When The Sky Comes Crashing D...

By ihatesharties

121 14 2

[ DISCONTINUED ] " And for a second, the planets stopped moving; the tides stopped colliding, and the air fin... More

1 | The Beginning of the End
2 | Arrival
3 | Arrival II
[ - ]
4 [ UNFINISHED ] | Party Prepping and Other Things Alike
5 [ UNFINISHED ] | Thé Dansant

6 [ UNFINISHED ] | I Am Not Allowed to Have Feeings

6 0 0
By ihatesharties

[ 6 | Thé Dansant II ]

THE COURTYARD IS cold, and I can't help but to shiver.

I lean back on the marble railing, the cool stone seeping through the fabric of my dress and into my skin, eventually settling into my bones and turning the marrow solid.

"It's beautiful out tonight." I suddenly speak, the silence between me and the platinum-blonde boy quickly growing unbearable. "Yeah." he hums, fiddling with the cufflinks on his deep black blazer.

"What are we supposed to do," I lightly inquire, stealing a glance up towards Hunter before looking away just as fast. I am afraid if I drink him in too much, I'll drown.

"I ... don't know. I've never had this happen before." he admits, and even in my peripherals I can see the constellations twinkling in his eyes.

"Feelings would complicate this, I would assume." I frown, an all-too-familiar empty feeling pooling in my chest. I run my ringed hand through my hair, and I scrunch my nose at the sensation of my fingers combing through sweaty strands of hair. 

"Yeah..." and there it is, the silence. The godforsaken deafening silence. As soon as the planets resumed their orbit and rotation, and the oceans waves began to churn once more, and the air became able to breathe again, was the silence created.

"Hunter, I'm not good with metaphors, but all throughout my life I've been searching for something I've always been neglected of; love. But when I saw you, and actually started to know you, that was when I slipped. I slipped and I began drowning and I became intoxicated off of it." I admit, mustering up enough courage to meet the boys magenta eyes. Despite the hungry and cold feeling dripping from my ribcage, I do not dare break the eye contact. No matter how loud my mind screams at me to turn away and leave him here alone and to collapse to the floor of my bedroom, I bite back the urge.
This is a demon I must face.

"That was ... a terrible metaphor." is all he says, and I can't help but to smile and let out a short chortle.

"Terrible?" I gasp, placing a hand over my heart as I send a stricken look towards the pale boy.

"Yeah," he laughs, and it's nothing short of contagious.

"It's not my fault you make me feel as if I could do anything. Conquer anything." I turn away awkwardly, and my heart squeezes painfully against my ribs.

"I've never met anyone like you, [Y/N]." Hunter frowns, running his scarred hands over his face and through his hair. "I don't know what to do." he breathes out, and I clamp down on my bottom lip.

"I've never actually gotten this close to another person before," I look at him as he speaks, "besides Belos, of course. But on-top of him being my uncle, he's also my Emperor whom I must serve." I observe as he grips the railing, how his eyebrows furrow and how he blinks back small tears.

Hesitating, I gently place my hand onto the boys shoulder. Hunter jerkily flinches, and my brows press together in sympathy.

"I've ... never actually had a friend before, much less felt this way about someone. It's not like I'm lonely, though," his voice strains for a moment, "I have Darius if I ever need to talk to someone, but ..." Hunter pauses, and I let my hand drop to my side, not even thinking for a second to question as to who Darius might be.

"I don't know if this is because I've never had a real friendship with someone before, or if it's something else." he turns to me, fuchsia eyes pleading for an answer I know I can't provide for him.

"I don't know, Hunter. I know I've said that a lot, but I truly don't know." I bite my tongue, willing the blurry pinpricks in my vision to disappear. Wiping my eyes, I blink once only to see Hunter his his head buried in his hands, shoulders barely shaking as he stands turnt away from me.

690 words.

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