Jealousy- S.H. x Fem! reader

By FranticRomance

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(please understand that this is not edited and is my first book that I wrote a long time ago) Y/n Henderson i... More

Information you should know
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 1
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 2
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 3
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 4
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 5
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 6
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 7
๐ŸŒ—S1- Chapter 8
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 1
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 2
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 3
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 4
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 5
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 6
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 7
โ„๏ธS2- Chapter 8
๐ŸŽ†S3- Chapter 1
๐ŸŽ†S3- Chapter 2
๐ŸŽ†S3- Chapter 3
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 1
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 2
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 3
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 4
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 5
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 6
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 7
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 8
๐ŸƒS4- Chapter 9

๐ŸŽ†S3- Chapter 4

997 12 6
By FranticRomance

El screams in pain as the word like thing moves around in her leg. She cry, tears falling off of her face into my lap and I can't help but she'd a few tears as I watch my sister cry in pain.

"What is that" Erica asks

"There's something in there" Mike saids

"No!" El yells and I squeeze her hand letting her know I'm here

"Jesus Christ" Dustin saids

"Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Jonathan saids looking at me to which I nod and he runs off

"Jesus Christ" Dustin states again

"Hey, hey, hey. Stay with us. Stay awake, okay?" I say

"Let's get her on this side, get her on this side" Mike saids to which we all gently move her

"Easy, easy, easy" I say as we move her

"It's, uh.... You know, it's not actually that bad" Robin starts as I set El's head back on my lap and hold her hand while Mike holds her other hand "There was a... The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something, it was insane." Robin finishes

"Hey Robin" Steve saids


"You're Not helping" I say

"I'm sorry" she saids as Jonathan gets back

"Okay. All right, El?" Jonathan saids "this is gonna hurt like hell, okay?"

"Okay" El sobs and squeezes my hand

"Need you to stay real still." He saids while putting plastic gloves on "Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay" Jonathan saids and gives me a wooden spoon to put in her mouth to which I do while Dustin again saids "Jesus Christ"

Jonathan then takes out a hot knife and puts it up to El's leg and looks between me and Mike for approval To which me and Mike look at each other then nod

"Do it" I say

"Okay" Jonathan saids and with that cuts right into El's leg and El screams and squeezes my hand and I look away not wanting to see my little sisters leg being cut open.

"Oh shit" I hear Dustin say, I then hear the knife hit the ground and I look back at cut open leg and then I see Jonathan stick his hand into El's leg and I gasp at Jonathan's actions and El screams with the wooden spoon in her mouth. I squeeze El's hand

"Jonathan" Nancy yells

"Stop Talking" Jonathan yells back and moves his hand making El scream even move in pain "Goddamn it" Jonathan yells as he can't seem to find the thing in her leg

"No! Stop it!" El yells as the wooden spoon drops out of her mouth "Stop! Stop" and Jonathan takes his hand out while El starts to sit up and let's go of my hand so I help her and have my hands on her back for comfort "I can do it....I can do it" she raises her hand to her leg and we can hear the flesh in her leg move. I can feel the electricity coming off of her as she yells in agony. She screams as she tries even harder to get it out as the electricity grows then the window beside us breaks but luckily I threw the pieces the opposite way so they wouldn't hurt anyone. And El finally gets the creature out of her leg and it shrieks. She hovers it up for a little while and then throws it across the room and stops screaming and the electricity stops coming off of her. I take my hands off of her back to see little electricity bolts between my hands and her back but the father I move my hands the more the disappeared until they were gone. Weird. The creature try's to crawl away only for it to be crushed by someone's foot... we all look up to see Hopper, Joyce, and....Murray? What is he doing here I thought to myself.

"The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins" Mike starts to explain "to stop El, to kill her, possibly y/n too now that we know she's back, and pave a way into our world"

"And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it" Max saids

"How big is this thing?" Hopper asks

"It's big" Jonathan saids "Thirty feet, at least"

"Yeah. It sorta destroyed your cabin." Lucas saids looking at Hopper "Sorry"

"Okay, so, just to be clear, this...this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it's some kind of gigantic...weapon?" Steve asks from beside me

"Yes" Nancy saids

"But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon...with melted people."

"Yes, exactly"

"Yeah, okay. I—yeah, I'm just making sure." Steve saids as I grab his hand and interlock our fingers

"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce asks

"El beat the shit out of it, but yeah, it's still alive." Max saids

"But if close the gate again—" Will starts

"We cut the brain off from the body" Max saids

"And kill it" Lucas pipes up

"theoretically, we just gotta hope no one opens it...again" I say

"Yoo...Hoo" Murray saids running with papers in his hands and waving them to which we all look at him

He slammed them on a table "Okay, this is what Alexei called "the hub" Now the hub takes us to the vault room."

"Okay, where's the gate?" Hopper asks

"Right here. I don't know the scale on this, but I think it's fairly close to the vault room, maybe 50 feet or so."

"More like 500" Erica saids and steps up to the table to which we all do and Murray just looks at her "what, you're just gonna waltz in there like it's commie Disneyland or something?"

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Murray asks

"Erica Sinclair. Who are you?" Erica replies

"Murray... Bauman"

"Listen, Mr. Bunman, I'm not trying to tell you how to do things, but I've been down in that shithole for 24 hours. And with all do respect, you do what this man tells you, you're all gonna die." Erica saids pointing at Joyce and Hopper on the last part

"I'm sorry, why is this four-year-old speaking to me?"

"Um, I'm ten, you bald bastard!"

"E-Erica!" Lucas exclaims

"Just the facts"

"She's right. You're all gonna die, but you don't have to." Dustin saids making his way over to Murray "Excuse me, Sorry, may I?"

"Please" Murray saids to which Dustin sits down and has the map in front of him

"Okay, see this room here? This is a storage facility." Dustin saids pointing at places on the map and circling places with a pencil. "There's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system." He then starts to make a line to another area "That will lead you to the base of the weapon. It's a bit of a maze down there, but between me, Robin, and Erica, we can show you the way."

"You can show us the way?" Hopper asks

"Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and the dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your...navigators."

"No" Hopper saids to which Dustin just stares at him in disbelief "Nope" Hopper saids shaking his head

"Welp that settles it. He's gonna die. They're gonna die." Erica saids walking over to Dustin. I ignore their conversation and look at Steve's and my hands and smile. He squeezes my hand and I look up at him to which I already see him looking at me. I smile at him to which he smiles at me. I turn my attention back to Dustin to see him talking with the party so I walk over and let go of Steve's hand.

"We could've really used you guys down there." Dustin saids as I stand between him and Will

"Could've used you up here, too." Mike saids

"Yeah, man. We missed you, dude." Lucas saids

"Yeah. Big-time." Will saids to which I smile at all of them and then they hug to which I join

"Yay, all of my children aren't fighting anymore" I say to which they all laughed

"We missed you too, y/n" Will saids

"I missed you guys too, big-time"

"Please don't cry, nerds." Erica saids

"Erica" Lucas saids

"Keep saying my name, see what happens." Erica tells Lucas

"Hey, heads up." Hopper saids and throws Dustin walkie "You can navigate, just from someplace safe." Hopper saids walking over to us

"It's not that simple." Dustin saids

"The signal won't reach" I said

"Not with this. You need something with a high enough frequency band to relay with the Russians' radio tower. But for that to work, you need someone who has both seen their Comms room and has access to a super powered handcrafted radio tower, one preferably already situated at the highest point in Hawkins." Dustin finishes "oh wait, that's me. If you want us to navigate, you got us. But we need a head start....And a car"

"All right" Hopper saids and to which he pulls out car keys and hands them to me and Dustin and the rest start to run over to Steve and before I could Hopper speaks "y/n"

"Yeah" I say turning around to him

"Go with them and then if you figure out that El and the rest have not left yet then get right back over here and help El please..." Hopper pleads putting a hand on my shoulder "and no your not going with me because of the fact that you are never going near a gate again"

"All right...I will make sure they get to careful down there okay" I say to him and then hug him to which he hugs me back

"I will kid....I will"

"Oh, man, now this..." Steve saids as he opens the doors and we all walk out to see a yellow car "this is what I'm talkin' about!"

"Toddfather?" Robin saids reading the license

"Oh screw, Todd. Steve's her daddy now." Steve saids then winks at me to which I blush and roll my eyes with a smile. I hop over the door into the passenger seat and Steve hops into the drivers seat

"Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?" Robin asks as Dustin, Erica, and herself make it to the backseat

"Did he just call himself daddy?" Erica asks as they get in the back

"All right, where are we going" Steve asks

"Weathertop" Dustin saids


"Just drive" Dustin and I say in unison

"Okay. Jesus!" Steve saids putting the keys in the ignition and backs out of the parking position and starts driving to the road

"Jesus, how far is this place, man?" Steve says after a good bit on the road

"Relax, we're almost there." Dustin saids

"Suzie must be pretty special, huh?" Robin asks "I mean, if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?"

"I mean, nobody's scientifically perfect," Dustin starts and Steve puts his hand on my thigh to which I smile "but Suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be."

"She sound made-up to me" Erica saids "She sound made-up to you guys?"

"No I mean I have seen her...but if I haven't already seen her then yeah, how about you Steve?" I say to which Dustin gives me a confusing look then his eyes go wide...time goes by and Steve still doesn't answer

"Why are you hesitating, Steve?" Dustin asks

"I'm—I'm—I'm not! I'm not!" Steve stutters "I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real."

"Left. Turn left." Dustin

"There's not a road here."

"Turn left now!" To which Steve takes his hand away and jerks the stirring wheel left

"Jesus! Hang on!" I yell

"Whoa! Henderson, where are we going?!" Steve yells

"Up!" Dustin yells to which I laugh at their dumbness

"Oh, Jesus" Steve saids

"We're not gonna make it!" Robin yells

"Yes, we are. Come on, baby. Come on, baby!" Steve saids to which the car starts to slow down and the car stops "Come on!"

"Guess the Toddfather has its limitations" Robin saids and they all get out

"I guess your baby couldn't handle the ride" I say putting a hand on Steve's shoulder to which he glares at me so I smile. We both get out of the car and start our walk up the rest of the way

Once we reach the top Dustin runs to the mic and I put my head on Steve's should to which he puts an arm around my waist

"Bald Eagle, do you copy? Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Dustin asks in his mic

"Yes, I copy." Murray saids and Dustin chuckles with relief

"Call sign?" Dustin asks

"Bald Eagle" Murray says in annoyance

"Please repeat" Dustin saids

"Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle!"

"Copy that. Good to hear you voice Bald Eagle, what's your 20?"

"We reached the vent. I'll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence."

"Roger that, Bald Eagle." Is all hear Dustin say before I leave Steve's grip and I focus my Attention on the Mall. As I stand on the hill side watching the mall making sure nothing bad is going on I feel a pair of hands on both of my hips snaking around my waist. I look over to see the one and only Steve Harrington. I look back at the mall not wanting it to leave my sight... I close my eyes as I feel Steve's grip tighten and as I here Dustin and Murray talking about how to find his way around and I just lean my head on Steve's shoulder.

"I really wish, this was over" I said

"I do too" Steve replies "but if it was I wouldn't see you again"

"Yeah, you got a point there" I say as I open my eyes and turn around putting my arms around is neck

Then I remember exactly what Hopper told me so I quickly turn back around to see the mall lights flickering

"Steve..." I say getting his attention and I point at the mall to which his eyes widen. We look at each other "Guys...Guys!" I yell getting everyone's attention "Get over here" to which they all run over to where me and Steve where standing and I point at the mall and I look at Dustin "Go see if they are still there...Go!" I yell to which he runs back to the mic and I get out of Steve's grip as we all follow

Dustin quickly picks up the mic "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" To which there is silence "Griswold Family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you—" Dustin gets interrupted with a creature shrieking "Griswold Family, do you copy?!" Dustin yells "Do you copy?!" And then we hear a loud roar "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop. Please Confirm your safety!.....Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop. Please Confirm your safety! Are you en route to Bald Eagle's nest? Please confirm your safety! Someone, please just answer. Is anyone there? Just answer!....Anyone, please...." Dustin yells "Griswold Family, do you copy?...Griswold Family, do you copy? Do you copy?" Dustin yells to which Steve and I take off running

"Where are you going?!" Erica yells

"To get them the hell outta there!" Steve replies "Stay here, contact the others"

"Wait y/n!" Dustin yells "Stay in touch" He saids and throws me a walkie to which I catch it and nod. Then run of back to Steve who was already in the car so I jump over the door and backs up onto the road and we drive to the mall

"Can this thing go any faster" I say

"I am going as fast as I can" Steve replies and I groan in annoyance

"Maybe your "Baby" isn't so great at all" He just glares at me and I laugh

We finally reach the mall to see Billy's car driving fast towards Nancy as everyone else was in the car and Nancy had her gun out pointed at Billy and was shooting

"Ram into him" I say to which Steve looks at me and back at Billy

"All right, hold on" Steve saids and with that he pushes the gas pedal all the way down and we ram right into Billy's side and we spin. I put my hands on the dash so I don't fly out of the car. And we come to a holt, Steve and I watch as Billy's car lights on fire and we just look at each other and chuckle

"Are you okay" He asks

"Ask me tomorrow?" I say and we both look back at the damage we just created. We both then hear the creature snarl so we both stand up to see big fleshy Mind Flayer on top of Star Court Mall "oh shit"

Nancy and Jonathan pull op beside us honking telling us ti get in we jump out of the car and into the back of Nancy's car. Steve got in first then me... Jonathan then stepped on the gas.

While the Mind Flayer was following us on the road I stared at it hoping it wouldn't turn back and go back to the mall. Suddenly a girls voice came from my walkie Dustin gave me

"Dusty-Bun, you copy?"

"I copy, Suzie-poo." Dustin saids to which Steve and I look at each other "it sounds much better now thanks"

"Suzie" Steve and I say in Unison and I smile

"Okay, so, listen, do you know Plank's constant?"

"Do you know the Earth orbits the sun?"

"Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a...W-what is it?"

"Okay let me just be clear on this. I haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know so you the world?"

"Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible."

"You can make it up to me now."


"I want to hear it." I look up to see everyone's eyes on me confused on what my brother is doing to which I shrug and look back down

"Not right now"

"Yes, now, Dusty-bun."

"Suzie-poo, this is urgent"

"Yes, yes, you're saving the world, I heard you the first time, but Ged is also saving Earthsea and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is Suzie, signing off."

"Wait, wait, wait! Okay. Okay, okay...shit" he says "Turn around" he starts to sing and I can barely hold in my laughter. I look up to see everyone looking at me again their eyes saying what is Dustin doing "Look at what you see" he continues holding out the "e" in "see" "In her face the mirror of your dreams"

"Make believe, I'm everywhere." Dustin and Suzie sing together "Given in the light" I smile knowing that me brothers happy "Written on the pages is, The answer to a Never Ending Story, ohhh" They continue "Reach the stars, Fly a fantasy. Dream a dream, and what you see will be, Rhymes that keep their secrets will, unfold behind the clouds, And there upon a rainbow is The answer to a Never Ending Story ohhh, Story, ohh"

"Planck's constant is 6.62607004." Suzie saids

"You just saved the world" Dustin replies

"Gosh, I miss you, Dusty-Bun"

"And I miss you more, Suzie-poo"

"I miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy."

"No, I miss you—"

I'm gonna guess Erica had enough and turned his radio off and I laugh at my brothers dumbness

"I am never going to let him live that down" I say

"I'm not either" Lucas says and we all share a laugh. After I calm down I look back out to see the Mind Flayer still chasing after us then we see it starting to turn around

"It's turning around" Steve tells Jonathan

"What?" Nancy saids

"It's turning around" I repeat

"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas saids

"Or maybe someone's not dead" I say

"Hold on" Jonathan saids then completely makes a U-turn making me fall into Steve. I quickly sit back in my seat holding Steve's hand. Once we get to the mall Lucas suggests we take the fireworks in. Which I think is a smart idea since the Mind Flayer likes it cold. We reach the top of the building to see the mind Flayer about to attack El so I quickly light a firework and throw it at the mind Flayer and it roars in pain

"Flay this, you ugly piece of shit" Lucas saids and throws a firework right into its mouth and we all start throwing all the fireworks we had

"Hey, asshole! Over here!" Steve yells from beside me and throws a firework. The Mind Flayer shrieks in annoyance and pain as the fireworks don't stop and I see Billy is too. I see El trying to crawl away then Billy pulls her back and pushes her to the ground multiple times.

"We're almost out!" I hear will yell at Lucas to which I look at Steve's and I'd box to see three left

"Steve we only have three" I say and look up at him

"We gotta make the most outta it then" He saids. I have the urge to go and fight. I look down at El again seeing that Billy hasn't stopped and I look back at Steve seeing him throw another firework. I grab him by the shirt and kiss him.

Once we part I speak "I love you, don't die" he looks at me with worry and I give him one more kiss then run to the stairs and I hear him call my name as I do so. I run over to Billy to see El speaking to him. It looked like he finally came to his senses because El wiped away a tear that fell from his eye. The fireworks ended and He stood up. I watch as the mind flayer pushed a tentacle towards El but Billy caught it before it got to El. I ran to El and pulled her back away from Billy and the Mind Flayer as Billy yelled in pain. Another tentacle came from the creature and hit Billy in his left kidney and another in his right and more around him as he dropped the tentacle he was holding and he screams in pain. Another Tentacle came out but right before it could hit Billy I held with my powers

"I don't think so" I said Billy might already be gone but the least I can do is make it not as painful for Max to watch. I disconnected all of the tentacles that held Billy and he fell.

I walked up to the Mind Flayer and held it into the air. It shrieked in pain as I screamed. I felt like I had more power in me then I ever had and then I saw the lightning bolts again. They were blue and red. They were coming out of my hands. My body started to lift as I was toasting the Fleshy being with my improved powers. I screamed as I pushed harder into beating this thing I started closing my hands some bolts were going all over the place creating fires. It shrieked and roared in pain and all of a sudden it exploded. Once I saw what I had done. I lowered myself to the ground as I felt blood pouring out of my nose and my knees felt weak. I fell to my knees and passed out knowing that I did the best I could and no one else got hurt

My eyes opened to see fire and everyone looking down at me from the balcony... well I guess I wasn't passed out for long. I got up from my spot and looked behind me to see Max crying while El hugged her and I saw Billy's dead body on the ground. I stood up knowing it was finally over. Tears stained my eyes and I wiped my nose with my sleeve. I walked over to Max and she hugged me to which bring her into a tight hug and pull El into it as well

"I'm sorry, Max. I'm so sorry" I say hugging the two girls

"It's not your fault, y/n! You saved us, you saved all of us and if that thing went through Billy I probably wouldn't have got to talk to him a little bit before he died, so y/n, thank you." Max reassures me to which I give them one last squeeze and let go seeing Steve runing towards me. He hugs me and swings me around then let's me stand on my feet

"I'm so proud of you, you know that right. I love you so much y/n Henderson" He saids and kisses my cheek as we hear helicopters

"I love you too, Steve Harrington" I say and snuggle my head into the crook of his neck

We were escorted out of the building by military and I chose to stay with El until we found Hopper. We saw Will and Joyce hugging and me and El looked at her to which see looked at us too and gave El the look that Hopper was...gone. I brought El into a hug as she hugged me tightly and cried into my shirt and I even shed tears.

Hopper was like a father figure to me since Dr. Brenner was the best person in the world and when I was adopted into the Henderson family the man of the family was already gone. El shakes her head into my shoulder

"No" she cried and I rubbed her back crying myself

Three months later

People are still wondering how I am alive and where I went. People call me a freak when I walk past them and honestly I don't care. I now know how Will felt when he came back from the Upside down. My mom doesn't understand on how I am back, but since I missed a whole semester of school she decided to put me in school to finish out my senior year.

We pull into Family Video since Steve, Robin, and I too needed a job

"You put your mom down as a reference?" Robin asked as we all get out of the car

"Yeah. Why not? She's, like, super well-respected." Steve saids then opens the door for both of us to which we both walk in.

"You're such a dingus" Robin remarks


"Uh, just to be clear, we weren't fired, you know." Robin tells Keith, man at I going to hate this job "The mall burned down and, like killed a bunch of people."

"Thanks for sharing. Didn't know." He says the hands back our résumés "Three favorite movies. Go." He saids and points at Robin

"Uh...The Apartment, Hidden Fortress, Children of Paradise." Robin says

"You go" he says and points at me

"Oh uh...Star Wars the empire strikes back, Children of the Corn, and um...Raiders of the lost Ark"

"Okay, go" Keith saids the points at Steve

"Favorite movies?" Steve asks

"Did I stutter?"

"Uh...Animal House, for sure." Steve saids to which I put my head in my hands and Robin scoffs "um" Keith then starts snapping

"Eyes on me, Harrington." Keith saids and points at his eyes making a very weird face to which I look over at Steve

"Yeah. Uh...Star Wars."

"A New Hope." Keith asks

"A new what-now?"

"Which Star Wars?"

"The one with the teddy bears. Duh." He then squeals to which I kick him and he looks at me and I give him a glare "No?" I rest my head on Robins shoulder as she drops her head "Uh...oh, the one that just came out. The movie that just came out. The one with DeLorean and Alex P. Keaton," he says to which Robin and I look at him "and he's trying to bang his mom" He continues and I smile at the memory of us at the water fountain

"Back to the Future?" I ask

"Yeah, yeah, those are my top three. Classics."

"You two start Monday" Keith saids pointing at Robin and I "You start Never" He saids pointing at Steve to which Robin and I look at Steve and he looks at us

"Will you just, um... Will you give us a minute?" I ask Steve and squeeze his hand. He looks at me.


"Steve, please" I say and he gives my hand a squeeze before he nods and walks off yanking his résumé with him.

"All right, you have to understand, Keith, We know his taste is a bit pedestrian, but the dingus has other qualities." I say turning to Keith and Robin nodding her head

"He's a douchebag of the highest order." Keith saids to which I glare daggers at him and was about to tell him off before Robin spoke up

"He was a bit of a prick to us in high school" Robin starts "I'll grant you that, but he remains... a total chick magnet" she saids to which I snap my head over to her and give her a questioning look

"Yeah, okay, and this is relevant to me how?"

"Uh, Earth to Keith" I say "The ladies will come in just to see him"

"They'll come in droves. Droves, Keith. We sold so much ice cream" Robin saids

"So much ice cream" I add

"That they had to get a second shipment in from Michigan. Goddamn Michigan, Keith. And these ladies...These ladies are hot, they're so very hot." She continues "And there are too many of them for little Steve," I look back over to her and stare daggers at her to which she glances at me and looks back at Keith "And you know once these ladies figure out right of the bat that Steve is taken by y/n, it is gonna get overwhelming. So while these ladies are disappointed, they would need you assistance Keith, your assistance" Robin finishes

"What's in it for you? I know y/n and him are together but do you have a thing for him or something?" Keith asks Robin.

We then hear some crashing noise behind us so we turn and look to see Steve crashing into a sign of a girl in a bikini about to pull it off

"Goddammit. This is—Hm" Steve saids as he picks it up and try's to fix it

"We're just, um... We're just friends, Why are you with this dingus?" Robin asks

"Because for some reason I love him" I say

"Oh, Fast times. Fast times. Ever heard of it? Top three for me, Keith." Steve saids to which Robin and I laugh at him

After we drop off Robin Steve drives me to the Byers residence since today was moving day

Once we arrived it looked like they were mostly packed which saddened me since I wanted to help. I saw Joyce and ran up to her and gave her a hug "Are you guys already done?" I asked

"There is a few boxes that El is finishing and The other kids are too but yeah almost" Joyce replied

"I'm sorry I couldn't help pack" I say

"Oh dear, it's alright" Joyce reassures me. I nod and walk inside with Steve beside me. And we hear Lucas and Max singing while Dustin stares at them in disbelief

"Awe, guys stop picking on poor little Dusty-Bun" I say walking in the room Dustin was in and the other to snicker at my comment "I mean why don't you join them Dusty-Bun"

"Yeah, Come-on, Dusty-Bun, why don't you join us?" Max saids

"You guys are so Funny, you should be on Carson." Dustin remarks

"Can't we just hear your rendition?" Max saids


"Please, Just one verse?" Max pleads

"No. No way. It's revered for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ear alone." Dustin states to which me and Steve look at each other

"Turn around" Steve and I start to sing

"Look at what you see" Max and Lucas join us and they clap along with the verses and Dustin sticks his middle finger up at all us and waves it around. Steve and I stop singing but the other two don't

"I'll be back" I tell Steve and run off to find El but instead I find Will and Mike

"Yeah but what if you wanna join another party" Mike yells Will and I look at the box in front of Will to see a lot of his DND books in

"Not possible" Will saids and they both smile at each other

"Have you guys seen El" I ask

"Oh, yeah she's just follow me" Will saids and walks off to which I follow. He leads me to a room in the back of the hallway and I walk in as he walks away

"Hey, Kid" I say looking at her as she looks like she's trying to use her powers to get something in the closet that she can't reach "want help?"

She looks at me and nods so I walk over to her and bring the teddy bear out of the closet with my powers and give it to her "thanks" she saids

"They'll come back, someday, they will, I promise" I say looking at her "I guess this is really happening huh?"

"Yeah I guess so"

"Oh, come here" I say with tears falling. I pull her in a hug

"Why don't you come with me?"

"Well, El, if something wrong happens again I have to be here to protect our friends and even though you are my family, I have other family here. I love you El...don't forget it"

"I love you too, y/ safe" El says

"I will, send me letters while your gone, I will make sure I send you millions of safe okay?"

"Okay" she saids and with that I walk out and pass Mike on the way

After packing was done and everything was loaded...we all were outside hugging everyone. First I hugged Jonathan, then I hugged Joyce, then El, and lastly I hugged Will. We stood there for a while.

"I know the last couple of years haven't been good for you...but I hope your town and school, and new babysitter treats you good" I say tears falling down my cheeks

"You were the best babysitter, I hope you know that" giving me a gentle squeeze

"Okay, Thank you, be safe, I love you will"

"I love you too" he says and walks to the trailer

The Uhaul and Jonathan's car drive away and we all stand and watch as they leave Hawkins. The kids hop on their bikes and ride home and Nancy hops in her car and drives home. Steve and I get in his car and he drives me home.

I give him a quick kiss and before I get out "I love you Steve Harrington"

"I love you too y/n Henderson" and with that I get out of the car and go into the house. I find my brother on my bed waiting for my tears stained his face. I held my arms out and he came and hugged me

5098 words

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