The gift of Eywa

By EtherealDynasty

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Follow Nova on her journey to Pandora along side her childhood friends-who may have a crush on her- Jake afte... More

chapter 1: pandora
chapter 2: test run
chapter 3: exploring
chapeter 4: uh oh
chapter 5:Omaticaya
chapter 7: mountains
chapter 8: hellish training
chapter 9: ride or die... literally
chapter 10: learning
chapter 11: dream hunt
chapter 12: trouble
chapter 13: beginning of the end
chapetr 14: discovery
chapter 15: preparation
chapter 16: the war starts
chapter 17: dont give up
chapter 18: the end of war
chapter 19: results

chapter 6: training

1.2K 18 3
By EtherealDynasty

The next day Grace recites Jake and ours adventure to the other scientis. Some of the scientist come up to us and clap us on our shoulder whilst congratulating us. As Max is prasing us for the good work I see Norm chomping on his bacon in a angry way. ''Does the bacon not taste nice or something?'

"For some reason I cannot fathom the Omaticaya chose the both of you. God help us all with Jake." Grace said as I let out a small chuckle whilst Jake gave us both offened looks before saying he had something to do and headed off.

Quite some time later me and Jake regroup before heading to the lab but was intercepted by Grace and Norm. She holds flash cards infront of us and starts questioning us about the clan members like a mad woman.

"Tsu'tey... Mo'at... Eytukan" Jake listed as Grace informs us that he is the clan leader and Mo'at is the spiritual leader, like a sharman. Our chatter continues whilst we enter the link rooms with Jake questioning who ewya is.

"Who's ewya? Oh, only their deity. The great mother. The goddess made up of all living things. You'd know that if you had any training." Norm answers in a spiteful tone. 'What happened to him? Did he have a bad breakfast?'

Ignoring how rudely he said it jake and I haul ourselves to our link chambers. "Neytiri was my best student. She and her sister Silwanin. Just amazing girls." Confused I cluelessly say that I didn't meet her sister.

Grace turns away in agony before muttering, "No she's dead- OK, let's go, village life starts ahead." She says with a louder voice than at the start. "Link is ready." Grace lowers the BIO sensor array over our chest, "Don't do anything unusually stupid." She says to us but it sounded like it was more directed to Jake.

Transferring my mind to my avatar body I slowly open my eyes, blinking to adjust to the light.

Jake and I walk amongst villagers who go about their daily task and children playfully interacting. Grinning at the sight a shadow looms over us. Directing my vision up I see Neytiri and Tsu'tey who was glaring at us. 'Would it kill this guy to smile a little?'

Tsu'tey started walking away as Neytiri roughly grabbed Jakes arm and pull him along with a hard glare present on his face. Confused I stand there awkwardly but realising that I was not following Tsu'tey stopped in his tracked but did not face me. "Come" 'can he ask a little more nicely?'

Splitting up with Jake as I trusted Neytiri Tsu'tey led me to an opening that was a distance away from the home tree. It had a gorgeous view with either direhorses or pali roaming around. I couldn't help but smile whilst one came troting up to us, specifically Tsu'tey.

Tsu'tey greated the greated the creature with a gental hand on their muzzle and mutters some words in a foreign language before turning to me. "You will be riding today."

Nodding I could practically feel myself bouncing in the spot in excitement. Looking around I assume Tsu'tey is looking for a suitable direhorse for me to ride until his eyes become hooked on one and a devilish smirk stretched across his face. "You will ride that one."

Looking to where he was pointing my vision lines up with a a beautifull direhorse isolated from the rest of its herd. It was a unique one that I have never seen before with vibrant pink light blue and black markings stretched across its body.

"Okay, wish me luck." I say happy to finnaly ride one, missing the mischievous glint in the males eyes. Making my way to the direhore the rest of the herd stopped what they were doing and trained their eyes on me, well excluding the one I was hopefully about to ride.

I was a few meters away when the direshorse of choice finnaly acknowledged my presents by facing me, studying me. It was a standoff until I decided to make the first move by stepping forward in which they mirrored.

I slowly held my hand out as the direhorse watched me cautiously, sniffing my hand before blowing on my face which caused my hair to fall infront of my eyes. Tucking I behind my ear I carefully make my way to their side whilst keeping my hand tracing along their body to insure calmness.

Letting put a breath that I didn't know was I was holding i mounted them and held my eyes tight shut. Soon i felt instant relief when they didn't buck me off. Opening my eyes I let out a delighted squeal before turning to Tsu'tey who now wore a look of shock.

Recovering from his shock Tsu'tey marched forward before flinching when my direhorse huffed in my face. Which led me to stiffel a giggle and a glare resonating from said male. Grabbing their antenna he placed it in my hand.

"Secure the bond." Reaching for the my snow white hair ends to reveal pink neural tendrils which I connected with the direhorses. Electricity corsed throughout my body which caused them to panic at my jolt although I was quick enough to calm my nerves which intern calmed them.

Although I have always had a bond with animals this was one a whole nother level, as if we are one. "Tsaheylu the bond that brings rider and pa'li together. Feel their heartbeat and feelings which are connected threw you own as they await your command. You may tell them what to do but until then-"

He was cut of as he watched me warily and lifted up my finger to his nose and... booped him on the snout. Chuckling at his surprised and flustered look as his eyes were trained on my finger as I pull back.

"Sorry to interrupted your lovely speech but I really want to ride now. So bye! And FYI don't act so surprised when I do that again cause I do it quite alot, just ask Jake." I said with a goofy smile, already knowing he would get mad at me but at this point, I didn't care, as I bolted off.

I have never felt such freedom in my life, the wind blowing in my face and the adrenaline to explore. 'God, I feel so-so, so alive.'

I let out a excited giggle I I threw my hands up in the air, cheering as we raced threw the fields.

3rd pov

As Nova and her now direhore freely ran threw the open fields Tsu'tey watched with not only shock, but admiration at the site that beholds him. Nova effortlessly running Kun'ta with a mare who was ungodly stubborn that they would buck anyone off, let a sky human ride him.

Although he can't help the pit of jealousy that swirled within him at the mention of what Nova did to him, doing that to Jake. Bringing his hand up to his nose he can't help but let a fond smile break out on his face, chuckling and reminiscing the facial expression of wonder on the girl as he slowly brought his hand back to his side.

He had to admit though, their technique was flawless. The cute expression of excitement present on her face and the was she would through her hands up made him feel butterflies in his stomach as he mentally berated himself for feeling this way.

After a while Tsu'tey came to the realisation that a crowed has formed and is now watching the female in amazement. "Go Nova, that's my girl" Jake hollered but said the that part in a whisper, hoping no one would hear him but to his luck, Neytiri and Tsu'tey did and a scowl was now present on their face.

"That sky women is very impressive." "Yes, look at her go." And so on the compliments of he accomplishment flowed throughout the crowd."She even manage to tame the stubborn one." Neytiri said and she and Jake pulled up next to then on their direhorses.

Nova's pov

Laughing I spot Jake with Neytiri and Tsu'tey back at the grasping grounds. Excited to show him what I could do I race forward. "Heya Ja-whoa, what happened to you?" I say once taking in his appearance. "Your covered in mud." Neytiri and Tsu'tey smirk as Jake looked... embarrassed.

"Heh, nothhiinngg. Just had a little bit of trouble. Nohing much." "Alright if ya say so." I say, already wanting to return to what I was previously doing.


Jake and I finally returned from our avatar state, mentally drained from the training. Once again Jake suspiciously excuses himself saying he had something to do. Now, usually I would follow him because this is the second time he had done this, bit I am fatigued mentally and a little bit physically so I ignore Jakes unusual, but usual, behaviour and head to my dormitory to rest.

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