Your Voice

By NekodaDotR

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Descendant of shapeshifting wolves tied to the full moon, created out of the result of a massacre during 1906... More

𝟎𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝟖 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧
𝟎𝟐. 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫
𝟎𝟒. 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞
𝟎𝟓. 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝟎𝟔. 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞

𝟎𝟑. 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐈 𝐝𝐨

311 39 24
By NekodaDotR

                   𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌-𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓'𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄, Kareem practiced signing basic phases. He compared himself to the woman in the video, mocking her gestures until they flowed naturally.

        Since imprinting last week, Kareem hadn't focused on anything else other than drilling down on enough ASL so he's able to hold a conversation with Alyina outside of messaging. It came to a point of skipping important meetings alongside his pops, distancing himself from the pack, to staying up till five in the morning until what he's learned has become muscle memory. . .which some has. . .and most hadn't.

She's not made for him, he was made for her. That means placing himself in her world, in her shoes, behind her eyes.

"Why you've been staring at yourself in the mirror? I promise you're still pretty. No need to be obnoxious about it and check yourself out every five seconds. Ain't nothing changed besides that big ass head."

Kareem's young sister out of three, Lauri, rounded the corner down the hallway. She was searching for her bracelet when she discovered her brother being. . .him.

There were more important matters on hand so he ignored her smart-ass comment about his head, which wasn't topping her Natalie Nunn chin.

Her thin brows furrowed at the unpaused video in hand, a clear look of judgment mixed with curiosity molded her expression. "Why aren't you dressed for the banquet? And why are you learning sign language? You know we leaving soon right? If not now."

Kareem was dressed for tonight's occasion. A creamy white turtle neck tucked in creamy white trousers matched with a creamy coat. His locs were pinned back with a few strands hanging and subtle jewelry complimenting his style and promoting wealth, clean head to toe. Lauri was just tripping because she assumed the only way to get her brother's attention was by picking on everything he does and wear.

"Because I can." Kareem briefly glanced at her. "Why you got pink in your hair but your dress is green? You not even matching the family colors."

Lauri crossed her arms. "Because I can and it's cute."

"Okay then."

"That doesn't even make even any sense."

"Aren't you searching for your bracelet? You can't be if you still here all in my business." Kareem ignored her glare and went back to signing the previous sentence he'd been learning; Tell me about yourself.

Along with — You're very pretty. What's your top favorite movie? I love your smile. Do you have a favorite director you look up to? How did God make someone as perfect as you? And many more he'd forgotten though most consisted of compliments.

Kareem then remembered his imprint would be meeting his family soon enough and faced his sister passing him in her olive green dress flared at the bottom and appropriate fitting as the mayor's daughter and for her age, seventeen. She took after their mom, almost stealing her face when she was around the same age. Big, round eyes, her dimples, even the same brow arch. But when she's pissed and creases form between her brows or at the corners of her lips — that was all pops.

And it's not meant in a bad way. Lauri's a beautiful young lady and pops was still pulling women's attention left and right despite his utter desire for his one woman. Their family had good genes. Pretty boy was just a surface-level compliment. The whole family together, it's almost illegal.

"You should learn ASL too. At least some basic conversational phases when you find the time. All of ya'll should." Kareem suggested.

"No thanks. I'm barely passing English as we speak, and I have no interest in finger gestures I won't ever use. As long as this — " She flipped him off. " — gets the message across, then I'm good."

Kareem rolled his eyes. She took her leave laughing about.

He was often a playful person and loved his siblings dearly, but they be testing his patience. Lauri especially. Being the eldest son and brother with his own money, all four of his siblings never hesitated when it came to milking favors and requesting money.

But when it came to his simple request, as a man who don't ask his family much unless it was important, there's a problem. Not only did he want to be accessible for Alyina, but he wanted his family prepared ahead of time. If there's one thing he hated, it was disorganization.

Kareem's mother was on a call struggling to slip on her black heels when she noticed her son down the hallway making gestures at himself through the mirror. Onira, his youngest sister and the youngest of all, ran past with the family dogs chasing behind her. Bare-footed and half her puffy hair undone from her ponytail.

She knocked into their mom and lost her footing still struggling with her heels. Kareem acted quickly and caught her from smashing her face in. Then lowered the phone from her ear, pressed against her chest to warn Onira about running in the house and to find her father to fix her hair.

        With a stressful sigh, turned her attention back to Kareem. "Do I even wanna ask what you're doing minutes before we're supposed to be heading out? This place is a mad house and guest are arriving at the venue without their hosts. And JJ is somewhere hiding." She hung up the call after exchanging a few words and went to indulge her eldest son who's been to himself for quite some days. The video plays in his hand. "American Sign Language? Don't tell me your father put you up to this. Some self-improving assignment before taking over in his place?"

Kareem groaned annoyingly. "No. Why does everyone keep thinking that? I can't do something new for once without some added agenda?"

"I never said that. It's just. . .you never took interest in it before and it's not like you share much with me anyway. Forgive me for trying to be interested in your hobbies."

No one but Kareem was aware he imprinted. A side of him wished to retain his privacy as it's been before and keep Alyina to himself, but the other side been itching to show her off as his imprint, his woman. It's a struggling battle with no winning progress, one soon to uncover with the way he's been acting lately.

And he knew better. This wasn't a secret he could keep for long.

The alpha should always know regardless of personal decisions. It was in his right, as alpha and part of the code. Yet instead of telling him, Kareem decided to share the news with his mother.

"I imprinted, Ma." Kareem failed to hide the blushing smile tugging his lips and his mother squealed at his confession. Her heels successfully on after using his arm to steady herself.

She wrapped her short arms around his waist for a hug not caring if her suit wrinkled. "About damn time! You don't know how long I've been prayin' for God to make a way, just for him to answer my prayers and move those mountains like that." She snapped her fingers, musing at this new information revealed. Just like everyone else, she doubted he'd ever imprint as late as he did. At least, she was still hopeful. "What's she like? Is she pretty? What's her name? What does she do? Did you invite her tonight? Tell me everything!"

"Her name is Alyina with an I. She's an artist and an animator, and she's very pretty and sweet. She's busy working tonight so she won't be at the banquet, but I know you'd love her. And her smile. . ." Kareem trailed as he recalled her radiant smile before he remembered his mother beaming up at him. He cleared his throat. "Anyways, I don't know much about her since we ain't get that far yet. We're still getting to know each other and I don't wanna rush anything. But. . .she is Deaf, which means the only way for us to communicate is if I pull my load and get on it. It's challenging for sure and I don't know how much I've retained with no actual practice, or if she'll even appreciate the effort I'm making."

Her face softened as she made sense of earlier events. "That's very sweet of you, Kareem. Love is forever a challenge, but I believe you will make it happen. You wolves always do." She continued. "Back when I wanted to be on Broadway before I found interest in politics, your dad stayed up for weeks learning how to play the piano so he could assist me. He's such a lover boy, but hates when I call him that."

"He doesn't hate that."

"You're right. He hates that everyone knows I call him that." She chuckled while fixing his shirt. "Alyina will appreciate the effort regardless of your progress. I guess I should learn something too if I wanna communicate with my future daughter-in-law."


Kareem liked that.

He liked that she was already apart of his family though only his mother knew of Alyina's existence. He'd pinch himself every once in a while hoping she wasn't a dream, and it's true he finally met the woman who will one day become his wife. . .if that's what she wants. Nevertheless, he'll be at her side for as long as they're both breathing. And he's determined to win her heart.

"It doesn't bother you that she's deaf?" Kareem asked his mother as she fixed her hair in the mirror before them.

"Does it bother you?"


Hearing or not, the feelings remained.

"Then you have my answer, son. I don't care if she has a missing ligament or her tongue was cut off, or she has a weird birthmark in the shape of an asshole. If she makes you happy, I'm happy too. It's simple. Besides, getting in between an imprinted wolf would be a nasty situation I wish to avoid. Now go get your father, we got places to be. You know he probably sitting at the TV right now catching up on the game. I'm already running late."

Kareem watched his mother walk off before he practiced a bit more. His pops can wait. This couldn't.

𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐌'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐓 as he stood against the wide walls of the spacious and well-decorated venue. Worn out from smiling in every picture and conversing with folks he didn't recognize, he needed a moment to himself to preserve his energy.

The banquet was a fundraising event to help support housing for the homeless, money that will be used on said subjects. His mother was dedicated to improving the communities and fearless when it came to getting her hands dirty. And with a giant pussywhipped wolf, his father, backing her up, she could do almost anything. She's admired by the people and one of the few mayors who completes what's been promised. As she says, it's not hard giving people what they want when you're in it for the people and not for greed.

And instead of hiring luxurious chefs from all over the world, she took the approach of hiring local businesses to cater to important political figures, rich families, and celebrities who came to support or to perform.

Kareem's senses tingled as a familiar scent rushed his nose. Heavenly and sweet.

It's her.


        She's here.

        Kareem pushed against the wall, raking the crowds for his imprint, desperate to see her face again. He hadn't seen her since that night since she's been busy with commissions and redecorating her room. They've gotten by with texting and it's enough to satisfy his wolf, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to see her again.

        He tracked her scent throughout the venue but there were too many people to distinguish from and he wasn't sure what she was wearing tonight. Or that she was showing up. They'd discussed their whereabouts for tonight wanting to invite Alyina as his date, but she had other plans that couldn't be backed out of. Who knew it would be at the same event?

        What if she's here with someone else? Another man or woman with their arm tight around her waist, showing her off as some trophy in his place?

        Kareem's determined to win Alyina's heart. And if there's one thing imprinting has proved over the generations, was that the woman naturally replicates the same feelings toward her wolf. So it wasn't like he felt discouraged by the idea of her being in a relationship. Bitter and jealous as fuck, yeah. Discouraged she'll never look his way again? No.

        Whatever obstacle stood between them, they would always find their way back to each other. They're soulmates.

        To his surprise, Kareem located Alyina walking around with a tray of mini flower-shaped cupcakes, dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt and black slacks with her hair slicked back and two strands curled at her brows. A shiny nameplate stated her business — she's working as she said she was. Not here as someone's plus one.

        Kareem could laugh at the dramatic scenarios he created, relieved her heart remained unoccupied. For now.

        Because she was working, he decided not to bother her. For now, at least. But it doesn't stop him from trailing behind, enjoying her presence from afar. She was the instant charge he needed and treading out of range would sever the connection.

        "The way you keep hawking over the poor girl, others might assume you've imprinted unless you're eyeing a quick fuck in the bathrooms." Jasmine, Kareem's packmate and closest friend, stood at his side wearing a sequence gown that complimented her feminine frame.

        Never leaving her traveling figure, Kareem remains quiet. It's the answer she needed.

        Jasmine gasped. "Shut up! You didn't — " A blushing smile painted his lips and forced Jasmine to jump in her 5-inch heels, squealing so loud Alyina would've heard had she not been deaf. "I'm happy for you, Kareem! Bummed you left me with Darius and Shawn, but you've been waiting for this, like, forever. Should've known yo' fine ass would be snatched up first. How do you feel?"

        Jasmine, Darius, and Shawn remain the only ones in the pack who have yet imprinted.

        "Like none of it is real. Like I'm constantly high. And I need her, badly." Replied Kareem. He placed his empty glass on a passing tray, moving to follow Alyina when she did.

        Jasmine walked along his side free of judgment-ish. "So why you not over there talking her up instead of creepin' out in the open?" She followed his gaze to Alyina serving a couple nearest to her before she stood around, enjoying the live performance of a known rapper his father worked with. "She a bad bitch — a bad working bitch. A face like Justine Skye and a body like Jordyn Woods. Glad she's matching you in height or you'd be looking like Jalee, walking a child to school."

        They laughed at the comparison. Their packmate Jalee was 6'2. His imprint Lucía was 5'1.

        Kareem's back to admiring his imprint. She's a thick woman with curves out of this world. And her ass in them jeans — fuuck I need her. I want her so bad. "She is pretty, isn't she?" He gushed. He can't even be humbled about it or quiet. Everyone needed to know.

        Jasmine could throw up at how fast her friend changed overnight by imprinting, but she was nothing but happy for him who deserved it all. "Mhmm and you know I hold no filter so I'm not just being nice. Some imprints. . ." she trailed, making a funny face to hint that some were ugly. "They special, for sure. In their own way. I'd rank her 2nd out of our generation of imprints."

        "Who's first?"

        She flipped her hair hanging below her butt and posed under the flashing lights of the performance still happening. "Me. Duh. Keep up."

        Kareem smirked. "My fault. My fault. I'm all ears now."

        Jasmine was just being herself, but Alyina will forever be number one in his eyes. Amongst the room of beautiful women, from ugly to lowkey pretty to Insta baddie, none of them compared to her. Maybe it's the imprint juju talking; the ability to notice a woman's beauty but feel no attraction toward her as was felt toward his imprint instead, having no competition to be compared. But without it, she was still beautiful.

        And he's not blind, but they're just not her.

        They're not Alyina.

        "You didn't answer my question before," Jasmine reeled his attention stuck in his thoughts. "Why you not talking to her? And here. . . with me?"

        Kareem shrugged. "She's working. I'm not tryna mess up her grind."

        Which was true. He didn't want her multitasking trying to serve others while understanding his poor use of Sign language. Besides, he liked the view. She seemed very into the rapper performing his 2nd or 3rd song, and he was very into her. A win-win.

        "Kareem you is not shy. Never been. You pussywhipped niggas get on my nerves."

        "Pussywhipped? Just wait until you imprint. The world gon' change for you in seconds. Little things like this will mean so much especially when you know what's best for her."

        Jasmine gagged. "I don't wanna imprint if it got you sounding like a Jehovah Witness."

        "Whatever nigga."

        They jumped at the rattling sound of a tray hitting the ground. Because the music drowned out the commotion, only those nearby heard it. Kareem snapped his attention to a White man grabbing Alyina's shoulder forcefully jerking her back. She gasped at the mess, startled by his abrupt action she had no time to react.

        Jasmine looked to Kareem fuming in anger at the sight. She warned him about his anger heightened as a newly imprinted wolf and not to kill the man and ruin the night. He doesn't want to deal with his mom or spook Alyina.

        "Now you have a reaction when I've been trying to get your attention — " He read her nameplate. " — Michelle, for the past ten minutes?"

        Not only was he raising his voice at the wrong one, but Alyina struggled to understand him past his angry expression.

        This infuriated the man furthermore. "And now you're ignoring me again? Get your manager for me. This is not how services should work — "

        Kareem took his hand and ripped it off Alyina's shoulder, stepping between him and her with a look that could kill. And would. His strength alone could break every bone in his hand, but stopped himself from doing so. "What's the problem and why does it involve you touching her and causing a scene?" He questioned, checking on his imprint who seemed thankful for his involvement. Not that she spared him a glance, dropping to the floor to clean up the mess.

        The man recognized Kareem and straightened himself out as if he were shooting for a deal to be made. "I apologize for causing a scene, Mr. Johnson. I have been trying to flag down the server for another refill and Hors-d'oeuvre, but she's been ignoring me the entire night." He explained.

        She's serving cupcakes. Not Hors-d'oeuvre.


He scooted closer in to whisper. "I think she might be a bit. . .slow."

A growl deep and throaty resonated from within his chest. 1. He's in Kareem's personal space, and because of his sensitive nose, his strong cologne was crowding. 2. He's name-calling his woman. There were barely any white people in Atlanta to begin with so when they move here, the entitlement being the last one standing never leaves. And this one's about to lower the percentage.

        As if Jasmine read Kareem's mind when he took his first step and lifted his hand to grab the man by his neck, she rushed between them. "So you didn't think to flag someone else down?"

        The man remained quiet. Of course, he didn't fucking think that far. He was looking for someone to bully and chose the wrong one.

        Jasmine faced Kareem with a look, reminding him to cool his shit. It was hard with everything heightened, but he tried for everyone's sake and needed a moment to get his breathing under control.

      Jasmine kneeled to help Alyina clean up the mess. She would never get her hands dirty or clean up messes she didn't make, but because it involved her closest friend and his imprint, it couldn't be ignored.

Moments later, a short Hispanic man rushed to calm the scene. "I am so sorry. Please excuse my employee. She's deaf and it's her first and last day working with us, so I apologize for the disturbance Mr. Johnson and Mr. Willborgh. Please, you don't have to do that, allow me." He helped Jasmine to her feet and took her place helping Alyina.

Jasmine left to wash her hands after checking on Kareem who was still pissed and seconds from smashing Mr. Willborgh's face in, but focused on his breathing to calm himself. Alyina was more important than a petty argument.

"Oh, Mr. Johnson you — "

"I got it. This wasn't her fault so don't penalize her because some jackass wasn't using his brain." Kareem took the mess from the man, presumably the manager, and Alyina's hands to throw away. He surprised her by doing so but allowed him to help. Still, spared him no glance.

Walking back, he overheard their conversation. "Why are you on the floor? You were stationed at the booth. So, how did you get here? We could've avoided this had you been at your place."

Kareem didn't like the way he was talking to Alyina. If no one was speaking to her nicely, then they were a threat which was crazy considering he would've minded his business if he hadn't imprinted. Now, it's different. People were stressing her out and it's stressing him out too.

        It won't be easy for him.

"Carlos went on break and asked me to cover his position." Kareem almost broke his neck when Alyina spoke for the first time. There's a slight accent to her words, but she sounded clear as day. Soft and soothing. And it was beautiful, her voice.

"Carlos isn't on break. He's at the booth in your place and told me you wanted to switch."

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "What? No. He — "

He sighed heavily. "Get to the table. Now. And make sure there isn't a smidgen of icing left."

Kareem held himself back from causing a scene. He feared these heightened emotions would catch a body and scar his imprint for life.

Alyina opened her mouth to fight for herself but ultimately gave up. She cursed under her breath when her manager took his leave, words Kareem heard and smiled at. She got a side to her. I like that.

With a heavy sigh, she carried the tray of unpresentable cupcakes to her feet where she found Kareem standing before. Her brows rose with surprise, not expecting his presence which she would've noticed had she been paying attention. He was there the entire time. Her shock is cute though.

"Hi." Kareem greeted.

A smile, despite all, found her face. "Hi — oh, you don't have to. . ." Alyina trailed when Kareem took the tray from her hands to throw out. He wasn't the type to debate with so she let him. "Thanks." She chewed on her bottom lip.

        "I'm K.A.R.E.E.M." He signed out with his free hand, nervous as fuck he would fuck something up though he's been practicing for days.

        Kareem caught her laughing and his cheeks grew warm. She probably thought it was silly to introduce himself when she knew who he was, but rather responded back, shocked he even knew her language. "Nice to me you, again. I'm A.L.Y.I.N.A. Or," She sighed an 'A' and gestured her index finger horizontally from her lips like a smile.

        "What's that?"

        "That's my name sign. It's easier and you won't have to spell it every time. 'A' because it's the start of my name, and a smile because it's one of my best features. So I'm told, I have a pretty smile."

        And she does. But everything about her was her best feature.

        Nodding, Kareem tossed the food in the trash and placed the tray under his arm. If he dirties his clothes then he does. He can buy another. "Do I get one?" He asked instead of signing.

        He hadn't learned that much, still mastering the alphabet and basic questions, so he enunciated for her to understand.

        "Sure. But only a Deaf person gives you one. To get one from me, you have to earn it."

        "How am I doing so far?" Kareem signed this time with words he remembered.

        "Good. But you have a lot to catch up on."

        "I'm not stressin' it. I will succeed."

        Alyina held her breath when Kareem took her hands into his to wipe off with a napkin he found at a nearby table. The action came naturally, he didn't react as she did and was focused on cleaning her hands.

        "You know I can do this myself, right?" Alyina tugged her hand back and took the napkin to wipe her hands herself. Then she lathered her hands with hand sanitizer when finished. "I'm not incapable of wiping my own hands or picking up my own mess. It's nice, but I got it too."

        Kareem understood her offense the second it registered and went about it the only way he knew how. "You're right. My bad. I overstepped and it won't happen again." He apologized. Adding to it would probably make it worse.

        A smile brightened her face moments later. "So you're learning Sign language? You've been holding out on me. Where was this skill when we met?" Alyina changed the subject.

        "Nonexistent but willing to improve."

        "And you're here as a guest?"

        Kareem nodded. "In support of my mom who is also the mayor of Atlanta."

        Reading his lips, her expression grew but confusion lingered. "Oh wow. Atlanta?" She asked to confirm the context so Kareem repeated himself until her confusion vanished. "So the mayor's son saved my life from a potential drunk driver? I have a lot of repayment to catch up on."

        "You don't have to repay me. Saving a life is the bare minimum and I'd save you a thousand more times over as long as I have you here, alive and well."

        Alyina's cheeks warmed evident by her lowered head and patting her cheek with the back of her hand.

        "I didn't know you were catering here tonight. Or that you're a baker?"

        "I'm not a baker. I can barely follow simple instructions without getting something wrong or almost burning down the house." Alyina replied. "I'm volunteering for my mom while she's out on a wellness retreat with my aunt for the weekend. She's the baker in the family."

        "Is she good?"

        Kareem wanted to know if her mother was suffering mentally or physically. He was ready to offer his comfort and support whenever she needed it.

        Alyina nodded, confirming all was good at home.

        "Is it appropriate to ask how you. . ." He started but trailed not sure if the question was offensive to ask.


        "Yes. But I mean no ill intentions. I'm genuinely curious."

        She read his hesitant expression as they continued walking through the crowd and found no offense toward the question. "It's a common question, so it's okay. You can breathe. In short, my mom put me through speech therapy when I was young, but I'm still a hundred percent Deaf. I can read lips depending on the person and surroundings, and hear a tiny bit, but Sign Language is my native language and best to communicate with. I didn't speak when we met because I hate speaking when I can't hear my voice like now." Kareem noticed her right ear was occupied by a brown-color hearing aid with hearts painted on them. The left ear was where her cochlear was placed if he didn't break it. So she uses two? "Sorry in advance if I ignore you too or ask you to repeat yourself. It's busy right now so I can't differentiate the sounds which almost cost me my job."

        A job her manager said she would no longer be working at the end of the night. Or her mother who she's covering for by the different nameplate.

        "Never apologize. I'm the one who's sorry for asking the same questions everyone does, and forcing you to speak. You must hate that shit."

        "I've dealt with worse, but I can tell you're interested."

        Yes, in you. I want you.

        They approach the booth. Alyina spun, surprised to find Kareem a lot closer than before and his eyes on no one else but her. She swallowed thickly. "Well, thank you for walking me but I should get back to work and you need to go support your mom. I enjoyed your company and signing."

        Kareem felt his heart crack. He didn't want to leave her just yet; he wanted to spend the entire night with her even if he had to stand at her booth like a bodyguard while she worked. He needed to be near her. The event and his mother will survive without him, but he can't survive without her. A bit dramatic, yes. But strongly attracted to a woman he can't express his feelings toward or understand without being labeled a pervert, hurts.

        "Do you wanna get out of here?" The words slipped out his mouth before thinking, but didn't regret saying them.

        Alyina tilted her head at his words. "That sounds nice, but I'm working right now. So. . . no?" She smiled to ease declining his offer almost like she was trained to, to save her life and protect his ego. That fucking smile that he loved so much.

        His game was lagging. A nigga got too happy now he sounded like he was going to kidnap her.

        "I'm sorry. Let me start over, I was nervous and got too excited." Kareem took a breath and started over. "If you aren't too tired after your shift, would you like to grab something to eat? On me. And it's in public so you won't have to worry about me kidnapping you — which I won't. Or saying that I will. . .let me shut up."

        Alyina laughed at his rumbling though she wasn't able to make out much. "I would love that, yes." She answered but after a hesitant moment. He didn't know how to feel about that, but at least he gets more time with her outside of messaging.

        "Bet. I'll pick you up around back?"

        "I drove my car. What do I. . ." She trailed for him to answer.

        "I can drop you back off at your car or you can meet me there. Whatever you're comfortable with."

        "Okay. Just don't kidnap me."

        Kareem jumped. "That — " Alyina turned away to focus on her job. She did check on him, a sly smirk painting her lips before she went to serve the man who came up. Ha! She got jokes.

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