Late in the 4am hour [Player...

By KanjiHimari

9.5K 212 76

You don't travel much, but when you're a kid that's traveling over to their Aunt's house temporarily because... More

Beginning [01]
Setbacks [02]
Up and At Em [03]
Store [04]
Visit [05]
! Important thingy !
Sleepover [06]
Still up? Of course [07]
More Talking [08]
Off to the Diner [10]
Actually Into The Diner [11]
(AN) Thing
Nowhere else. [12]

Ow [09]

446 9 0
By KanjiHimari

Player gets hurt in the chapter so blood mention hh


 After your Aunt gave you two breakfast, you both decided to go out to not get bored. The sun was agonizingly bright, but it was a lovely day nonetheless.

 Player wanted to take you off to the bench, where you two would talk a bit before Player went off to go skateboard at the Park. It was a little far from home, but Player didn't seem to mind the walk. He seemed like he was flexing his skill, a bit. He did tricks, flips, and even did a trick that landed hard luckily not onto the ramp area, but sadly onto the sidewalk just as he was about to flip once more.

 "I'm ok!" He yelled from the ground, where he rubbed his nose and making a small noise that seemed like that fall stung.

 You rushed over to him.  "Dude, you're clearly not okay!" You panicked.

 "What do you mean?" Player said, just using one arm to stumble up.

 "You literally just fell on hard ground and your nose is bleeding."

 "...No it's not." He mumbled, as the blood drizzled and began to soak on his sweater.

 "Shit, we might need to take you somewhere to stop the bleeding."

 "The only closest spot is the store!" Player exclaimed. "Cashier might know what to do!"  

 "Wait, so Cashier DOESN'T work a night shift?" You suddenly spoke.

 "He does!" Player happily answers. "And the day one too!"

  "...Jeez-- ACTUALLY-- THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!" You shook your head trying to focus on the important thing right now. "Try keeping your nose up, I'll navigate wherever the hell Cashier is." You say, lightly grabbing Player by the arm. 


You rushed Player over to the store, where Cashier had his head in his arms. Player and you walked in. 


"Slow your roll." Cashier holds out his hands for Player to pause, immediately standing to inspect Player's bleeding nose. "That looks pretty bad. What'd you do?"

 "We'll explain that later!" You say. "Just please tell me you've got tissues or something to stop the bleeding."

 "Don't worry, I got you covered, luckily." Cashier goes behind the register and takes out a box of tissues. 

 "Thanks!" You quickly take them and stuff Player's nose with them. 

 "Urk!" Player gasps from suffocating from tissues. "Thanks Cashier!" They then give a thumbs up. 

 "Yea, thanks." You nod in agreement, looking over at Cashier, who had his arms crossed.

 "No problem." He replies. "So, how'd this happen?"
 "I fell and my nose began to bleed." Player manages to somehow say with a smile underneath all that tissue, his voice nearly muffled. 

 "This doesn't happen easily. Did you fall somewhere rough, like the skatepark ground?" Cashier asked. 

 "It wasn't there." You reply. "It was the sidewalk."

 "That's 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦." Cashier said. "How'd you even fall onto the sidewalk?"

 Player went pensive and just shrugged.

 "Let's just hope it's a nosebleed and that's it." You sit down next to Player, who seemed to stop in movement from the corner of your eye.

 "I doubt it, just check their arms and legs to make sure." Cashier replies, resting his head and arms on the counter tiredly.

 "Well, I don't feel any pain anywhere else." Player responds, rubbing their own arm.

 However, you notice something.

 "Player! Is your arm okay?" You ask. 

 "It's fine!" They reassure. "It just feels a bit--"

 You immediately poked his arm. 

 "OW!" They retract, pulling away from you.

 "Great, so you did get hurt." Cashier says, snapping back out of daydreaming and walking out from behind the counter. "Let me see it." Player sighed, showing Cashier the arm. "Looks a bit bruised up.." Cashier says, holding his hand to his chin. "I might have a medkit hauled somewhere around here."

 You turn over to Cashier. "How do you have all of that stuff?"

 "Backup stuff that I keep because of some accidents that happened around here." Cashier had a tone that had his eyes roll, like it seemed frequent. "Plus, there's always ice on the Freezer if there's no medkit." Cashier explains, digging through the counter before popping back up, saying "Annnd there's no extra kit supplies", opening the Freezer. "I need somebody to hold the Freezer door open for me. I cant open it from the inside if it closes."

 "I'll do it." You say. Cashier opens the door, leaving you to hold it as he scrummages around the place to find some ice. Cashier pulls out a small ice bag from the corner, and returns back outside, leaving you to close the freezer door. Cashier walks back over to Player.

 "Here, set this ice on your shoulder." He just shoved it into Players hands. "It might sting, but it helps."

 "Thanks." Player pressed it up against their own arm, flinching a bit.

  Cashier returned back behind the counter. "Is that all of the injuries you got?"

 "I think so.." Player says, soon after removing the tissue from their nose. "And my nosebleed stopped!" 

 "Good. You're lucky you didn't get a knee scrape or anything else." Cashier then points to a trash can. "Now, throw the tissues out." 

 Player obliges, as they toss the bloodied tissue over to the trash can. Since you're close by it, you get a bit curious, looking into the trash can to see where it landed. 

 "What the-??" You narrowed your eyes into an abyss of colors and stars and— IS THIS A MAGICAL TRASH CAN...?

"What's wrong?" Cashier asks, tilting his head. "It's just a trash can." 

 "Yeah." Player shrugs. "There's nothing wrong with it."

 "But— don't you see the—"

 "Yeah. We do. We just don't question it." Cashier shrugged. 


 After hanging around the store for a few minutes, and questioning the trashcans logic, you two soon leave the store. Player and you began walking onto the street about a block away from where you live. You two walked down the sidewalk as Player glances at something passing by. 

 "Wanna stop for a sec?" Player smiled, pointing behind them. You turned around to see a bench. 

 "A quick stop wouldn't hurt." You say. It wasn't even that late anyway. You and Player sit down at the bench. It was a little quiet outside. The quiet birds were more louder outside than anything else. Player sits down close. They shift over to you, looking nervous. 

 "So, (Y/N)..." Player looks you in the eye. "Thanks for helping me patch up my nose." 

 "No problem, Player." You smiled. Your stomach slightly sunk, nearly hesitating at the sentence. "It's what friends do, y'know?"

 It left a bad taste in your mouth. You probably weren't even gonna try much, but you hated saying "friend" in a sense. You couldn't even tell if it was too soon to or not. It just felt odd.

 "Yeah! Friends." Player smiles, then turning to look forward. You looked to the side. It felt a little too silent out here.

 "Player, are you ok?" You tilt your head. "You've been a bit quiet lately."

 "I'm.. good." Player nods. 

 "...Okay." You say. 

 It stays a bit silent for a bit. Player's head was turned away from you, so you couldn't even tell what he was feeling. You felt like something was definitely wrong. You looked at Player, who was basically just fiddling with his hands.

 "Player, are sure you're okay?"

 "I'm fine, I'm just. Thinking about something." Player brushes it off. "Can I ask you a question?"

 "Yeah," You looked back at Player. They stand up, directly in front of you. 

 "So, you, uh.. got a week left here, right?"

 "Yeah." You reply. "I do." 

 "Well, I just wanted to know-- if you wanted to go somewhere." Player says. "Something like a diner! If you're cool with it, of course." Player points in your direction, nervously chuckling. 

 You began chuckling a bit yourself. "I'd actually love to."  You said, smiling.

 "I fi-- wait what?" Players eyes widened a bit in shock.

 "Yeah, I'd love to go." You smile.

 "I- Cool!" Player smiled. "We can go tomorrow, if you want." 

 "That sounds good!" Your smile widened. 

 "So is it a.. date?" Player scratched the back of his head as you stood up.

 That's. Something that came out of nowhere. And coincidentally, you didn't quite mind. You tried making your happiness as calm as possible, but you couldn't contain an eager nod. "Sure! Why not. You're a cute dude, anyway."

  Player just chuckled slightly, turning a bit red. "Great! Well, wanna continue walking home now?" 

 "Yep, it's getting a bit late." You say. 

 The two of you finally reached your house and said your goodbyes.

 "See you then?" Player tilts their head.

 "See you then." You waved. Going back inside your Aunt's house, your Aunt pops her head out from the corner of the kitchen. 

 "Hey kiddo!" She says. "Dinner's almost done. It's your favorite, [Insert coincidental favorite food here]!"

 "Sweet!" You say, rushing to the table.

 While dinning on your [insert coincidental favorite food here], you couldn't wait to go to that diner that Player was talking about. It must be good if they wanted to go. 

 Might not be as good as this dinner at your Aunt's, though.



Hopefully you enjoyed, sorry it didn't come out yesterday, some family members came over 

edit: If you saw this unedited you didn't SHHHHHHHH

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