I'm building territory in anc...

By jeon_jijae

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About the novels I post: 》They are Not. Mine. 》For Reading and Offline Purposes Only. 》Originally Chinese no... More

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By jeon_jijae


Chapter 181

Chapter 146

Everyone gathered around to see what Yu Fangzhu wanted to do.

Boss Yu is not in a hurry. He has practiced countless times in private for a long time, and it is easy to introduce it at this time.

I saw him pick up a small square thing, raised it in front of everyone, and said, "This is soap. It's very good to use him to wash clothes and dirty things."

He finished . He took a pitch-black cloth head handed over by the person next to him, put it in the water and washed it twice with something called soap in his hand. The dirt that was visible to the naked eye was gradually washed away, and the original clear water became became dark.

"Look at things like this that are not easy to clean at all. You only need to use it, and you can clean it like new." Mr. Yu introduced, and he personally demonstrated how to wash hands, remove oil and decontamination, and use Prove the goodness of this soap.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. What they saw with their own eyes was indeed true. It seemed that this soap was indeed convenient and practical. Nowadays, people in the world use plant ashes or bath beans to wash their clothes, which are far less useful than this thing called soap. If you can, there is still a market for it to replace the grass ash bath beans.

Such a novel thing, so that everyone can't help but try it again in person, and some people are already excited. This kind of thing should be liked by everyone regardless of the rich or the poor. It is more convenient and cleaner than drafting wood ash and bath beans. Just don't know how much this thing costs?

Some people thought secretly in their hearts, the current occasion is not suitable to talk about these, it seems that they can only ask quietly after coming down.

Boss Yu took out another soap called soap, its color is lustrous and white, and there is a faint fragrance blowing towards the face.

"This soap is added with essential oils, which are used to wash and cleanse the body. The fragrance adheres to the body and can last for a long time, which is much easier to use than incense. I don't know the preferences of people in the Central Plains, but our small Girl, the big girls especially like to use this." Boss Yu said very proudly: "I have prepared some for you here, you can take it home and try it out to see how it works."

A small wooden box with exquisite carvings was delivered to everyone's hands, and some people couldn't wait to open it and take a look. In the mouth of Mr. Yu, I already knew the characteristics of this soap, and now it really looks like what I said, the color is lustrous, the touch is silky, and the fragrance radiates from the inside out. It is conceivable that if this kind of thing is brought back to the market, it will be a sensation.

And the soaps in their hands are obviously not the same, and of course the colors and fragrances are also different. Clearly, these soaps are more than a sample.

You must know that the current spice is worth thousands of dollars, which is out of reach for ordinary people, and cannot use spice at all. Only the royal family, nobles or dignitaries can use incense. It is just smoked on clothing or accessories, not like soap, just the fragrance of hand washing and body washing can be attached to the body, simple, practical and convenient, saving a lot of things. And there are also different scents, and everyone's preferences are different, which allows people to have a choice and can be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Finally, someone couldn't wait and asked eagerly: "Master Yu Fang, I don't know the price of this soap?

" .

This question asked everyone's heart, and everyone looked at Boss Yu in unison.

"This price is not expensive, at least the ordinary people in the south can use it." Mr. Yu said calmly, "Let's think about it, if every household in Dayan uses our soaps and soaps, you can make money. How much money to take."

As soon as these words came out, no one was not moved, if this thing can enter thousands of households through their hands, the benefits can be imagined.

Some people couldn't hold back their hearts, and even began to inquire about how to cooperate in the business.

Boss Yu smiled and said meaningfully: "This matter is negotiated by a special person. I am only responsible for the production technology here, but I can't make the decision. You can negotiate the price and sales rules. If you are interested in this business, you can put forward it as soon as possible. As long as you agree and sign the order, I can produce as much as you want at any time here."

They have already formulated the matters of division of labor and cooperation. They are only responsible for the production and production of the workshop. Others, such as taking orders, negotiating and cooperating with others, are all managed by Master Xu. Ma Siyong heard the meaning of his words, and as long as he thought about it, he already knew who the old man Yu was referring to. He stared at Xu Wen who was drinking tea with Ming Yu. These people are all human beings, and it is impossible for Prince Duan to take care of everything. They have long seen the importance of Xu Wen in it. Lord Xu has the trust of the prince. This time, the prince also brought Mr. Xu here. Isn't that already explaining the problem. And before, their goods were all negotiated and sold by Mr. Xu. If nothing else, Mr. Xu would be the person in charge. Ma Siyong stepped forward without a trace, and asked eagerly, "Your Highness, Lord Xu, this business..." Before he could finish speaking, Ming Yu had already interrupted him and said with a smile, "Master Ma, please be safe. Man, this is just one of them, there are other workshops that produce different things, you can take a look first." "Exactly, Master Ma, we have other good things, everyone You can see what you are interested in. As for the cooperation plan, we can sit down and discuss slowly." Xu Wen continued. That's right, Ma Siyong can only hold his mind. He knew that Wang Ye and the others couldn't open their mouths, since they all said that there are still good things. Then there must be items no less than soap and soap, let's take a look together. Even if his Ma family has a great career, one person's ability is limited, and it is impossible to wrap everything up. He can choose what is useful to the Ma family, and how to choose according to the situation. Thinking of this, Ma Siyong calmed down and nodded in agreement. When this is over, they will continue to go to the next workshop. After seeing the soap workshop, these businessmen are more interested in the next things, and their hearts are also very hopeful. This trip really didn't come in vain, not to mention other things, just the soap I just saw, if I had the opportunity to get some and transport it back to sell, it would be a worthwhile trip.

It's just that there are so many merchants, big and small, and there are more monks and less meat. Can you really get a small merchant like yourself? Some people are unsure and worried. No matter what, you have to fight for it, you can't come here and get nothing.

As soon as the group came out, a fast horse rushed over and came to Ming Yu.

Reaching out to block the sunlight overhead, Ming Yu could see clearly that it was Xie Yixiu who was coming against the light. Ming Yu frowned, what did he do? It's still in such a hurry, is there something wrong with Shi Chongguan? Wouldn't it be another foreign invasion?

Xie Yixiu was in Shi Chongguan recently, training newly recruited soldiers with Mo Jiang. Originally, Ming Yu did not agree to take the recruits there. After all, Shi Chongguan is a dangerous place, and it is uncertain when the barbarians will come. The recruits know nothing, and in the event of a war, it is too dangerous there.

However, Xie Yixiu and Mo Jiang were in unanimous opposition. These recruits should adapt to the environment early so that they won't be in a hurry in the future.

The two insisted that Ming Yu couldn't do it in the end, so he had to agree. Now that Xie Yixiu suddenly appeared here, Ming Yu couldn't help but think.

Since the battle of Xiqishan, the barbarians have been defeated and returned. Perhaps that war really scared the barbarians to pieces. Tuoba Ren led a large army to the west to return to the king's court, and the people who stayed behind were all unsuitable stragglers. Therefore, these people did not dare to come up to make trouble, and the borderlands were relatively calm these days. At this juncture of attracting investment, Ming Yu does not want any surprises.

If these businessmen dare not come to Liangzhou because of the war in the borderlands, all his hard work will be in vain.

Xie Yixiu saluted Ming Yu, and Ming Yu quickly helped him to get up and asked eagerly, "General Xie specially came to find this king, is there something important? But there is something going on in the borderland."

Xie Yixiu obviously had something to do. How could he speak in such a large audience, he already knew what he meant with just one look.

Ming Yu turned his head and instructed Xu Wen to continue taking people to visit. As for the next thing, Ming Yu had already given a plan to Xu Wen. Xu Wen is in charge of this area. Except for the general direction, which needs to be checked by Ming Yu, other conditions, as long as they are within the scope stipulated by Ming Yu, Xu Wen can make full decisions.

In fact, it's very simple. The purpose of Ming Yu's laissez-faire is to make Xu Wen grow up as soon as possible. In the future, the changes in Liangcheng will change with each passing day. Everyone arranged by Ming Yu has their own responsibilities, how is it possible to rely on Ming Yu alone.

Although there was a procedure explained in advance, Xu Wen had never experienced such a thing, and he was afraid that if he accidentally made a mistake, he would be entrusted by the prince.

Seeing Xu Wen's anxiety in his eyes, Ming Yu smiled and comforted: "This is such a big deal, you can just let it go, if something goes wrong, this king will never blame you. More What's more, if you're really not sure, you can send someone over to let me know."

Xu Wen, who heard this, was determined, knowing that he would always take this step, if he all depended on the prince, yes There will be no progress. Xu Wen took a deep breath, cupped his hands and bowed deeply, "This minister will live up to the prince's entrustment and will do his best to complete the prince's engagement.


Chapter 182

generation. "

Ming Yu nodded, and asked someone to find a horse and turn it over. "Let's go back and talk about it." He was galloping all the

way. At this time, Ming Yu was no longer like a beginner riding a horse. Under the guidance of Xie Yixiu, his riding skills were still good, and he had already left the school.

The two horses arrived at the palace one after the other. Dismounting neatly and neatly, someone in the palace will greet him and lead the horse down.

"My lord, why did you come back so quickly? "Qing Ping is very strange. The prince went out early this morning and said that it would be a day's delay. He came back in less than half a day, and he came back with General Xie. I don't know what happened.

Ming Yu waved his hand and He wrapped the whip around several times and held it in his hand, and while walking in, he instructed: "This king has something important to tell General Xie in the study, you go and prepare some refreshments. Qingping agreed quickly ,

and hurriedly ordered people to prepare.

Xie Yixiu followed Ming Yu into the study. He had been here countless times, and he was already familiar with the road. Ming Yu gestured and motioned him to find a seat by himself. Xie Yixiu He did n't shirk, and sat down very casually. The

two of them didn't get along with so much etiquette in private, which was also what Ming Yu asked. If you are polite in private, you shouldn't be exhausted? So after making many proposals , Xie Yixiu finally agreed to listen to him, and the two of them acted as if they were friends. Ming Yu washed his face, and his whole talent was refreshed a lot. He breathed a sigh of relief and then sat down and asked: "What's the matter, tell me quickly. Are the barbarians here again? Xie Yixiu shook his head, took a sip of tea, and said, "That's not it, news of the royal court in the west came . "The country of Suixi sent a lot of spies to operate in Liangzhou, the border area, to inquire about the military and the people. It's not that Dayan didn't have spies, and they naturally sent spies to break into the court of the King of Suixi.

Seeing Xie Yixiu shaking his head and denying the attack of the barbarian army, Ming Yu breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the borderland is peaceful now, it will be good news for him.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support! Thank you, thank you! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-03-03 12:00:31~2021-03-05 10:42:39~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Mu Yun 5 bottle; Lan Lanzi does not eat fish 3 bottles; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

147. Chapter 147

"What news?" Ming Yu asked.

He was very curious, what news was worth letting Xie Yixiu take a trip in person. However, looking at Xie Yixiu's attitude, it should be no small matter.

They also knew that the Yi people's royal court was actually not monolithic. After the death of the old Khan, the two armies on the left and right fought each other for power and profit.

Tuoba Ren once belonged to the left army forces. He had the ability and courage, and he was unable to breathe under the pressure of the right army a few years ago. In general, the left army forces can be said to be more and more prosperous.

"Tuoba Ren resigned from all the important positions in the Zuobu Army after he went back, and now he has the name of King Hunle and has become a real idle prince."

Rather than saying that Tuoba Ren resigned from his position, it was better to say that he was being Helpless, Tuoba Ren, Ming Yu, also knew about it. Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. Therefore, as the first warrior of the Suixi Kingdom, their enemies always have to understand his temperament before they can fight against them.

"Isn't this good?" Ming Yu wondered, this was obviously good news, but why did Xie Yixiu look solemn.

However, Xie Yixiu shook his head, "It's not that simple. The Zuobu is now the dominant family, and Tuobahong named Helianbo the King of Liangu. We can't take Helianbo lightly."

"Helianbo?" Ming Yu knew this person. This person was not weak in the barbarian army. He used to follow the old Khan King and also made great contributions. He is an ambitious guy. meaning.

Ming Yu walked a few times, went to a Tuoba Ren, and came to a Helianbo. Is this good or bad?

In fact, he only hoped that the barbarians would be safe, don't come here to cause trouble, give him some time, and when he completes the defense measures of the Xiqi Corridor, he won't have to be afraid of them.

"That's right, Helianbo is a man of great military exploits, and he is also a well-known figure in the Suixi country. Now that the Helianbo family in the Suixi country is the dominant one, it's really hard to sleep or sleep." If Helianbo advocated going east to Dayan , it's a little troublesome. Before, Helianbo had been expanding territory on the western front, and he had no time to control the eastern frontier. Now he controls the complete left army, which is more than half of the main army of Suixi, and the western front has almost surrendered. When he slowed down, he would naturally target Dayan. This is different from Ming Yu's plan. As a result, Ming Yu's plan to build the Xiqi Corridor will be even more difficult. "What about Tuoba Ren? He is willing to abdicate to become a virtuous person? Is this impossible?" Ming Yu frowned, Tuoba Ren was not a concessional person, but in this way, Tuoba Ren couldn't win? If Tuoba Ren could compete with Helianbo, they might still be able to benefit. Of course, you can't put your hope entirely on the enemy. Thinking about it too, the last time Tuoba Ren led the army here, the goal was himself, but the mission was not completed, and he was going to return after losing his troops. Of course, he had to have some attitude. Helianbo took this opportunity to launch an attack. Tuoba Ren knew how to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. But Tuoba Ren gave in like this, causing the Helianbo family to dominate, which was not good news for Dayan. If Helianbo didn't hold back, then what about Liangzhou, which had just recovered its vitality, if Helianbo was overwhelmed by the army for the sake of military exploits? But if they were fighting for power internally, they wouldn't have so much time to work together externally.

Xie Yixiu said, "Tuoba Ren hasn't done anything

at the moment, but did the lord forget someone?" Ming Yu was taken aback, looked at Xie Yixiu, and asked in doubt, "Forgot someone?" He patted his forehead, and suddenly said, "You mean Song Lian, who is treasonous?"

Xie Yixiu nodded with satisfaction, "Exactly."

"Now that Tuoba Ren is out of power, didn't he climb higher?" Ming Yu asked.

Xie Yixiu shook his head, "It is reported that he has never shown signs of switching to others. It seems that Tuoba Ren is quite valued."

Ming Yu clicked his tongue twice, "I thought he was an unscrupulous person, and did not easily abandon the righteous master. It makes people look at him."

Xie Yixiu said in disapproval, "This is exactly what he is brilliant at, but the lord doesn't think about what Song Lian's identity is. In the territory of the Yiren, he has to look at others if he wants to climb the high branches. Do you need him?"

Xie Yixiu came to the point, Song Lian is a southerner, who can trust him after defecting to the enemy country? Even if he abandons the chess piece Tuoba Ren, it is impossible for him to have a bright day. Therefore, Song Lian is smart because he can read people's hearts. If he stays and helps the fallen Tuoba Ren to regain power, then his value will be fully reflected. In the future, not only will he be able to gain Tuoba Renxin, but he will also be able to live in Suixi National. "So, I'm afraid the situation in the King's Court of Suixi is not so simple?" Ming Yu sat down, took a sip of tea, and then asked: "So, you are afraid that Tuoba Ren will have something wrong. Come out? But then again, he really made a fool of himself, and it should be them who are the ones who have the headache, right?" "Tuoba Ren's ability is beyond doubt, we can't underestimate him, if he regains power, the borderlands How can we find peace?" This is quite right, with Tuoba Ren's temperament, the losses he suffered last time must be recovered, so there will be no peace in the borderlands.

Ming Yu tapped his fingers on the table, frowning tightly, "Helianbo is not easy to be with, so Tuoba Ren who can force him to retreat temporarily and swallow his voice is not an easy task. If two tigers fight, one will be hurt. , In this way, it will only weaken their power, right?"

Xie Yixiu's lips curled slightly and shook his head, "It's not that simple, the lord should know that the real power of Suixi is divided into two parts? How could Tuoba Ren make it? If something detrimental to the strength of the Suixi country comes, or else it would not have to face Helianbo's advance and give way."

Ming Yu suddenly slammed his palm on the table, and said in surprise, "You mean, Tuoba Ren has Maybe give up the forces of the left, and thus adopt detour tactics to gain the forces of the right?"

Xie Yixiu nodded, "It's not impossible."

"However, Tuoba Ren had a disagreement with the general of the right, Wang a few years ago. There is a gap. Although the king of the right army is old, the right army has been at the disadvantage for so many years but has not fallen, which proves that he still has some ability. Although the left and right sides fought fiercely, although the right army was at a disadvantage, In fact, he has also preserved his complete strength, and this is all due to the great general king. Tuoba Ren wants to plan the right forces, can the general king agree?"

Ming Yu's doubts are precisely the current situation of Suixi Kingdom at this stage. understand very well.

"In my opinion, the weakness of the right army is not entirely due to external pressure." Xie Yixiu said very calmly.

Ming Yu was curious about Xie Yixiu's point of view, so he listened to him, "Oh? Let's talk about it."

Xie Yixiu didn't give a shit, and directly expressed his thoughts, "The general of the right army, Wang, is very old, and he is under his command. There are no outstanding characters


Chapter 183

. The only son, Chachaqi, had also fought with us before. He was reckless, arrogant and conceited. Therefore, I have reason to guess that the Great General Wang endured humiliation and shouldered the burden and retreated step by step, in order to preserve his strength. "

Xie Yixiu's analysis is very reasonable, Ming Yu nodded again and again, which explains why the forces of the right army have become more and more transparent in recent years.

"However, Tuoba Ren has the ability and courage, and the right army lacks this. If the two sides intentionally contact each other, there may not be no cooperation. Even if there has been a gap, it can always be clearly distinguished by comparison. "

Yeah! There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Xie Yixiu's analysis is reasonable. If this is the case, Tuoba Ren is in control, and as long as he finds out about the Xiqi Corridor, he will obstruct the plan to build the Xiqi Corridor. How to deal with it then?

"Is it possible to provoke a battle between the left and the right, and let them fight within each other, and have no time to take care of our side?

"Ming Yu is worried, Xiqi Corridor must not be lost. Today's Xiqi Corridor has just started, like a newborn child, it is easy for the Yi people to strangle it in the cradle. Although the open and secret battles continued, but they did not dare to put it on the bright side. This is the so-called discord between the face and the heart. Although there is a difference between you and the weak, the forces of the two sides are always equal, and it is impossible to completely suppress the other side. It is this way that the Khan king of the barbarians will be at ease. "

Ming Yu understands the twists and turns. After all, it's just the way of the emperor's restraint. If the two forces work together to form a rope, then the ruler, the king of Khan, should sleep. In the same way, if the family is dominant and there are no constraints, the king of Khan will still not be relieved.

It is also for this reason that since the establishment of Suixi, the two armies on the left and the right have been vitally important to exist. So it can be inferred from this. , Tuoba Ren's success in winning the army of the right army is very big.

At least the current king of Khan can't watch the decline of the right army. Tuoba Ren is the brother of the king of Khan, and Tuoba Hong is bound to push it. With all these factors combined, if Tuoba Ren was in the top position, Ming Yu should really be worried.

"Then what should I do?" Ming Yu rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, but unfortunately, they couldn't control the situation of the Suixi King Court. It would be great if they could have their people and muddy the water and ruin Tuoba Ren's plan.

Time waits for no one, he has to hurry up and put the preventive measures in place for the Xiqi Corridor first. At least one must build the pass first, so that the enemy cannot break through it, and guard the Xiqi Corridor, so that one can relax somewhat.

"We still have to prepare in advance. We can't be in a passive position. It takes time for Tuoba Ren to fight for power in the royal court, and we have to speed up." Xie Yixiu said softly.

That's the only way it can be at the moment. In this way, additional manpower has to be dispatched to build the Xiqi Corridor. There is also a problem with materials. At present, the construction of city gates is almost all made of glutinous rice mortar, glutinous rice slurry, quicklime and sand in proportion. However, Liangzhou lacked materials, even food for people, and there was simply not enough glutinous rice milk.

Ming Yu thought of using cement instead, but the people in the craftsmanship are still in the process of researching the formula, and they don't know if there is any progress now. It seems that he has to go to the craftsmanship again.

"I know this, but you also know that this is a big project, and it can't be completed overnight."

Ming Yu's anxiety Xie Yixiu saw in his eyes, he felt a little distressed, and all the burden was on him alone. No need to think about how much pressure he was under.

He stood up, came to Ming Yu, knelt down halfway, looked up at Ming Yu, "Your Highness, don't worry, I will keep Liangzhou safe."

Ming Yu helped him up and smiled: "Okay, let's join hands, What if the barbarians come? Just blast them back. Now we will swallow our voices and wait until the weather in Liangzhou is complete, we will go straight to Huanglong and overthrow their royal court."

Xie Yixiu held his back. His hand, Ming Yu twitched twice but didn't pull it out. He was tightly wrapped by his powerful big hand. Ming Yu's face flushed, and he didn't dare to look at him, so he could only look down.

There was a smile in Xie Yixiu's eyes, he hugged him in his arms, and whispered in his ear, "Yeah!"

Ming Yu's heart suddenly settled down, and all the complicated and chaotic things were thrown aside. At this moment, the years were quiet.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-03-05 10:42:39~2021-03-06 11:13:23~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 16 bottles of Yiling Ballet; 5 bottles of the Great Demon King of the Fence; 2 bottles of Back in Time; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

148. Chapter 148

However, the current problem has to be solved. No matter what happens to Helianbo and Tuoba Ren, they are a threat to Dayan Frontier.

They can't sit still and always have to negotiate a plan. Tuobahong had only been in power for a few years, but he was also a man of great ambition and scheming. Now he can endure it because his wings are still young. But if he waited a few years for him to establish his prestige among the people of Suixi, then Tuobahong would not be easy to deal with.

The Suixi country is martial and has always been a threat to the surrounding countries. In the past, Dayan had no choice but to pay tribute to his relatives every year. Even so, the barbarians are still provoking everywhere, and the borderlands have never had a happy birthday.

Ming Yu sat down and calmed down. He lost his temper just now, and was actually indulging in Xie Yixiu's arms. The cold sandalwood scent on Xie Yixiu's body was just like his, light but very pleasant.

Thinking of this, Ming Yu knocked on his head. Now that we're talking about business, how can I still think about these? After finally throwing these thoughts out of his mind, Ming Yu's face turned straight. The blush on his face gradually disappeared, and he regained his jade-like whiteness.

Xie Yixiu took a sip of tea and suppressed the joy in his heart. The two tacitly did not mention this matter. He coughed and his tone rose a little, "We can't stick to it, maybe we can take the initiative to create some trouble for the Suixi country and let the They have no time to take care of the Xiqi Corridor, what does your lord think?"

Ming Yu's eyes lit up, "How do you take the initiative to attack?"

Xie Yixiu rubbed his slender fingers and pondered for a while before he said, "The Yi people can invade the borderlands with a small team of people, bringing disaster to the people of the borderlands. Why can't we invade the territory of Suixi, they There are also cattle, sheep and horses, and we can still take them over."

"Before, we mainly focused on defense in Dayan, and we never thought of using offense instead of defense. The main reason is because our infantry can only rely on the terrain and pass to defend. Once we reach the plains In this place, no matter how many infantry soldiers are rushed by the enemy's iron cavalry, it will be a thousand miles away, and it is impossible to fight against the iron cavalry of the barbarians."

Ming Yu nodded, it is true, using human flesh to block the torrent of iron cavalry, no It's different from the mantis arm as a car. In the last battle, their five hundred guards were able to stop the army of the barbarians, and they were also well-equipped and well-trained. In the same situation, if it was someone else, and the iron cavalry had not approached, the momentum caused by the enemy alone could make people tremble, not to mention the willpower to fight.

"In the last battle at Xiqishan, the minister had a new idea. We can make use of our strengths and circumvent our weaknesses. Sending cavalry troops to invade Suixi, you can hide when you encounter a large army, and when you encounter a small team, you can fight together." Xie Yixiu paused for a while, "Actually, this is just an idea of ​​the minister, and it is not too mature. If it is really implemented, I am afraid that all aspects need to be considered."

Ming Yu smiled, clapped his hands, and agreed. Said: "Very good, the heroes see the same thing."

Xie Yixiu looked over suspiciously, does the prince think the same way?

Ming Yu touched the bridge of his nose a little embarrassedly, the hero he said did not include himself. In fact, isn't what Xie Yixiu said a sixteen-character summary in Ming Yu's opinion?

"The enemy advances, I retreat, the enemy retreats, I chase, the enemy is stationed, I disturb, the enemy is tired, I fight. Use the simplest method to disrupt the enemy.

" Just thinking of a little bit, Ming Yu has already summed up his thoughts completely.

"It's not what I said." Ming Yu defended.

Xie Yixiu didn't put much effort into this sentence, but instead said: "There are clairvoyances made by the master craftsman who visited and made, as well as crossbow thunderbolts. As long as one or two teams are equipped, they can act recklessly in the territory of Suixi."

Ming Yu smiled. Tooth blindly said, "That's right, as long as the manoeuvrability is strong, the enemy can be exhausted. This is the best way."

"If that's the case, then let me make a detailed plan, and then arrange it?" Xie Yixiu asked. Forcing Ming Yu to worry about it again, he took the initiative to take it over.

Ming Yu was already devastated for the Xiqi Corridor, and this was within his scope of responsibility. As long as Ming Yu nodded and agreed, he would be able to take orders.

Ming Yu nodded. Naturally, it is better to leave the war to someone who knows how to do it. As a layman, there is no need to intervene. "Well, I will instruct the military workshop to step up the production of the necessary armaments."

The civilian and military products produced by the workshops are separated. For example, soap workshops are specialized in the production of civilian materials and are open to the outside world. The military workshop is quietly set up by Ming Yu in a hidden place, and there are layers of defense. Those who enter must hold a warrant to check each other to enter. Generally,


Chapter 184

People can't get in at all.

Ming Yu was very anxious and wanted to implement it immediately, but Xie Yixiu reassured him: "It's not in a hurry, you have to plan everything before you can act. For example, how many people to send, how to choose people, and who to lead the army, these must be done first. It 's only after negotiation."

Ming Yufu sat down again, he also knew that he was too impatient, and smiled embarrassedly, "You are more familiar with these than me, anyway, the cavalry of Dayan is only available to you in the red robes. It is best for the Red Pao Army to make a move."

Their recruits are still training, so it is impossible to take action immediately. The garrison is basically infantry, and the combat mobility is small, so it is impossible to send it out. Although the Red Robe Army is small in number, it is not expensive in terms of quality, and when invading an enemy country, it is natural to have a small number of people and a better quality. That's why Mingyu said that.

Obviously Xie Yixiu thought so too, "That's right, it's just the leader..."

He hesitated, glanced at Ming Yu, but swallowed the following words.

Ming Yu had never seen Xie Yixiu who was hesitant before, and said with a smile: "If you have someone you can use, you can just say it."

In such a small-scale battle, it is impossible for Xie Yixiu to lead the team to fight in person. Can not be overkill is not. The lieutenant generals under his command have outstanding abilities and are competent enough. Moreover, General Xie is also tasked with training the new army, and he will not be able to leave for a while.

Hearing Ming Yu's words, Xie Yixiu was no longer entangled, and said, "A Bing sent to the red robe army by the prince is very good. He has the ability to lead the army. If so, can he lead the army to try it?"

It turned out to be A Bing, it is no wonder that Xie Yixiu is uncertain. After all, A Bing was sent by Ming Yu himself, and he can be regarded as Ming Yu's person. Since he wanted to give A Bing a try, it was natural to see whether Ming Yu agreed or not.

"A Bing?" Ming Yu was stunned for a moment, but he was only a half-old child, how could someone lead the army?

"A Bing has a strong learning ability, a quick mind, and he works very hard. Now his ability is at the forefront of the Red Robe Army. Moreover, he is also quite popular in the Red Robe Army, and he is very popular among everyone. Xie Yixiu paused for a while before continuing: "This time is also an opportunity to exercise, and it is rare. If A Bing is trained, it is certain that he will go a long way in the future."

Now it was Ming Yu's turn . Tangled, A Bing is still a child in his eyes. When he asked A Bing to go to Xie Yixiu's place, he followed his own wishes and had to do it. He also thought that children would learn skills, which is a good thing.

But now Xie Yixiu's proposal is to go to the battlefield. If the sword does not have eyes, it will lose his life. How can he rest assured that a child will go?

"There are many generals stronger than him in the Red Pao Army. A Bing is still young, how can he lead the army to the battlefield?" Ming Yu shook his head.

"It is naturally impossible for him to lead the army alone, and he will definitely arrange the leader. The minister also wants to take this opportunity to let him go out to grow and experience. No general can have rich experience without a hundred battles. The minister is so big in him. When I was there, I have already experienced countless wars, and the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood have rolled over several times." Seeing Ming Yu's curious eyes, Xie Yixiu knew that he had lost his words, so he stopped his mouth.

Ming Yu is very sorry, it was the first time I heard Xie Yixiu say something about him. However, seeing that he did not intend to continue, Ming Yu was not easy to ask. He also knew that in Dayan's military household system, the son inherits the father's business, and it is common for half-old children to go to the battlefield.

It's just that he couldn't pass the test in his heart. He also knew that this time Xie Yixiu wanted to give A Bing a chance to make a contribution. Now that he has joined the military, only the merits of the war can bring out the value of a soldier.

If he blocked A Bing's way and delayed his future, would he be blamed in the future? Ming Yu was very confused.

Ming Yu sighed and said helplessly: "A Bing should decide this matter. You can ask him when you go back and see what he wants. But I still hope he can be safe."

Xie Yixiu nodded, A Bing is a manufacturable material, and must be polished to show brilliance. If he grows up, his future attainments will not be worse than his own.

Ming Yu is still soft-hearted. If he is really afraid of people being injured and bleeding, he should not be put into the military camp.

Ming Yu glanced at him, then looked at him several times, with a look of hesitating to speak.

Xie Yixiu saw it in his eyes, but in the end he couldn't resist his gaze, "Your Highness wants to ask about the past?"

Ming Yu nodded again and again, looking like a curious baby, Xie Yixiu's eyes flashed tenderly, and his tone was a little helpless, " In fact, there is nothing to say. I was born in a military family since I was a child, so I joined the army very early, and I don't care about anything other than being in the company of knives and guns. The people are still chatting and laughing today, maybe they will be gone tomorrow. I saw with my own eyes that my father and brother died on the battlefield, and their bodies were separated by the slaughtering knives of the barbarians. So, I decided to kill the enemy and take revenge. I didn't take revenge for them." What

he said was very simple, but Ming Yu could hear the pain in his heart, war has been cruel since ancient times. Bloodshed death is the destination of the soldiers, and no one has any complaints, because as military households, this is their destiny.

Ming Yu was very distressed. He could imagine how the young Xie Yixiu used his tender hands to lift a gun that was taller than him. It is conceivable that Xie Yixiu at that time had suffered and collapsed when he saw his father and brother tragically die under the sword of the barbarians. It is even more conceivable to imagine the wars big and small that he has experienced year after year, day after day, scrambling in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and I don't know how hesitant and desolate tomorrow will be today.

There are new faces around, old faces, fresh ones, those who have passed away come and go, it is too late to feel sad again and again, and can only wrap all feelings with indifference. This is Xie Yixiu.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-03-06 11:13:24~2021-03-07 11:02:55~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: Liu Liguang 6 bottles; Lan Lanzi does not eat fish 3 bottles; Yuanbao. 2 bottles; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

149. Chapter 149

"Your Majesty doesn't have to be like this, how many soldiers of Dayan are not like this?" Xie Yixiu's heart softened, and he could see the pity in Ming Yu's eyes.

Xie Yixiu said it easily, but Ming Yu felt uncomfortable in his heart. He also knew that Xie Yixiu was comforting himself. He couldn't comfort himself, the war was cruel, and so many people lost their homes, loved ones, and lost their lives because of it.

The barbarians of Suixi were brave and good at fighting. They robbed food and robbed the population. They treated the people of the Great Swallows as livestock, and they burned, killed, and looted. The retreat of the country of Dayan made these people even more serious, and people who were good at being deceived by others could only live in dire straits.

Therefore, since the emperor ascended the throne, he has taken a tough attitude, and the great country cannot be bullied like this. If you want to fight, you will fight. For decades, the frontier wars have been won and lost, but it has also made the barbarians restrained a bit.

Such a stalemate will inevitably lead to losses for both countries. As time goes on, the imperial army will only become more and more tense, and the life of the people will become more and more difficult. If the war cannot be stopped peacefully, the power of a country may be dragged down by the war.

The only way is to stop the war with war, kill to kill, and beat the barbarians to fear that they will be scattered. Let's see if they can show off their power again. In the past, when Dayan fought against the barbarians, nine times out of ten, they were defeated and returned. But now, with the armament made by the craftsman, although they dare not say that they will win every battle, how can they be able to fight the enemy at 55 to 50?

In this way, when everyone is proficient in using these armaments, plus changing their tactics to adapt to today's equipment, what are they afraid of fighting?

"It is the people who suffer in the war. I hope that the frontier areas can be settled and peaceful as soon as possible. Only peace can develop, so that the people of the frontier areas can live a stable life." Ming Yu sighed.

"The lord has done a good job. Since the lord came to the borderlands, the lives of the people have changed a lot. Compared with before, at least they are no longer naked and hungry. In the future, I believe that the lord will not treat Liang badly. The people of the state." Xie Yixiu said.

Now Mingyu repairs canals, builds workshops, and revitalizes Xiqi Corridor. As long as people in Liangzhou have hands, feet and strength, they can find work that suits them. No matter how bad it is, you can still have food to satisfy your hunger, let alone a person with good skills.

According to the word of mouth of the people in Liangzhou, there are more people in Liangzhou from far away coming to Liangcheng in an endless stream, because as long as they have the strength and work hard, they will not starve to death.

Liangzhou, especially the surrounding area of ​​Liangcheng, is changing with each passing day. I don't know when a new workshop will be built, or which road will become wider again. Liangcheng is full of thriving scenes that have never been seen before. The people's faces are filled with positive and cheerful smiles every day. Where can there be such a sad face that today does not know what will happen tomorrow, and now the people of Liangzhou do not appreciate the goodness of the prince.

Xie Yixiu's compliment made Ming Yu stunned, and he couldn't help blushing. He had never heard anyone compliment him face to face, and it was a little embarrassing to say it from Xie Yixiu's mouth.

"I think I've done too little for them." Ming Yu sighed that his people didn't have too many requirements, and they only needed to be fed and clothed to be grateful to Dade. That's it, it made Ming Yu feel deeply guilty.


Chapter 185

Too slow, too far from what he imagined planned.

"If you want the borderland to be stable and peaceful, you not only need to send troops to disrupt the attack, but also to create chaos in their royal court, so they can't make concerted efforts to free up their hands." Xie Yixiu said.

"So, we have to keep an eye on Suixi country all the time, and the spies we trained can be inserted."

This is Ming Yu's plan. Since Ming Yu came back from Suixi country last time, he has plans to let his own When spies go deep into the enemy, it is best to gain the trust of the powerful.

In the past, their spies were just listening for news on the fringes, but they never thought about assigning tasks to let them get in touch with them, and they never thought about letting them get in touch with the royal court dignitaries.

After Ming Yu understood, they made a plan to let their people change their previous strategies and work hard to contact the royal court. As long as it can penetrate into the enemy's interior, when it is needed, not only can it bring out news, but it can also provoke disputes within the enemy and stir up the murky waters.

"It's a bit difficult, but it's already clear, and some people have already started contacting it, but it's not easy to get results for a while." Xie Yixiu naturally participated in this plan, and he also gave a lot of suggestions. So Xie Yixiu is very clear and supervises this one.

There is no way, who said that Ming Yu has few people in his hands, and he can only have multiple roles by himself, and those who can do more work.

"That's true, don't worry, everything should be done with care, and don't let it go, so as not to fall short." Ming Yu instructed.

Xie Yixiu naturally knew this, and he had already ordered it. These spies who accepted the mission were all quick-witted and quick-witted, and they were very trustworthy. I believe that after a long time, they will be able to complete the task well.

But he remembered one thing and asked, "Does your lord still remember Tuoba Jiu?"

Ming Yu remembered Tuoba Jiu. Not only did he remember it, he was also very impressed. Wasn't he planted in this person's hands? It is impossible for him to forget it for a lifetime.

Ming Yu nodded, "Tuoba Jiu, he is considered to be the prince of Suixi. When he returns to the royal court this time, he will restore his identity after thinking about it?"

Tuoba Jiu was hiding too deeply, if he hadn't heard it himself. , he could never believe that Gan Jiu, who had been living in Liangcheng, honest and taciturn, was the prince of Suixi Kingdom.

"Indeed, Tuobahong has restored his status as a prince, but this status doesn't have a big effect. He is still a transparent person. Tuobahong sealed a place for him, which is considered to be far away." Xie Yixiu also got it. The Xinbao learned about what happened after Tuoba Jiu returned, so he paid attention.

This is the ending I think about it. For a prince who was neglected and abandoned early, it is already very good to have a place to live in peace.

However, Ming Yu didn't know what Xie Yixiu meant by mentioning this irrelevant person at this time.

"Maybe this person will be of value. It can be used by people. Maybe it will be used one day in the future?" Xie Yixiu narrowed his eyes. This person may be a chess piece. It should still be possible to make a fuss about him.

A thought flashed in Ming Yu's mind, but it was fleeting, and he wanted to catch it but there was nothing. He paced with his hands behind his back, wanting to think deeply, but his thoughts were very confused for a while.

Ming Yu had no choice but to stop thinking about it, and replied following Xie Yixiu's words: "Alright, you can arrange it yourself. Even if it's just a piece of idle chess, it can be useful for a day. Anyway, it's best to plan ahead." The

two agreed . After knowing what to do next, Xie Yixiu said goodbye and left.

In the workshop, Huang Lao frowned and scratched his head with both hands. He scratched off several strands of his sparse gray hair.

"Huang Lao, why don't you send someone to ask the prince?" The people around him couldn't help saying when they saw Huang Lao like this.

Huang Lao is now studying the cement formula left by Ming Yu, and they have never seen the cement in the mouth of the prince. But then again, the things that the lord came up with are all bizarre things, and they have never heard of it.

Things like glass, clairvoyance, and thunderbolts, when the lord said it, they never believed that there was such a thing. Are these things sure that only gods in the sky can have them? However, these miraculous things were really created in their step-by-step experiments.

Now, as long as it is what the lord said, they have fully believed that they will be able to create miracles and show these perfect productions.

The craftsmanship has now been completely divided into research and production of new things, and when these things are developed, the recipe steps will be distributed to the craftsmen below that belong to the craftsmanship branch.

The workshop is divided by assembly line, which means that only one part can be made in one place. The process in several places is completely different, and at the end, the scattered parts of the production are completely integrated, and it is complete.

In this way, the benefits can be seen with the naked eye, and the workers in each place can master the process proficiently, so that the quantity and speed of production can be maximized. The second and most important point is that it is not easy to leak secrets. Even if there are enemy spies who want to inquire, they are just peeking at the leopard. It is impossible to fully understand the entire process, and naturally it is impossible to steal the method.

This thing called cement has been developed for a long time, but for some reason, it is always a lot different from what the prince said. They compared the proportions of raw materials one by one, and they are not as outstanding as the king said.

Huang Lao was a little hesitant. They worked hard on this thing, but there was something they didn't achieve that made them unimaginable.

He frowned and said, "Your Majesty has a lot of time and is busy with things in the Xiqi Corridor. The affairs are cumbersome, and we have to bother the lord with this matter. It's really unreasonable.

" The direction has been put forward, and the rest is made by them. If everything bothers the lord, what else do they need to do?

"Then what should I do? Can't delay the prince's business?" The other person worried.

Huang Lao sighed, "What else can I do, continue the experiment." He didn't believe it anymore, he was just about to close the door, and he couldn't figure it out after a few more experiments. "You all think about it and see what else you can do. We are recruiting everyone now for the purpose of brainstorming. We are the researchers valued by the prince, and we can't count on the prince for everything."

"Hahaha! Are you all here? What do you expect from this king? This king only made some suggestions, and the specific ones are not much better than yours. Many things have to rely on everyone's collective efforts to experiment." As

soon as he finished speaking, Ming Yu had already strode in. .

Everyone was surprised and happy, they were thinking about the prince, and this is coming. They rely on Ming Yu to solve problems, mainly because Ming Yu's thinking is different from most of them. His thinking is free and active, and he can imagine many impossible things. It's not like they are too old-fashioned and stubborn, always looking at everything in a specific way of thinking, how creative can this be?

In many cases, one or two words from the prince can remind them of the direction of research and creation, so that they can avoid a lot of detours.

Seeing Ming Yu, everyone got up one after another, and Huang Lao took the lead in saluting Ming Yu, "Greetings to the lord." Ming Yu lifted him up and waved his hand, "It's been a

while since everyone came here, why are everyone being polite."

The words made the atmosphere in the whole field relaxed. The prince is still the kind and considerate prince who has never changed, which made everyone feel at ease.

Ming Yu walked to the upper seat and sat down, signaling everyone to sit down and discuss. Here is Ming Yu's specially remodeled conference room. The space is very large, with a long table in the middle, which can accommodate a dozen or twenty people for meetings and discussions.

Ming Yu came by coincidence, and they happened to have a meeting to discuss because there was no progress in the cement.

After everyone sat down, Ming Yu spread out his hands, "Tell me about the situation, how is the progress."

Cement is the top priority of Ming Yu's account, so now all the staff of the craftsman are focusing on this topic. , At this time, when Ming Yu asked, everyone felt a sense of guilt.

They have been researching and producing for so long, but they have not made any progress so far. How can they be worthy of the prince's entrustment.

150. Chapter 150

Huang Lao's face is embarrassed, "My lord, the villain has been entrusted by the lord, and the cement you mentioned has never met the standard that the lord said."

Ming Yu nodded and motioned him to clarify . .

Huang Lao's face was full of folds, and now he frowned, appearing even more profound. He talked about the development of cement, and finally said helplessly: "We have adjusted the ratio many times, but the strength of the burned cement is not enough to meet the requirements of the prince."

Ming Yu frowned and pondered, he knew Cement is very simple, it only needs to be calcined in the proportion of the formula, and then ground into a fine powder. Since Mr. Huang said that there is no problem with the ratio, which link is the problem?

Ming Yu repeatedly asked some places, and Huang Lao and everyone answered them one by one.

There is really no problem with the proportioning steps, Ming Yu thought for a long time, then raised his head, what is your calcination temperature?

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why, but Huang Lao stood up and replied: "Master Hui, we use firewood to calcine, what's the reason for this temperature?"

Ming Yu patted his head after listening, "It's not black coal, why not use coal. Come to



Chapter 186

Thinking that they could save it, they saved it, so they burned it with firewood. "

Ming Yu is talking about coal, because the research of the artisan workshop is inseparable from various experiments, and there are forging and the like, so it needs a furnace. Ming Yu transformed the calciner of the artisan workshop into a The blast furnace is very convenient to use, but the forging of many things requires high temperature, and the temperature of the firewood never meets the requirements.

So Ming Yu ordered the people who were sent out to find various minerals early to let them pay attention to this kind of dark Stones are black coal.

Fortunately, although the land in Liangzhou is barren, it is rich in minerals. They surveyed Liangzhou Quanjing and found several iron mines. Coal mines are rarely found because they are deeply buried in the ground. Fortunately, they still When they found a place, there was such a black stone on the exposed surface. After they brought it back for identification, they could be sure that it was the coal mentioned by the prince.

Even so, due to the long distance, it was not easy to collect. Many of them are buried underground. People in the artisan workshop know that it is not easy, so generally they will not use this thing unless it is really important.

Now that the prince mentions this issue, everyone has a hint of this . Ming Wu, is it because of the heat that the cement was not successfully developed? It's not impossible, the heat is very important for forging, like metallurgy and iron smelting, and what the lord said about steelmaking. It needs high temperature. It seems that they focused on the wrong point at the beginning, which led to no results.

After thinking about this, everyone jumped up and wanted to try.

Huang Lao couldn't wait, the first one stood up, " Lord, the villain will go back to prepare for the experiment again. " When

his words fell, others also stood up and said goodbye. Some people even trotted out before they could say goodbye.

Watching people go to the empty conference room in an instant, Ming Yu helped his forehead. This group of people is really working. Crazy, not willing to waste a minute and a second, if there is no bottleneck, I am afraid that they will not be able to gather in this conference room, and they are still working hard in the laboratory at this time.

However, Ming Yu is very pleased. It is the invention and creation of this group of people with a spirit of research that gives Ming Yu the confidence to truly fight against the barbarians, and to build the future Liangzhou as beautiful as he imagined.

Time flies, after half a year of working without his feet on the ground, like a spinning top, the heart that Ming Yu has always been carrying has finally let go.

The defense measures of the Xiqi Corridor went well. With the high-strength cement input, the passes, city defenses and roads were built quickly and smoothly. And its level of sturdiness is unparalleled.

The human and material resources of the entire Liangzhou are centered around the Xiqi Corridor, which has made a qualitative leap in the construction of the Xiqi Corridor. As long as the defense measures are built, Ming Yu will no longer have any worries.

At first, Ming Yu was afraid that the Suixi Kingdom would come to make trouble. As long as the Yi people sent a large army to the Xiqi Corridor, their losses would be immeasurable. It is even more impossible to successfully build a defensive pass.

Xie Yixiu's team harassment plan was also very successful. A team of more than a thousand cavalry troops ran rampant on the Suixi grassland. They only brought a small amount of dry food when they set off, and each person was equipped with a lot of combat preparations, essential crossbows, and clairvoyance, armored steel knives, and thunderbolts and improved versions of the cockroach.

It is this kind of equipment that gives the Suixi royal court a headache. It's not that they didn't have the idea of ​​destroying this team, and they also sent a large army to kill them.

But this team, for some unknown reason, always predicts that the enemy will be one step ahead. Whenever they get their whereabouts and go to chase and block them, they seem to be able to see through the deployment of their own troops, and the traps they spend time setting have never been successful.

But when the team encountered them, they did not avoid it, and they fought head-on. These people were well-equipped and had strange combat weapons in their hands. When his own men and horses met, they all failed miserably.

This left them with nowhere to go. Thinking back then, when their team invaded Dayan's borderland, burning, killing, looting, and showing off their power, they were so unhappy. Well now, the Dayan Hongpao Army will use its own way to treat its own body. A team of men and horses invaded and encountered a gathering place of herdsmen. They still had revenge and revenge, and slaughtered those that could be slaughtered by cattle, sheep and horses, and taken away.

The herdsmen who got the news had no choice, they didn't dare to take the risk. In case of encountering this group of evil spirits, without the livestock, they would not be able to survive the winter. Where they dared to stay, they migrated towards the royal court in the depths of the grassland. They could only count on the royal court to protect them.

Helian Bo's teeth were itching with anger, and the officials in the royal court were all overwhelmed. It was unimaginable to encounter such a team. A large group of people was sent out, and not even a single shadow of the group was seen. But they find weak starters, and they can harass them from time to time.

How does this make them deal with it? Everyone discussed it for a few days and couldn't come up with a clue. When were they so frustrated? Come to think of it, since Helianbo became the general king of the left, he was useless, and he couldn't even deal with such a small number of troops. When King Hunle was on the left, where did such a scene occur?

Everyone remembered how good Tuoba Ren was. Although they didn't dare to question Helian Bo in front of him, they couldn't help complaining in private. When it reached Helianbo's ears, he was so angry that he wanted to slash these wastes with his hands. What else would these people do besides chew their tongues? A bug that only knows pleasure.

Tuoba Ren frowned. It's not that he hasn't heard of these things, but that he is not in his position and does not seek political affairs. He lived a secluded life, seemingly living a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and the purpose was just to paralyze Helianbo.

Song Lian had already contacted Wang Rongsang, the general of the right department, several times before. Although there was some progress, how could it be easy for Rong Sang to sit in the position of the general king? He just hung him tepidly, neither refusing nor agreeing.

This made Tuoba Ren a little anxious. He also knew that this old fox was fighting for the best interests, so he had no choice but to follow. Just dragging it on like this, he was afraid that Xiqi Corridor would be built and perfected day by day, and then he would miss the best opportunity. In the future, if you want to attack the Xiqi Corridor, you will have to spend a lot of time and lose your troops.

He also mentioned this to his eldest brother Tuoba Hongze. Obviously, this matter did not attract too much attention in the royal court. It was discussed in the imperial court, but in the minds of most people, that part of Xiqi Mountain is a place they have abandoned. Even if Dayan occupied that place, what use would it be?

With this energy, it is better to think about how to exterminate the team on the territory of Suixi Kingdom. The people of Suixi were full of grievances, and it was business to appease them first.

Tuoba Ren hated these short-sighted people, who only cared about the present, but did not know that the real threat in the future was the Xiqi Corridor occupied by Dayan.

However, others are weak and idle, and no one will pay attention to their opinions. We can only hope that the construction speed of Dayan Frontier will be slower, and it will not be possible to form a scale within a year and a half.

"Rongsang still refuses to let go?" Tuoba Ren turned to ask Song Lian.

He handed over this matter to Song Lian to hand over, and when Song Lian came over today, Tuoba Ren asked.

Song Lian cupped her hands, "The conditions have already been given, but he also has conditions..."

"What conditions?" Tuoba Ren asked.

Song Lian pondered for a while, then said cautiously: "One, cultivate and teach Cha Chaqi and the children of the clan with your heart. Two, follow his orders and give him the position of commander of a thousand, otherwise we won't talk about it.

" How unreasonable!" Tuoba Ren squeezed his fingers and fists tightly, and he couldn't help coughing a few times in anger.

Think of him as a dignified king of Suixi Hunle, a former general of the left, who led an army. When was he so ridiculed? A commander of a thousand, that is, can only lead a thousand troops, what is the use of his calculations? There is nothing wrong with teaching and training the children of other clans.

But to a centurion, isn't it a slap in the face? Sending beggars is more than that, right?

"My lord, the conditions are a bit harsh. No matter how hard you try to fight for him, it is impossible to hand over all the power. After all, he still has to fight for the interests of the family, and he has to keep the military power to restrain the lord." Song Lian said very objectively.

This is also impossible, who said that the prince is begging others now? Without military power, he is nothing. Since Rong Sang can put forward conditions, it shows that he still values ​​Tuoba Ren's ability.

Tuoba Ren also thought of this, and finally calmed down, closed his eyes and said: "Forget it, you go and tell him that the minimum number of troops should not be less than 5,000. If there is merit in the future, all the credit will be attributed to the right army. "

My lord, this is too unfair to you." Song Lian couldn't help but feel pity. In this way, wouldn't it be all about making wedding clothes for others?

"There is nothing fair or unfair in this world." Tuoba Ren sneered, "If he agrees, even this king can compete with Helianbo even with these five thousand soldiers. He is incompetent against Dayan. This king can do it."

Song Lian froze in his heart, "Your Highness means that you want to take the invading team with you?" Seeing Tuoba Ren nodded, he thought: "I heard that this team There are a lot of oddities, not only can we guess the movements of our soldiers and horses, but they also have the kind of thunder-like things in their hands that we encountered last time."

"That's why this king wants to meet them, we There is a saying on the grasslands that where you eat, you will find it back. Last time, they were surprised and let us be unprepared.


Chapter 187

Down, will follow his way. Nothing can be perfect, and if this king really doesn't believe it, there is no way to solve it. Song

Lian nodded, very relieved, it seems that the lord has already made up his mind.

Helianbo has nothing to do with this team. If Tuoba Ren can take them down, then Tuoba Ren's reputation and prestige will be restored. Back to the top. At that time, it is impossible for Helianbo and Rongsang to hold Tuoba Ren again, and Tuoba Ren will be able to regain the right to speak. At that time, when he dispatches troops to Xiqi Mountain, wouldn't it be better for King Dayan Duan to fall short of his achievements? Thinking of

this, Song Lian showed a smile that turned all sentient beings upside down. Very good, when he goes back, he will look at the faces of these people, I hope it will not be too ugly then!

The author has something to say: Thank you From 2021-03-08 11:44:15 to 2021-03-09 11:33:15, the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks for the little angel who cast mines: 1 lili;

thanks The little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Lan Lanzi does not eat 3 bottles of fish;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

151. Chapter 151

"General, where should we go next?" The young general in red robe and silver armor walked up to Deputy General Yang and asked.

Deputy General Yang put the charcoal pen in his arms, put away the map in his hand, and looked around, "Did you find anything? "

A Bing shook his head and said proudly: "It is said that the barbarians are like wolves and tigers, invincible, ha ha! It doesn't seem like that to me. "

They encountered a small group of people three days ago. Although they resisted stubbornly, how could these people be their opponents. They only needed to shoot indiscriminately with the equipped crossbow, and they would be in chaos, and then it would be a one-sided harvest.

It has to be said that the armament they are equipped with is really useful. They can observe the enemy's situation from a distance, and after analyzing the size of the team, they can decide whether to avoid or go head-to-head. Their generals have long explained to them the strategy of fighting the enemy that the enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy is stationed and we harass, the enemy is tired and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we pursue the enemy strategy. Not to mention, in this way, they will not only have no losses, but also cause a lot of trouble to the enemy, which is simply very pleasing. They travel light, move anywhere, and fight anytime, anywhere. Going without a shadow and coming without a trace, they can supplement the loss on the battlefield. It can be said that they have played their best role in fighting to support the war. Vice-General Yang replayed the map just now in his mind to determine if there was any place that was overlooked. In fact, when he came out this time, he was also ordered to investigate and collect the map of Suixi, in preparation for the future attack of the Great Yan army on Suixi. Now that they have penetrated into the hinterland of Suixi, they must be vigilant at all times. The safety of their team is all tied to him, and if he is not careful, he will be in danger of being wiped out, so he must be careful and thoughtful. Deputy General Yang thought for a while, "I heard that King Hunle brought 5,000 troops here, is there any news about this group of troops? " For King Hunle, they must not be underestimated. Vice-General Yang still remembered how Tuoba Ren broke through Shi Chongguan and the troops were under Liangcheng. They still had lingering fears in that battle. If, if it weren't for General Xie, when he conquered Liangcheng, the consequences would be unimaginable, and Dayan would exist in name only. It can be said that Xie Yixiu saved the Dayan Dynasty, and for this reason, the emperor's favor to General Xie cannot be overstated. A Bing shook his head, "That's not true." Lieutenant General Yang frowned, he was a little uneasy, hesitated for a while, and said: "We have been out for half a year, and now the armament is not enough, it is time to go back. Wait until the armament is replenished, and then obey The general's arrangement." Now their maps are almost complemented, it was already agreed when they came out, and they will come back after a certain time, so don't act recklessly.

When A Bing heard this, he was a little surprised, "What? You're going back so soon?"

"Yes, since Tuoba Ren has already sent troops, he thinks that he is here to target us. Although Tuoba Ren can't rush to kill him right now, But he has a very deep mind. We are playing away from home, and it is very difficult to win." Vice-General Yang explained.

"Why should the general be afraid of that Tuoba Ren? Tuoba Ren was defeated by us last time. As long as they dare to come, we will kill him without leaving a piece of armor." A Bing said with high spirits. Vice-General Yang glared at him, stretched out his hand and gave him a shudder, "What do you know, bastard? Last time, there was a well-trained guard of the prince to resist, and there was a guard by the emperor's side, Jingwei. Hundred, there is also the thunderbolt made by the prince, and then it caused damage by surprise. Since Tuoba Ren dares to send troops this time, he is fully prepared, and we must not take it lightly. " He can say so much, and he also knows that A Bing is a person that both the prince and the general value. He is smart and brave, but he is young and immature. The general sent him out this time mainly to cultivate and exercise A Bing's mind. A Bing is not a reckless and ignorant person. He also knows that what Lieutenant General Yang said is true, but he is somewhat unwilling to go back like this. Vice-General Yang patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "When we came out, the task that the lord instructed us has basically been completed. Go back to make some repairs, and then go out with the general and go straight to Huanglong, what King Hunle is Tuoba Hong Ze, we can also catch him." After saying this, A Bing was happy, and Vice-General Yang was right, when the army launched a general attack, why should I seek a vanguard from General Wang Ye? Vice-General Yang immediately ordered the team to turn back to the east. A team of people was also neat, but half a month later, this team met someone they shouldn't have met. That's right, what they encountered was exactly Tuoba Ren's men. It turned out that Tuoba Ren didn't look for them all over the world at all, but heeded Song Lian's advice and waited.

They heard the people who escaped talking about the battle situation of the team. Knowing that the team had well-equipped weapons and something that could explode thunderous flames, they already knew the general situation of the team.

Tuoba Ren had already seen this thing like a thunderbolt and had already woken up from the initial panic. After returning to the royal court, he kept thinking about the battle of the replay, and discussed the result with Song Lian. This thunderbolt-like thing should have been made by Duan Wang. At that time, they felt that the momentum was huge and the thunder shook the sky. In fact, it was completely panic in their hearts caused by not understanding this thing. In retrospect, this thing also exploded a hole, in fact, the real scope is not large. In addition, the sputtered fragments will have a range of damage, which will cause the soldiers to be injured to varying degrees. Now that you understand the characteristics of this thing, it is easy to handle. This is not without solutions. As long as the soldiers are not so dense, the damage can be reduced a lot. However, this sound can startle the horse, and it is a big test for their cavalry. As for why this team could have anticipated their team early, they thought hard for a long time and got nothing. Later, Song Lian mentioned that Tuoba Jiu said that Duan Wang's craftsman made something called clairvoyance. Being able to look far into the distance, it seems that this kind of thing should be used to observe the whereabouts of the army, so it is possible to avoid the crisis every time. After such a thorough analysis, Tuoba Ren discussed with Song Lian about sending troops. This team is agile and flexible, and it is very difficult to hide from the opponent's clairvoyance if they follow behind them. In view of this, Song Lian put forward his own suggestion, "Ambush directly on their way back. After all, they are a small team with no foundation, and a little bit of armament material will be used. It is impossible for them to be active in the Suixi Kingdom for a long time. When they go back to Dayan to replenish their supplies and armaments, we will be able to stand by." Song Lian's words are very reasonable, they will wait for their work, and at that time, they will be able to deal with a group of exhausted troops with insufficient armament.

The negotiation has been decided, they have worked out a set of methods, everything is ready, just waiting for you to enter the urn.

When A Bing and his party saw this small gathering place, they were full of excitement, and it seemed that they could make a fortune again. They haven't seen the herdsmen's gathering place for a long time. They were afraid of being beaten and killed by them before. Many of them have already migrated into the depths of the grassland. Now that they suddenly discovered this gathering place, it was a pleasant surprise, and they were able to replenish some dry food and water.

He excitedly asked Vice-General Yang to lead the troops to attack, but Vice-General Yang raised his hand to stop him.

Deputy General Yang put down his clairvoyance and did not answer A Bing's words. A Bing was full of doubts and did not understand what General Yang meant. Lieutenant General Yang frowned and handed him the clairvoyant in his hand, "Look carefully."

A Bing was curious, what to see, but in view of Lieutenant General Yang's attitude, he respectfully took it over and took a closer look.

I didn't notice anything at first, but A Bing is not a careless person, and it didn't take long for his face to change.

"General, this?"

"Tell me what you think."

A Bing swallowed and cleared the thoughts in his mind before saying: "This, is this a trap?" He saw Vice-General Yang's encouraging eyes and continued: "In this gathering place, there are no women, children, or cattle and sheep."

A Bing lived in the borderland since childhood and wandered around since childhood, which is naturally a gathering place for barbarians. He just observed carefully, it looks like a gathering place for herdsmen, however


Chapter 188

, there's no clutter here. Although people were dressed as herdsmen, he only saw young and strong men, not even women and children. A herdsman gathering without a single sheep and cattle is enough to be suspicious.

It can be said that the enemy has disguised himself carefully, but ignored the real life of herdsmen, which is different. If they didn't have clairvoyance to observe carefully, they might have followed their path.

Seeing that A Bing observed, Vice General Yang nodded with satisfaction, this kid is indeed careful and smart. It took him a long time to observe it before he realized it, but this kid didn't take long to see it.

A Bing asked curiously: "General Yang, did you see it long ago?"

Vice-General Yang did not hide it, "No, I just feel something is wrong. Think about it, we came all the way before, and many gathering places have been because of us. It has migrated westward, and it is close to the borderland, and there are very few gathering places like this. Such an abrupt existence has to be observed. However, as you said, although they pretend to be very similar , but they still showed their tricks."

A Bing was in awe, Vice-General Yang said that these are all based on experience, and he still lacks something, so he should learn more like General Yang.

"Then what should we do now? Since they are blocking us on the road ahead, they must be sure of everything and want to take our flag." A Bing said.

Vice-General Yang sneered, "They want to be beautiful, and if they want to take our sacrificial flag, it depends on our swords and swords. Can you tell how many troops are on the other side, is that team?"

His question was intentional . As for the meaning of the exam, A Bing used his clairvoyance to look carefully for a while, and then replied: "Although there are not many people walking around on the surface, but the gathering place is vague, there should be people hiding in ambush in the dark, at least there should be Three thousand people go up."

Abing paused, seeing that Vice-General Yang didn't mean to interrupt him, and pondered: "I heard that Tuoba Ren took over five thousand men and horses in the royal court, and now I can calculate their return route, and still If we can set up an ambush here, the general who can have such a strategy among the barbarians should be King Hunle, so... if we can't avoid it, this should be a tough battle."

He had made it very clear in his words, and Vice Admiral Yang nodded in relief, and he thought so too. Now that the other party is ready to wait and see, they are afraid that they will not be able to leave at this time.

"How much armament do we have left?" Vice Admiral Yang asked.

Someone next to him replied, "General, it's less than one completed." The thunderbolts and arrows distributed by the lord have almost been used. This is the result of saving them.

"It seems that it is indeed a tough battle!" Lieutenant General Yang said with a smile. "Fortunately, it's not far from Dayan's edge here. I ordered to go down and prepare for the battle."

"Yes!" A Bing responded and turned around to set up.

However, Vice-General Yang beckoned to call someone, "Send a signal flare to inform the garrison of the red robes."

This was sent by Ming Yu before they left, saying that as long as this thing was launched into the sky, it would be able to reach a radius of 100 miles. see. If it is really dangerous and needs support, you can ignite the launch, and as long as there are friendly forces nearby, you can come as soon as possible.

The author has something to say: Thank you very much for your support! Refill! Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-03-09 11:33:15~2021-03-10 11:28:13~

Thanks to the little angel who cast mine: 1 lili ;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of rgmau;

Thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

152. Chapter 152

Vice-General Yang did not dare to entrust the big ones. After all, they were few in number, and they had been on the barbarian territory for half a year, and they were exhausted. When encountering these people at this time, it is still necessary to be prepared.

This place is not far from the border, and their army should be able to find it. Thinking of General Xie's explanation when they came out, he couldn't help clenching his fists, the opportunity came.

Vice-General Yang squinted his eyes. If their team could contain the enemy, our army should also be able to arrive to support them.

Although it is not certain whether it is King Hunle's troops, but if it is true, when the army arrives, it is difficult to say what the result will be.

One thousand exhausted troops against five thousand troops, naturally cannot be reckless head-to-head.

"My lord, that team has stopped moving forward. It seems that they have no plans to send troops." Tuoba Ren's personal guard reported.

Song Lian paused while drinking tea, raised her head to look at Tuoba Ren, and said in a deep voice, "They must have discovered it."

After all, it was too hasty, and it was impossible for the camouflage to be completely flawless. They were so far away that they had already observed the inappropriateness, which further proved that the function of that clairvoyant was really miraculous. If possible, I'd like to get one to see what it is like.

Tuoba Ren was very calm, so what if they found out, could they still escape? A lone army going deep behind enemy lines, see what else they can do? Besides...

his eyes narrowed slightly, a shadowy light flashed, and he looked in the direction of Dayan in the east, with some calculation in his eyes, he stood up and coughed twice, "Since the guests have arrived, it's not good not to go out to greet them. Come and prepare horses, this king is going to meet this team of men and horses who turned the grassland into a puddle of muddy water." The

guard was a little worried about his body, "My lord, your body is not suitable for horseback riding, it is better to send someone to... ..." Before he could finish speaking, Tuoba Ren glanced over with a sharp look. He was trembling and did not dare to make a sound, so he could only do as the lord said.

Song Lian was still a little worried, but he didn't say it. Tuoba Ren looked at him and understood what he meant, waved his hand and coughed a few times, and explained in a rare way: "It's okay, it's just riding a horse, it doesn't matter. Running a horse is not considered violent action."

Song Lian nodded, since he said that, what else could he say? All I could say was, "Then the lord must be careful."

Tuoba Ren had already left, and Song Lian hurriedly followed.

It was getting dark, and Vice Admiral Yang saw the signal arrow rising in the air, and his heart calmed down. No matter what, be prepared. Who can mix up to his level, which one is not experienced. He leads an army, and as the main general, he must not panic, let alone such a scene, it is nothing at all.

He ordered people to collect all the armaments, and A Bing was already leading people to set up roadblocks, reject horses and other defensive measures. Everyone has acted, and they are few in number. They can only rely on these first, and they can stop a few enemies.

"Report! General Yang, there are a few horses on the opposite side, calling for the general to go out to meet." A spy came to report.

Lieutenant General Yang pondered for a while, "Who is this person, can you have a common name?"

"General Hui, I said, yes...it's Tuoba Ren, King Hunle." Lieutenant General

Yang froze in his heart, and it really was him. There was a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, his hands clenched into fists, trembling slightly, and he didn't know whether it was heart tremor or excitement.

At this time, A Bing, who got the news, has already rushed over, "General, as expected, it is Tuoba Ren! This is really great!"

Vice-General Yang glared at him, does this kid know what is called hi? Anger is not in the form of color, is it the wind of a general? Look at General Xie, why don't you study too much? Vice-General Yang hated that iron could not become steel, so he wanted to give him two punches and kicks, but it was not appropriate to reprimand him at this time, so he bypassed him for the time being.

A Bing was excited, how could he look at his wink, just thinking that his opponent was Tuoba Ren was so excited. The last time I met Tuoba Ren was on the Xiqi Corridor. Unfortunately, he led the Red Pao Army to support him, and the battle was almost over. Before he could enjoy himself, he was escaped by Tuoba Ren, which was also very unlucky. Now that he has the opportunity, he is certainly eager to try it.

Looking at A Bing's bright eyes, Vice General Yang was also speechless. This kid is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. That Tuoba Ren's name can also make children stop crying in the borderlands. Although it has been quiet over the years, the glory of the past cannot be erased.

Vice Admiral Yang ignored him, and directly ordered: "Well then, I will go out and meet him!" After speaking, he had already strode towards the horse not far away.

Although A Bing was not called, A Bing still followed him.

There were not many people on the two sides, so they brought more than ten personal guards. When the wind blew, the thin body under Tuoba Ren's cloak shrank slightly. Immediately he straightened up again, he coughed several times, and his pale face showed a dizziness from the cough.

Finally stopped coughing, Tuoba Ren looked at Lieutenant General Yang and others on the opposite side, and said casually: "Just you? Xie Yixiu didn't come?"

A Bing couldn't help sneering, and said: "How could it be our turn for such a trivial matter? The general will go out." Seeing that Tuoba Ren seemed a little regretful, he smiled again: "King Hunle doesn't need to sigh, our general will have a battle with the lord sooner or later, in my opinion, the lord should take good care of himself before Come out? Otherwise, don't say that my general bullied a sick child in the future."

Tuoba Ren was not angry at A Bing's rude words, his current body could not stand the stagnation in his heart. If you were angry with these few words, you might have been angry long ago.

Tuoba Ren smiled disapprovingly, "Don't talk too much. Indeed, this king is looking forward to fighting General Xie, but I didn't have a good fight a few years ago. "

Lieutenant General Yang also sneered,"


Chapter 189

Yeah? It won't take too long for the battle between the prince and our general to come. He paused for a while, then shifted the topic to the present moment, "Today, the prince stopped me from waiting, wouldn't I just want to catch up?" "

Tuoba Ren wrapped the cloak a little tighter, "You are a guest from afar. Why don't you stay for a while when you come to our Suixi grassland?" I was about to leave in a hurry, and it was spread out, doesn't it mean that our Da Suixi country has no way of hospitality? "

A Bing laughed out loud, "So the lord still wants to keep me waiting for a while longer? However, if we stay for one more day, your losses will be even greater! "

They didn't leave any cattle, sheep and horses on the grasslands, they were like the god of plague. When Tuoba Ren made his high-sounding hypocrisy at this time, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Some people were angry when they heard the words . He was about to speak out, but was stopped by Tuoba Ren.

Only Song Lian said with a gloomy pun: "Since you are here, don't leave. Everyone

looked over and couldn't help but stunned for a moment when they saw Song Lian. Vice-General Yang looked at him up and down, and he already matched the person in his heart.

"You are Song Lian, a traitor, right?" But it's just a dog wagging its tail and begging for pity, and it has the right to speak? Song

Lian's expression didn't change at all, and she said in a stern voice, "I can still show my ability at this time, but unfortunately I won't have the chance to speak again in the future." "

The meaning of the words is obvious, of course the dead can't speak.

Deputy General Yang snorted coldly, "Everything is unknown, we Dayan man should fight to the death."

Tuoba Ren pursed his lips, "If you can put down your weapons and surrender, this king can consider letting you go. " "

Tuoba Ren mainly wanted to figure out their armaments, especially the clairvoyant, thunderbolt and the like. If he could persuade them to hand them over, it wouldn't be too much trouble, that's why he mentioned this. But the other party has no I don't appreciate it.

When A Bing heard this, he spit out a mouthful of spit. The man would rather die than surrender. This is pure nonsense.

Sure enough, Vice-General Yang acted as if he had never heard of these words, and said coldly, "I can't tell, we can only break the net."

At this point, there is no room for turning around.

Then fight.

It was getting late at this time, and the two sides went back to their camps, waiting for the dawn to be a big battle.

The moon and black stars are rare, and they are destined to have no sleep.

Vice-General Yang led the construction of fortifications on three floors and three floors. What they can do now is to delay as long as possible, wait for reinforcements, and cooperate with the army's battle plan.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for these thousand of them to fight against the barbarians. They have to make a nail to attract the attention of the enemy so that the army can be fully prepared. In this way, you need to rely on the terrain for defense, otherwise, if the enemy's 5,000 men and horses charge, they will be able to disperse their mere 1,000 people.

Fortunately, the lord has equipped each of them with something called a shovel, which can not only set up camp, dig ditches, but also slash as a weapon. In short, it has a wide range of functions, only what you can't think of, and what it can't do without it.

The craftsman, once looked down upon by everyone, now has a very high status in the military. Just because the things they made are incredible, and they have played a great role in the improvement of the military's armament.

General Xie of their red robe army also has a very good relationship with the prince, so he can get the moon first, so that these soldiers can also follow. Look at General Wei, who is stationed in the army. He often runs to the prince and the craftsman, and the things he gets are really incomparable to them.

In the words of Wang Ye, these things must first be distributed to those who need them, that is, to make the best use of them.

Therefore, when they came out this time, the prince brought them almost all the best armaments. If they hadn't traveled lightly, they would have brought more.

As for this engineer shovel, Wang Ye took out all the inventory. This thing is complicated and delicate, and it is extremely difficult to make. It will take so long to equip more than a thousand people.

The night on the grassland was very quiet, with occasional insects chirping, and occasionally the sound of birds flapping their wings in fright.

"Cuckoo... Cuckoo..." There was a bird call or two from somewhere far away.

Vice-General Yang straightened up and listened for a while, then continued his work with a blank face.

Everyone is silently doing what they are doing, and they are calm and fearless. Generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return in ten years. War has always been cruel. Since ancient times, life and death have been determined by fate, wealth, and honor. Since you have shouldered the mission and have armor on your body, you will put life and death aside.

If you want to fight, then you will fight. A man's blood is the real destination.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-03-10 11:28:13~2021-03-11 12:22:03~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: Lan Lanzi does not eat 2 bottles of fish;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

153. Chapter 153 The

sky is twilight, and there is already a sense of tension in the air.

Everyone was on guard. They dug trenches overnight, trapped horses, set up a horse-rejection formation, and only took turns to repair them for a while. However, at this moment, they are in high spirits, and everyone is eager to try.

This group of people are all elites selected by hundreds of miles, and they have long been used to seeing big scenes. Everyone is waiting, obeying the general's orders, and is ready to go.

Tuoba Ren and Song Lian were sitting in the camp playing chess, next to the generals on call. He looked at the sky, put the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard, then covered his mouth and coughed, then waved his hand and said softly, go. The general naturally understood, he took the order and gave the order to attack.

He didn't pay too much attention to the situation on the battlefield, and played chess calmly, as if there were no shouts of killing outside.

"Mr. Song, why not guess how long it will take to win?" Tuoba Ren asked casually.

The opposite Song Lian squeezed a chess piece between his fingers, put it on the chessboard, and said unhurriedly, "What do you think, my lord?" The

two looked at each other and smiled, Tuoba Ren shook his head, and said helplessly: "Mr. Song It's always so rigorous, it's just a joke in private, no matter what you say, it won't be taken seriously."

Song Lian smiled without saying a word, took a sip of tea. "Do you want the prince to win it faster or slower?"

"Tsk tsk!" Tuoba Ren looked up to the east, "It depends on the timing."

Song Lian smiled, thinking of his future plans, he was in a good mood , "So, it's all in the lord's calculations, why should I bother to guess."

Tuoba Ren laughed, waved his hand to expose the matter, and then said with a confused expression: "I just don't know what it will do. What choice?"

"It's impossible for them to ignore these 1,000 troops. If you want to save them, you can do what you can!" Song Lian put down the chess pieces gently, with a gentle smile on her face.

The chess piece in Tuoba Ren's hand tapped on the chessboard, making a crisp sound, and said in a deep voice, "If we don't come, our plan will be in vain.

" , they won't miss this opportunity." Song Lian said with certainty.

Tuoba Ren nodded and looked to the east, "Hopefully, we've been preparing for so long, and it's time to close the net." After speaking, he put the pieces in his hand on the chessboard, and made a crisp "bang" sound. ring.

And Song Lian lowered her head, the corners of her mouth evoked an arc that seemed to be vague, and a fierce light flashed across her eyes: Ming Yu, Ming Ye, let's take care of each other.

For several days, the barbarian army launched repeated attacks. And Vice-General Yang, they still persevered by relying on various defenses and the only remaining armament.

There were casualties on both sides, but in general, they were still within the acceptable range.

The night was approaching, and the Yi people had already retreated. Vice-General Yang was patrolling the camp, and the soldiers were repairing and restoring the defensive measures that had been destroyed during the day.

The continuous high-intensity battles over the past few days have made everyone extremely tired, but there is an unconvincing rebellious light in everyone's eyes.

A Bing is also among these people. He firmly fixed the last broken horse-rejection formation, and today's work is almost complete.

He and the soldiers found a place and sat down, clapping the dust on their hands. He took out a few pieces of beef jerky from his arms, distributed some to the people around him, and then put the rest in his mouth and chewed it. Someone next to him handed a bamboo tube of water, A Bing took it, took a sip, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Damn, I've been huddled here all day long, and I can't go out and fight against the barbarians. It's too aggrieved." A Bing lamented his grievance.

"Hahaha, little general, you have to tell General Yang this, it's useless to say it here!" Someone spoke up. A Bing

turned his head and shouted unconvincingly: "What little general, can you speak well? If you want to call the general, the general understands!"

He was the youngest, and everyone was used to calling him Little General. But every time he called him like that, he got angry and made everyone laugh.

A Bing is familiar with them, and he often makes jokes and jokes in his spare time on weekdays. Everyone also took care of him as their own younger brother.

After joking with everyone, it didn't take long for him to see Lieutenant General Yang with sharp eyes, and he jumped up and jumped over in three or two.

Vice Admiral Yang glanced at him and asked, "How has this place been repaired? Are there any mistakes?"

"Where can there be mistakes? Don't look at who led


Chapter 190

head made. "A Bing smiled, "It's almost finished. After he finished speaking, he looked at Vice-General Yang eagerly, "

General Yang, when will you let me go out and kill the barbarians for a few rounds?" All day long here, the green mold is about to grow. Deputy General

Yang was speechless, stinky boy, still thinking about going out to kill the enemy, it seems that his energy has not been used up, "I just came here, the horse trap over there has not been completed, if you still have the strength and energy, it is better to go here. Just go over there and help. "

A Bing grimaced. He wasn't here to ask for hardships, so he couldn't help swearing: "Our team just finished taking a breather... Can't we take a break?"

Vice Admiral Yang snorted coldly, "Then I think you are still full of energy? " Otherwise, why are you talking shit to me here? "

A Bing rubbed his head, "I haven't fought the enemy head-on, so I'm a little unbearable." He sighed and asked again, "General Yang, is there no news of reinforcements yet?" Vice Admiral Yang shook his head, "

Not yet. Now our task is to hold back the enemy as much as possible and wait for reinforcements to come. Don't even think about the rest." "

A Bing pouted, Vice-General Yang had already made the words clear, and he didn't dare to mention going out to kill the enemy, so he could only tacitly acquiesce.

Vice-General Yang looked up at the sky, thinking about it for a while, already so. It's been a long time, maybe there should be news in these two days? Fortunately, the barbarians should think that they can't escape, and even if they grind slowly, they will grind them to death, so every attack seems to be They didn't do their best. It was like a cat playing a mouse, leaving room for them to have a breather.

"Cuckoo... Cuckoo..." The birdsong was a bit abrupt in the night, but the one who heard the sound Deputy General Yang looked awe-inspiring, his fingers jumped slightly, he turned around and asked A Bing to go back to the camp with him.

A Bing didn't know why, but he followed in a proper manner. When he entered the main tent of the Chinese army, he saw Deputy General Yang walking around anxiously. Go, something seems to be happening.

A Bing opened his mouth several times and stopped talking, but he didn't dare to ask. He could only silently guess what was going on in his heart. However, after a while, a black shadow got into the tent.

A Bing immediately became alert, and was about to pull out the knife from his waist, but Vice-General Yang held his hand. "Shh! My own."

A Bing's eyes widened, and he saw the man holding a bamboo tube and handing it over, "General Yang, this is the information just sent." It turned out that this man was their spy.

Deputy General Yang couldn't wait for a long time. He took it and looked at the intact varnish seal on it, and then opened it with confidence.

A Bing was so excited that he turned around in circles. He wanted to look, but he didn't dare to look closely, so he could only stare at him. This must be a secret letter sent by the reinforcements. Their army has finally arrived. They only need to cooperate with the army to defeat the enemy army and capture Tuoba Ren and Song Lian alive.

Deputy General Yang quickly read the letter, then nodded, and said to the spy: "I already know what to do. If you go back and answer, you will definitely cooperate in the fight." The

spy cupped his hands and said nothing, like a civet cat The same, got out of the tent, and disappeared into the night in a few moments.

"General, is our army coming? What should we do?"

Vice-General Yang no longer sold off, his face flushed with excitement, "General Xie has arrived with his troops, we just need to hold on for three more times. Day, and then pretend to be defeated, then our army will naturally have a way to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop."

"Great!" A Bing rubbed his hands, finally looking forward to this day, he was so happy that he didn't know what to say. In the end, I could only say, "I'll go down here to prepare."

Vice-General Yang nodded and instructed: "The news should not be leaked in advance. You go and call the generals of each team to come and discuss the method."

A Bing hurriedly responded and left .

Three days is not too long, not too short.

The movement of Dayan's team was soon discovered by Tuoba Ren and the others. Their resistance gradually weakened, and by the third day, the defensive measures had basically been destroyed. It only takes one attack and charge to wipe out this team.

"My lord, it seems that they can't hold on anymore. As long as the lord speaks, the last general will kill them without leaving a single piece of armor." The general under his command asked for orders.

Tuoba Ren waved his hand and let them all go down, leaving only Song Lian alone.

"Looks like their reinforcements have arrived!" Song Lian spoke first.

Tuoba Ren nodded, the other party's strange behavior can only be the reason. "Then let's start acting according to the plan."

Song Lian showed a calculated smile, "Okay! As long as Xie Yixiu and the Red Pao Army are eliminated, Dayan will no longer be invincible. In the realm of human beings, the lord can finally achieve what he wants."

These words speak to Tuoba Ren's heart, he has endured humiliation and burdens all these years, isn't it just for this day? Now that it is about to be realized, how can it not be exciting.

Tuoba Ren calmed down, his physical condition did not allow him to feel up and down as he wished. However, the slightly agitated mood still made him cough more and he finally stopped, and Tuoba Ren nodded, "Then let's wish us all our wishes."

The red robe army led by Xie Yixiu was ready, not only To rescue the brothers who were blocked, they had to keep Tuoba Ren's 5,000 men and horses behind and capture Tuoba Ren alive.

Vice-General Yang led the troops to fight and retreat until they retreated to twenty miles away. And the army of the barbarians saw that victory was just around the corner, and no matter where they would relax, they would definitely be in hot pursuit.

However, when they chased a small forest, the team did not escape, but turned around to meet the enemy, intending to never die. That's right, don't even try to escape.

However, when they approached, what awaited them was a rain of arrows like locusts. The leading vanguard lost more than half of it all at once. Someone was already alarmed

that the situation was wrong and immediately reacted, "No, they have an ambush, we've got a plan."

After shouting and killing, it was Dayan's red robe army, and they were made dumplings by Dayan's army.

At this time, there will be no one who cares about that small group of remnant soldiers who want to meet the enemy but don't know where to kill. In the chaotic and noisy battle, someone soberly shouted: "Protect the prince to retreat!"

Yes, there are more When the prince was in the army, the prince could not ride a horse with the army, but could only ride in a carriage. Therefore, they desperately had to protect the prince to escape, otherwise the prince would be gone, and they would still be unable to escape.

The target was determined, and everyone rushed out with the escort of the carriage. They never expected such an event, why did Dayan's army suddenly appear here? Without the slightest sign, could it be possible that they could still figure out the situation of the war by themselves?

The barbarian soldiers were very puzzled, but they had no time to think about these things.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-11 12:22:03~2021-03-12 12:54:23~

Thank you for casting mines Little angel: 1 lili;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Liu Liguang 10 bottles; Lan Lanzi does not eat fish 3 bottles; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

154. Chapter 154

Ming Yu is in Liangcheng. The army led by Xie Yixiu has been gone for more than a month. So far, there is no news at all, which makes him never worried.

It shouldn't be like this! Ming Yu and Xie Yixiu knew all about the situation when they first received the news of Vice Admiral Yang's request for help.

It was the five thousand soldiers and horses led by Tuoba Ren who intercepted them. In the entire Suixi Kingdom, only Tuoba Ren had such a scheming plan, not to mention that there was another Song Lian by his side.

When these two people are added together, there will be some variables.

Tuoba Ren was able to get 5,000 soldiers and horses, and it can be said that Song Lian's contribution was indispensable. When they got the news, they did not underestimate this army, so in addition to the red robe army, they also used 10,000 new troops.

This batch of new troops was trained using the new methods summed up, and their combat power is much better than that of the troops stationed in the border areas. There are more than 15,000 people in total, led by General Xie, who has experienced hundreds of battles, and it is impossible to have any problems against the more than 5,000 barbarians.

However, Ming Yu, who has never received the news, is uneasy in her heart. Now he was not sure whether Xie Yixiu's pursuit of Tuoba Ren was appropriate when he sent troops.

The barbarian soldiers escorted the prince's car all the way away, followed by the chasing soldiers. They were in a panic, but fortunately there were generals reminding them from time to time, which was okay, at least they didn't go the wrong way.

The only thing that makes people feel strange is that the prince was not seen to command along the way.

The lord is the backbone of the entire army, and they didn't realize that they fled for their lives at first, but after so long, the lord did not show up. They didn't even say a word, otherwise the lord was guarding the car, and they really wanted to wonder if the lord was in the car.

Hearing from the guards beside the prince, the prince was ill, so he didn't show up. If you want to come, it is obviously a matter of 100 percent, and the other party is only a mere thousand people. The prince expects the enemy to be first and set up an ambush on their way back. Although I don't know why the other party can detect their ambush, but even so, they should be able to easily take down the other party.

But the fact is, they are now being chased and fleeing, let alone

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