jojo pt 5 x reader

By Oesapendragon

29 0 0


What they like about u

How they confess to u

12 0 0
By Oesapendragon

He'd say it casuals quickly and hope that you didn't hear it.

You couldn't sleep. You didn't know why. You lay in bed for hours watching them tick by. You slowly got out of bed and quietly walked down the stairs.

You thought you heard one of the sex pistols snoring in the living room but you waved it off. You grabbed a cup form the cabinet and walked over to the sink and poured yourself a cup of water. You walked over to the couch and sat down.

Stinkier's POV [mista]

I heard footsteps form the kitchen I turned my head my eyes adjusted quickly to the dark as Y/N pouring themselves a glass of water. Threy looked tired . She then walked over to the couch I was sitting at. They sat down right beside me. They
mumbled something about not being able to sleep and took a sip of the cold water.
"Hey mista." Y/N said to me as they turned her head to face me. They had dark bags under their eyes. "H-hey." I said back smiling softly, as I turned on thre lamp light beside me.
"Couldn't sleep eaither huh?" They asked. "Yeah, pistols are being shits again." I laughed as five crawled off my head and slithered down my face and down my shirt and FUCKING BIT ME ON MY NIPPLE. "GAH OWCH. I yelped as I snatched him of of me "since when did you have teeth?!" I snapped
I heard Y/N giggling beside me.

30 minutes later!

"God it's cold!" Y/N said as they moved closer to me. Before it could think I took off my shirt and handed it to them. "Here wear this."
"T-thanks Mista." They smiled with blush across their cheeks. "No problem I'll go grab a blanket for us. I ruffled their hair as I stood up and walked over to get a blanket form the basket.

When I returned I couldn't help but smile at how big the shirt was on Y/N. the shirt came down to their mid-thigh. God they looked so cute!
I placed the blanket and over the two of us they snuggled up to me as they laid their head on my bare shoulder, I felt my face grow hot as I get their breath on my neck. Calm down mista. "Where are the pistols?" Y/N asked me as they looked up at me. "Their upstairs." I said as I ruffled my hair.
I slowly wrapped my arm around their waist.
God I was falling for them for every day.
"Night Mista." Y/N yawned
"Night Y/N. love you." I said. Shit did I just say that?!?!
"I-I love you t-to Mista." They said as they sat up beside me. Did I hear them right? "You're joking." I said in disbelief "n-no I'm not I've liked you for a while now ever since that fight with Leonardo. When you saved me form the blast."

I didn't think I just kissed them. I pushed my lips against theirs. Their eyes went wide before they kissed me back. They ran their hands through my hair. I put my arms around their waist. God how much I loved them.

After what felt like hours I pulled away.
Y/n leaned into my bare chest as they yawned. I picked up the blanket and placed it over us again.
"Night Mista I love you." They smiled up at me.
"I love you too "Y/N." I smiled back as I kissed the tip of their nose.


He's REALLY awkward about it and his face turns as read as kakyoins hair.

Fem ver
"Hey Fugo, can you help me for a sec?" You asked popping your head out of your room. "Sure what's up?" Fugo answered entering your bedroom.
"Can you help me with this dress? I can't reach the zipper." You had on a black  dress with long sleeves

Here's a visual:

"Sure." Fugo answered as he walked over.

"You look nervous everything ok?" you asked Fugo who was trying to get the zipper on you dress to work. "Me?.. n-o I'm just fine!" he replied.his face red.

the dress fit you perfectly, It hugged all of your curves just right.

Fugo had never been so close to you.  He had liked you for quite a while but could never find the courage to tell you.once he manage to get the zipper to zip up. you turned to face him.

Mac ver.

"Hey Fugo can you come help me with this tie?" you called from your room "sure." Fugo called back.

"what did you do?" Fugo laughed as he saw that you some how managed to tangle yourself with the tie." "to be honest I have no idea."

"Here let me help."

"If something is wrong you know you can always tell me." you took his hand in yours. "                           "GUYS THE CAR IS HERE! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!" Abbachio's annoyed voice called from down stairs.  "Let's get going Fugo." you smiled at him.

during the mission

gunshots filled your ears, you watched as Abbachio slammed a wine bottle over the head of a gang member. you heard footsteps from behind you. you summons your stand and punched the enemy in the face. "GUYS HEAD TO THE CAR!" Bruno yelled. you ran past shattering glass and flying chairs. "Y/N! LOOK OUT!" Fugo yelled as he saw a bullet being aimed right at you. he rushed towards you. and grabbed on to you. the bullet shot into his left shoulder. Fugo let out a gasp of pain as the two of you hit the ground.

  "Buccirati Fugo's been shot!" You called out. "Get him out Y/N! Mista start the van!"

"Let me help you." you said as you helped Fugo up and helped him to the van. Fugo and you sat down at the back of the van. "Fugo stay with me ok? Here lay down." you told him as he rested his head on your lap. "How's he doin' Y/N?" mista asked as he turned his head. to face you. "He's still concious.

   the car home was quiet.

once they stopped at the villa Abbachio carried Fugo inside to treat his wounds.                                   

two weeks later

"does it still hurt?" you asked Fugo as you sat down at the edge of his bed. "A bit but it's mostly head.

"Hey I-i need to tell you s'something." he said to you. "Sure. What's up." "I-I like Y-you," Fugo stuttered feeling his face grow red. "F-for a while n-now" Why didn't you tell me you had feelings for me?" you asked the teen.Fugo felt his face grow red. "I-I thought you'd hate me for liking you." "Well good thing I feel the same way about you." you smiled. "YOu're joking right?" "Why would i be joking about liking you?" you wrapped your arms carfully around Fugo. You kissed his forehead as a smile appeared on Fugo's face.

he had found someone.

someone who loved him.


he'd probably say it while you're asleep or something.

"is it ok if you take off your shirt? I need to heal the wound on your back." Giorno asked you. "Sure" you responded as you pulled off your shirt. "How bad is it Giorno?" "It's pretty deep, I apologize if it's painful."

"that's all I can do for now." Giorno said to you as he finished bandaging up your lower back. "ill go get you something to wear." 

"Where'ed Y?N go?" Narancia asked as he shoved pasta into his mouth. "You dummbass are you as blind as you are stupid?!!?" Fugo snapped "they went to bed early. the healing took a lot of energy out of them." Giorno anserwed."

"im gonna go check on Y/N." Giorno said to the group.

"Y/N? You in there? I need to check your wounds." Giorno said as he softly knocked on your door. no answer. Giorno opened the door. he found you fast asleep in a little ball. Giorno sat down beside you. "Y/N wake up I gotta check to see if your wounds are healing." he said softly. you mumbled something as rolled over to face him. "Hey I just need to check to see if your wounds are healing." Giorno smiled. "K." you responded was you sat up.

"the wounds seem to be healing quickly." Giorno said as he pulled your shirt back down. you winced at the pain in your back when you lay back down. "Giorno. can you stay with me for the night?" you asked the young blonde. "Sure. ill be back in a minute.' he replied as he smiled at you before leaving to get changed.

Giorno returned a minute later in a yellow button up night shirt and matching pants. his hair was down and a little damp. "Hey Giorno." you smiled softly as the teen crawled into bed next to you.   

"When will the group be back?" you asked. "In a bit Abbachio's probably yelling at Mista because they served 4 slices of cake again." he smiled as you giggled.

in a few minutes you had passed out.

"IM TELLING YOU! 5 X 5 IS 55!!" Narancias voice boomed from outside the room. "You brick head! It's 25!"

you started to stir a bit. "shhhh its fine Narancia is just being an idoit again it will die down in a second.

as the voices died down as everyone went to bed. the sounds of Naples filled the room. music, motorcycles, and chatting. {As someone who went to Naples I find the noise very calming idk why 🤷🏼‍♀️} the noise seemed to calm you down.

God how much Giorno loved you.


he was terrified to tell you.

he loved so much about you.

your hair.

your eyes

your voice

the two of you have been good friends for a few years. you both joined the mafia and helped to take down Diavilo. the first time he had met you. you had fallen while running from a group of thieves and Brocken your leg. Giorno came along and helped you to a empty cafe and healed your leg. from then on the two of you became fast friends from the time you where 13 and 14 to now 14 and 15.

"If only you knew how much you mean to me." Giorno Said in a whisper. Of course you couldn't hear him since you were fast asleep.

" I love you Y/N."

Next day

You woke to find Giorno's arm wrapped loosely around you. Your face was nuzzled into the crook of his neck. His hair smelled like trees and wood.
"Morning Gio, how'd you sleep?" You mumbled. "Mmm good how bout you?" Giorno yawned as he opened his emerald eyes. "Pretty good." "You're so cute when you're sleepy Gio!" You giggled.
"No I'm nooott..." Giorno groaned.

"I had this weird dream last night." You stated as the two of you sat up in bed.
"Oh yeah? What was it"
"It might sound weird but I had a dream that you well confessed that you liked me."

Well shit Giorno started panicking "haha yeah what a weird dream!" He laughed nervously.

"It wasn't a dream was it?" you turned to him.

"No it deffenitly was."

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