Marinette Daughter of Batman

By isithereinthesilence

39.6K 801 341

Marinette is mute. Her class hates her. Her parents disowned her, and her honorary uncle and aunt took her in... More

{0. Prologue}
{1. The Announcement}
{2. Bad Luck}
{3. The Trip}
{5. The DNA Test and Day Out}
{6. Waking Up to a Kiss and the First Tour}
{7. The Results and Family Bonding}
{8. Sleepless Nights and Early Morning Walks}
{9. Pushovers and Aunt Ivy Pt.1}
{10. Pushovers and Aunt Ivy Pt.2}
{11. Kidnappings and Aunt Harley}
{12. What Next?}
{13. Explanation}

{4. Interrigation From the Waynes}

3.3K 70 16
By isithereinthesilence


'Past Dialogue'

*Sign Language*


(Marinette's POV)


I then noticed the boys staring at me. But then I noticed Dick was staring in concern. I looked at him in question. "Why did it look like you were in pain earlier?" I froze wishing he didn't ask.


I was mentally freaking out. ^What am I supposed to say. What if I told them? They would freak out. Should I tell them? What if I don't tell them? Should I tell them something else?^ After I had my mental debate, I decided telling them would be the best option.

*It's a long story.* I sign to them. "We've got time." Dick says back to me. *I was walking home from school, when there was an Akuma.* I signed to them. "What's an Akuma?" They asked. I explained to them what it was, along with the heroes of Paris. Then I continued my explanation. *Well, anyway, the Akuma was Riposte. She has a sword and as I was walking home she came across me. I tried to run, she ended up stabbing me.* They all gasped.

"Why weren't the superhero's there?" Bruce asked. *I'm not sure, they probably were busy, or, on their way. Well after I was stabbed Ladybug showed up. She was fighting the Akuma, then Chat Noir showed up. They eventually defeated the villain and used the miraculous cure. It fixed everything except for me for some reason. Then they took me to the hospital. They then left, and I had to stay at the hospital overnight, but eventually I went home.* I finished signing to them. They stared at me with looks of what appeared to be protectiveness? I know I lied to them, but there was no way I could tell them the truth. They would know my secret identity, what's the point of having a secret identity if it isn't secret.

They all looked at me unsurely. Like they weren't sure if I told them the truth. I can tell, they know something is up, and it isn't the sky. They can tell I'm hiding something.

"I have a question for you Marinette." Jason said. I nodded, telling him to continue. "How old are you?" He asked curiously. *I'm 16.* I sign, answering his question.

They continued to ask me questions, to get to know me. Like, what I like to do, I like designing clothes. What my favourite colour is, pink. Along with a bunch of other questions.

I then noticed that Tim was on his laptop. He looked happy for some reason. ^Why is he so happy?^ Soon my unasked question got answered. "YES, I JUST ORDERED AN MDC ORIGINAL." Tim shouted happily. I internally smiled, knowing that he liked me work. Then my phone pinged, signifying I got a notification. I opened my phone, it was the order that came through.

All of a sudden I remembered, my wound flared up. My face contorted in pain and I silently winced. It hurt a lot. The Wayne's all looked at me in concern, even Damien. "Are you okay Marinette?" Dick asked. *Yeah, I think my wound is flaring up that's all.* I signed waving off their concern. "Show me your wound." I did as asked and lifted my shirt.

They all looked a bit worried. "It looks really inflamed." Tim said. *I will put some ice on it when we get to the hotel.* I signed to them. They nodded in agreement.

We eventually got to the hotel. "We have arrived." Their butler said. "Thank you, Alfred." Bruce thanked him. Alfred then got out of the car and opened the door. The Wayne's started climbing out of the limo. After they were all out Dick helped me out of the limo.

We all walked into the hotel and stood in the lobby, waiting for my class. After a few minutes of waiting, my class showed up and filed into the hotel lobby. I could hear all of their conversations. When my class saw us my friends immediately walked over to me.

We started to have a conversation together, along with the Wayne's. Then suddenly I saw Mrs. Bustier walk to the receptionist to get the room numbers and keys. "Hi, I'm here to get our room keys, they should be under Collège Françoise Dupont." The receptionist tried but it didn't work. "Try, Caline Bustier." The receptionist also tried it but again it didn't work.

Lie-la then saw it wasn't working, so she walked up to help. "Try under Lila Rossi." So the receptionist tried that and again it didn't work. So they tried under the principles name. I could see nothing was working so I went to go help, Adrien came with me to translate.

*Try the name Marinette Dupain-Cheng* I signed and Adrien translated. The receptionist tried it and it worked. She then handed the keycards to me with the room numbers. All the rooms were already assigned. As it turned out, me and my friends had a suite. It was the entire top floor. The rest of the class had normal rooms.

I handed out the keycards and room numbers, but kept the keycards for our suite. I looked over at the Wayne family, they were also looking at me. *Thank you.* I signed to them. They all nodded their heads in response.

"Okay class, we're now going to settle into our rooms a bit, then we're going to meet up here for dinner." Mrs. Bustier told the class.

We all then split up to go to our rooms. My friends and I stayed together, and the Wayne family came with us to our suite. When we got to the suite, I used the keycard to unlock the door and opened it.

There was a living room, a kitchen area, and a dining room. Then there were separate bed rooms, enough for us to have one each. There was even a balcony outside of every bedroom. The living room led to an outside area, it had a private pool, and seats by the pool. It was amazing.

I turned towards the Wayne's and again signed them a thank you. *This looks amazing, thank you so much.* They all looked at me with a smile. You're welcome Bruce mouthed to me. I smiled back at them.

We all chose our bedrooms. Adrian's room was right next to mine. We then unpacked our luggage. After unpacking, we all gathered in the living room and talked. We all had a chance at talking to the Wayne's.

We spent the next few hours just talking and enjoying each other's company. But the Wayne's eventually had to go. Bruce walked up to me and gave me a card. "This has my contact information. Let me know when you would like to do the DNA test and we can organise something." He said to me.

*Thank you. I will let you know soon.* I signed to him. He walked over to the door to wait for the boys to say goodbye to me. Dick was first, he surprised me by walking up to me and hugging me. "See you later Cupcake." I was surprised even more by the nickname, but nodded back nonetheless. Next was Jason, he walked over to me and gave me a pat on the head. "See you soon Pixie-pop." He also had a nickname for me. After that was Tim, he, just like Dick, gave me a hug. "I hope to see you again soon Blueberry." I was starting to think that they all had nicknames for me. Last, but not least, was Damien, he walked up to me and


I think it is an understatement when I say everyone was shocked. Damien Wayne, the Ice Prince of Gotham, just hugged me. "I will talk to you later Angel." He then handed me a business card with his contact info on it.

When he joined his family at the door, I saw they were all staring at me shocked. It took them a few moments, but after they recovered from their shock, they waved goodbye to me and my friends. We all waved back and they left.

A few hours later we went to the lobby to meet everyone for dinner. My friends and I ate a table together, surprisingly there was a table big enough for all of us. We had a conversation while we were eating dinner. After dinner, we headed back to our rooms to go to bed. I signed goodnight to my friends, then I went to bed. The moment my head hit the pillow, everything went black.

Sorry if this chapter was too short for your liking. Please feel free to comment any ideas you have for this story. Also I apologise for not updating sooner.

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