Red And Beyond (Camren)

By RedLightKordei

265K 5.7K 2.9K

Lauren Jauregui finally starts her senior year of high school. Being on the softball team doesn't stop her fr... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7 (Part 1)
Chapter 7 (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Part 1)
Chapter 19 (Part 2)
Chapter 19 (Part 3)
Chapter 20
New Fanfic?(:
AN (important)
Chapter 21 (Part 1)
50 Shades of Jauregui
Shameless Promo

Chapter 1

25.4K 441 251
By RedLightKordei

Lauren was zooming down the hallway on the first day of school, trying to pinpoint the exact locations of all her classes to avoid being late later on in the day. Although, Lauren attended the same high school for 4 years, the classes get switched around every year incase of bias among staff.

After recollecting the map of the school, Lauren places her bag in her locker, stuffing it into the small space. She slams it only to be met with the eyes of her best friend, Dinah Jane.

"Hey loser, you don't seem to be in a good mood today? What happened, cat caught your tongue?" Dinah laughed, but after making her somewhat funny joke, she noticed Lauren's features stay still. Dinah grew with concern for the shorter girl, wondering what had upset her that morning.

"I'm fine, I just don't understand the point of constantly moving the classes every year. I have to wake up early every fucking day in stress that I may be late." Lauren said with obvious frustration, she ran her fingers through her hair.

"That's exactly why we do it Ms. Jauregui," Lauren and Dinah sharply turned their heads to the direction of the unfamiliar voice, they turn to be met with the school principle, "maybe if you didn't complain about it then you would have enough time to find your classes. Anywho, have fun on your first day, I look forward to seeing you around." The principle snickered and headed down the hall.

"What a dick." Dinah mumbled, her eyes lit up when she recalled something, "hey did you hear about the new English teacher?"
"What new English teacher?" Lauren asked, trying to sound as interested as she possibly can, but in actuality Lauren didn't care much for school gossip. However, Dinah lived off of it.

"Her names Ms. Cabello. Apparently shes a student teacher, only 18! The school board was so impressed by her that they just had to make her a teacher here. The only catch is that she's a teacher before lunch, the rest of the day she's a student. Which is kinda cool if you think about it." Dinah said, her voice rising up with each word. She genuinely seemed to be excited to meet this new teacher.

Lauren took in Dinah's words, and placed her index finger on her chin. 'Hmm' she hummed. "That's actually the only story you've told me that actually is sorta cool. A+ for you." Lauren teased, taking off Dinah's snapback and running down the hall with it.

"Come here you little shit," Dinah screamed, practically at the top of her lungs. She angrily chased Lauren down the hall, bumping into a couple freshman who looked terrified by the larger girl.

"Hey finally got you!" Dinah smiled when she saw Lauren come to a stop near the staircase doors. She suddenly lost control of her feet as she slipped on a spilled liquid. Her body collided with Lauren's, sending them both into the staircase doors.

"Uh oh," Lauren mumbled into someone's shirt, showing Dinah that she had just made a Jauregui sandwich. Dinah peeled off of Lauren, gasping at who Lauren had been launched into after their little previous accident. It was the principle. Lauren peeled herself off of him and looked at his unamused face. His eyebrows knit together to show his anger. After a long silence, Lauren began scratching her arm in nervousness.

"Jauregui, Hansen, in my office, now," he said in a deep serious voice. Lauren and Dinah exchanged glances, then followed the tall man to the other side of the building.

When the finally reached his office, Dinah and Lauren sat down in the seats infront of the big desk. Lauren slipped Dinah's hat back to her, meanwhile Dinah sat there in silence. 'I'm sorry' Lauren mouthed to Dinah. Dinah gave a sad smile in return.

The principle came and sat down in his desk, "Lauren, you're a smart kid. You really are. You're also our number one champ on the softball team. And how can I forget to mention your soon to be acceptance in UOM. However, that all can vanish. I can make it vanish. You want to be the trouble maker of the year? Go right ahead Jauregui, but I won't save your ass when UOM asks about your detention record." The principle spoke, his threatening eyes flashing at Lauren. Lauren began playing with her fingers, putting her head down in obvious shame.

The thought of not going to University of Miami destroyed Lauren. It was her longtime dream to go there. She couldn't imagine going to any other university.

"And you Dinah, I really have nothing good to say about you. I guess you already give yourself enough punishment by being inactive, unintelligent, and uneventful. If you think you're dancing is gonna take you anywhere, reconsider." The principle said, now giving death glares to Dinah. Dinah balled her fists together, her anger seemed to have grown by the silence in the room. Lauren shot Dinah a pleading look, if Dinah did something to get suspended one more time, she would be kicked out of school.

Dinah took a deep breath, recollecting herself, "I sincerely apologize. On my behalf, and Lauren's. It was my fault. I'm very sorry Mr. Williams." Laurens eyes widened at the apology Dinah had given. Dinah never seemed to be the kind of girl that had it in her to control her anger. Especially under circumstances like this.

The principle got up, and held the door open for the two girls, "remember Jauregui, I'm warning you." He said.

A/N: Thanks for reading if you made it this far into the chapter. This story was kinda inspired by PLL. So yup, tell me your thoughts so far.

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