Pokémon; Journey Through Kanto

By pokepal14

45.8K 825 153

Yuki, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a word famous Pokémon Master and Coordinator who travels... More

The Journey Begins
Route 1
Viridian City
Viridian Forest
Pewter City
Mt Moon
Cerulean Cape
Cerulean City
Pokémon Tech School
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!
The Lighthouse
Vermillion City
S.S Anne
Beauty and the Beach
Tentacool and Tenatcruel
Maiden's Peak
Saffron City
Lavender Town
Happy Halloween!!
Celadon City
Drowzee and Hypno
Breeder's Lane
P1 Grand Prix
Gringy City
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!!! 2024
Fuchsia City
Valentine's Day!!
Pokémon Preserve
The Safari Zone
The Bridge Bike Gang
Stone Town; The Eevee Brothers
Dark City
Question 2
Kanto Pokémon Fossils
Author's Note
The Mystery Egg Hatches

Pokémon Ranch

446 12 1
By pokepal14



The gang was currently walking through a forest. They arrived at a field that had fences built and Pokémon within them. 

"Are we in the countryside?" Willow asked.

"I don't think so," Yuki shook her head.

Then they felt the ground shaking. 

"Woah!" Yuki said in alarm.

"It feels like an earthquake," Willow said.

"It's those Pokémon," Brock said as he pointed to a herd of light brown bull-like Pokémon with three tails.

Yuki pulled out her Pokédex

Tauros, the Wild Bull Pokémon. When Tauros begins whipping itself with its tails, it's a warning that the Pokémon is about to charge with astounding speed.

"Growl!" A familiar Pokémon said from behind them.

The gang turned and saw a Growlithe.

"It's a Growlithe," Brock smiled, thinking about his Growlithe.

"Hi Growlithe," Yuki said as she petted Growlithe. "Where's your trainer?"

"I'm right here," A female voice replied.

The gang looked and saw a girl with blue hair in a low ponytail, blue eyes, a green short-sleeved shirt, & light lavender shorts who was riding a cream-colored horse-like Pokémon with a fire-like mane and tail.

"Can you tell us where we are, please?" Yuki asked politely.

"You're at the Big P Pokémon Ranch; we preserve and raise wild Pokémon here," the girl answered.

"So those Tauros are yours?" Willow asked.

"Yes. I'm Lara Laramie and my family runs this ranch," the girl introduced herself.

"I'm Yuki and this is Raiden."


"I'm Willow."

"And I'm Brock."

"Nice to meet you all," Lara smiled.


Lara showed the gang the fields of the ranch, which held different Pokémon.

Yuki quickly scanned Ponyta

Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokémon. At the beginning of its life, Ponyta's legs are too weak to hold it up. It quickly learns to run by chasing after its elders.

One field had Sandslash, another Nidorina, another Nidorino & other fields held different Pokémon.

"Breeders love it here at the Laramie Ranch because the Pokémon are raised in the wild and a little stronger than other Pokémon," Brock said.

"I'm happy that you know all about our hard work. We're very proud," Lara said as she got off Ponyta & stretched.

"Doesn't it hurt when you ride Ponyta?" Willow asked.

"One thing about Ponyta or Rapidash is that they won't burn anyone they trust," Lara said.

"This place is astonishing," Yuki said.

"I know, we're having a big party here tonight. Why don't you all come as my guests?" Lara offered.

"Really? Thanks," Yuki said.

"Pika Pikachu," Raiden said.

"And if you stay here at the ranch tonight, you will be able to see the big Pokémon Race tomorrow," Lara said.

"A Pokémon Race?" Willow blinked.

"We race to find out who's got the best Pokémon and the winner becomes an honorary member of the Laramie Clan," Lara answered.

The ground began shaking again.

"The Tauros again?" Willow said.

"No it's not the Tauros," Lara replied.

A horde of large brown wingless, roadrunner-like Pokémon with three heads ran past with fast speed. Then one of them with a boy with dark purple hair in a low ponytail, a blue-green long-sleeved shirt, beige jeans & yellow boots on the Pokémon's back came up to Lara and the gang.

"Howdy Lara," the boy greeted.

"Dario," Lara said casually.

Yuki scanned the Pokémon

Dodrio, the Triple Bird Pokémon. Dodrio has three heads, three hearts & three sets of lungs. It can keep watch in all directions & run a long way without getting tired.

"Y'all best be prepared for the big face tomorrow," Dario smirked at Lara.

"Don't be too sure, partner. It takes more than just speed to win the race," Lara stated.

"Just get ready to lose Lara," Dario smirked as he rode off.

"Rude, who was that guy?" Yuki growled.

"That's Dario, a Dodrio trainer. He loves to show off his Pokémon's speed," Lara replied.

"Reminds me of a certain someone I know," Yuki said.

"Pi Pikachu Pika. (Yeah an arrogant brat.)" Raiden groaned.


That evening, Lara brought the gang to the festival.

"Hey Lara good luck in the race tomorrow," a salesman said.

"Thank you," Lara smiled. 

"Your Ponyta's great."

"Thank you."

"Good luck!"

"Appreciate it."

Yuki was eating a giant chocolate Magikarp biscuit and gave half Raiden.

"Wow, she's popular," Willow said.

"She must be a real contender in the race," Brock said.

"Hey, Lara!" A familiar voice called out, making everyone turn to see Dario running towards them. "Your Tauros are going crazy at the ranch!"

Lara and the gang gasped.

Lara whistled for her Ponyta, jumped on her back & rode off to the ranch. She and the gang went over to the ranch. 

Yuki glanced over her shoulder and saw Dario smirking. 'Hmm, I don't trust that smirk,' she thought, narrowing her eyes. 


When they got to the ranch, Lara's Tauros were tackling each other like mad. It was like they were having a real fight with each other.

"What?" Lara gasped. "Quick Growlithe, get in there and settle them down." 

"AROOOOOO!" Growlithe roared and in less than 30 seconds, the Tauros calmed down completely.

"What the heck was that about?" Brock asked.

"I don't know and I don't like it either," Yuki replied.

Lara was just about to inspect them when suddenly something flew past Ponyta, frightening it. Ponyta was so spooked & accidentally threw Lara off her back. 

"Argh!" Lara said in pain as she gripped her left arm.

"Lara!" Willow gasped.

"Don't move that arm," Brock said.

"Easy Ponyta, calm down," Yuki soothed, calming Ponyta down.

"What was that about?" Willow said.

'Something spooked Ponyta. But what?'  Yuki thought.


What really happened was Team Rocket's doing.

"Pretty nice work," Meowth grinned.

"Even better than we planned," Jessie said.

"I got a good feeling about this one," James said, smiling widely.

"Pretty good work," A voice said. "I didn't expect anything less from Team Rocket."

It was Dario.

Apparently, Dario intended to win the race, even if it meant cheating, so he had made a deal with Team Rocket.

The deal was if Team Rocket helped him win the race, they would be rewarded with a lot of money.

"If I get what I want, you get what you want," Dario said.

"Right partner," Meowth agreed.

"Hahaha!" All four of them laughed.


At Lara's house, Lara was resting her arm in a sling. 

"With my arm like this, I can't grip Ponyta's reins and won't be able to race tomorrow," Lara said, sadly.

Ponyta was also sad, seeing how it was her fault that her trainer got injured. 

"Too bad for the Laramie Clan," Willow sighed.

"Hold on," Lara said, getting an idea. "Yuki, you can ride Ponyta for me."

"I doubt that's a good idea. I mean Ponyta will only listen to you," Yuki said.

"Don't worry about that, I know Ponyta will warm up to you," Lara assured.

"Go for it," Willow said.

"It doesn't hurt to try," Brock said.

"Pika Pikachu. (You can do it.)" Raiden said.

"Okay I'll try," Yuki said.

They all stepped outside.

"Ponyta, it's gonna be you and me. Will you trust me?" Yuki asked Ponyta.

Ponyta stared at Yuki and nodded.

Yuki carefully climbed on Ponyta's back and didn't get burned, meaning Ponyta trusted her.

"We have a race to win tomorrow, partner. You ready!"

Ponyta neighed loudly and nodded.

Then Yuki grabs the reins & begins to ride Ponyta. Soon, the two took off at top speed. Lara & the others are impressed.


The next day, it was time for the race to begin. Fireworks and loud cheers were heard from the stadiums. All those competing in the race were getting ready at the starting line.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this year's Pokemon Challenge sponsored by the Laramie Clan! Our course takes our challengers through hard rocks and water to test their speed and ability! Whoever clears all the obstacles and crosses the finish line is our winner!" The announcer announced.

"Good luck guys," Lara cheered, waving her uninjured arm.

"Best of luck out there," Willow cheered.

"Marill!" Marill cheered.

Brock decided to enter with Onix and Raiden was riding on Sly's back.

"On your mark! Get set! Go!" The announcer said.

The racers took off immediately and were on the first portion of the race. Dario & Dodrio picked up more speed and were in the lead.

Everything began running smoothly, but Team Rocket started doing their tricks. They shot two slingshots, which hit a Tauros and its trainer. It spooked Tauros so much that it ended up tackling a Nidorina and her trainer.

Nidorina was crossed and fought back. So Nidorina and Tauros soon got into a fight, ignoring their trainers. 

"That didn't seem right," Yuki looked back at the fighting Pokémon, then focused on the race.


Team Rocket was hiding in the long grass, finding it funny.

"I got a bulls-eye!" James grinned, holding a slingshot in his hand.

"Or close to it," Jessie snickered.


The second portion of the race was a 45-degree uphill climb and Dario was still in the lead.

"You can do it, Ponyta," Yuki encouraged. "I know you can."

The racers managed to get over the hill, going downhill was easier. There was one Pokemon that made it super easy for them: An Electrode and its trainer flew past the racers at great speed, taking the lead.

"Woah," Yuki said, impressed and amused at how its trainer sped past them.

Dario gritted his teeth, "He's fast."

The bad news was Team Rocket had dug a hole and Electrode and its trainer fell into it.

Dodrio ran past them, taking the lead once more. 

Another bad news was the fall caused Electrode to explode, hitting a Raticate and a Sandslash along with their trainers in the process.

Yuki and Ponyta along with Raiden and Sly were okay since they used Protect.

"This is getting stranger and stranger," Yuki said as Ponyta rode off.


The third portion was tricky. The Pokémon have to go across the river on the stepping stones.

"Go Dodrio!" Dario smiled.

Dodrio jumped from stone to stone with ease.

But it wasn't good for Onix and a Rhyhorn. Rhyhorn stepped on a stepping stone to see if it was all right. But the steeping stone sank, with Rhyhorn still on it. 

Onix watched in horror and groaned in tears. 

Brock petted Onix's head to reassure him, "That's okay. We tried."

Ponyta jumped from stone to stone extremely fast.

"Wahoo, go Ponyta!" Yuki said, gripping the reins tighter.


The fourth portion of the race was that the Pokémon had to eat a tray of food before heading towards the finish line.

Of course Dario and Dodrio got to the tray of food first, but as Dodrio has three heads, they were fighting about who should eat first.

"Quit fighting! You'll all get your fair share!" Dario scolds.

This gave Ponyta, Raiden & Sly a chance to catch up and start to eat their portion of food. 

"Alright Team Rocket, time to get to work!" Dario yelled, frustrated.

Yuki and her Pokémon eyes narrowed in anger when they heard what Dario yelled out.

Out of nowhere a thick cloud of black smoke appeared, covering the cameras that were set up.

Yuki and her Pokémon heard an annoying and familiar motto coming from the smoke. 

"You have got to be kidding me!" Yuki exclaimed. "What do you clowns want now?!"

"Let's just say... that we want to mess you up again!" Meowth grinned.

"I thought they weren't accidents. You three caused Lara to injure her arm and you messed with all the racers," Yuki glared.

"Go, Dario! Now's your chance!" Jessie shouted.

"Thanks Jessie," Dario nodded and rode off.

"Unbelievable. Team Rocket and Dario," Yuki said as she turned to Raiden & Sly. "Can you deal with Team Rocket?"

"Pika/Haunter," Raiden & Sly nodded.

"Thanks. Let's go Ponyta," Yuki said and took off.


The camera was fixed and everyone was able to see what was on the screen.

"YES! We have our picture back and...Dario is still in the lead!" The screen changed, "Now let's take a look at the other Pokemon...And I can't see anything!  WAIT! Who's that?!"

They saw a red flaming aura appearing from the distance. The camera zoomed in. 

"It's a giant BURNING FLAME!"

"Faster Ponyta we're way behind," Yuki said.

"It's Ponyta! I don't know how it happened but it seems it has become a two Pokémon race between Dodrio and Ponyta! With nothing left but a flat-out run to the finish line! And Dodrio has entered the stadium, still in the lead!" 

"I'm gonna win this one," Dario laughed.

"Oh no, you won't!" Yuki shouted from behind.

"How did she get so close?" Dario said, not believing this.

"Now Ponyta is closing in on Dodrio!"

"Okay Ponyta let's beat him," Yuki said.

"Now these two powerful Pokemon are trending the lead!"

"Do it Dodrio!" Dario smirked.

As ordered, one of Dodrio's heads pecked Ponyta. The fire horse Pokemon shook her head from the attack and started to slow down a bit. 

"That was a cheat shot!" Yuki shouted angrily.

"I'll do with I can to win," Dario smirked, taking off again.

Ponyta got angry, glowed bluish white & evolved into a fiery unicorn-like Pokémon.

"Ponyta evolved into Rapidash," Lara said excitedly as Willow pulled out her Pokédex.

Rapidash, the Fire Horse Pokémon & the evolved form of Ponyta. Most of the time, Rapidash travels at a casual canter across the flat land where it lives. When it breaks into a gallop its mane blazes brightly.

Rapidash started running faster & caught up to Dodrio. They were neck and neck, but Rapidash managed to cross the finish line first.

The crowd cheered loudly.

Raiden and Sly arrived at the stadium.

"They did it," Brock appeared in the stadium.

"Rapidash made a fantastic comeback to win the race!"

"Yuki won!" Lara cheered.

"She put that jerk in his place!" Willow smiled.

"You did it, Rapidash," Yuki praised as she petted Rapidash.

"Cheater, you interfered with me!" Damian scowled.

"Me? You're the one who attacked us!" Yuki glared.

"I'll show you," Dario said as he ordered Dodrio to attack, but Rapidash sent them flying with Stomp.

"Atta girl," Yuki smiled.


"Thank you, Yuki. Not only did you win for me, but now Rapidash and I are members of the Laramie Clan," Lara thanked as she hugged her.

Rapidash started licking Yuki's cheek as a way to say, 'Thank you.'

"It was nothing," Yuki giggled. "I had fun."

Lara took out a Quick Ball & handed it to Yuki, who took it, confused.

"That's a thank-you gift, Yuki. It's a Shiny Ponyta who hatched a couple of weeks ago. Good luck on becoming a Pokémon Master," Lara smiled.

"Thanks," Yuki said. "And I will take good care of Ponyta."

The gang waved goodbye as they continued their journey.


Yuki's Pokémon:

Pikachu (Raiden) (M)

Shiny Charmeleon (Adeen) (F)

Pidgeotto (Skye) (F)

Shiny Gyarados (Triton) (M)

Meowth (Meowzie) (F)

Happiny (Galen) (F)

Butterfree (Hesper) (M)

Shiny Beedrill (Vespa) (F)

Nuiluna (Aruna) (F)

Sandslash (Tarrin) (M)

Clefairy (Stella) (F)

Nidorino (Lin) (M)

Nidorina (Reina) (F)

Skitty (Tsuki) (F)

Bulbasaur (Jarylo) (M)

Shiny Oddish (Flora) (F)

Shiny Growlithe (Aiden) (M)

Shiny Vulpix (Wisp) (F)

 Seel (Mesi) (F)

Hibitrix (Posy) (F)

Jerblitz (Corin) (F)

Squirtle (Blast) (M)

Krabby (Leo) (M)

Shiny Eevee (Nova) (F)

Jolteon (Thor) (M)

Flareon (Enya) (F)

Vaporeon (Mizu) (F)

Espeon (Celeste) (F)

Shiny Umbreon (Eclipse) (M)

Leafeon (Ivy) (F)

Glaceon (Glacia) (F)

Shiny Sylveon (Titania) (F)

Horsea (Spirit) (F)

Pink Butterfree (Sakura) (F)

Cubone (Terra) (F)

Haunter (Sly) (M)

Primeape (Tyson) (M)

Shiny Magnemite (Static)

Shiny Ponyta (Comet) (M)

Brock's Pokémon:

Onix (M)

Geodude (M)

Zubat (M)

Weepinbell (M)

Rhyhorn (M)


Machoke (M)

Growlithe (M)

Sandslash (M)

Vulpix (F)

Diglett (M)

Willow's Pokémon:

Marill (F)

Butterfree (F)


Eevee (F)


Apiom (M)

Vulpix (F)

Ledyba (F)

Buneary (F)

Smoochum (F)

Shiny Butterfree (M)

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