Sector B

By caktwrites4u

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Decha is a genius high-ranking general, called back to Austell from The Outside by the council. Theodore Chen... More

The Watty's


235 28 2
By caktwrites4u

Rory snuck down the stairs in a hurry. She wanted to go to the Border train without her father. The first night she arrived home from school, he pestered her about the details. She decided to keep being mistreated by some students a secret from him.

More than that, she wanted to be more independent. Others were traveling to the Border train. At first, she dealt with it, but it's been a few days now and it was starting to get old. She wasn't a kid anymore. There was no reason for her father to escort her to the train like he was sending her off to primary school. She understood that it was because of his love and wanting to protect her, but still. Rory was 24 years old and had the right to her own decisions. The legal age in the Brackets was 19.

Rory tiptoed past the hall and crouched under the kitchen counter to get to the exit of their apartment. But her foot stepped on that one stupid creaky wooden board in the entire room, and she winced. Her father, who was cooking breakfast on the stove turned around and saw her.

"Rory! Are you headed to school now?"

"Crud." Rory glared at the creaky floorboard and muttered under her breath. "Yeah, I was just headed out."

Jamison wiped his hands off on a kitchen towel and flipped it over his shoulder. "I'll take you."

"That's fine! I can go by myself. I know you have to get to work soon, so if you take me to the train you'll get to your job late. I don't want that. So I'll see you when I get back. I'll be home before curfew." Rory paced toward the door, but as she reached the exit of their apartment, her name was called.

"Rory, aren't you forgetting something?"

"No? I have everything. I have my notebooks, textbooks, ID, and my medication."

"Your lunch." He grabbed onto her green lunch bag and tossed it at her. "Remember what I told you about Astellian food? This is why I prepare lunch for you. I don't want you eating something you're not familiar with."

Rory groaned. Her father was giving her the same lecture. "I know. I know. I'm not going to eat anything on the other side."

"How many tekels do you have left?"

"I have enough to get me there and back."

"I'll transfer a bit more into your card. You've been wanting another textbook, right?"

"That's okay. The school gives us everything to follow along on our tablets. I've gotta get going, dad." Rory gave him a warm hug. "I'll see you later."

"I love you." Jamison pat her shoulder softly as they both pulled away. "Don't get into trouble. Don't ramble about your inventions."

"I won't." Rory smiled, but on the inside, she realized didn't even want to share her skills with the other students. So far, she hasn't met one student that didn't tease her or push her around. Everyone there was rich and entitled. "Bye!"

Rory left her home and went off in the direction of the border. She walked past many restaurants, shops, and other city buildings to get to a bus stop to take her to the train. And when she got to the train, she scanned her ID card, and the Generals stationed there allowed her to enter.

The ride was silent as the train started and passed through the tunnel to Sector A. There weren't that many passengers on board today, and Rory thought it was odd. Usually, everyone would be headed to jobs or shops in Sector A. It must've been different for today.

The train continued for about 15 minutes before stopping at the Sector A border. The generals stationed on the other side allowed her to pass because they recognized her uniform. By now, it was already known by them that someone from Sector B attended Grandell. So whenever she got off the train, they didn't check much except for her bags.

Rory sauntered in the same direction she used to get to the school. When she got there, she noticed a large group of students gathered at the front with banners and cardboard signs and megaphones. They were all shouting.

She saw Terence on top of the stairs with a large sign that read "Grandell is for Astell, Sector B is a trash heap". Her hands began to shake as she got closer.

"I've come to discover recently that Grandell, the top University in all of Astell has enrolled those trash bracket students," Terence shouted.

"No way!" One student snickered.

"Is he telling the truth?" Another gasped.

"Oh, it's true! I have reliable sources that explain our enrolling system in detail! Quite a few Bracketers are attending! Some of them may be one of you! But you're not saying anything! Cowards!" Terence shouted through his megaphone. "Why should we Astellians attend a prestigious university with Bracketer lowlifes? They don't even realize how hard we study to get into this school!"

"Yeah! He's right!"

"And not only that, they're giving FULLY PAID scholarships to those who can't afford it!"

"That's crazy."

"It's disgusting! Some of our parents struggle to pay our fees! Our parents were born in Astell! And the Astellians have to compete with Bracketers to get a good education! Are Astellians less valuable than residents from the Brackets? Heck no!" Terence hollered. "Why should we have to compete to attend, and pay when the Bracketers, who weren't even born here get a free pass? Astellians should always come first!"

"Yeah!" The body of students roared.

Rory's hands went stiff and her lips began to quiver as she pushed her way through the crowd. "Why does it matter to you?" She huffed.

"Excuse me?" Terence hissed.

"Why does it matter? That Bracketers are attending this school? Don't you have more important things to do than standing out here screaming for something you can't change?"

"My fellow students, you heard the bracket trash herself say that our opinions and views don't matter. Sector B fools think we're not important!"

"I never said—"

"Do you think you're better than us, Bracketer?" Terence hopped off the stair he was elevated on, and the students parted as he walked over to Rory. When he got directly in front of her, he nudged her forehead back roughly. "You think you're all that because you got into this school for free, don't you?"

Rory chose her next words carefully. "I don't think you aren't important. But there's a reason why Grandell offers scholarships. We have to compete to attend too!"

"You're stupid. You have no right to compete. Your education system on the other side is flawed. This has been proven by statistics!"

"Sector B doesn't have the same resources you do! You all were given everything at birth! If our education system is flawed, that's not my fault. I try my best. All Bracketers are trying their best!"

"You're trying your best to take our jobs? Replace Astellian students?"

"We do what we have to to survive!"

"Then survive where all the trash piles are. You being here defiles our city and our values!" Terence shoved Rory back. She felt herself being flung into someone. Someone with a firm front.

They wrapped their arms around her and steadied her before she could fall. When she was back on her feet, the person who caught her walked forward. It was Asher, the same guy from the other day.

"Get out of my way." He nudged Terence away with his shoulder. Terence huffed in response and turned to face him as Asher walked up the stairs toward the building.

"Aren't you Astellian? Why aren't you defending us?!"

"I don't give a tekel about your protest. I'm not in the mood. I suggest you get that Megaphone out of my face before I smash it against your head." Asher sneered.

"Coward." Terence scoffed. The sound of his insult rang and then went to a high-pitched tone. The students and Asher covered their ears and groaned. When it went away, Asher grabbed a fist full of Terence's jacket and raised his fist.

"Gentleman!" Dean Risor snarled as he burst through the doors. "What is all the huddle about? Why aren't you going to your classes!? Get moving!" He gestures to all the students who have gathered around.

The crowd slowly began to disappear with groans echoing in the air. "Student, I suggest if you want to avoid a strike, you release him." Dean Risor uttered to Asher in a low tone. Asher rolled his eyes and unhanded Terence.

"My great grandfather opened Grandell with Morals! He wanted this school to better Astell! How dare you open it up to the brackets?"

"Young Man, do not speak to me in that tone. Who attends this school is none of your business. You are here to study."

"You're defiling my grandfather in the grave!"

"Your great grandfather may have funded this place, but it belongs to the council and I run it since I am the Dean. So again, watch your filthy tongue and get your butt to class. Unless you want me to write up an expulsion statement?"

Terence grumbled and brushed his jacket off before giving a nasty look to Rory. Then he stormed off and away as the rest of the crowd of students left.

"Get to class." Dean Risor eyed Asher with a warning before walking away. Before Rory could even mutter a word to Asher, he sauntered off toward another building where she was supposed to be heading.

Rory felt warmth in her heart, a feeling that was hard to describe. Something about Asher felt off but brought some relief to her. She wasn't sure why.

Rory decided to get to her first class. As usual, the seats were occupied and the room was just about full. But she decided to carry herself up the stairs toward the back of the room and sat next to Asher, who was already asleep.

The lecture came and went by, and during the middle of it, Rory wondered how in the world Asher got to attend when he spent most of the time in class sleeping. There was no way that he could learn in his sleep. He never brought a notebook or even a bag.

It felt like someone was forcing him to be there. But at the same time the first time she saw him, he amazed the class with his memory.

It took her an hour and a half to realize that she didn't like Asher at all. He was aggressive and freaked her out. She also didn't appreciate his light snoring while she was trying to concentrate.

It became too much for her to bear, and she elbowed Asher in the side. When he jolted up, his hair was a bit of a mess and his hand slammed against the long table, making a loud clank sound that alarmed the entire room. The Professor stopped teaching briefly, before sending a nasty glare Asher's way. But the lady didn't say anything. She turned around to the board and continued.

Asher grumbled under his breath and rubbed his eyes. Then Rory could feel his black eyes staring at her. She kept her head in her notebook, pretending that she didn't know what happened to him. But something was telling her deep down that he knew she was the one that woke him up.

When the class ended, Rory stood and began gathering her things. She felt Asher's eyes remain on her as she quickly shoved her things into her bag. When she finally moved away from the seat so he could get by, she felt a hard push and nearly tumbled down the stairs. She caught herself on the railing as Asher kept his eyes ahead of him.

He was the one that pushed her. He definitely knew she elbowed him. Rory looked back at her things and took a deep breath. "You're here to study, Rory. Stay out of trouble. You're here to get your degree and succeed." She mumbled to herself and flung her back over her shoulder, smacking another student in the process. "I'm sorry!"

The student glared at her before walking down the stairs. Rory looked at her school schedule and saw there was mandatory fitness training for the seniors today. The class would take place across the hall in the gymnasium.

She almost forgot about it. The fitness training was obligatory for all students of Grandell. Because if you were deemed physically fit, then the school would steer you in the direction of becoming an Astellian General. Generals were high-ranking men and women who lived in the face of danger to protect the Sectors.

Rory only hoped that they would have her doctor's excuse. She wouldn't be able to train because of her illness. Too much movement would cause her to go into a state of pain. She tried her best to follow her Doctors orders to keep healthy just so she could attend Grandell University. She didn't want her sickness to cause her to be sick enough to be locked away in another hospital.

Rory made her way across the crowded hallway, and the moment she walked in, she felt extremely nervous. Many of the students were dressed in athletic wear, ready to be trained. All students except for Asher of course.

A buff man in sunglasses and long blonde hair and beard approached her with a sneer on his lips. When the man saw her and Asher's appearance, he laughed sarcastically. "Y'all tryna disrespect me? Didn't I tell you to change your clothes before coming?"

Rory blinked in surprise and looked at the schedule on the transparent card. Sure enough, there was a note at the bottom that asked for all attending seniors to bring their athletic gear. "I'm sorry, sir. I don't mean any disrespect. I'm new here so—"

"Does it look like I care? Go change and get ready to run."

"No," Asher stated monotonously.

"What did you just say, boy?"

"I said no," Asher repeated pridefully. "What's on the Agenda today? A few laps and sparring? Believe me, you don't want me on the court. Your students won't last."

"You think you're better than the others?" The blonde coach looked Asher up and down and nudged him away. "Skinny boy."

"Don't touch me." Asher narrowed his eyes.

"Don't touch me, he says. Sensitive much? I don't care what you think you're good at. I'm the coach, so you're gonna do what I tell you. Get dressed and give me 100 laps, kid." He raised a whistle from out of his pocket and blew it in Asher's face.

"Are all the staff here this irritating?" Asher muttered. "I'm warning you, back off. I only got 2 hours of sleep. Even if I was well rested, I'm not running. So here's a tip. You're gonna shut your trap, let me go to the bleachers, and allow me to rest."

"You think you're Mr. Big shot, huh—" The coach tapped Asher on his forehead. He immediately grunted when Asher grabbed his hand, twisted his arm around, and pinned him against the wall.

All the students watched in terror. Even Rory jumped at the action.

"Let me rest. I'm not going to repeat myself. I'll break your arm if you make me." Asher growled and let the coach go. The coach's eyes widened when he turned to face Asher, who was brushing his hair out of his face. He glanced at his arm and nodded.

"Go." The Coach coughed and gestured for Asher to leave. "You, get dressed." He pointed to Rory.

"Actually, I don't want to participate either."

"What am I? An animal you guys can push around? Get your Arse out there and run 40 laps!"

"No," Rory mumbled. She wasn't confident, she was downright terrified. But she knew what had to be done. No one was going to make her do what caused her pain. "The Dean won't be happy if he hears that you're making me run when I don't want to."

"What? You think you deserve some special treatment?"

"Not at all. Contact the Dean yourself." Rory frowned and went over to the bleachers where Asher was resting his back and head.

Rory could feel all the eyes on her as she sat down. Especially the eyes of a certain red-headed student. Rory pulled out her notebook and ignored the looks she was getting. This would be a good time to prepare for their quiz coming up next week.

The coach began commanding all the students to do various activities. Running, hopping over hurdles, pull-ups. Of course, it was designed to be like military training. That's what it was supposed to be.

When the training ended, Rory packed up her notebook again and went in the direction of the food court. What she didn't know was that Haley and her group of posse were sashaying close behind.

Rory found an empty table away from the many students dining in the hall and began unpacking her lunch. Suddenly, Haley sat across from her, as well as the rest of her friends.

Rory looked up from her lunch bag and frowned. "Um... hello?"

"I don't get you. Who the heck do you think you are?"

"I... don't follow."

Haley's friends all began to laugh condescendingly. "You think you're high and mighty, taking advantage of Astellian Authority like that. Threatening the Coach by using the Dean's name. Do you realize who you were talking to? Coach Miller has trained many of the Grandell students to be high-ranking officers and fighters to protect us."

"Whether I threatened him or not shouldn't be any of your business. I have my reasons. Leave me be." Rory opened her bag and pulled out a chicken salad sandwich with celery and carrot sticks. There was a small note from her father, that made her smile. She was a bit embarrassed that he was still sending her notes like she was 8. Before she could dig into her food, Haley slid it off and the food fell onto the dirty tile below.

"Hey!" Rory clenched her fists. She eyed her food, which was scattered all over the floor. The disappointment and anger overwhelmed her. She was looking forward to eating that sandwich. And now it was for the ants.

"A Bracketer like you should learn some respect. Why should an Astellian like me have to work harder than you to get to where I want?"

Rory bit her lip as she realized that quite a few students were looking their way. Anything she would say or do in the next moment could be used against her. She was outnumbered. She was the zero-one percent fighting the ninety-nine point nine percent.

"Scums like you make me sick."

"You didn't say anything when your fellow Astellian schoolmate defied the coach. Why are you coming after me?" Rory huffed, trying to hide the tears that welled up in her eyes. She wanted to punch this redhead in the face. But her father's words kept ringing in her ear.

"Astellian are the ones who give the authority. Bracketers are the ones who're supposed to follow commands. Stick to what you were born to do."

"Maybe if you paid attention to your studies, you wouldn't have to work so hard to achieve something so simple. Not everyone sits in class and twirls their hair to flirt with the guys up front." Rory shot back. Haley's words had cut her deep, and she was tired of taking it. She was tired of everyone mistreating her, and not being able to do much about it. Her patience had run thin.

What the heck was wrong with these students? When studying the culture of Astellians, there was no detail on how entitled they all were.

Rory's head whipped to the side suddenly. A thin but long scratch mark was left under the ear to her jaw. Haley slapped her. Rory couldn't believe this girl put her hands on her.

"Bracket trash." Haley hissed.

Rory shoved Haley back, and Haley lost her footing on the sandwich. She fell backward and landed on her butt with a shriek. Haha, payback. Rory thought.

"How dare you!" Haley huffed. "My skirt is wet! Ugh!"

"Haley!" Terence came running over with the most exaggerated look of worry on his face. "What happened to you?!"

"She pushed me!" Haley whined. "You all saw it! This stupid Bracketer pushed me!"

"You hit me first!" Rory retorted. But she knew that everyone in the dining hall would be on Haley's side.

"This is why Grandell shouldn't offer fools like you a chance to attend!" Terence shoved Rory away before looking at his 2 goons of friends. "Teach her a lesson! Give her what she deserves!"

Terence's friends, one guy with brown hair and the other blonde, eyed Rory with devilish grins. One of them grabbed a tray full of gourmet Lasagna and chucked it at Rory. But the food didn't land on her.

It landed on the man that walked by at the moment. The devil of the University, Asher himself. He felt the pasta fall from the side of his face and wiped the red sauce off his jaw.

"Crap!" The blonde friend of Terence's hissed. Asher flicked the food off and sent an extremely dastardly death stare at Terence. But instead of saying anything, he walked over to them and began beating them up.

A fist fight broke out, and all the students began cheering. Rory's heart began to race as she watched Asher being tackled to the ground and him kicking the crap out of the brown-haired friend of Terence. All 4 men were cursing at each other.

The action was starting to get to Rory. As her heart began to race, she felt nausea. Her condition was starting to act up again. Rory quickly grabbed onto her bag, and hightailed her way out of the dining hall and somewhere private so she could take her medication.


Thank you everyone for reading! Please be sure to like and comment what you think, I do enjoy getting feedback! Don't forget to support me (follow me) on Kofi: caktwrites!

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