Yellow Eyes: Safe Haven

By Browwnsuugarr

1.9K 122 4

Camdon and the group have made it out of Wyoming. The roads take them to a safe haven by a beautiful Lake. Lo... More

Road trip (Ch.1)
We need to talk(Ch.3)
Alone Time(Ch.4)
The Skinner(Ch.7)
Positive (Ch.8)
Decisions (Ch.9)
Trying (Ch.11)
So much(Ch.12)
The Path Ahead(Ch.14)
Numb (Ch.16)
Forgive me(Ch.18)
Taking it Easy(Ch.19)
Up & Running (Ch.20)
Two more (Ch.22)
The Neighborhood
Burn Bonus


99 4 0
By Browwnsuugarr

The ride so far has been smooth. Not much is going on. I think everyone is asleep except for Sofia and I. I'm tired but I can't sleep but i'm not thinking about sex right now. I'm worried about where we're going and why it is worth it to them to take this risk.
We are from Cheyenne, Wyoming where the population isn't even half of the population in New York. I don't know when they became so delusional. Maybe the recent racists we encountered are persuading their decision.

"Whoa what's this? We can't go this way."
I knew a problem was gonna come sooner or later. The road looks blocked by an old pile-up crash.
"Try a back road I guess." I tell Sofia
She takes a few turns to get us to the back road and at this point we are in Nebraska somewhere. Great, just great. Nothing could go wrong taking a back road.

I feel Vi shift her sleeping position on my shoulder so I throw my arm around her as she wraps her arm around me. She must be exhausted. Here she is trying to survive everyday and I want to fuck everytime she touches me. I feel like a terrible fucking person.

"Camdon. There's a cabin and a lake. Thank goodness. I'm ready to pass out from how tired I am. Aren't you?"

"Hell yeah."

I'm ready to relax like Sofia but I need to make sure there are no lurking Zoms in the area and that this Cabin doesn't have any human inhabitants.
I maneuver my way out of the car trying my hardest not to wake anyone. Sofia hopped out and I didn't even have to tell her the plan because she already knew. She nodded her head towards the left signaling that's the way she was going to take so I went to the right of the Cabin. I took my knife out because it's always best to be quiet and begin to scout out the area.

The Cabin in front of me looked to be two stories and it had a window at its base which meant there was probably a basement as well. There were bushes surrounding it, I looked a little closer and they were thorny bushes. Reaching the back of the cabin there is a pretty big lake with nothing else but trees surrounding it. I didn't run into any Zoms but I looked to my left and saw Sofia with a bloody boot. We met at the back door to the cabin.

"I love stomping the shit out of those yellow eyed bastards." She exclaimed
"How many?" I ask.

"One lumberjack looking man."
"There could be people in here, you ready?" I nod

She unlocks the door with a key. I'm guessing she took off the Zom she just killed.

We crept into the Cabin with our knives drawn. The kitchen looked neat and clean but a bad smell filled my nostrils the deeper inside we walked.

Some shuffling came from upstairs and Sofia and I quickened our pace heading up the stairs to solve the problem.
The upstairs had a circular hall with four doors, three bedrooms, and one bathroom. The continuous thumping was coming from the door to our left. We approached, Sofia taking the lead. She kicked the door open instead of opening it quietly.

I feel like I should be horrified by what I'm seeing but my main emotion right now is disgust. I'm no longer surprised by the graphic nature of the people that are left in the world but disgusted by it. It looks to be a mother and daughter chained up in this room. The mother is a zombie chained to the closet and the daughter is chained to the bed. She is in a dingy torn nightgown. She's alive But, barley. I could be sad but what's the point she'll be dead any moment now so everything she went through up until now doesn't matter.

She's tied up like a hostage, it would make sense if she was tied up because of the infection but that's not the case because the man outside had already turned so she had to be like this before she even got scratched. Which means she was being held hostage by him and he could have been assaulting as he pleased like what those men did to Sol.
She's turning, there's a few deep scratches on her arm. I know they're scratches from the infected father because her eyes are barely open but I can see the deep yellow that ruins them, and so can Sofia.

"I'd say she has 2-3 more minutes left. Should we let her turn and then kill her? Or do it now." Sofia asked me as she was making her way to the closet to kill the Zom mother.
"I'll do it right now, there's no point in having her suffer."

After I ended the young woman's misery Sofia and I agreed to clean the room thoroughly before the other awoke from the deepest sleep they've been in for a while.

"I need a cig so fucking bad right now." Sofia exclaims.

While the others are still asleep Sofia and I have been sitting out at the lake dock behind the Cabin. She took her shoes and socks off to let her feet soak in the crisp cold water, I did the same. All that walking hasn't been good for our feet. The others will probably do the same when they wake up. Today hasn't been that bad, we found a place to lay our heads, a working shower, and a lake with fish. This is good, If I had it my way I'd stay here forever.


Why am I cold? The seat next to me feels empty. I open my eyes to find Cam not there. I sat up and looked around to see if anyone else was missing and I noticed Sofia wasn't in the driver's seat.

Where are they?
The fact that I wake up and she isn't here hurts my feelings a little. I've noticed she's been distant lately. I'm not stupid, I know she doesn't want me to touch her. What I don't know is why.

Her distant behavior started when we left that racist neighborhood. She seemed out of it but she came back for the most part. Everytime I would try to embrace her with a kiss or a hug she would basically find something else to do like say she had to pee or that she should tie her shoe or pretend that Solei was calling her. I feel like we need to have a serious conversation.

I found myself out of the car without waking the others, Stepping outside I felt a cool breeze that filled my nostrils with the gentle smell of fall leaves and lake water. My body takes me around the calm cabin scenery and I spot the two missing ladies. I want to approach them but they look relaxed.

Seeing Cam so calm just sitting there makes me want her to continue to have that moment. If I interrupt she'll only tense back up for some reason.
I think I'll go wake the others so we can at least sleep better in this cozy looking cabin.

It's been about an hour since I woke everyone, They've been running around like children trying to explore everything. They have also been taking turns in the shower, It surprisingly has running hot water. I haven't yet because I want to shower with Cam. We need a little alone time so that I can ask why she's avoiding me.

I see that Sofia is inside with the rest of us, I should ask her if Cam has said anything about how she's feeling lately. I don't really even know if she would tell Sofia if something was wrong. She hasn't even told me what's wrong. This is really bothering me, I can't relax with this on my mind.

Just as I was about to open the door Cam walked in "Hey, Is everyone done showering?" She asked as she walked past me with no hug or kiss.
"Yeah, uh... I was waiting for you so we can shower together." I say following her up the stairs.

"You don't have to wait. You can go ahead now, I'll shower after you."


I can feel my heart beat pick up because of the anger that just jolted through my body. She really just suggested showering without me. I stomp my way to the bathroom and slam the door shut before I can pop a blood vessel. I practically rip my own clothes off and hop in the shower, the hot water pours over my body and my warm tears drip down my face. So it's confirmed she doesn't love me anymore.

Love is fleeting.


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