Iridescent Mate

By lizziecrawford089

478 148 116

Cool air swayed all over my body. I was laying on something hard as rock. I slowly dared to open my eyes and... More

2 Senses heightened
3 Tree house
4 Bacon

1 Forest

314 101 92
By lizziecrawford089

Cool air swayed all over my body. I was laying on something hard as a rock. I slowly dared to open my eyes and found 8 pairs of eyes watching me. I swallowed a breath, trying to understand this intense situation. I blinked my eyes trying to convince myself this was a bad dream in my mind. They didn't go away like a horrible dream. I blinked twice. No use again. How did I even end up in this cold forest, with these cold-looking people? Cold enough to kill me with one look.

"What are your demands?" I questioned.

They all looked even cold now. No one replied. Something about them ain't natural. Their eyes are the coldest ice like wolves and they look so different. So fit. Everyone is looking the same yet different. Only their faces are different. Their characteristics are similar.

"You think we kidnapped you?" A black-haired guy with yellow eyes barked. He looks so short-tempered. Handsome yet looked so cruel like he would bite me with his teeth.

"Why am I here then?" I questioned.

"You don't remember?" Another person from that gang with brown hair and yellow eyes questioned. He looks like he is somehow related to that man who answered me earlier. Same eyes and characteristics. But unlike him, he doesn't seem to be short-tempered.

I shook my head. "You came here all by yourself last night, howling and unable to control your temper, you nearly wrecked a tree." Brown hair guy said gesturing towards a tree.

"Why would I come here? Why would I destroy a tree? And what do you mean by howling? If I indeed did all this, why don't I remember a thing?" I yelled.

"You-, you don't know you are a werewolf?"

"Werewolf? What are you talking about? Is this funny to you? You guys abducted me-"

"Listen, believe it or not, you are a werewolf now, as we are." Black haired guy snapped.

What, I'm a werewolf? And they are too? "How could this happen?" I questioned. Fear coiled all over my body.

"You got bit by an alpha." Brown-haired answer.

"Came here and created mess not to mention also wrecked a tree." Black-haired snapped again.

"I am sorry, you guys appear as soon as I open my eyes and tell me, I am a werewolf and you guys are too when all I am trying is to remember what the hell happened last night, that got me waking up in a stranded forest, so please forgive me, if I wrecked your precious trees." I busted.

"Forgive my brother, he is arrogant at times." Told the Brown-haired guy. So my guess is correct, they are related. "Can we know your name?" He added. I am not sure if I want to answer that question. But what choice do I have? They told me I am a werewolf now, and if I am one now, I better also be on good terms with them but the thing is I don't trust this werewolf crap.

"Christabel Sorue and what might be yours?"

"Eddie," Brown-haired claimed. "And this is my brother Craig." He said gesturing towards that grumpy black-haired one. "I am pretty sure she didn't ask you my name." Craig gave me a vulgar look yelling at Eddie. Seriously, what is his problem?

"Oh, don't flatter yourself I, however, have no intention of knowing your name." I mocked.

At once everyone in that gang looked in the opposite direction of me, lowering their heads like they all were servants. Then a pale, blonde-haired guy with dark brown eyes appeared. I got on my feet. Somehow he looks even colder than anyone here.

"Alpha." Someone in that pack cried.

Alpha, Eddie claimed that I got bit by an Alpha. What if he is the one who bit me? My brain proved once again that is completely useless when I need it to remember things. Things about what happened last night.

"What's happening in here?" Alpha demanded.

"A baby wolf got in here, and wrecked that tree." Craig gestured towards the tree, staring at me. "Also, tells that she doesn't know she's a werewolf, looks like her very first transition. Just wondering, who might have a bit of that one." Craig stopped.

"Why do I sense like a filth like you are questioning me, in fact accusing." The big bad Alpha warned.

"She did come here last time and created a lot of mess. Why did she come here unless-" A girl from that pack expressed. She is the only girl in the pack. She has an adorable pair of green eyes, and black hair dyed blue in the ending.

"So you questioning me, Mimi? The alpha?" Alpha snapped.

"Did you bite me?" I finally questioned.

"I bit no one." He said coming closer to me. Somehow I'm feeling really tense and scared. "Maybe it is my brother, go and ask him. You do not belong here. Be gone." His brows knitted.

"But, with all due respect Alpha, the bite looks very much like yours." A redhead, the same hair as mine from the pack, please.

"I told you all. I didn't bite. Now stop all this nonsense and get back to your work," He snapped again.

"But Matt, I mean Alpha, she seems like she doesn't know anything, let her be a part of this pack, however, there are no females except me." Mimi pleased.

"No." Alpha so-called Matt replied.

"Please, Alpha the pack could use a hand." Eddie too pleaded.

"Fine, she will be a part of this pack, if only she can prove herself," Matt replied.

"I don't have to prove myself to any of you, I'm leaving." I made my move and started to walk.

"You are not gonna make it, you need us girl," Mimi said. I turned in her direction. "The transition is painful, from now on, you are gonna turn every full moon. Let us help you. Protect you." She assured.

"I do not buy any of this, a werewolf? I might have been drunk and come here that's it and of protection and help I could do it myself." I answered. Like hell, I am gonna live with these weird people.

"Christabel, you-" She intended to tell something more but Craig cut her off as-

"Mimi, the baby wolf doesn't realize she is a wolf now and is acting like a baby, only a matter of time until she finds herself here the next full moon." He mocked.

I without a word left

Author's Note:

This is my first book, I hope you will support me. Please vote if you like and comment with your views, it would mean a lot ❤

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