By TeaCOokie4u

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When the demons of seven deadly sins start leeching on humans, Taehyung, the Prince of Immortals, sets his mi... More

Chapter-1 Amarus
Chapter 2- Humans
Chapter-3 Zuersha
Chapter-4 The Prophecy
Chapter-5 The General and an Angel
Chapter-6 Deviares
Chapter-7 Bounded
Chapter-8 Witty Angel
Chapter-9 Ciradyl
Chapter-10 Devil of Lust
Chapter-11 Volupdeus
Chapter-12 Calm before chaos
Chapter-13 The Advisor
Chapter-14 The Angel has a plan
Chapter-15 His Highness's plan is a hit
Chapter-16 Iyayi and Mihael
Chapter-17 I have no regrets
Chapter-18 Invideus
Chapter-19 Our General is very handsome
Chapter-20 Am I allowed to do so?
Chapter-21 A white bird
Chapter-22 You are special
Chapter- 23 My dear General
Chapter-24 Carry me
Chapter-25 The unusual feast
Chapter-26 Should this Angel blame you for it?
Chapter-27 Laphleus
Chapter-28 Adapheus
Chapter-29 His Highness is so good with kids
Chapter-30 Kingdom in ruins, heart at unease
Chapter-31 A hungry hamster and a generous master
Chapter-32 The devil wants to bring him back
Chapter-33 The road to righteousness
Chapter- 34 The siblings
Chapter-35 The wrath of Xerith
Chapter-36 A farewell to Zuershians
Chapter -37 I miss you
Chapter-38 Prince can see you
Chapter-39 Angels fall hard
Chapter-40 The last Zuershian
Chapter-41 You are Pitiful!
Chapter-42 Let's leave for Amarus
Chapter-44 Can you show me your angel form?
Chapter-45 The last goodbye
Chapter-46 The 'fallen' angel
Chapter-47 Samsara
Chapter-48 A future with surprising possibilities
Special chapter

Chapter-43 His Highness Hansen

456 51 10
By TeaCOokie4u

Eiji marks several places on the map as suitable areas to camp the civilians for a while until they find a safe route to evacuate and protect them. He also informs Taehyung of the routes from where it will be easy to infiltrate Amarus. Taehyung nods and stares at the palace marked on the map, they had both decided to get into the capital and save the innocents. The informant in his last moment was very scared and told how death lingered over the residents of the city, it was still unknown what situation they will face as soon as they enter the capital, the best thing was to be prepared in advance. 

They decide to break into two groups the three immortals will directly face the enemy while Eiji and his men will save people from the devil’s army and when Taehyung weakens down the enemy they will attack to win over them. This was all just their plans they still had to go out and make people agree to join them. Eiji quickly gathers his men and sends information to other Kingdoms to join in the fight with immortals and meet at certain points. Jimin prepares a portal for them, the warriors hesitate but go in following their master. 

The portal opens near the city a gush of cold wind welcomes them causing a shiver as they enter, the capital was quiet and only a few could be seen hiding or packing things to run away. The place looked like it has seen something awful, the lanterns and decorations were ruined and lying on the ground, the shops were wide open but no one was inside, smoke was coming out from some places and the air in the place was dry and chill carrying a suffocating scent. Eiji saw the doll lying on the floor and noticed the footprints on it, it seemed that people here ran for their lives. 

He asks his men to check all the houses and see if somebody is still inside, his men follow orders quickly while the rest walks ahead with him, they had less time and much work to do. They see an old man busy grabbing things lying on the road. The old man glances at them then again busy himself to pack or steal things and make his way out of this damned capital while murmuring something not clear to them. 

They pass the place and reach their first checkpoint taking control of the guarding points and obtaining their positions. To Eiji there was an unsettling feeling with how smoothly things were going, as someone already knew their plan and wanted them to take positions to start the game, this caused a sudden chill in his body as he stares at the map. His people unaware of the dangers that might welcome them quickly work on rescuing the innocent and fight the one against them, they quiet down whoever tries to make noise and walk in practiced moves already aware of the city routes and thereby slowly taking down the guards. 

It was planned that they will try to rescue children, women, and the elderly first and then wait for the army of the devil to get weakened to attack them. The army was strong and couldn’t be taken by mortals until it has considerably weakened which can only happen when Xerith and Hybreus are taken down. Thus, Eiji plans to move the innocents to the shelter and then wait for the battle to begin.

Though there were hurdles on the way, while many civilians join them in fear, some run away or kill themselves to be saved from the wrath. The people of Amarus seemed to have changed, the beliefs that have made them proud and above others have shattered, they looked broken, lost, and restless not knowing what is happening just talking about death and waiting and losing the spirit to fight. Some had joined hands with the devil while some put themselves to death to not face the devil. It was a more gruesome scene in the heart of the city, the place was a mess, and people were desperate and in chaos. Eiji tries to save many children from their parents to not put them to death. The city was in a panic mode and anywhere they looked was death glooming over.

Eiji’s men wipe the sweat on their faces and keep struggling to control the people and change their mindset, if not controlled they forcibly put them in the shelter to not cause problems in their work. It seemed like the city was totally turned upside down in just a night, people were begging and crying for mercy and afraid to even pray in fear the devil will know about it. 

The civilians were acting like crazy going against anyone who came to help them, their loved ones were taken away by the devil and they had no information of their whereabouts. The devil was monstrous and powerful they were no match so joining a mortal army was laughable they make fun of Eiji and his people as they try to convince the people until someone points at a dark cloud not far away from them, and the people run away saying in fear that the devil has eyes on them. 

An elderly pats Eiji on the shoulder “Have you forgotten what the Oracle warned? The prophecy is turning out to be true, the fate of humanity is now in the hand of the devil, there is only darkness and evil here, you can’t win over them.” The man says and walks back to where the citizens were taken by the army.

Eiji clenches his jaws and watches as the mist turns into armed figures standing and staring at them from afar, his blood chills but he stands strong telling his men to be prepared to fight. On a battlefield either you do or die, this can be Eiji’s last battle and he was prepared for it, no matter what he will try his best to help humanity survive this catastrophe, he believes in that immortal and his disciple. 

Eiji sees the devil army moving slowly and in an unusual posture causing an eerie and dreadful atmosphere. He grips tightly on his sword and orders his men to quickly move the civilians away. They are not having much time left with them.  

The people run sensing the danger while the warriors all positioned themselves, they were not many already at a disadvantage and stare in horror at the death in front. Eiji hears a commotion and looks to his side seeing the army of Jeongguk led by the vice General coming to help them, he was surprised but happy as long as help is given. Vice-General bows to him and says-

“We apologize for the delay but want to do something good before death” Eiji nods taking a deep breath he turns back to face the darkness.

On the other side Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon enter the palace grounds, they had only taken a few steps when they hear the cawing of the ravens. There were many flying above the palace and in front of them over a pole. Taehyung shivers as he notices the head of their friend hanging on the pole that is being attacked by the ravens. His eyes open wide not expecting this cruelty as the first thing to be seen. It seemed like the devil knows he would come through this way and placed this to incite him. 

He clenches his fist in anger but his lips couldn’t help but tremble as his eyes redden and moisten up. His steps halt, Jimin who was behind him gasps in horror and retches seeing it, with teary eyes he shouts at the birds to shoo them away and hastily approaches to take the head down. Namjoon holds the demon close to him to control his anger as the demon cries for his friend. Taehyung was unable to express what he felt like, the last time he was with the human, he was not able to explain his actions and motives, he failed to protect the people of Zuershia and his friend and now has to see him disgraced like this, the tears fall from his eyes as he stares at the head. 

Helplessness is something he learned and felt being in the mortal realm, he was late and couldn’t meet his friend, a sorry slips from his lips, and the Prince who never was able to express his emotions suddenly looks broken. Namjoon was calming Jimin down, turns back, and sees him like that, he feels pity, he has known Taehyung for a long. The Prince was a youth, playful, charming, and full of smiles, looking at him at this moment makes him realize, their Prince has changed, grown quiet and mature over time, distancing himself and also learning to hide emotions and say lies.

He felt guilty for not taking care of their Prince, giving him only troubles and suffering, and now that he has been given some happiness is also taken in an instant. The fate that his highness brought up with him was too distressing. His hand clenches, Jimin feels something off and looks up at Namjoon and notices his crumbled-up expression. He turns to look out for Taehyung but Taehyung quickly covers up his emotions and says he is fine.

Taehyung looks away from the pole and commands Orru that helps to put the head to ashes withering away the mark of their friend in a final goodbye. They had just stepped into the palace grounds but already felt defeated and powerless. Taehyung blames himself for involving humans in this battle, he will make the devil pay for the wrongs. 

A loud sound of instruments playing shifts their attention, they look towards the palace from where the sound was coming and see devil guards watching their every move quietly, look sinister but none of them moves, just patiently waiting for their arrival. Taehyung with a clenched fist starts walking up the stairs to the palace, devil guards look at the three with sneers and joke about the death of their friend as they pass. Jimin controls himself but still glares at them making them hoot and make more fun of them.

Inside the palace the scene was quite joyful and full of excitement, the two devil lords sit leisurely enjoying the banquet, they had a whole group of mortals to feed on and wine served to them. The King was busy conducting his slaves to play loudly the music as someone very important is about to enter. The people trapped inside were cowering but following his orders, they play the music with trembling hands. The devil king seemed to be very happy dancing, twirling, and enjoying himself in the court with a wide smile on his youthful face. He looked like a teenager taken over the crown. 

Xerith and Hybreus both look towards the entrance and stand up, Xerith throws the wine to the side and opens the wings Hybreus follows suit and horns protrude from their heads, their eyes turn dark as they stop towards the entrance and look down at the stairs to the three guests walking in their direction, the devil watches with gaze condescending and amused. Taehyung notices Jeongguk, his steps slow down, and his pupils tremble to see the human in the devil's form. He quickly conceals his emotions and stops just a few feet away from the devil.

“Let them enter” They hear a loud and happy order. Both the devil makes way and let the three guests enter the hall first.

Inside the huge hall under the lights of the chandelier and far from them was the throne of the King. The hall had several civilians who seemed to have been scared and crying all this while. The court officials were also there but mostly as a corpse. The place was a mixture of celebration and death and a whole mess. Taehyung moves slowly and reaches the throne until he senses a familiar presence that he was not able to understand fully. He turns to Namjoon and Jimin with a warning gaze. 

The two devils that were behind them fly back to their positions and sit down with a smile watching the three come in slow steps towards the center, their eyes still on the Prince. The music was loud and melodious, echoing in the hall, there were several female attendants who were also performing happily for the devils. 

Taehyung stared at the King that had his back to him and was busy conducting the musicians to play. His one hand held the glass of wine, pale as snow, and the other guided them. He was moving on the rhythm and humming along in a good mood. The music reaches the climax and then stops. The Devil King claps so do the devil lords, seeing it the few alive people in the court also applause in fear not wanting to anger them. The performer bows to the devils shyly then turn to the three guests and smirks while leaving the place.

“Did you like it? My welcoming gift for the Prince of Immortal.” The Devil asks amused and in a menacing tone. Taehyung doesn’t answer he just stares at the back of the immortal, feeling it oddly familiar until the time devil turns and smiles at him then lightly bows in an act. The Devil quickly walks towards the throne and sits with a slight jump happily and leisurely putting one leg up. 

“How have you been Taehyung?” The Devil King asks with a grin, forgetting all respect and proprieties, black mist circles around him and then vanishes.

Taehyung feels like his legs give up as he slowly recognizes the face, he almost falls back in shock making the devil laugh. The two demons behind him help him to straighten up. “H…Hansen?” Taehyung says breathlessly, feeling his world upside down, he feels like he is trapped in the illusion of the devil, this cannot be the truth. Hansen was dead in the battle and was nowhere to be found wherever looked for.

Taehyung stares at his sworn brother and then straightens up, a look of surprise on his face he tries to take a step forward but Hybreus blocks his path by the mist, he looks at the devil then at his brother who was just smiling and doesn’t stop others acting in such a way. Taehyung says nothing letting it slide, he asks a while later, still unable to believe, “Is it really you?”

“So you do remember me.” Hansen smiles putting his leg down and sitting straight facing the Prince. Namjoon who had forgotten about this sworn brother trembles hearing the name, he too stares in shock and quickly bows to the Prince’s brother “His Highness Hansen” He greets.

Hansen moves his gaze towards the demon and gives a half smile. “You gained the position of King?…being his lackey worked.” The devil smiles making the brothers sitting next to him laugh loudly.

Jimin feels his blood boil hearing the words but controls himself in respect of Taehyung and Namjoon.

“You…how could you?” Taehyung was unable to understand what is happening “This cannot be the truth. You were alive so why did you hide…and the King of Amarus…”

Hansen looks at him lazily “Isn’t it fun…this devil was always special, he knew it as soon as he saw his dark wings…how did this King survive you ask…he was not dead in the first place,” the devil king says “Or were you wanting it that way?”

“This Prince would never…” Taehyung wanted to say more but the devil stops him.

“Never what?…you pretend to be righteous, doing good for others but this is all an act, a being like you can never see others grow, this devil knew you just wanted me there to not grow above you but look what we have achieved, your angels succumbed to my blood and powers, my creations of sins, you are just weak, mere flies with wings” The Devil mocks.

He leans on the throne, “This devil was just waiting to make things like it should have been…look at you, so weak and fragile were you ever suitable for being the worthy Prince of the heavens?” The devil slowly stands up “This Devil had high hopes in you, and wanted us to be together ruling the world but seeing how you forgot about me and cared more about that human general, this devil lost interest”

Taehyung stares at his sworn brother in disbelief unable to understand how these turns of events took place, but the next work feels like a boulder is thrown at him. “This King will forgive only if you bow down to me.”

“Hansen” Namjoon shouts in anger not able to see his Prince be disgraced like this, he takes out his spear ready to attack. The devil grins seeing Hybreus attacking the demon King. He laughs.

“Bow and these mortals will be released, the army you send to kill mine will also be saved but will this righteous Prince bow down to anyone?” The three devil sneers looking at Taehyung.

Namjoon boils in anger wanting to attack but Taehyung stops him, the Devil moves his palm and the dark mist travels killing a few mortals in one attack and their body falls right in front of Taehyung. “We don’t have much time these devil lords are hungry and need your soul,” Hansen says.

Taehyung was not able to believe what he was hearing, the Hansen he knew was a kind and quiet person, always next to him, loving the angels even went first on the battlefield to save angels, this turn of nature was beyond his comprehension. 

“Your war is with this Prince don’t involve innocents in it,” Taehyung says in a shaky voice, the people he trusted most were either gone or betrayed him, seeing Hansen like this made Taehyung feels like his heart couldn’t bear this pain anymore. Taehyung recalls the throne that is still there and then the black feather, he looks up at the Devil and realizes it was him who was unaware of the feelings of Hansen and his powers, all he did was to make the angel feel at home, never suspecting or thinking otherwise. He felt like it was his fault in everything, none in the realm were in favor of giving the position to this being but he insisted, there is no meaning in putting more people to danger, if Hansen just wanted him to apologize he will do it.

He kneels making Namjoon shout in protest but Hybreus attacks Namjoon to shut him up “This Prince asks for forgiveness leave the innocents out of it” He kowtows in front of Hansen. Xerith laughs while Jimin and Namjoon watch in angry tears.

Hansen was beyond happy “This devil is impressed but now he doesn’t need a weakling like you, being here for this long and starving you are just like these mortals, useless. This Kingdom is mine, this realm is mine and so will be others, you can stop me if you can stop Xerith…what is more fun than to see lovers taking each other’s life.”

Jimin and Namjoon hisses in anger they both try to approach and shut the devil's mouth but Hybreus blocks their way.

Nothing goes as they thought the two sides struggle to fight back, in the capital, the Eiji and other mortals pants as one wave of the devil army attacks them, they were all at disadvantage, wounded, killed, and tired. The attacks suddenly stop as the sky turns darker. Eiji looks up at the sun that was slowly being covered by a dark mist turning the place into darkness, they all feel gloomy and lost. Just then another troupe arrives from one of the brothers of Rielel whom Eiji served. The commander bows to him and asks “Will we be able to defeat them?” He glances at the bloody scene around them.

“I have hope in my disciple” Eiji answers getting ready for another wave. 


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