Ash and Greninja: Adventures...

By PerseusKyogre09

9.4K 50 23

Greninja decided to return back to Ash after it had been entrusted to protect Squishy. Currently Ash is in th... More

Original Fanfic
The Journey Starts

The Duty Ends

514 14 12
By PerseusKyogre09

"Text" : Regular Speech
[Text] : Telepathic Speech
{Text} : Pokemon Speech
[Text] : Author's Note


The Forest looked peaceful and silent.

Sun was rising from the east, it's light giving it a beautiful look. Dews were hanging from the leaves. Suddenly the quiet was broken by a rustle.

A Fletchling had just woken up from its sleep and hopped from its nest to the branch. It spread and wings and started flying in the sky.

It's chirpings woke up every Pokémon, who depended on it. Bunnelbies started hopping out of the hollow tree holes. Surskit started skating in the small ponds, many Skiddos started drinking water from it.

A Litleo started chasing Skiddo who was running away from it. The Litleo was confused why it was running. It just wanted to be it's friend.

Flabebes woke up from their sleep and started releasing its pollen towards the sky.

However in a dark corner of the forest, a bipedal creature was sitting on a tree branch. A single blade was on its hand, glowing ominously.

Many people had heard about this mysterious creature. Some brave ones had ventured into this part of the forest, trying to catch the mysterious Pokémon.

However, whenever they aimed a Pokéball at it, it was always deflected back at their hands. And trees would start rustling and it would be the last thing they remembered.

They woke up outside the forest, close to the Lumiose city. The mysterious Pokémon became known as the "Forest Guardian". Even poachers were scared to venture in that forest because of its rumours of it being cannibalistic and ate those who tried hurting Pokémon.

The mysterious creature was on high alert. Squishy had told him the roots would be here next. So he had been camping here, trying to wait for it to appear.

Rustle, rustle.

His closed eyes snapped open and his amphibious ears perked up to listen better.


He got up from its relaxed position and took a battle stance, two glowing blades illuminating the whole forest.

A hum started filling the quietness and then–

A huge explosion-like noise was heard. The creature narrowed his eyes. He rushed towards the place where the noise was heard. And there it was.

The stray root he had been waiting for. He rushed forward, dodging the small ones and slicing with blade in an arc. The root dodged his attack.

The sunlight finally started falling on the dark part of the forest, illuminating the two sole inhabitants fighting each other.

The creature was finally revealed as a Greninja. He had blue amphibious skin, a tongue rolled up its neck like a scarf and two blades on its hand.

The root rushed forward, intent on beating Greninja. Greninja dodged it nimbly and started throwing its stars towards the root.

The smaller ones were cut off which had tries to creep up on him. Greninja then covered its fist in ice, and then rushed forward to punch it.

It worked, as the major part of the root was frozen. It then started its barrage of Aerial Aces, hitting the root very hard.

Then it rushed forward at unbelievable speeds and cut off the root. The root fell down, sliced in two parts, very much dead.


Greninja's eyes narrowed and sharply turned 180 degrees. Behind the bushes was someone. It started walking towards it and it met 2 eyes.

A human. The boy was smiling nervously. It just wanted the picture of the 'Forest Guardian'. Greninja sighed. He hated doing this. He grabbed the camera from the boy's hand.

"Hey! That's my camera!" The boy protested. Greninja didn't care as he crushed it with his hands. Then threw it in the sky, the broken camera now flying away.

Greninja looked at the boy again, only to find the spot was empty. The boy was running off. Greninja sighed. Why humans bothered him very much he didn't know.

He started leaping from branch to branch like a Tarzan. He found his resting area, a small pond where he used to meditate.

[Greninja.] A voice came, making Greninja break his concentration on his meditation.

Greninja rushed forwards and bowed. A small green creature was slithering forwards and speaking telepathically.

[Greninja, we are extremely grateful for defending the forest from the roots.] Squishy said. Greninja just rolled his eyes, this speech almost printed in his memory because of Squishy saying it every time he defeated a root.

[Oh, don't roll your eyes. I know you are bored of hearing it, but it's a custom in Kalos. But I have another gift] Squishy said.

Greninja raised its eyebrows {What gift? I don't want a break to the city. A lot of humans already try catching me, a fully evolved starter.}

Squishy smiled mysteriously [Don't worry, my amphibian friend. The root you defeated recently was probably the last one.]

Greninja's eyes widened {Wait, if it was the last root, then...?}

Squishy nodded [Yes! You can return back to Ash Ketchum! Your duty has ended here.]

Greninja took a step backward in disbelief. He... He could return back to Ash? He jumped in joy, shooting his stars in the sky.

Then he remembered who he was in front of and shut up. His face was red in embarrassment. Squishy was laughing [Oh, don't worry my friend. Everyone deserves to act like a child once in a while.]

Greninja rubbed the back of its neck sheepishly, much like his owner. Greninja then asked {I haven't tried the Bond Phenomenon in a while, and I don't intend to. I don't want Ash worrying. So can you tell me where Ash is currently?}

Squishy replied [Oh yes. Ash is currently relaxing in Alola.]

{Ash, relaxing?} Greninja snorted. {Sun will rise from the west when he decides to stop his journey.}

Squishy laughed [Oh, don't I know it too. Bonnie is just the same as Ash. Besides, he is still traveling the islands there trying the gym equivalent there – Island Trials.]

Greninja nodded. Then paused {How do you know that? Do you stalk Ash or something? I should let you know that Ash does not need any more trouble.}

Squishy sighed [Well, Ash currently has Tapu Koko, the Island Guardian of Melemele tailing him. He informs the Legendary council often about the boy.]

Right, Greninja thought. I sometimes forget Squishy is The Legendary Zygarde, capable of destroying the Earth.

Greninja asked {Well, how do I reach Alola? And before you say I'm pants with directions, no I'm not. That's Ash.}

Squishy wisely kept his mouth shut. Instead he said [Well, I can give you a lift to the beach, where you can swim from Kalos to Alola.]

Greninja thought about it. Alola was an unknown region. He agreed {Sure. Let me pack my supplies}.

Greninja instantly disappeared, gathering the berries it would need, essentials to survive till journey to Alola.

Squishy, meanwhile gathered 10 of its cells from the surroundings and took a familiar shape of a dog. A very dangerous dog.

He barked, calling out to Greninja. Greninja appeared again and asked {How are we going though?}

Squishy gave him a deadpan look [By flying.] Greninja didn't reply. [Of course you are going to get on my back while I carry you the beach!] Squishy started.

Greninja surrendered by raising its hands {Sure, sure. You sure you don't mind me on top of you?}

[Of course I'm sure!] Squishy cried out indignantly. [It's not like I'm going to prank you or something.]

{Well, I was just checking. Alright, let's go!} Greninja said getting on Squishy's back.

Squishy then started running using Extremespeed. He started humming a tune [We are going to the beach! We are going to the beach! Greninja goes with Squishy, Greninja goes with Squishy, Squishy the Dog, Squishy the Dog!]

Greninja looked at Squishy weirdly. Squishy cried out [Why are you looking at me like that? My singing skill is praised by many Pokémon. Are you trying to imply I'm bad?]

Greninja muttered {Well, Pokémon who are scared of you}. [I heard that!] Squishy said.

Half an hour later, they were on a secluded part of a beach. Greninja got off. Squishy said [So, this is where we part my friend. May we meet again healthy and happy.]

Greninja said {Oh cut the crap. I know you are crying.}

Squishy indeed had tears in his face [No! It's merely sand entering my eye.]

{Sure, sure. Whatever keeps you asleep at night.} Greninja shrugged.

Then he leapt towards the vast ocean and started swimming forwards. Squishy remained there until Greninja became a speck in the the vast ocean. Z-2 crawled out of Squishy's tail.

[Was it worth it brother? The journey from Kalos to Alola is very long. You should not have sent our champion like that without any help.]

Squishy denied [Oh don't worry brother dearest, Greninja will be thanking us later for the challenge I gave him. Hee Hee Hee.] and started giggling.

Z-2 shook his head exasperation [I swear, the human child has corrupted your mind.]

[What can I say?] Squishy said, smiling slyly [Every Pokémon is irresistible to love Bonnie.]

The sun started setting down, the sky now completely orange. The ocean was peaceful. And a single voice could be heard "GREN GRENINJA!" {CURSE YOU SQUISHY!}


And the first chapter ends! How is it compared to my first version? I added a lot more dialogues, making Squishy a bit OoC.
Also, Ash will be currently preparing for his fight against the Third Kahuna, training in Melemele when Greninja finds him.
Well, I'll see you in the next chapter : The Journey Starts

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