Gifts of Knowledge

By muslimahislampeace

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Gifts of Knowledge
Knowledge is followed by Love
Sparkles from the Pearls Of knowledge
Beauty and Knowledge
From the Beauty of Knowledge
Give the World for Islamic Knowledge

Knowledge on the Mind

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By muslimahislampeace

It is reported that Imâm Abû Dâwûd Al-Sijistânî – Allah have mercy on him – said:

Ahmad b. Hanbal never used to involve himself in the things of this world that people involved themselves in; but when knowledge was mentioned, he would speak.

Ibn Al-Jawzî Sifatu Al-Safwah 2:519.

It is reported that Al-Husayn b. Muhammad said:

Muhammad b. Ismâ'îl Al-Bukhârî was distinguished with three qualities – in addition to the rest of his praseworthy traits: He never spoke much, he never yearned for what people had. He would never occupy himself with other people’s affairs; all his attention was towards knowledge.

Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ' 12:449

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