I Really Wish I Hated You

By bitchpudding2024

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What would happen if Eddie Munson and Aileen Emerson met under different circumstances? And those circumstanc... More

When the Day Met the Night
Dirty Little Secret
Sex on Fire
Alone Together
You're The One
Love is Gone
All I Need
Do or Die
Roses Are Falling

Famous Last Words

305 11 86
By bitchpudding2024

"Eddie...you remember my cousin, Aileen, right?"

Looking at Gareth, Eddie narrowed his eyes.


As in, Aileen Emerson?

The same Aileen Emerson who had clung to his side for a summer, had followed him everywhere...who had clawed her way into his heart before leaving?

That Aileen?

Slowly, Eddie turned to look at the female before him. There was no way. She couldn't possibly have been the same Aileen from his youth. She was in Colorado. Surely he would have known if she had returned. It just wasn't possible. Besides, wouldn't Gareth have told him if she had returned? After Aileen had moved away, Gareth eventually became one of Eddie's best friends. At that time in their youth, Gareth would occasionally mention Aileen to Eddie, but after threatening to beat the crap out of him should he mention her to him ever again, Gareth stopped. While he was grateful Aileen had opened up something in his heart, making it so Eddie wasn't afraid to let people in, the anger he felt at her leaving and the regret from never being able to say goodbye tarnished his mind when it came to her. He couldn't help but over time build up this increasing sense of betrayal within his mind at her absence. The only other times Eddie allowed Gareth to talk to him about Aileen was to warn him when she would be coming to visit, so he could make himself scarce, not wanting to see her.

Observing her, his eyes scanned over her entire being, starting from her feet and slowly making his way up. Shaking his head, Eddie thought again how there was no way this girl was his Aileen. Aileen had been a scrawny little thing. A twig. The creature before him was...voluptuous. Swallowing, as his eyes landed on her thighs and then her hips, Eddie ran his hand over his mouth.

There was no other way to put it.

The woman before him had a body that was almost hedonistic.

Her body had an incredibly erotic sense of softness to it, and Eddie cursed himself internally when the first thought that came to his mind when he roamed his gaze over her curves was that he wanted to sink his hands into her skin, to feel her body under his. Which just further proved in his mind that there was no way she was Aileen. He would have never had these thoughts for someone like Aileen. It had been almost ten years. Surely one couldn't change that much. Continuing his visual exploration over her body, when he finally got to her face, he was amused to see she was still glaring at him. But, staring into her eyes...he knew. He thought they had been familiar, and it was because he had only seen eyes like that one other time in his life. When he was ten years old, and he had saved a little girl from a couple of punks who thought it was okay to harass someone smaller than them.

"Oh, shit."

Staring at Eddie as he came to the realization as to who she was, Aileen half heartedly smirked. So, he really didn't recognize her.

No one spoke for a moment. The members of Hellfire looked between Eddie and Aileen in shock. With the exception of Gareth, no one knew what was really going on. The three freshman, who looked uncomfortable at the interaction, looked at the older teens, questions in their eyes. Jeff and the other member had no idea about Eddie and Aileens history either. For Jeff, it was a shock to learn that Aileen was not only Gareth's cousin, but she also had some kind of history with Eddie.

Eddie didn't know what to say now that he was face to face with Aileen. All he knew was he didn't want to outright admit that he knew it was her. As if his mind couldn't help it, looking into her eyes, he felt that same sense of abandonment from so long ago. Which he knew was stupid. But he couldn't help it. Crossing his arms over his chest, Eddie smirked at Aileen, discreetly clenching his fists. "I don't buy it. You're pulling my leg." Exasperated, Gareth looked at Eddie. "Eddie, I'm being serious. That's Aileen. I think I'd know my own cousin."

Stalking closer to Aileen, leaning down so his face was right in front of hers, Eddie laughed. "How am I supposed to believe that, Gareth. Look at her." Pushing him away, Aileen gave Eddie a tight grin. "What's that supposed to mean?" Motioning toward her body, Eddie sneered, "What I mean is, the Aileen I knew was a cry baby. A scared little rabbit. Yet you stand before me looking as though you want to scratch my eyes out. The Aileen I knew was a scrawny little twig. You're body has a decadence to it." Her face flushing, Aileen turned her face away from Eddie. Clearing her throat, hating that he was getting to her, Aileen rolled her eyes, ignoring his comment about her body because she didn't know how to take it. "A lot can change in almost ten years, Munson. I mean, Christ, look at you."

Holding his hands up, Jeff stepped forward, looking at Aileen, confusion on his face. "Wait, I'm lost. You two know each other?"

"We were friends briefly when we were kids. Before someone decided to become an asshole."

Giving a malicious chuckle, Eddie narrowed his eyes on Aileen once again. Lifting her chin to look up at him, Eddie sneered, "Friends? We were never friends. You were an annoying little brat that followed me around like a lost dog. And you know what? I always think that one of my biggest regrets was helping you out that day. If I had known what a pain in the ass you would have turned out to be, I would have never saved your ass. I never wanted to be your friend. You meant nothing to me."

At that last comment from Eddie, Aileens eyes widened. The other members of Hellfire looked at him in shock too, not believing that something so hurtful had come from him. Drawing her hand up, Aileen slapped Eddie across the face, a tear falling from her eye. Wiping it away quickly, not wanting him to see how he had gotten to her, Aileen shook her head. "I hate you. God, I hate you so much, Eddie Munson. I...I have to get out of here." Picking her bag up, wiping her eyes again, Aileen threw a sad smile to Jeff. "Thanks for inviting me to join in on your club, Jeff. But I don't think this is going to work out. I'll see you in class on Monday. Gareth, I'll see you later. And it was nice to kind of meet the rest of you." Taking one last look at Eddie, who was currently holding his hand against the cheek she had slapped, Aileen turned and quickly left the club room.

After the door closed after Aileen, Jeff and Gareth looked at Eddie, their eyes full of disbelief. "What the hell was that, Eddie?" "Aileen's a nice girl, why would you say something like that to her?" As the two of them berated him with questions, Eddie ignored them. He hadn't meant to say that. He didn't even mean it. The resounding pain from her hand upon his face continued to sting but he didn't notice it. Continuing to ignore the questions that were being thrown his way, Eddie held his hand up. "Enough. We're done for the night. Everybody get out." When more questions were thrown his way, Eddie turned on his heel and rushed through the doors. He needed to chase Aileen down. He knew what he said was wrong. And despite his anger towards her, he needed to apologize. Looking both ways down either end of the hallway, Eddie saw her figure at the far end of the hall to the left of him, hunched over, her face in her hands. Jogging over to her, as he got closer, his heart betrayed him when it sunk at the sound of her cries.

Cautiously walking closer to her, Eddie reached out his hand and rest it on her shoulder. Looking up from her hands, Aileen smacked his hand away, turning to leave. Grabbing her hand, Eddie called out, "Wait...hold on a second."

"Let go of me!"

Releasing her, Eddie held his hands up, taking a step back. "Alright. Just, hear me out, Princess..."

"Don't call me that! I am not your princess!"

"Alright, alright. Jesus, sorry. Aileen, listen..."

Her eyes were filled with rage as she looked at him. What more could he possibly have to say to her? In what ways could he hurt her more? Taking a deep breath, wiping the tears from her eyes, Aileen shook her head. "No. Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it. You know, when I came back...I was so sure I wasn't going to have to see you again. It was the one thing I was positive about. So you can imagine my surprise when I find that you're still here. After everything you did...after the heartbreak you put me through...I was looking forward to never seeing you again."

He was going to apologize. But after that little confession, Eddie had a change of heart. He was going to try and reconcile with her, to tell her how sorry he was for not saying goodbye, for treating her so poorly. But with her confession just now, all he felt was hate. Once again, he was reminded how he never should have let her in.

"Everything I did, huh. As if you had no part in what happened? You know what, Princess, forget it. I'm done."

Following their reunion, anytime Eddie and Aileen came to face to face with each other, which much to each others dismay came quite frequently when Eddie decided to start showing up to their shared class with Miss. O'Donnell and it was discovered that they were sat next to each other, it was as if they couldn't help but to do things to get under each others skin. Which wasn't hard to do. It seemed that by just existing in the same space caused strife between Eddie and Aileen. Eddie began to take pleasure in doing things he knew would annoy Aileen. Calling her 'Princess' at every opportunity; flicking pieces of paper at her during class; anything he thought that might annoy her, he did it.

Their friends began to notice the tension between them as well. The members of Hellfire during lunch would notice immediately when Aileen entered the cafeteria, because Eddies eyes would narrow in on her whenever she entered. One time during lunch, as Aileen walked with Robin to return their lunch trays, as they walked past Hellfires table, Eddie had pushed his chair back right as Aileen was about to walk past, causing her to stumble into him. Looking up at her, a devious smile on his face, Eddie had said, "Sorry, Princess. Didn't mean to trip you there." Looking down at him, Aileen smiled back at him sweetly, though malice was in her eyes. "Don't worry about it, Munson. Oh, it looks as though you got some food on you." Before she dumped the remains of her lunch into his lap. Robin had laughed at that, while the members of Hellfire looked at their leader, horrified.

Arriving home after a particularly exhausting Thursday dealing with Eddie, Aileen flopped down on the sofa in her living room, groaning. All that could go through her mind was how much she detested him. When she moved back to Hawkins, she had been so sure he would have graduated, would have been gone. But he was still here, and he seemed to do whatever he could in his power to make her life miserable. She had liked school before. Now, every time she woke up, she dreaded having to go. She didn't want to deal with him. She just wanted him to leave her alone.

"Aileen, honey, that you?" "Hey mom. Yeah, I just got home." Walking into the living area, Sylvia wiped her hands on her apron, giving her daughter a smile. Taking note that her daughter looked annoyed, Sylvia sat on the edge of the sofa where Aileen currently lay and placed a comforting hand on her leg. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" With her face buried in one of the pillows on the sofa, Aileen nodded. "Yep. Just great. Never been better." Not seeming to catch onto the sarcasm in her daughters voice, Sylvia gave a firm pat to Aileens knee, standing. "Great! Don't forget, your aunt, uncle and cousin are coming over for dinner tonight. And it sounds like Gareth is bringing a friend as well. So when you set the table, make sure you put down another place setting." Propping herself up on her elbows, Aileen looked back at her mother. Gareth was bringing a friend? It had to be Jeff. She prayed it was Jeff. Family dinners were not something Eddie would possibly want to go to.

"Aileen? Come on, lets put a peddle to the metal. Everyone will be here before we know it."

When the doorbell rang a couple hours later, Aileen stood next to her mother to receive their guests. Her aunt and uncle filed in first, giving Sylvia and Aileen a hug each, greeting each other. Gareth followed, saying hello his aunt, glaring at Aileen. The last to enter was...


"Son of a bitch." Aileen whispered under her breath, glaring at him. Entering her home, Eddie threw Aileen an almost condescending smile, giving her a wink. He had been looking forward to this all day. And by the look on her face, she had no idea he was coming over. After Sylvia finished asking Gareth questions about how his day had been, she turned to his friend, looking the young man up and down. Holding her hand out, she offered him a smile, before greeting him as well. "Hello, welcome to our home. I'm glad you were able to join us this evening. I'm Sylvia." Briefly looking over at Aileen, Eddie gave her another wink before taking her mothers hand in his. "I know. It's great to see you again, Sylvia." As they shook hands, Sylvia raised her brow at what the young man before had just said, before really looking at him. Realization spread over Sylvia's face before a giant grin came across her face. Pulling the young man into her arms, Sylvia squeezed Eddie tight. "Why, Eddie Munson! God, look at you, you're all grown up! Aileen, why didn't you tell me Eddie was still in town? We thought you would have moved away by now! Gosh, it's so good to see you again."

Aileen narrowed her eyes as Eddie pulled away from her mother, smiling down at her. She could almost see a...tenderness in his eyes. But, the moment he looked her way, Eddies eyes changed to one of contempt. "Yeah, Princess. Why didn't you tell your mom I was still around?" Hearing Eddie call her by that ridiculous nickname, Aileen gave him a tight smile, and seethed through clenched teeth, "Must have slipped my mind. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think about you." As Eddie and Aileen glared at each other, Sylvia looked between the two of them while her in laws watched, curious. "Aileen, is everything okay?" Her eyes never wavering from Eddie, Aileen smiled. "Things are great, mom. Just...great."

Guiding everyone toward the dining room, Aileen sat herself down, groaning when Eddie plopped himself down next to her. "Can't you sit anywhere else? For instance, in the kitchen, like a dog?" "You know I love it when you talk to me like that, Princess." Giving him a swift kick under the table, Aileen grinned when Eddie groaned, reaching down and rubbing his leg. Leaning closer to him, Aileen whispered in his ear, "If you ask nicely, I'd be happy to talk to you like that all the time." Looking deep into her eyes, trying to ignore the pain in his leg from where she had kicked him, Eddie gave Aileen a strained grin. Leaning forward, close enough to where his lips were only centimeters away from hers, Eddie whispered, "Is that a promise?"

"What are you guys doing?"

Jerking back away from Eddie, who burst out laughing, Aileen looked at Gareth, who sat across from the two of them. His eyes were narrowed on Aileen, before swinging his gaze to Eddie. "Were you guys about to kiss?" Speaking at the same time, looking at each other horrified, Eddie and Aileen each said:

"God no!"

"Never in a million years!"

About to argue with Gareth, Aileen shut her mouth when her mother, aunt and uncle brought the food to the table. Taking a look at the spread before him, Eddie grinned. He didn't get a lot of home cooked meals like this, seeing as he was usually home alone for dinner. And he was even more delighted when he what they would be having for dinner that evening. Looking at Aileens mother, Eddie gave her a grateful smile. "Sylvia, its like you knew I was coming over. If I remember correctly, your pork chops were the best. Thank you again for having me over." Dishing some food onto his plate, Sylvia gave him a smile. "Of course, Eddie. You are welcome over any time." "Mom, please don't..." "Thanks, Sylvia. I'll have to take you up on that offer. I would love nothing more than to have dinner with you and Aileen again."

After dinner ended, Aileen excused herself under the pretense that she had a headache before retreating to her room. She needed to get away from him. Trying to pretend that he didn't irk her the entire evening had been more exhausting than she thought, especially considering how polite he had been to her mother and family. And as she left, Eddie watched her go. Excusing himself as well, saying he needed to use the restroom, Eddie snuck up the stairs, looking to see which door had light coming from it. Seeing the one at the end of the hall was partially open, he made his way there, knocking lightly once he was in front of it. He heard her soft sigh come from within, which was followed by an invite in. Pushing the door open, Eddie leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest. Her back was to him, and when she turned around, seeing who was in her doorway, Aileen pinched the bridge of her nose. "What are you doing up here, Munson? Don't you think you've annoyed me enough for one day?"

Sauntering in, Eddie looked around her room. It was extremely different from her room when they were kids. Back then, everything had been pink. The walls, the rug on the floor, her bedding, everything. Now the only pink in the room was her bedspread. Instead of having floral accents on her walls, posters of various bands hung. Looking at each of them, Eddie clicked his tongue. Talking Heads. Heart. Queen. The Cure. The only poster he saw that was worthwhile in his opinion was a poster of Black Sabbath's 'Paranoid' album. Looking at that particular poster, Eddies mind was helpless to think about the first time he had come over to Aileens home, back when they had been friends. How 'War Pigs' had played on the radio and how young Aileen had thought how cool his taste in music had been. His heart clenching, the memory a reminder of what could have been, Eddie rubbed his chest, trying to ease the dull pain that came before turning to her.

"I see your taste in music hasn't gotten any better."

Sinking down onto her bed, putting her head in her hands, Aileen gave a soft laugh. "Why would you even care, Munson." Taking a turn around the room, Eddie shrugged. "I just figured you would have grown to appreciate real music by now. Guess I was wrong." Peeking up at him through her fingers, Aileen sighed. She was too tired to deal with him. "What are you doing up here, Munson? Don't you think we've gone at it enough today?" "Your rooms not as pink as it used to be."

Staring up at him in disbelief, irritated that he ignored her question, Aileen fell back against her bed, throwing an arm over her eyes. "What are you going on about now?" "You're room was a pink nightmare when we were kids. Just observing its not like that anymore." "We aren't kids anymore. People change."

Eddie had kept his gaze away from her, looking at her many possessions. But at her last statement, he looked at her. Seeing her laying down upon her bed, her curiously sensuous body splayed out across the pink duvet, Eddie felt his heart quicken. Glaring at her, he shook himself. Enough of that. "Yeah. I guess they do. For instance, you became an irritating thorn in my side." "And you a pain in my ass. What's your point, Munson?" "No point. Just wanted to point out how irksome you are." Throwing her arm away from her face, Aileen got up on her elbows, glaring at Eddie again. She was tired of this. Tired of him. Thinking about the boy he had been, the boy she had adored, she didn't know what could have possibly happened to make him become so...hurtful. She thought about their last interactions as kids a lot. About how hurt he had looked then. She knew her leaving was hard on him, because it had been hard on her. But she did nothing wrong. She had no choice in the matter. So she couldn't understand why he had this ill will towards her. She had every right to be upset with him. He had broken her heart. Their last conversation, he had been cruel to her. And still, she wrote to him. But he never responded.

"Get out, Munson. Get out of my goddamn room."

The next evening, driving back into town from Hellfire, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel in beat with the music that blasted from the speakers, Eddie made his way towards a local diner, hungry for dinner. He hadn't gone grocery shopping yet, and knew there was nothing back home he would have wanted for dinner. Parking his van in front of the small restaurant, he entered the establishment and greeted the waitresses who were working that evening. As a frequent patron of the establishment, Eddie had grown to know everyone who worked there. One of the waitresses guided him to his usual booth, and sliding in, already knowing what he wanted, Eddie placed his order immediately before pulling out his notebook, trying to work on some songs. A soft rainfall began outside, the gentle pitter patter of rain against the window soothing. Uncapping his pen with his teeth, Eddie tried to think of new lyrics to the song he had been working on the past couple days. While Corroded Coffin often played covers, they had enough original songs to add in to their sets. But Eddie wanted them to get to the point to where all they played was originals. That's how a band could make it big. That's where he wanted to be.

When his food arrived, Eddie bit into his burger, relishing in tasting the juicy meat. No other place in town had a burger as good as this place did. Moments later, from behind him, a couple of men entered the diner, their demeanor loud and obnoxious. Rolling his eyes, guessing the men were probably drunk, Eddie kept his back turned to them, trying to enjoy his dinner in peace.

Taking another bite from his burger, Eddie heard one of the men begin to speak to another patron of the diner.

"Hey, young lady. What's a cute girl like you doing here alone on a Friday night?"

"Yeah, if you're alone, you should come with us. We can show you a good time."

Rolling his eyes at the cliched and rather predictable line, Eddie brought a few fries to his mouth, pausing when he heard the young woman the drunks were soliciting reply. "No, thanks. I'm not interested."

Her voice was familiar. Too familiar. Turning around in his seat, resting his arm across the booths back, Eddie scanned the restaurant, looking for the drunks and the woman. When he found them, and his eyes landed on the young woman, Eddies eyes widened, and his heart quickened. It was her.


How had he not noticed her when he entered the establishment? What was she doing here alone on a Friday night? Watching the interaction more, Eddie clenched his jaw. Despite her telling them she wasn't interested, the men continued to pursue her, not letting up on trying to get her to leave with them. When one of the men slid in next to her, draping his arm across her shoulders, Eddie clenched his fist. And then, with his other hand, the man brought it up to her face, stroking his finger along her jawline.

Aileens heart quickened with unease. She could smell the booze on the mans breath as he stroked her face. She had come to this diner to try and study, needing to get away from her room, to try and have a change of scenery. She wish she had asked Robin to join her, but she knew she had a shift at the Family Video rental store in town. Her only other friend was Chrissy Cunningham. But, seeing as it was Friday night, she knew Chrissy would most likely be out with her boyfriend, Jason. Trying to squirm away from the man beside her, Aileen was dismayed when the arm around her shoulders pulled her closer. "Come on, sweetheart. What's your name? I don't bite." "Please leave me alone."

The man narrowed his gaze on her face, proceeding to grip her chin in his hand, roughly turning her face to look at him. "What's your problem? I'm just trying to get to know you." Jerking her head out of his grasp, Aileen tried once again in vain to pull away. "Stop it! Leave me alone!"

"Hey. That's enough. She said to stop."

The man and Aileen looked up at the sudden interruption, and Aileens eyes went wide with astonishment. Eddie stood next to the table, his eyes focused on the man who was currently bothering Aileen. His gaze swept over to her briefly before returning to the man. Moments before, from his spot at his booth, watching the man bother Aileen, Eddie felt an unexpected need to protect her. He tried hard to not get involved in other people matters, but this wasn't just anyone. This was Aileen. And while they had a complicated relationship, he couldn't just sit by and watch her get harassed by this drunk any longer.

The drunk man staggered to his feet, while his friend, who had stood by watching, eyed Eddie wearily. "Can I help you, punk?" Crossing his arms, Eddie smiled at the man. "Yeah, actually. You can leave her alone." Shoving the drunk to the side, Eddie grabbed Aileens arm and pulled her from the booth. Taking her hand in his, Eddie began to lead Aileen towards the front door, falling back a couple steps when she was yanked in the opposite direction. Looking back, Eddies eyes focused on Aileens other arm, where the drunk had a tight grip on it. "Now, hold on a second. What makes you think she wants to go with you." When the drunk gave another hard yank on Aileens arm, causing her to stumble in the mans chest, Eddie had had enough.

Aileen watched in horror as Eddie drew his fist back before swiftly throwing it forward, connecting with the mans cheek. As the man stumbled back, releasing her from his grip, Eddie grabbed her hand again and dragged her out of the establishment, apologizing to the waitress as they left. Pulling her through the dark, rainy night, Eddie opened the passenger door to his van, gently pushing her in, before he went to the other side, getting in himself. Starting the vehicle up, Eddie sped away from the diner, gripping the steering wheel tight between his hands. Turning in her seat to look out the back window, Aileen stared in shock when the drunk stumbled out of the restaurant, screaming at them as they drove off. Turning to look at Eddie, Aileen narrowed her eyes before smacking his arm. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Munson!?" Speeding down the road, Eddie spared a glance to Aileen, his irritation rising. "Are you fucking kidding me, Aileen? I just saved your ass and that's the thanks I get?" Throwing her hands up, Aileen barked out, "Gee, thanks! I could have handled it! I didn't need your help!" Laughing harshly, Eddie focused on the road. She think she didn't need his help? She didn't even realize how scared she looked. Telling her that, Eddie argued back, "Bullshit. You should have seen the look on your face. You looked as scared as a rabbit in a wolfs den. Why can't you just admit that you needed me?"

"Oh right, like I needed you all those years ago? So then what, I mistake your 'act of kindness' as a sign of friendship? Yeah, never again." "What are you talking about?" Glaring at him with disbelief, Aileen shook her head. "You really don't see the irony? Is there really no sense of deja vu in the stupid head of yours? Once again, Eddie Munson saves poor little Aileen from the big, bad men. Resorting to violence again, I might add. Glad to see some things never change with you, Munson."

Pulling up to her home, Eddie abruptly stopped his car, Aileen jolting forward in her seat. Twisting in his seat, Eddie pursed his lips looking at her. She was so unbelievably irritating. Leaning forward, he sneered, "And once again, you were the damsel in distress. Glad to see you haven't changed either." Wanting to scream at him, Aileen threw the car door open, stepping out into the steady rainfall. Before she slammed the door shut, she hissed, "Go to hell, Munson."

Getting out of the vehicle as well, Eddie intercepted her at the front of the car. Standing in the headlights, with the rain pouring down around them, he grabbed her arm, stopping her pursuit to her front door. "Princess," he rasped, "I'm already there with you in my life."

With the rain soaking them to the bone, Aileen jerked on her arm, trying to remove his clasp upon her. "Let go of me you brute! I hate you so much!" Laughing, Eddie teased, "Oh, I get it now. I can tell. You want to kiss me so bad right now, don't you?"

At that, Aileen stopped struggling against him.

Kiss him?

Kiss him?!

Glaring at him, deciding to put him in his place and piss him off, Aileen snatched her arm away from Eddies grasp before she grabbed him by the lapels of his denim vest, pulling him forward, and smashed her lips against his.

His eyes wide with shock, Eddie stared at Aileen. Her eyes were shut tight, her grip on his vest strong. And her lips. Though the kiss was hard, her lips were soft against his. The kiss was only a couple seconds, but Eddie felt something stir deep within him. When she pulled away, pushing him away from her, Aileen smirked at Eddie. "Bet you weren't expecting that, were you, Munson?" As Eddie stared at her in shock, Aileen laughed at the expression on his face. It was priceless. Beginning to feel chill from the rain, Aileen turned to walk to her house, but Eddies hand clasped hers. Turning to face him, Aileen was about to ask what he was doing when Eddie pulled Aileens body against his, one of his hands cupping her face, the other landing on her lower back, pushing her body against his. And his lips. Eddie's lips ferociously attacked Aileens, and while his kiss felt as hard as hers had been, it was also gentle, passionate.

Tilting his head slightly, deepening the kiss, Eddie could taste the rain upon Aileens lips, could taste the sweetness of her skin. And when he felt Aileen bring her arms up to wrap around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair, drawing him closer to her, Eddie gave a small moan of approval. Feeling her body flush up against him, her rain slicked skin beneath his hand, and tasting her decadent kiss, Eddie felt himself grow hard. Needing more, he coaxed her to open up to him, slipping his tongue into her mouth when she did, relishing in feeling the slick heat between her lips. Unable to stop himself, Eddie pressed her body further against him, gently rocking his hips against hers.

Feeling his hardened length against her, with a gasp, Aileen pulled away from Eddie, stumbling back a couple steps. Her chest heaving, breath heavy, Aileens heart pounded in her chest. What had just happened? This wasn't supposed to happen.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Neither of them could comprehend what had just happened. Not saying a word, Aileen turned around and rushed into her house, slamming the door shut behind her, never looking back. Standing in the rain, with one hand on his hip, feeling a little dazed Eddie ran his other hand through his hair. Why had he done that? He couldn't believe he had done that. Wincing at the tightness in his pants, Eddie cursed at himself. He had actually enjoyed her kiss. More than he should have. Which was crazy. He couldn't stand Aileen. Looking around, all he could think to say was, "What the fuck just happened?"

Standing with her back against the door, Aileen shook as she brought her hand up to touch her lips. Looking around her home, her mind racing, all she could think about was Eddies lips on hers. And how...wonderful it had felt. She had meant to piss him off, to rub it in his face that he had no effect on her. But he had done the unexpected by reciprocating the kiss. Taking in a shaky breath, looking down, Aileen closed her eyes. Worse yet...he had been aroused by it. And, much as she hated to admit it, so had she. Pushing away from the door, slowly making her way upstairs, all Aileen could think to say was:

"What the fuck just happened?"

Sunday evening, at the Family Video store, Robin rolled her eyes as her friend, Steve Harrington, went on about the disastrous date he had gone on Saturday night. Stacking video cassette tapes on the counter in the store, Robin turned to Steve, leaning forward on the counter. "I don't get the problem, Steve. I thought you said she was nice." Propping a cardboard cut out up against the window, Steve shrugged. "She was nice. But, Robin, she was kind of a dud. She wouldn't stop talking about Bill Murray. I couldn't hold an intelligent conversation with her if I tried. Which I did, by the way."

Raising her brow, Robin rapt her knuckles against counters surface, thinking about what Steve had just said. He wanted someone to hold an intelligent conversation with a date, huh? Smiling, Robin was kind of proud of her friend. Seemed like he was finally moving away from the high school mentality of being with the most popular, or most beautiful girl and was finally on the hunt for a real relationship, one that would have actual meaning behind it. And she felt as though she could help him.

"Hey, Steve. I think I might have someone for you." Laughing, Steve went over to the counter, leaning back against it. "Are you trying to set me up? I don't need your help, Robin." Ruffling his hair, grinning when he turned to glare at her, Robin shrugged. "I think you do. Look, practically every girl in Hawkins knows who you are. Therefore, they know you for being kind of a playboy." Steve started to protest that statement, but Robin held her hand up, silencing him. "Shut it, and hear me out. My friend just moved back after being gone for almost ten years. She's really smart, attractive and isn't obsessed with Bill Murray. I honestly think you will really like her. Give it a shot. Let me try to set you two up on a date. I'll ask her what she likes to do on dates and you can take her out."

Sighing, Steve ran his hand through his hair. He wasn't sure about this. But, fact of the matter was, he was sick of going on dates with females who couldn't hold a conversation. And Robin was a good judge of character. "Fine. I'll take her out. What's her name?"

"Aileen Emerson."

The next day at school, Aileen anxiously looked around the hallways, keeping her eyes peeled for a certain long haired, tattooed student. All weekend, she had holed herself up in her room, unable to stop thinking about her kiss with Eddie. She had so many mixed emotions when it came to it. Part of it made her angry beyond compare. Yet, another part of it made her blush and send her heart racing. All she knew going to school that day was she didn't want to see him. She didn't have the energy to deal with whatever annoyances he threw her way this day. Spotting him down the hall, talking to Gareth and Jeff, their eyes met. And much to her surprise, Eddie blushed himself, quickly turning his gaze away from her. She wanted to turn the other way, but her first class was just past where the trio was standing. Taking a deep breath, Aileen tried to walk by them quickly, but Jeff called out to her.

"Morning, Aileen. How was your weekend?"

Mentally cursing, Aileen paused in her tracks, turning to look at Jeff. As she did so, she groaned when she realized she was standing next to Eddie. Adverting her gaze away from him, noticing he looked in the opposite direction as well, Aileen smiled at Jeff. "Hey, good morning, Jeff. Gareth. It was fine. How was yours?"

While Aileen and Jeff talked together, Gareth looked at Eddie, noticing his body language was unusual. His jaw was clenched, his body tense, his eyes looking everywhere but at Aileen. Had something happened between them? When Aileen turned to leave, telling Jeff she would see him in first period, Gareth called out to her. "Aren't you going to say good morning to Eddie?" Aileen slowly looked at Eddie, who also looked down at her. Blushing, Aileen adverted her gaze, whispering, "Eddie." Shocked that she didn't call him by him by his last name like she usually did, Eddie felt his heart flutter. Scratching his chest, responding in kind, Eddie gave a small nod to the female before him. "Aileen." Closing her eyes, Aileen rushed off, entering a classroom just a little further down the hall.

Gareth was shocked. Since the first Hellfire meeting, Eddie and his cousin had never had such a civil interaction, no matter how uncomfortable it had appeared. "Hey, Eddie. Is everything okay." With his eyes looking in the direction where Aileen had gone, Eddie nodded. "Yeah. Everything is...fine."

At lunch time, making her way towards the cafeteria, Aileen sighed. She was ready for the school day to be done. She spent the entire day worried about running into Eddie. And their class together was her next one after the lunch period. She was dreading it. "Aileen!" Turning toward the sound of her name, Aileen smiled gratefully at Robin, who was making her way over to her. "Hey, Robin." "Hey, are you seeing anyone right now?" Her eyes widening, Aileen stared at Robin. That was an unexpected question. Carefully, Aileen shook her head. "No. Not currently." Sighing in relief, Robin made her way into the cafeteria with Aileen, looping her arm through Aileens. "Great! Listen, I want to set you up on a date with my friend, Steve." "That's...random. And kind of out of the blue." Robin proceeded to tell Aileen about Steve, telling her that he worked with her at the video rental store, how he was a great guy, and needed to meet a nice girl. "He's really a good guy, Aileen. And I think the two of you could hit it off. Just go on one date with him. He would love to take you out tomorrow night. What are some things you like to do on dates?"

Thinking it over, Aileen decided what the hell, one date couldn't hurt. Thinking about the few dates she had been on back in Denver, Aileen tapped her chin as they stood in line to get their lunch. "Well...live music is always fun. Movies are okay too, but they kind of prevent conversation from happening. I don't know, Robin. I guess anything works." "Great, I'll let him know! How about he picks you up around six?" "Works for me." Smiling, excited to tell Steve she had got him the date, Robin looked out amongst the student body, her eyes pausing on one table.

"Hey, why is Eddie Munson looking at you like that?"

At the mention of his name, Aileen froze, slowly looking towards Hellfires table. While it wasn't unusual for Eddie to glare with distaste at her in the cafeteria, he wasn't doing so today. Instead, his eyes were contemplative, intense. Focused. Quickly turning away, hating that his eyes were affecting her in this way, Aileen coolly responded, "I don't know what you're talking about." "No, I'm serious. Usually he looks as though he hates you..." "Robin, it's nothing. You're reading into it too much."

At the end of the day, at the pay phone on the schools property, Robin looked at the flyer in her hand as she called Family Video. "Thanks for calling Family Video. This is Steve." "Steve, hey its Robin. I got you a date with Aileen!" "Oh. Cool. What does she want to do?" Smiling, Robin looked at the flyer again. Telling Steve what time to pick Aileen up, Robin followed with, "You should take her to this concert at The Hideout tomorrow. She said she likes live music, and this band Corroded Coffin is playing there tomorrow night." At the video store, Steve made a face. Corroded Coffin? Sounds like shit. "You sure?" "Yes! Come on, you're really going to like her, she's amazing! Here's her address, don't be late!"

Tuesday night, Aileen looked at herself in the mirror in her room, fluffing her hair. She had decided to get her hair cut earlier that day, her hair now cropped to her shoulders, the chestnut waves gleaming. Robin had told her that Steve was going to take her to a concert at a place called The Hideout. She didn't know who was playing, but it didn't matter. She loved live music, no matter what it was. Observing her outfit, she hoped it was okay. She went with an off the shoulder pink top, and her cream skirt. It was one of her favorite outfits, loving how it had accentuated her curves.

"Aileen, your date is here!" "Be down in a second!"

Walking down the stairs, Aileens eyes widened at the young man standing in the entry way. He was attractive. Really attractive in a boy next door kind of way. And the head of hair he had...it was amazing. Shouldering her bag, Aileen offered him a smile. "Hi, you must be Steve." Looking up at his date for the evening, Steves eyes widened. Robin was right, she was attractive. But she wasn't what he typically went for. She had an extremely curvaceous body. One he wasn't used to. Clearing his throat, Steve smiled. "And you must be Aileen. Are you ready to go?" Nodding, Aileen followed Steve out of the house, bidding her mother goodbye. Reaching Steves car, he opened the passenger door for her, which Aileen thought was charming. Situating herself in the vehicle, Aileen looked to Steve as he entered the car himself. "So...tell me about yourself."

On the drive to The Hideout, Aileen and Steve held a steady conversation. She found him to be extremely charming, funny, and intelligent in his own way. And Steve thought Robin was right. Aileen was smart. He was able to converse with her easily, finding her insights to be interesting. And despite being nervous, Aileen found herself able to relax with him. She had been weary about going on a blind date, especially with someone who was out of high school. Pulling up to the venue, Steve got out of the car and made his way to her door, opening it up for her, holding his hand out. Taking it, Aileen smiled up at him gratefully as she exited the car, the sound of music coming from within the building before them. Looking around the parking lot, Aileen noticed there weren't many cars. "Where did you hear about this from again?" Aileen asked Steve as they made their way hand in hand towards the front door. "Robin suggested it. Must not be that great of a band though. Nobody is here. Are you sure you want to do this? We can go somewhere else." Hearing the music from outside, Aileen thought the band within didn't sound that bad. Smiling up at Steve, she shook her head. "We're already here. Let's give it a shot. If they end up sucking, we can leave."

Entering the venue space, Steve and Aileen were assaulted with a loud blast of music. Corroded Coffin was a metal band apparently. They were currently playing a cover of Iron Maiden's 'Run to the Hills.' And they were doing a really good job of it, Aileen thought. Her attention on Steve, they made their way to the bar to grab a drink when Aileen heard the lead guitar miss a note. Looking up to the stage, her eyes widened. "Oh you have to be shitting me." She muttered under her breath. Looking up at where Aileen was currently glaring, Steves eyebrows shot up. "Is that Eddie the Freak Munson?"

The moment Eddie saw her enter the building, with Steve Harrington of all people by her side, his eyes narrowed, missing a note in the song but quickly recuperating. Considering there were hardly any people in the audience, there was no way he could mistake the two for any one else. Continuing on, his eyes never leaving her, Eddie couldn't believe it. Seeing her hand in Harringtons, Eddie couldn't believe it. She was on a date with Mr.Perfect. And somehow, for some reason, they were here of all places. He wanted scream. For the past three days, he had been unable to think of anything but their kiss. It had become a distraction like no other. When he closed his eyes, he could see her in his embrace. When slept, he visited that moment in his dreams. It irritated him to no end and yet he he wanted nothing more than to do it again. He couldn't deny that their kiss...it haunted him. And in way, it haunted him in all the best possible ways. He still held hard feelings towards her. He still didn't like her. But he couldn't deny that seeing her with Steve fucking Harrington...made him feel a little jealous.

Watching the show, Aileen tried her best to ignore Eddie up on the stage, paying attention to the other members. She didn't know that along with being members of Hellfire, Gareth, Jeff and the other guy were members of Corroded Coffin as well. And as much as she hated to admit it, Aileen couldn't help but think at how amazing they were on stage. They all really knew how to play their respective instruments amazingly. Dancing along with Steve, who looked like he was trying to have a good time, they continued to talk through the music, Aileen laughing at something Steve had said when the song ended.

Eddie could hear her laughter as the song they had played ended. Glaring at her, he stepped up to the microphone, his mind racing. "Thank you everyone for coming out tonight. This next and final song goes out to someone in the audience tonight...someone who vexes me to no end." From his spot at the drums, Gareth looked at the other members before looking at Eddie. "Eddie, what are you doing? We didn't plan this." His eyes never leaving Aileen, who looked up at him flabbergasted, Eddie told the band, "Gareth, guys, just follow my lead."

Striking the first power chord, when the other members realized what he was playing, they quickly followed suit.

At the sound of the first riff to the song, Aileen slowly turned toward the stage, her heart racing. He was singing 'Rock You Like a Hurricane' by Scorpions. And she was dismayed that Eddies eyes were focused on her, music filling the venue. And then he started singing. When he sang the lyric, "The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell. So give her inches and feed her well..." he gave her a cruel smile, winking at her. Her face flushed, her own eyes narrowing on him. Steve didn't know what was going on, looking around the small crowd, before he looked at Aileen. "Wait...is this for you?" "Apparently so."

The last few days, she had had conflicting feelings about Eddie. But with this performance, the hate and anger returned. How dare he dedicate this song to her. How dare he act this way. He was performing the song so passionately, his eyes never leaving her. Right before the song finished, her anger getting the best of her, angry tears misted her eyes. She hated him. She hated him so much. Turning to Steve, Aileen took his hand. "I think I want to go home now." Twining his fingers with hers, Steve took one last look at the stage. "Yeah, okay. Let's go."

Eddie watched Steve lead Aileen through the venue, exiting through the door at the front. No way. He wasn't going to let her go with him. Stopping immediately, Eddie took his guitar off, handing it to a confused Jeff, before leaping off the stage, ignoring the protests coming from the rest of Corroded Coffin. Rushing out the door, he scanned the parking lot, looking for Steve and Aileen. Spotting them, Eddie ran his way over to them, snatching Aileens hand. Turning to look at him, Aileen snarled, "Let go of me, Eddie! I am sick of you antagonizing me! That was completely mortifying and..." Glaring at Steve, Eddie tugged Aileen away from him, dragging her towards his van. Beginning to follow after them, Steve called out, "Hey, man! What do you think you're doing?" Not looking toward the other man, Eddie yelled out, "Back off, Harrington. This doesn't concern you!"

Ignoring Aileens protests, Eddie helped her into his van, getting in. He meant to drive away, but gripping the steering wheel, he leaned forward and rest his forehead against it, taking a deep breath. He half expected her to get out, but she sat there, staring at him. "What do you think you are doing, Eddie? What is your problem!?"

Feeling exhausted, Eddie shook his head. Keeping his head against the steering wheel, not looking at her, he whispered, slightly defeated, "You. Christ, Aileen...it's always you." Aileen, with her chest heaving, didn't understand. She had avoided him. She didn't know Corroded Coffin was his band. She hadn't done anything. "What...I didn't do anything. You just took me away from a date with a nice guy..." "That's the problem! You were out with Steve fucking Harrington! After that kiss we shared..."

Blushing at the mention of their kiss, Aileen took her glasses off, pinching the bridge of her nose. She could feel a headache coming on, becoming tired at the constant conflict between them. It was never ending, and she was over it. "Why do you care, Eddie? That...that kiss meant nothing."

It was then he said the unexpected.

"It meant everything."

Aileen froze, not sure she had heard him right. He hadn't really just said that, had he?

"What?" Peeking at her, Eddie was also tired. She really did vex him, but he couldn't deny that every interaction between them made him feel things. Continuing to lean against the steering wheel, Eddie reached out and took a lock of her hair between his fingers, rubbing the chestnut waves between them. She had cut her hair. And it looked good. Much to his consternation, Eddie thought Aileen had looked beautiful this evening. When she had walked into The Hideout this evening, he had taken notice that the skirt she wore clung to her body, the slight paunch of her stomach highlighted. Her shirt revealed the freckles that, much like the ones on her face, kissed her shoulders. She had been a cute kid, but she had grown into a beautiful woman. And he hated that he found her to be physically attractive, even if he detested her otherwise.

Sighing, he dropped his hand. "That kiss...it meant everything. I mean, god Aileen, how could it not?" She didn't know what to say other than, "You...but we hate each other." Shrugging, Eddie nodded.

"Right now we do. But...we didn't always hate each other. I mean, Jesus Christ. You were my best friend, Aileen. You came into my life and left it during a time when I really needed a friend. I was devastated when you moved away. And, thinking about it, I don't think I could ever really hate you. I was just an angry kid who didn't really know how to handle my feelings. You were the greatest thing that happened to me that summer. I've always been grateful for what you did for me."

Aileen couldn't believe what she was hearing. Didn't know if she could actually believe what he was saying. There was no instance where he seemed grateful toward her. Since their reunion, he had only ever antagonized her at every second he got. Sadly shaking her head, Aileen opened the door to the van. Stepping out, she looked at Eddie, parting with one last thought. "I wish I could believe you, Eddie. I really do. Because you were my best friend, too. But, you could have written me back. When we came to visit, I tried to see you. But you would disappear. I wish things could have stayed the same, but it's just...too late. The damage is done."

He hated parties.

Looking around, standing in Jason Carvers house as the Halloween party ensued, Eddie winced as the loud, upbeat pop music filled the house. Teenagers dressed in costumes milled about, drinking punch with cheap liquor in it. He came here for the sole purpose of trying to sell some weed and make a few extra bucks, but he was beginning to regret this decision. All he really wanted to do was be home, sitting in front of the tv watching a horror movie and eat some pizza.

Ever since his confession to Aileen after the Corroded Coffin gig two months prior, the two of them avoided each other. They couldn't help but be near each other in their shared class, but otherwise they went about life as though the other didn't exist. Which was fine by him. He accepted that this was how things were going to be. They could hate each other all they wanted. He no longer cared.

A little while later, after finishing up a transaction with two of the party goers, Eddie counted the cash in his hands, listening to their conversation.

"Did you see the chick dressed up as Dorothy? Man she is absolutely wasted." Laughing, looking at the weed he just bought, the other student nodded. "I know. Girl has had way too much to drink." Rolling his eyes, Eddie turned away from the two, stopping immediately when he heard what they said next.

"Any idea who she is? I might try to get with her."

"Yeah, I think her name is Aileen. I'm pretty sure she's a senior."

Feeling his heartbeat quicken, Eddie cursed. How was she always getting herself into trouble? He had planned on leaving, having sold a majority of his product, but now he felt obligated to rescue her once again before something happened. Walking through the house, he searched for her, finding her in the living room, dancing among other students. She looked positively trashed, throwing her head back, laughing like a maniac. Stalking closer to her, Eddie grabbed her arm and took the cup from her hands. "Aileen, that's enough. Come on, let's go." He had half expected her to glare at him, to tell him to fuck off, but instead she smiled. Which meant she was drunker than he originally thought. "Eddie!" She slurred, reaching for her cup. Holding it out of arms reach, Eddie glared down at her. "You are making a fool of yourself." He hissed, setting the cup down on a random surface, pulling her towards the front door. Laughing, Aileen shook her head. "Noo, I don't wanna go! Come on, Eddie, let's go dance!" "I don't dance, Princess. Knock it off, I'm taking you home."

Helping her into his van, Eddie rubbed his face. This was great. He didn't expect to have to deal with a drunken Aileen. It was weird seeing her this way, looking at him with a smile instead of frown. Getting into the van, Eddie pushed Aileen away from him when she went to lean against him. "You're being no fun right now, Eddie. It's a party, live a little!" "And you're too drunk to see how stupid you're being. Shut up and let me take you home."

She talked the whole drive back to her place, her mind clouded by the alcohols influence. She felt relaxed, briefly forgetting her disdain for Eddie. And while it annoyed Eddie that she wouldn't shut up, peeking at her out of the corner of his eye as he drove, he couldn't help but smile. He didn't want to admit it but he had sort of missed how carefree Aileen used to be. How she would talk to him about nothing and everything all at once. Nowadays, he could hardly get her to say two words to him, much less a conversation that didn't end with them arguing. It was sort of...nice.

Helping her up to the front door of her house, Eddie sighed when she tripped through the entry way, laughing as she did so. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Eddie supported her into the house. Holding her finger up to his lips, Aileen loudly whispered, "You have to be quiet, Eddie. My mom will freak if she finds out you're in my room." Rolling his eyes, Eddie grabbed her hand, removing it from his face and quietly hissed, "You're the one who needs to be quiet. I told you, shut up!"

Entering her room, Eddie dropped Aileen off on her bed, sighing as she burst into a fit of giggles. Running his hand through his hair, Eddie looked around the room when his eyes landed on a familiar item on her vanity. Walking over to it, he picked it up, running his hand over its surface. It was the book he had made her for her ninth birthday. It was a little worn out, the papers color changed slightly with age, but it was without a doubt the book. Smiling at the memory of making it, he delicately flipped it open, reading his little inscription. He couldn't believe she still had it.

Hearing the rustling of fabric behind him, Eddie assumed Aileen was climbing into her bed. Turning another page, wanting to read the silly little story he had written for her, he mumbled, "I can't believe you still have this." Aileen giggled behind him, telling him, "Of course I do. It's one of my most cherished possessions. I loved being a princess in that book, with you as my prince." Chuckling, Eddie set the book down and rubbed the back of his neck. Even back then, he had loved fantasy. If he were to write the story now, he still would have made her a princess, but he would have never made himself her prince. Turning around, with the intent of telling Aileen goodnight, Eddie was surprised when the drunken Aileen pushed him up against the vanity's surface, her hands on his face, pulling him down for a kiss. Bewildered at what was happening, Eddie placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her back. Breathing hard, he glared at her before he realized her shoulders were bare. Hadn't she been dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz?

Looking down at her body, his grip on her shoulders tightened. That rustling of fabric wasn't her getting into bed. It was her taking her clothes off. Her body was bare with the exception of her bra and underwear.

Gulping, Eddie gazed upon her nearly naked body for the first time. She truly did have a hedonistic body. Her breasts were smooth, their fullness rising and falling with every breath she took. Her abdomen was slashed with stretch marks, every single one enticing him, making him want to kiss every single pink slash. Her hips called to him, the desire to sink his fingers into them growing more as every second passed. And as his gaze passed over the apex of her thighs, Eddie had to close his eyes. No, he wasn't going to think about what was there. He didn't think he could stop himself if he went there.

Cradling his face, Aileen tried once again to kiss him, but Eddie grabbed her wrists, stopping her. "Aileen, stop." Furrowing her brow, unable to think straight, Aileen got on her toes, going for his neck. If he wouldn't let her kiss his lips, then she'd go for the next best thing. Softly kissing him along the column of this throat, reveling in how delicious he tasted, Aileen bit down on his skin, gently sucking him there. Delighted when he moaned, Aileen tried once again to kiss his lips, but he stopped her. Huffing, Aileen pulled away, stumbling a bit.

Looking at him, crossing her arms over her chest, Aileen asked, "Why won't you kiss me, Eddie?"

God, he wanted to. In that moment, he wanted nothing more. But...

"You're drunk, Aileen. I'm not going to do this while you're intoxicated. It wouldn't be right. Besides, you'd regret it in the morning, Princess. Trust me on that."

Pouting, Aileen sighed. "But, I want you to."

Laughing a little, Eddie shook his head and guided her to her bed. Throwing the covers back, he helped her onto its surface, ruffling her hair a little. "You only think you want that right now. I'm telling you, Princess, come morning...you'll be glad we didn't go there."

He turned to go, needing to leave before he did something he would later regret, but Aileens hold on his hand stopped him. Pulling him closer, Aileen suddenly looked somber. "Stay, Eddie." "Aileen, look..." Her eyes closed, and she kind of curled up. Quietly, she begged, "Please. I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be alone."

Sighing, Eddie looked around her room, unsure of why her drunken mood had changed so suddenly. It was as if she didn't really realize who she was talking to. Groaning in defeat, telling her to scoot over in her bed, he lay on top of the covers, straight as a board, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. Turning his head to the side to look at her, his eyes softened. She was looking up at the ceiling, her lip quivering. As sleep threatened to consume her, Aileen quietly asked Eddie, "Don't...don't you want me?" With that question, an odd revelation came to Eddie. It shook him to his core, but figuring she would forget everything come morning, Eddie leaned over and placed a kiss against her hair, before he admitted:

"Oddly enough...yeah, I do."

When she woke up the next morning, Aileen decided everything was too bright and too loud. Sitting up in bed, her head was pounding, nausea coming over her. Taking a deep breath, Aileen rubbed her eyes, looking down at herself. She was only in her underwear. Why was she only in her underwear? Trying to think back to the previous night, Aileen regretted drinking so much. She couldn't remember how she got home, how she ended up in bed, any of it. Looking around her room, Aileen saw something taped to her vanities mirror. Gingerly getting out of bed, throwing a shirt on, she walked to the piece of furniture, taking the note off the mirror and reading it.

Morning, Princess. Eat a breakfast heavy on carbs and try some tomato juice. Should help with the hangover I'm sure you're going to have. See you at school. -Eddie

It all came rushing back to her. Eddie. He had been the one to bring her home. Her face heating, Aileen sunk to the floor, his note clutched in her hands. "Oh my god..." She had attacked him, had tried to get him to sleep with her. Feeling mortified, Aileen winced as her mother called her down stairs, telling her the school bus would be by soon. Quickly getting ready, dressing in the first articles of clothing she grabbed, Aileen made her way downstairs, grateful that her mother always made a hearty breakfast. Shoving the breakfast in her mouth, Aileen moaned in appreciation. This was exactly what she needed. "How was the party last night? I didn't hear you come in." Swallowing the bite of French toast that she had been chewing on, not wanting her mother to catch on that she was hungover, Aileen tried her best to smile brightly. "Oh it was fun. Jason has a really nice house. It was just...great!" Nodding, Sylvia took a sip of her coffee, looking at her daughter. "Why don't you invite Eddie over for dinner this weekend?" Nearly choking on her food, Aileen coughed, looking at her mom in dismay. "Why would I do that? Nothing...nothing happened!" Raising her brow, Sylvia looked at her daughter contemplative. "What? I just think he should come over. He's welcome anytime...are you okay, Aileen? Are you coming down with something?" Standing quickly from the table, Aileen's head reeled, but she tried to play it off. "Yeah, nope, great. Fine, I'll..I'll ask him. I got to get going."

After she arrived at school, Aileen looked around cautiously. After remembering the events from the night before, she didn't want to run into Eddie. She was mortified at how she had behaved. Spotting him getting out of his van, Aileen ran toward the school, making a quick stop at her locker before she made a beeline towards home room. Sitting at her desk, Aileen sighed, glancing up at Jeff as he sat beside her. Greeting Aileen, Jeff looked down at her shirt, smiling. "Oh, are you coming to Hellfire tonight?" Looking down at her shirt, Aileen groaned. She hadn't even realized that the Hellfire shirt was the one she had thrown on that morning. Shaking her head, Aileen sighed. "No. No, I'm not. I don't want to be in the same room as Eddie, you know this. It was a mistake, I was in a rush this morning." Lookin a little defeated, Jeff nodded. "Yeah, I know. You know, he's really not that bad. I think he even feels bad about what happened between you two. He talks about you a lot, you know." Scoffing, Aileen rolled her eyes. She didn't think she could believe Jeff. All she knew was she was dreading having to see Eddie after lunch.

After lunch, Aileen stood in front of the door to Miss. O'Donnells class. The class she shared with Eddie. Praying that he decided to skip today, Aileen took a deep breath before entering.

He was there. Sitting in the seat next to hers, his arm propped up and his head resting in his hand, looking at the door. Seeing her standing there, gawking at him, Eddie gave Aileen a knowing grin. Trudging over to her seat, Aileen kept her focus on the front of the class, daring to not look in his direction. "Well, hello to you too, Princess." "Eddie." Grinning, Eddie observed the bags under Aileens eyes, her pale demeanor. She looked like hell. Seeing she was wearing a Hellfire shirt, he gave a small smile, knowing she probably hadn't meant to wear the article of clothing. Which made this whole situation seem so much funnier in his eyes. Leaning towards her, the grin upon his face never leaving, Eddie asked, "How was your Halloween?" Knowing he damn well knew how it was, Aileen shrugged. She was going to play it off as if she didn't remember what had happened. "It was fine. Nothing extraordinary happened." Chuckling, Eddie whispered, "Well, I don't know about you, but I got tricked into a little treat last night myself. Even have something to show for it."

Aileen could feel the blush spread across her face. Something to show for what? Unable to stop herself, Aileen looked at Eddie out of the corner of her eye. Giving her a condescending grin, Eddie tilted his head to the side, moving his hair away from his neck. And seeing the purplish hue the rest upon his skin, Aileens eyes shot to him fully, going wide. She had given him a hickey.

Seeing the look upon her face, Eddie couldn't help but laugh. He had discovered the hickey this morning, finding it hilarious that she probably wasn't going to remember giving it to him.

As the class went on, Aileen tried her best to ignore him, but his attention on her never wavered. He stared at her the entire time. Halfway through the lesson, he finally looked away, but only for a moment. When a folded up piece of paper landed on her desk, Aileen closed her eyes, wanting to disappear. Discreetly unfolding the note, Aileen read its contents.

We need to talk. Meet me at the diner after Hellfire gets out tonight.

Looking at him, Aileen wrote back her reply, tossing the paper to him.

There is nothing we need to talk about.

Reading her reply, with a lowered voice, he said, "Please, just meet me there."

"Mom, I won't be home for dinner tonight."

Looking at her daughter, Sylvia raised her brow. "Oh, are you going on another date with the Steve boy? Haven't seen him in a while. But, he seemed like a really nice young man. What are you two going to be doing?" Clearing her throat, Aileen shook her head. After their one date, although she liked Steve a lot, she decided much to Robins dismay to not see him again. She was mortified that he had been there to witness Eddie's musical call out to her. With the song he had chosen, and the way his eyes had never left her, Eddies message that night had been perfectly clear. Returning her attention to her mother, Aileen wrapped her arms around herself. "Uh, no. I'm not seeing Steve. I'm actually grabbing dinner with, um, Eddie."

Sylvia turned quickly to look at her daughter, a smile stretching across her face. "You're going on a date with Eddie? Oh, Aileen that's wonderful!" "It's not a date! God, never in a million years! He just wants to talk to me about something." Chuckling at her daughter adamance for having no feelings for Eddie, Sylvia thought about her daughter and the Munson boy. Sylvia had been upset that Aileen wasn't going to pursue a friendship with Eddie again. The two of them had been inseparable as kids, however brief their budding friendship had been. And her daughter had missed him dearly when they moved to Denver. So it excited her that, even if it wasn't a date, Aileen was at least hanging out with him in a friendly manner. "Okay, okay. Well, have fun. I can't wait to hear all about it."

Sitting in the diner, Aileen waited for Eddie nervously. Tapping her fingers on the tables sticky surface, when the door to the restaurant chimed, Aileen looked to the door and saw Eddie walk in, looking around, giving her a shit eating grin when he saw her sat at a booth. Sitting across from her, the waitress came and took their orders, Eddie ordering a burger and fries and Aileen a club sandwich.

Sitting across from each other, Eddie leaned back in his seat, regarding Aileen curiously. He was shocked she actually showed up, but she refused to look at him. Her eyes were focused on her hands, which were currently tapping against the table. "Thanks for coming." "Mhm." Reaching across the table, Eddie took one of Aileens hands in his, which forced her gaze to shoot up and look at him. That's what he wanted. What he needed, to look into her evergreen depths.

"Look, Aileen. I've been thinking a lot about you and I recently. And...I have a proposition."

Aileen had been staring at their intertwined hands, but she looked up at him when he said that. A proposition?

"What are you talking about? What proposition?"

Giving her that shit eating grin again, what Eddie said next made Aileen yank her hand away from his, her heart beat quickening, and her mind going blank.

"I think we should fuck."

There was no way she could have heard him right. He wanted to...with her...of all people? "What are you talking about!?" Shrugging, Eddie once again leaned back in his chair. "It's not really that complicated, Aileen. I think, you and I, should have sex."

Placing her head in her hands, Aileen took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart and clear her mind. Whispering, confused, she softly asked, "Eddie, why? Why would you possibly want to be in a relationship with me? We can't stand each other, remember?" Laughing, Eddie clutched his sides and shook his head. "Don't get the wrong idea, Princess. I do not want to be in a relationship with you." Her confusion growing, Aileen didn't know what to do, what to say. When she had come to the diner this evening, she had no idea what to expect from him. But this certainly wasn't it. She would have expected anything else, but not this. "I don't get it, Eddie. What...what are you getting at?"

The waitress came and set their food before them, but only Eddie began to eat. It was as if Aileen hadn't realized that her meal had arrived, she could only stare at Eddie in disbelief. He was acting so nonchalant about all this, whereas Aileen was internally freaking out. "Look, Princess, it's really very simple. It became obvious to me on Halloween. I want you. And you want me. And I think we should have a purely physical relationship. No attachments. No romance. Just sex."

Taking a bite of his burger, smiling at her as he did so, relishing in seeing the astonished look upon her face, Eddie leaned forward.

"So, what do you say?"

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