I don't want him to release me from his hold. His eyebrows indent again, this time with irritation. He glances up at the door in thought. Probably thinking about if he lets me go how i'd be back out there again, getting devoured by all the apparent hungry eyes that where on me while on the dance floor.

"Stay with me a few more minutes here?" He deflects my request and I shake my head, "Admit it, it bothers you." I demand, challenging him with my eyes. His body shifts with tension as his dark eyes are turning more intense with desperation. "Okay, It bothers me." He lets the words release from his lips slowly and I grin knowing I got exactly what I wanted to hear from Arlo Saint. "Thanks, but this dress is wayy to cute to waste," I wink before I attempt to wiggle out of his hold to make my exit but I come to no avail. His grip on my waist tightens and his thumb grazes over my bottom lip gently. "Let me change your mind?" He whispers as he comes closer, he ducks his head to reach my height and his breath dances over my lips. His eyes glow with impatience he can no longer contain. "What do you mean–"

His lips crash onto mine shutting me up immediately, his soft plump lips brush over mine as he takes me whole. The feel of his silver lip ring grazing over my lips sends a thrilling shock down my whole entire body as I succumb to his taste, to his lips, to him. He moves his hand from under my chin to the back of my head holding it closer to his, almost as if he's trying to close a void of space that is already filled. This kiss is impatient and hungry, yet possessive and irritated. He's kissing me in a way to show me, prove to me, that he doesn't want me to dance with anyone else, he merely wants me to dance my lips across his as we desperately try to fight for power in this moment. My lips part slightly and Arlo wastes no time slipping his tongue inside my mouth, sliding his tongue over mine as I tastes the rum.

I feel as the world has stopped and gone silent. The only ones right now in this isolated and empty world are him and I. In this nightfall we're not watching the sky, they're watching us as if we're the beautiful stars in this everlasting galaxy. The moon is gazing down at us with pure eyes and tenderness as it shines its glow over Arlo and I. Arlo lets a small whimper out into our kiss and my body tingles with a strong sensation of bliss as I realize that I have this effect on him. A hungry effect, a desperate effect to taste me. He is smiling in between our kisses and it's driving me insane, I'm loosing control under his touch as this sweet angel is taking my every breath away. My lipstick smudges all over Arlo's lips leaving the tint of red evidence right on display for just about anyone to see.

We both pull away reluctantly yet breathlessly. He doesn't release the hold on my head nor my waist as he gazes down at me with compassionate eyes. I glance down at the lipstick smudged across his lips and oddly I get a small arousing sensation between my legs. Knowing that I did that and not one of those girls who where throwing themselves all over him. I did that despite all their attempts of trying to touch him, yet here he was touching me. An odd sense of cockiness washes over me when I realize that he was looking at me with those hungry eyes, but he was looking at them with simple boredom. Then the realization dawns over me that Arlo Saint, literally just kissed me. My eyes widen at the very thought of our lips being together merely just seconds ago. He smirks at me as he notices my starstruck expression.

He moves the hand from my head down to read his watch, and a little small breathless laugh leaves his rose tinted lips. "It's eight now, you'll be too busy celebrating your debut instead of dancing out there and showing yourself off how you wanted princess." He chimes as the biggest proud expression gleams over his face, "Looks like I won huh? I managed to keep you here with me too." He tells me and I realize he was right, he kept me here long enough until it was time. Now we were all about to meet up back down at the club and I wasn't going to be able to dance or show myself off just like I was teasing Arlo about. I thought I had won when I got him to say exactly what I wanted but Arlo Saint was a few steps ahead of me. I was playing checkers when he was playing chess.


[Author Note]

I wanted to make this chapter slightly longer but I was writing it slowly and finally finished today on my birthday!! I fed y'all after you begged so long for a kiss scene lolll, it's kinda like my bday gift to myself too bc I wanted to write this out so bad and I finally did.

Hope you enjoyed lovelies!!!

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