This Feeling

By Urban_Elle

14.7K 604 68

As a beauty entrepreneur and public figure, Nicole knows how important it is to look good on the outside. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

384 24 1
By Urban_Elle

"I always got some place to go
(Al Geno on the track)
When my life was bound in chains
You set me free
You keep on making a way for me
You keep on making a way for me."
Rylo Rodriguez "Set Me Free"


"Wait, wait, wait. Julie wait!" I grabbed my esthetician's hand when she was about to pull up the wax strip. I haven't even recovered from the last one she removed.

"Girl, you've done this like a thousand times."

"I know but it's been a while." I've been keeping the "bush" under control with a little weekly trimming. I'm tired of that, so I'm back like I never left with my favorite girl.

"Yeah, I can tell by that death grip you've got on my wrist."


"Take a deep breath. You're almost done."

"Okay." I closed my eyes and laid back down. While I tried not to clench them shut, my phone started vibrating. I ignored it and it eventually stopped. After a minute, it started vibrating again.

"You better answer that call." I huffed, rolling my eyes. Who the heck keeps calling? I picked up my phone and saw it was Dewayne. I sent him an automated message and put my phone on DND.

Tell me why this phone started vibrating again and it was Dewayne calling me for a third time. I totally forgot that he was one of the contacts I allowed to receive calls from even if it was on DND.

"What does this man want?" I mumbled before picking up the call. "Hello?"

"Nic, you good? I thought you got kidnapped or something."

"No, I'm fine. I'm just busy right now."

"Oh, I—."

"Oh sh*t!" I screamed. I touched the now bare area and held it until the stinging sensation stopped.

"Come on. You can take it." Julie laughed.

"Shut up. That really hurt."

"You'll thank me later when you see how good it looks when I'm done."

"I hope so because you're driving me crazy."

"Hold up. You having sex right now?" I completely forgot he was still on the phone.

"Why would I would be talking to you if I was having sex with somebody?"

"Then, where you at?" He's really aggravating me.

"I'll call you back later Dewayne." I dropped the call and threw my phone in my bag. I looked at Julie who was shaking her head.


"Tell me about it. Some of the people I deal with just drive me crazy."

"Girl, you need some sexual healing to release some of the stress."

"Yeah." I sighed. I've technically been celibate for the past two years, but I need a little something. I don't want to go f*ck a stranger or do it with Dewayne unless we were planning to pursue a relationship.

"I mean, I'm already in between your thighs."

"Julie, stop before I actually consider taking up your offer."

"I'm just saying. Nobody's gotta know."

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"We have an open relationship. She won't trip."

"Girl, let me get out of here before I fall into temptation."

"You can sit up. I'm done with you." She chuckled.

"Thank you Julie."

I officially leave for my tour in six weeks and I'm getting some of these self care things out of the way. I went to a stylist yesterday to cut my hair and get a silk press. My hair has been in several protective styles for the past year. After I took my cornrows out, I loved how full it was but I decided to chop it down from its shoulder length. It now aligns with my jaw line. I love shaking my short bob. Since I can't put it a bun or ponytail, I put a headband on to push it back when I'm at the gym.

I could have gotten Tae to do it, but he's been a mess since the blowup with Shawn. He's canceled all of his bookings and has been stuck on my couch ever since.

I also did my nails earlier today, I've been falling in love with the almond shape with chrome. I know my nail tech is happy because she was tired of doing so many frenchies every day.

Right now, I'm heading to Dennis and Karin's crib to pick up baby Halle. She is the cutest and so calm. She looks just like her daddy. I'm babysitting for the night, so they can go on a little date. When I got there, they couldn't wait to get me out of the house.

On my way home, that's when I remembered that I wanted a sub from Publix. It might be a hassle getting this car seat out of the car, but I'm not leaving in the car even if the A/C remains on.

"Call from Dewayne's Momma." The system announced from the CarPlay. I pressed the pick up button on the steering wheel.

"Hey Nicole."

"Hi Momma D."

"What's going on with you and Wayne?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Well, he called me crying that he said something out of turn and you got upset with him. He doesn't know what to do."

"What is Dewayne talking about? You can see how your son can be a drama queen. I was getting a wax and I told him I would call him back when I was less busy."

"Jesus, that boy is crazy. Please don't pay him any mind. He needs to act like he's got some sense. I'm so sorry to have bothered you."

"No, you're fine. I'll talk to him. How are you doing by the way?"

"I'm good. I'm going to Cancun next week."

"Yasss! Live your best life."

"I am and I will. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just missing your bread pudding." I smiled.

"You know what? I'll bring you some when I get back. I need to see you before you go on tour."

"Sounds good. Let me know when you get back."

"I most definitely will. Take care."

"You too. Bye."

Dewayne has officially lost it. Let me call him.

"Hey Nic."

"Don't hey me. Reporting me to your Mom is real childish."

"It wasn't like that. I just wanted her advice."

"Is this what you're going to do whenever we have a disagreement?"

"No. I was in my feelings and I was wrong. I'm sorry Nicole."

"Get your sh*t together. Don't play with me. Play with somebody else." I ended the call and turned into the Publix parking lot. I grabbed Halle's car seat trying not to wake her up. I covered her face with the shield as I walked around the store.

I grabbed a turkey sub for me and a chicken tender one for Tae. I also grabbed a cheesecake for us to share. I went down the cereal aisle to see if Frosted Flakes was on sale.

There was a man looking at cookies at the end of the aisl. I paid him no mind as I grabbed two boxes. I moved my cart to the right to allow him to pass as I heard the approaching footsteps. When I was ready to move, I saw him standing in front of my cart. That's when I realized that it was Rashad.

I avoided eye contact with him and tried to walk around him, but he kept blocking me.

"Excuse me."

"Why are you running away from me Nicole?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Everybody knows who you are in Atlanta baby girl."

"What do you want?"

"To take you on a date."

"You are out of your mind."

"Am I really? We're both single and find each other attractive."

"In your wildest dreams." I scoffed, getting away from him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Get your filthy hands off me."

"You don't want to make a scene."

"Or what will happen?"

"Trust me, I can show you better than I can tell you. Just tell Tae that it's time for him to stop playing games. He can't keep playing hide or seek. He better come out because if I find him, the resul won't be pretty like his face." He winked. I watched him stroll away.

Has every man lost his mind today?

I checked out my items and rode home in silence. When I pulled into my driveway, there was Dewayne sitting in my porch. I got out the car and just stared at him.

"Can you please help me grab the stuff from the car?"

"Yeah." I grabbed Halle and her baby bag while Dewayne carried the shopping bags inside. I nearly tripped over an empty bottle of juice. I found Tae laying on the couch watching tv.

"Tae, clean this stuff up."

"My bad."

"I'm over this messiness!" I threw the pillows back onto the couch and knocked his legs off the leather.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't appeciate Rashad coming up to me in public and threatening me because of you."

"He what?"

"Who is Rashad and is he ready to die?" Dewayne asked.

"It's a long story. Tae, you better figure something out because the next time I see his *ss, I will make sure I get him locked up."

"I'll handle it. He has really crossed the line. Oh my God, is that Halle?"

"Uh uh. Don't come near her until you go brush them teeth and take a shower."

"Yes mother." I had Dewayne open up the play mat, so I could lay Halle down. It had a toy bar consisting of stuffed animals. When she falls asleep later, I'll put her in her baby dome.

I went into the kitchen, standing where I had direct sight of her.

"I'm sorry Nicole."

"Okay Dewayne."

"I'm serious. It will never happen again. I swear on my life, hope to die."

"Don't make your mother childless because of me."

"Come on."

"I forgive you, but get it together homeboy." I hugged him, kissing his cheek. "Look at you blushing."

"Man whatever. Whenever I see people with kids, I get baby fever." He washed his hands and went into the living room and sat on the floor near Halle.

"I know. Me too. You still want two boys and one girl?"

"Sh*t, I might just take three boys. I don't think I can handle a girl."

"You're probably on to something."

"You ain't right." We both laughed.

When Tae came down, I gave him his food. I shared mine with Dewayne. I really shouldn't have given him away because he popped up to my house unannounced.

I had Halle sitting in my lap watching Gracie's Corner as the three of us played Uno.

"Aye, I see why kids love this show. It's lit." Tae said, dancing to the music.

"Boy, it's your turn."

"Have you spoken to Shawn yet?"

"No. I'm scared to call him. He probably blocked my number."

"You never know."

"In the meantime, work can help you take your mind off things."

"Forgot those clients."

"Well, excuse me."

"Not you, of course."

"Mhmmm." I heard the doorbell ring. We all looked at each other.

"You expecting somebody?"

"No. Can you get it?"

"Yeah." Tae got up.

"Maybe it's Shawn." Dewayne suggested.

"Now, why would you say that? You go see who it is." Tae ran into the kitchen, peeping around the corner.

I leaned over as Dewayne opened the door.

"Welcome. Come in." It was Kyle's mother.

"Hi Nicole."

"Hi Mom. What are you doing here? When did you come into town?"

"Yesterday afternoon."

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't want you worrying. How are you?"

"I'm doing good. You?"

"Fine. I wanted to discuss something with you."

"You could have called me instead of traveling this long distance."

"I couldn't do it over the phone. I wanted us to be face to face."

"We will excuse you two." Tae picked up Halle, and he and Dewayne went out to the backyard with her.

"Isn't that Dennis's baby girl?"

"Yes. That's Halle."

"She has gotten so big, so fast."

"I know. Do you want anything?"

"Just some water."

"Okay." I went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. I handed it to her and placed a coaster on the side table. "So what's going on? I hope you're not sick."

"No no. I want you to understand that what I'm about to say might hurt you, but I want you to know that is never my intention because I love you like you're' my daughter."

"Okay." Is she about to tell me that Kyle faked his death because I'm getting anxious?

"Did my son ever tell you about Shirley?"

"His ex?" I scrunched up my face.


"He told me about her. What about Shirley?"

"She came to me last month with her son, who is three years old and she said that Kyle was the father."

"Is this a joke?"

"No, that's what she came and told me."

"She's obviosuly lying."

"We already did a DNA test and they confirmed that it's true."

"This is impossible. She came out of nowhere with this lie to extort money from you and you're taking the bait." Is she being serious right now?


"No, it's been two years since Kyle died. Why didn't she come forward before?"

"She didn't like how things ended with her, so she kept the baby a secret out of spite. She wants her son to know where he came from."

"She needs to keep searching for her child's father because it's not Kyle."

"Nicole, the test can't lie."

"She probably connived with whoever did the test."

"Nicole, this is the situation and I know this will be hard to accept."

"So you want me to believe that Kyle cheated on me and had a secret love child wiht his ex girlfriend. Why are you telling me this anyway?" I covered my face.

"I didn't want you to hear this from outside."

"Well, thank you for coming." I rose up from the couch, trying so hard to hold back my tears. "I have heard what you had to say. You can accept whatever she told you and what that quack doctor told you, but I know Kyle would never do that especially after what Shirley did to him in the past."

"Nicole please."

"If you don't mind, I would like for you to leave."

"Nicole, listen to me." I'm trying so hard to be respectful, but she's pushing me. I walked outside to the backyard.

"Y'all better get her out of my house right now."

"What happened?"

"Just make her leave." Dewayne rushed inside.

"Girl, what did she say to you?" Tae just bombarded me with questions. I covered my ears as I zoned out to remember a conversation I had with Kyle.

We were at the beach at night, eating tacos. It was so random.

"You know, you've never told me about any of your exes."

"I mean, the one I had in primary school was nothing to write home about."

"I'm talking about as an adult. You said you got burned by someone."

"Her name was Shirley. We got together when I was 30. We were together for four years before she left me when I got sick the first time. I guess she didn't believe I would make it."

"I'm sorry she did that to you."

"Don't be. It made me realize that she wasn't for me. If she stayed with me, I never would have met you." He passed his fingers on my chin to wipe away the sauce.

"Have you seen her since then?"

"A couple of times around town. She tried to talk to me but I'm like, talk to the hand."

"Kyle." I giggled.

"I'm serious. I don't want to sound mean but she's dead in my book. You're all i need. I love you."

"I love you too."

"So, what about you?"

"Any exes I should know about besides Dewayne?"

"No and point of correction, I was never with Dewayne."

"Really? He looks like he's in love with you."

"Look, since we were kids I had a crush on him but he never looked my way. I even lost my virginity to him and we never went anywhere. I stopped wasting my time and gave you a chance. I'm glad I did."

"So, if he came to you right now ready for a relationship, you wouldn't accept him?"

"No because I found someone who actually deserves my love and that's you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this forever."

"Ride or die?"

"Til the wheels fall off." We locked our pinkies together as we kissed.

"Nicole. Nicole." Tae shook me.

"Yeah. I'm good, I'm good."

"Are you sure? What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. Hi Halle." I held her, smiling at her beautiful face.

There is no way Shirley is telling the truth. I'm not going to change the way I felt about Kyle or discredit the type of man I thought he was until I get proof that says otherwise.

Something is going on and there's one person I can count on to find out what's really going on.

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