The Potter Twins》Draco Malfoy...

By DayneMal

33.2K 768 238

Emily Potter is Harry Potter's twin sister. They have always been together in everything. Until their letter... More

~nineteen~ ♡part.2♡
~nineteen~ ◇part.3◇
~twenty one~
~twenty two~
~twenty three~
~twenty four~
~twenty five~
~ twenty six ~
~ twenty seven ~
~ twenty seven ~ pt.2
~ twenty eight ~
~ twenty nine ~
~ thirty ~
~ thirty one ~
~ thirty two ~
~ thirty three ~
~ thirty five ~
~ thirty six ~
~ thirty seven ~
~ thirty eight ~
~ thirty nine ~
~ forty ~
Second Book

~ thirty four ~

321 7 0
By DayneMal

  "Hello, ladies." Both of the twins said to Hermione, Ginny and I.
    "Love potions, eh? Yeah, they really do work."

I let out a laugh. "I don't need a love potion," I said and walk behind Fred while sliding my finger tips from one of his shoulders to the other. I then looked up at George with an innocent look. "Or do you think I do?"

  He smirked. "I'm loving the Slytherin attitude." I laughed and hit his arm.
  "You definitely don't, Emily. And Ginny either, the way we hear it, she's doing just fine on her own." Fred jumped in.

  "Meaning?" She asked.

  "Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" One of then said.

  "That's not on your business." She said as she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

  Ron, Hermione, Harry and I left the twin's shop.
We entered where Ollivander's used to be, because in that moment was nothing more then a burnt place and ashes inside. Everything was destroyed. "Harry," Ron said. "Is it me, or do Draco and Mummy look like too people who don't want to be followed?" The moment I heard his name it called my attention. I stepped closer to the window to take a look and they did look rather suspicious. And of course the Gryffinsors had the extraordinary idea to follow them. I went with them because I didn't want to be left behind but to be fair I also wanted to see what was going on.

  The next day it was time to go back to Hogwarts.  I was sitting with Pansy, Millicent and Theo feets away from Draco, Blaise, Astoria and Daphne. All of a sudden the cabinet went dark with a smoke. "What the fuck?" I ask loudly.
  "What was that? Blaise?" I heard Draco's voice. "Don't know." He answered.
  "Relax. It's probably just a first-year messing around." Pansy said out loud for the people around us to hear. "This people really have to grow up." I rolled my eyes. Soon after we arrived at the school.
  I was a little behind because I was looking for my brother after Ron told me he didn't get off the train with him. I searched everywhere but he was nowhere to be found so I just thought he was at the castle already. I had to walk all that way by my self.
  "Oh! Here you are." Said Professor Flitwick. "Do you have any idea where your brother is?"
  "Wait, he's not here?" I asked concerned.
  "No! Now tell me your name." He said.
  "What- you know my name. Are you loosing your mind? Is it the age?" I said and he looked at me dead serious. "Emily Potter, Professor."

  I was still thinking about Harry because I didn't know where he was. I looked up from the Professor and saw Draco, who apparently was late too. I went up to him and asked "by any chance have you seen Harry?"
  "No." He said dryly holding the eye contact with me.
  I than heard Harry's voice and turned around. I walked up to him and hugged him. "What the hell happened to your nose? It looks horrible."
  "Nice face, Potter." I heard Draco's voice.
  "He happened." Harry answered my question. Oh my God, he did it and he lied to me so easily.

  The next morning I had Potions as my first class. "Ah! Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see." Said Professor Slughorn.

  "Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" He asked the class.

"That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth-telling serum. And that would be Polyjuice Potion. It will make you look like another person. It's terrifying tricky to make." Hermione said.

  "Very good. What about this one?" He siad and pointed at another potion. I raised my hand. "Alright, Miss Potter please tell us what it is."

  "That is Amorteniathe... the most powerful love potion in the world. It's supposed to smell differently to each person according to whatever attracts them." I explained.
  "Would you be so kind and tell us what you smell for an example." He said.
  "Oh no. I couldn't." I did not want to say what I was already smelling out loud, specially after I wasn't in good terms with him. He hadn't come up to me and apologize for lying, he didn't care. He was just so different, the way he looked was not the Draco I knew before. And I didn't want to talk to him first because if he didn't try why would I.
  "I must insist, Potter. It would be a great thing if you did."
  "Like I said Professor, I can't. I am no longer attracted to anyone, meaning that it smells nothing to me."
  "How is that possible? I did know someone could smell nothing in the potion." He said surprised.
  "All I know is lies can really make you think about a person and just lose hope in love. Maybe that's why I smell nothing," I looked at Draco who was already looking at me, he knew I was talking about him. What hurt me the most was not that he lied to me but with the ease he did with. I then turned back to the teacher and smiled. "But, Professor, I'm sure one of the other girls wouldn't mind to give you examples."

It was winter already and everything was covered in beautiful white snow.
Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Millicent and I were in Hogamade just walking around and checking out some stores. We were all out about to go to the Three Broomsticka from some hot butterbeer for the cold weather when we heard a scream. We all ran towards it and when we got there Harry and his friends were already there. We saw this Gryffindor girl names Katie moving around as if she was posed. She then levitated with her mouth wide open for some reason and then just dropped to the floor hardly. Hagrid came from behind us and told us to not get any closer to her. I'm the snow was this scary-looking necklace with some type of blue stones on it and we couldn't touch it.

Quidditch game day. Everyone was talking about this match specially because it was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I hated games like this. All because I couldn't support my brother too, but winning a game was winning a game and I always wanted my house to win of course. We were winning but then Gryffindor started playing really good and we lost the game.

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