Remember Her? (an II au)

By Airy45

7.6K 133 647

What makes a person lose their mind? Why does history repeat itself so maliciously? History repeats itself, t... More

2- never able to let go
3- productivity, change is good
4- lightbulb
5- 9 years ago, a pink hairbow
6- "fan's" plan
7- meeple city
8- how it all went down
9- the recruit
10- "fan, oh won't you listen?"
11- it begins...
12- the war [part 1]
13- the war [part 2]
14- the war[part 3]
15- the bright lights
16- the cure that Cabby was looking for
17- re-meet paintbrush

1- meet paintbrush

1.5K 26 83
By Airy45

TW: mild cursing/offensive language, mentions of medications and mental illness and death


(A/N: quotes from a chapter will be added at the beginning since it is a sneak peek into the chapter)

Quote from chapter:
-Maria(Test Tube)


// POV:
Paintbrush //







"I'm awake..... ugh...."

I groan as I sit up. "What time is it...?" I rub my eyes and I look at my clock. Phew, it's still around six...

I then stand and I make my bed, then proceeding to sit back down on it. I look at the piles of dirty sweaters, shirts, jackets, shoes, hats... and crumpled up pieces of paper on the floor. I've gotta clean that later...

I then glance toward my roommate's bed.


I jump back up and I slam down the window next to my roommate's bed. I'm so glad he didn't get wet... that would've been a disaster...

Sometimes I wish I was a fan too... that way I would have an excuse to hate water...

I then look around the room. My desk was  covered but at least the papers and supplies on it were stacked onto neat piles... unlike my frenemy's desk which was extremely messy. I tried to clean it once and he screamed at me and said it was organized... who the fu- funny guy would do that?! Petra used to do that...

But I've gotta stop thinking about her.

It only would result in me crying- and I DON'T CRY. Crying is for babies.

I step over the mountains of shoes and sweaters and empty bags of potato chips on my way to the mini fridge. I lean over it and I pull out some milk. "Aw f- I mean aw darn! Oh my goodness where could this cereal be!" I roll my eyes sarcastically. "Seriously though where is- and now I'm talking to myself, just great."

I retreat back to the pile of clothes and I rummage through them. I might as well sort through everything anyway... not like Ray ever does anything productive. He just sits around watching TV when we don't have classes... I hate being a roommate with him. But at the same time, he takes care of Petra's pet crab from middle school...

Baxter... how is he still even alive? Where the hell did Petra get him anyway? Eh, whatever, not like I can ask her.

The thought of her makes my eyes start to tear but I shove it down, I'm not a crybaby. That's for sure.

I must have been zoning out, because next thing I know, all the clothes are sorted. Huh. Well, I can multitask... BUT STILL NO CEREAL! IT'S 7 AM AND I'M STARVING!

I take the pile I made of mine and Ray's clothes and I bring them to the hamper. I go to throw it in when- "what the fu..." I cringe. "Who puts cereal in the hamper...?"

I pick up the box of cereal and I shove the clothes in, the cereal box was luckily still closed.

I sit at the small table and I grab a bowl. I fill it with cereal and I pour the milk in. After eating, I put the milk and cereal away and I put the bowl next to the sink. 7:20... I should probably go before Ray gets up.

Whenever he gets up, he always... seems to forget about what happened to Petra. And after around a minute, he remembers and freaks out... and then calms again after approximately two minutes. I don't understand why, it's been 9 years. We should ALL be over this by now... but I guess not.

Maria still has episodes after the whole thing, Ray still forgets, even I- though I hate to admit it- still get a little sad when thinking of Petra and how the four of us used to be...

Heck, even Ray's middle school social studies teacher- who I think now is a professor at our collage- is still upset by the event... though I'm sure this has nothing to do with Petra. It was likely from... him...

Anyway- I should get out of here before Ray gets up.

I walk toward the drawers that me and Ray share and I pull out one of my yellow sweaters. I pull it over my head and I walk toward the bathroom to fix my bristles...

I walk into the bathroom and I glance toward our shower- something I'll have to clean later. The shower head is all dusty and dirty since Ray never uses it and I usually don't wash my bristles since I HATE when they get wet.

Speaking of my bristles... I look into the mirror.

And oh my gosh... my bristles... it's hideous! I splash water on my face and I quickly grab a purple towel and I dry it. I then grab my orange comb and I try to fix it... ugh! Can't believe I was almost seen looking like that...

After fixing my bristles, I walk out of the bathroom and into the main part of the room. I hear the rain start to pour more heavily onto the roof and I groan. Stupid rain.

I grab my raincoat on the way out the door. Ray usually wakes up at 9 so I have plenty of time... and my classes start at 10 so I won't have to bring my backpack with me.

And with that, I grab my sketchbook and I open the door.

.     .     .

The rain is coming down hard when I finally step out onto campus so I pull up the hood of my raincoat. Shi- shoot! Darn! It sure is raining out here! I put my sketchbook under my coat and I Speed-walk to the nearest awning. I sigh as I sit onto the bench underneath.

I pull out my sketchbook. My art course requires a sketch for a painting by next week, and I'd want to start early. What was the painting for again? Oh! It was of anything that contains electricity...

How about a lightbulb? I begin my sketch but I then pause. I then start to vigorously erase it... why does everything have to remind me of Petra?! I'm just trying to... forget all the horrible things that happened that day... all I have to do is try and forget about that day and even-

"Petra! This is the 9 year anniversary since Petra saved us!"

I groan. Just my luck. "There goes my wish for forgetting what happened..."

"It's true- whatcha drawing?" The person leans over me.

"Nothing." I mumble.

"Aw, come on! I wanna peek-"

"There is actually nothing. Now buzz off."

"Golly gee, Grey! Don't be a jeebweezer!"

"I hate you."

"Come oooonn..." She whines and I look up at her.

What the hell is wrong with her outfit?

"Why the hell are you wearing both a lab coat AND a raincoat?" I roll my eyes. "Why the hell-"

"Why the underworld are you such a jeebweezer?" She laughs.

"Maria...." I grumble. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Her mood completely shifts. "I want to host a party to celebrate this 9 year anniversary since Petra saved-"

"Yeah. Have fun. I'm not going."

"WHAT?! Why...?"

"Look, you didn't hold one of these 'anniversary parties' for 4 years now. And now? I'm almost over it... save the 'anniversary party' for when it hits 10 years..." I glare at her. "And why did you not have one for 4 years, huh?"

"Grey. Not everything requires an explanation."

"I- I-"

"Golly gee... I guess I'll give you one anyway!" Maria laughs and I smile back. "I... happened to be diagnosed with a mental illness a bit after the 5 year anniversary party- but I'm all better now!" She still keeps smiling, but at this point I'm really concerned. "Sure- some things can trigger a short episode again but I'm positive that it could never happen again!"

I'm so trapped in my thoughts and her story that I didn't see-

"AAAAH!" Maria falls to the ground as someone collided with her.

"I'm so sorry! We weren't looking where we were going- WE ARE NOT SORRY! WE ARE NOT NICE! Blake, we're sorry! The ground is so slippery! I'M GONNA HIT YOU, ROBERT! Oh spare us!"

"...Cosmo? You go to this collage too?" I laugh. "And what the fu- I mean what were you really doing to run into her like that?"

"Yeah, we go to this collage! Oh! And we were going to the study room and wanted to get there really quick!" Cosmo smiles but quickly frowns. "Are you okay Maria? RUN AWAYYYYYY! We don't need to- QUICK BEFORE SHE GETS UP! Fine. YAAAY! HAHA!" Cosmo runs away and I wave to him.

I then turn my gaze to Maria.

"Maria? Are you okay?"





"I'M FINE!" She quickly stands.

"Luckily you didn't crack any of your glass! Am I right?" I try and lighten the mood.

"Stop trying to be like Petra. It's not going to work." Maria grumbles.



"It's... fine..." I look back at her. A second ago we were friends. But now? Even though she's standing right in front of me... it feels like we're universes apart.

"I'm... gonna go..." Maria begins to hug herself. "I... was gonna ask some people for something but- uh... if you're not going back to the dorm... can you do me a favor?"


"Can you give this to Serenity Kerze and Henry D'argento?" She hands me a small envelope.

"Sure." I grab my notebook and I stand. "Why can't you do it again?"

"I have to... take my medication..." She sighs. "Golly gee.. that must have made my mood worse! I'm late for my dose!" Her mood completely shifts as she skips away from me.

"Be careful to not slip!" I call after her.

I then look at the envelope... hm... this address isn't far. I then sigh as I begin to walk out of campus and down the street.

Of all collages, I can't believe I got into the same one as my friends! Honestly, I didn't expect one collage to have things for people who were into painting, chemistry, AND technology engineering... but I'm not complaining. That way me, Maria, and Ray could all be in the same collage.

I'm still confused though on why Ray chose to major in engineering technology... he was always interested in film... he did show little interests in technology and everything- mind you that was before that one day... and after that one day he had barely any interest because of him.

I wonder what's different now?

The water splashes around my feet on the cobblestone sidewalk as the rain pours heavily onto the hood of my raincoat. Car horns honk, some people talk, but otherwise it's peaceful...

That is until I see the house the address on the envelope lead to.

I gulp as I look upward, a creaky mansion looms in front of me.

There were rumors about this place...

It was said that Pembe Heeobou, who was one of the 5 that died on that one day, haunts it with her step-brother... but in the rumor, it was never specified which mansion.

I don't believe in it. But I'm still scared... but hey, even if it WAS true, this won't be the exact mansion. There are two cars parked in front of it, and ghosts don't drive cars- not that ghosts are real either.

I then take a deep breath as I walk forward and onto the porch.

*knock, knock, knock* I knock on the door. After a minute, I go to knock again when-

"Oh hello, lesser tall one! What brings you here, hmm?" A person chuckles- THAT'S TALLER THAN ME?! "Oh! That must be my letter from Maria... oh do come inside! I'm Henry."

He reaches his hand out and I reluctantly shake it. "Grey." I mumble.

"Oh ho ho ho! So you're the one she talks of!" He laughs and opens the note. Immediately upon seeing it, his eyes widen. "You didn't see this, did you?"

"No. I didn't." I fold my arms.

"Oh! Where are my manners... here, I'll take your raincoat- mind putting your boots by the door as well?" Henry asks and I sigh. I take my coat off and I hang it near the door and I kick my shoes off and I do the same with those. It's then that I get a good view of the mansion.

The dark wooded walls stretch high and a tall staircase lies in the center of the main floor. As for furniture, the house contained old chairs and couches as well as a dusty looking kitchen.

I notice a big picture as well that I assume is of Serenity and Henry.

It's then that I notice that there were boxes of take-out food all over- and I thought MY dorm was messy...

Henry follows my gaze to the boxes of take-out. "Yeah... Serenity doesn't have time to make food so we just order out every night."

"And why don't you cook?" I ask him.

"Well, first of all, it isn't the king's duty to cook for himself-"

"HAHAHA! Oh! You're 'so' freaking hilarious..." I roll my eyes, attempting fake enthusiasm. "Okay. What collage do you go to? I never see you around campus."

"Oh ho ho ho!" He laughs. Did I mention how hilarious that laugh is? "Oh you see, grey, I don't go to collage! I'm a senior in high school with Serenity! Oh ho ho!"

That laugh is so fu- funnily- hilarious!

"Huh..." I mumble. "What was in that letter?" I ask.

"Oh! Oh nothing really... just some research for Serenity... would you like to meet her?" Henry asks.

"Sure. You seem to talk a lot about her in almost every sentence so yeah... and you say lots of good things about her too." I smirk.

"W- what?! That's preposterous! I don't talk about Serenity all the time you imbecile! I only talk about Serenity when it's relevant. And I only mention how kind and welcoming and peaceful and calm she is when it is necessary! So better hurry up with your apology before I tell Serenity about you!"

"Oh no! Serenity's gonna kill me!" I tease him.

"You take that back! As your royal advisor, I say you stop this at once! Serenity is great, she wouldn't want to meet YOU."

I laugh at him. "You're such a simp."

"J- just follow me, I'll take you to her. Let's all forget about this later." Henry grumbles and I snicker. He then turns to the stairs and begins to walk up them. "Come along! Wouldn't want those ghosts to haunt you!"

He then proceeds to knock on wood and I smile as I shake my head, following him to the stairs.

The stairs creak under my feet as I follow him. He knocks on wood every few seconds while he walks upward. The walk seems so long that I'm not sure the stairs even have an end. I eventually start humming a song I remember from a show Ray likes.

"Please stop humming that song! It involves ghosts..." Henry mumbles in front of me. Oh... so he's superstitious... hm...

I then smirk as I start to sing the song but purposely horribly. "I'm faaaactt wheeeennnn IIII, think ooffff thaaaat liiiife-" He then grabs my hand and mouths 'STOP.' I laugh at this. "Fine, Fine."

"We're almost to serenity and I don't want her to think I talk with crazy people." He grumbles.

"Yeah, of course you don't talk to crazy people! And they say there's always a crazy one out of two people... hey! That crazy one must be you with all those superstitious things you're doing!" I laugh and then cover my mouth. "I'm sorry! I just can't stop myself!"

"Serenity told me many stories about people who didn't believe in superstitions..." Henry starts to say and I begin snickering. "You know what? Never mind, moron!" Henry rolls his eyes, I smirk, and then we walk the rest of the way in silence, except for Henry's occasional knocking on wood.

Eventually, we make it to the top of the stairs and Henry stops and... reaches upward?

That's when I notice the trapdoor. "There are even MORE floors?!" I whisper-shout.

The trapdoor folds down and a ladder comes from it. Henry turns to me and puts a finger to his lips, signaling to be quiet, before he turns back to the ladder and begins to climb.

That's when my thoughts begin to spiral. What am I doing? I'm not supposed to randomly go into a strange mansion and trust the strangers inside! What the hell was I thinking?!

What would Petra do? Whatever... It's not like I can ask her...

Henry then motions me to follow.

There's no turning back now...

I then begin to climb the ladder.



Hope you enjoyed!! :)

The last names sort of go with their object which is kinda cool- uh... anyway..

Hope you like this story so far!!! It gets more exciting soon! And by exciting I mean things that my other stories contain-

Besides that, I hope you enjoy it!

Have an amazing day/night!

By the way, this chapter had a LOT of foreshadowing...

And I'll leave it at that for now!

3040 words

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