Fear A Dark Mafia Billionaire...

By KittyisWild

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Chapter 1 More



71 1 0
By KittyisWild

In all my preparations, I had thought that I had figured out Sofia Mancini,
thought I knew her from the data I’d had collected on her over the years in
my efforts to understand her father and the rest of her family. By my
records, she was a spoiled little rich girl who did what she wanted, when
she wanted, no matter the consequences. She’d gotten in trouble with the
law several times, but her father had bailed her out time and time again by
paying the police to erase it all from her record. I’d thought she was just a
rich brat.
I couldn’t have been more wrong. She was so much more than that.
And now she was mine.
So I’d told her everything. I’d shown her the evidence and let her come to
her own conclusions. She was a strong, feisty little thing and she deserved
no less than that.
She’d been shocked, saddened, and then ultimately angry. But even when I
thought I’d finally figured her out, she’d surprised me again.
I hadn’t expected Sofia to want to take part in what I had planned for her
father. At first, I was stunned that she said she wanted to kill them all, but as
the days went on and the two of us dug further into the data at hand, I knew
she was entirely sincere and more than serious about her need to be
involved. So the two of us had moved forward together.
I’d also begun preparations for reentry in her father’s mansion. I’d thrown
every resource at my disposal with the sole purpose of collecting intel on
his whereabouts, the goings-on at his house, and every single face that
entered in and out of his life. I gathered everything, no matter how
insignificant the detail.
In addition, I’d started prepping supplies for the two of us. I’d programmed
body armor for her into my synthesizer, a device that modeled the 3Dprinters of a few years ago but far more advanced than before with
technology I’d developed myself.
I’d taken several years to develop the technique, synthesizing a number of
different elements together to make something strong but also flexible. The
material was thin, skin-tight, but completely bulletproof. I’d made armor of
my own too, just in case the two of us got caught in a situation where we
were outnumbered and outgunned.
I didn’t plan on that happening though. Not if I had anything to do with it.
I’d fucking kill them all to protect her.
I hadn’t planned on taking them all on at once though. Not this soon
anyway. That was all her. She was strong, a little spitfire of intelligence
who had put her own plan into action and trusted that I would understand
what she had done, and I did. She’d seen an opportunity and taken it. She
deserved my respect for that.
She was a woman worthy of the world and I wanted to give it to her. I
wanted to give her everything because she deserved it all.
And tonight, the two of us were going to war. Together. As one.
It was time to get ready.
I typed in a command in my phone and the steel wall behind me slid open, a
secret compartment that I’d concealed in case my lair was ever broken into
or discovered. Sofia’s eyes glanced toward it in wonder.
Her face was still flushed with orgasm, her eyes still slightly dazed from the
bliss she’d experienced when I’d taken her in the ass, just because I had
wanted to because I needed her to go into our mission tonight knowing that
she was mine in every possible way.
Her jawline tensed then as she watched my armory slide open, her lips a
firm line of seriousness and dedication, assessing every weapon I had on the
wall. There was anything from a 9mm to assault rifles to rocket launchers
and everything in between. There were even a few sets of throwing knives,
grenades, and even a few particularly vicious-looking brass knuckle sets.I’d gathered an arsenal worthy of a select group of assassins, right here in
my underground lair. All for me and now for her too.
She lifted a dagger from the wall, the handle made of ivory and pearl inlays,
a gorgeous piece of art I’d procured from Japan long ago. Next to it was a
special leather sheath designed especially for it.
She was still naked. So fucking beautiful.
As much as I wanted her to stay that way, we couldn’t proceed with our
mission with her like that. For a few long moments, I took the opportunity
to admire the gentle curve of her back, the length of her strong, muscled
legs, and the way her cute little ass swayed from side to side as she studied
the weaponry. Then with a reluctant sigh, I walked over to the synthesizer
and picked up the snakelike material of the body armor I’d prepared for her.
“Sofia, I have something for you,” I said, and she turned toward me, placing
the dagger back on the wall. I held up the armor for her to see and her eyes
opened up wide as she stared back at me.
The base color of the fabric was black, but the protective layer over the thin
Kevlar was a compound mixture of various elements that included tungsten,
zirconium, and osmium, as well as chemically engineered diamonds. The
result was a formidable multi-layered mesh that glimmered over top of the
black of the Kevlar, just like the bands of the Milky Way in the night sky.
“You’ll wear this for protection. It’ll protect you from the blade of a knife,
from a bullet and most important, it will keep you alive,” I said firmly. Her
gaze never left the body armor.
She wandered close to me, her eyes bright with wonder and curiosity.
“You’ll be naked underneath this,” I added, and she looked away, her
cheeks blushing hotly with embarrassment. Carefully, I handed her the body
armor and she slowly dressed, pulling the skin-tight fabric up around her
body. It fit her like a glove, the measurements of her body exact and true.
Holy shit.I wanted to tear the cloth from her body and fuck her senseless, but I kept
control of myself. Plus, there wasn’t a chance in the world that even with
my strength that I could tear that armor from her body. It was that strong.
She’d be protected. That was what was important.
Next, I passed her a pair of thin socks, along with a pair of boots also
reinforced with the very same fabric that made up the armor covering her
body. She pulled them on too and then she rose to her feet, standing up
She looked like a god damned superhero.
I grinned, taking another moment to admire her beautiful form.
“Perfection,” I murmured, in awe of the way the fabric hugged her curves.
She was beautiful. So incredibly stunning. A treasure buried amongst her
father’s terrible secrets.
She blushed harder, her dark wavy hair hanging past her shoulders.
Eventually, she lifted her eyes and smiled toward me.
“Thank you, sir,” she whispered, and I swore my heart grew three sizes at
that moment. All for her. Had I the opportunity, I would have abandoned
everything. I would have taken her far away from here on the other side of
the world, to where she was safe from the likes of her father and where she
could be happy, but I knew her better than that.
She was like me. She’d experienced loss and she wanted vengeance of her
I was going to give her that chance, whatever it took.
For the next several hours, we gathered supplies and pored over blueprints
of Leonardo’s business headquarters. In addition to the body armor
encasing her body, I outfitted her with a thick belt that hung just above her
hips, a pair of guns, the dagger she’d picked out earlier, along with several
grenades and smoke bombs. All of them light and made for a hand smaller
than mine. I taught her how to unhook each one, making her practice a fewtimes so that she could do the movement in her sleep but most especially in
the heat of battle.
I learned several things about her then that I hadn’t known before. She’d
been given top marks in her private gunmanship lessons. She’d been taught
to fight by some of the world’s best Krav Maga instructors and she knew
her way around using a knife to defend herself. The more she told me, the
surer I became of taking her along with me tonight.
She was a fighter and I was going to give her the chance to shine.
When the time came to leave, I pressed a few commands into my computer
and the hatch that had my car hidden away slid open, the hydraulic lift
bringing my vehicle to the underground floor of my lair. Sofia watched with
a sense of wonder before she turned toward me and lifted her eyebrow in
mock judgment.
“Time to go save the world then, Mr. Superhero,” she murmured, a smile
playing at the corners of her lips.
“I’d slap your ass for that, but your armor would probably hurt my hand,” I
retorted, smirking in her direction.
“Noted. I’ll make sure to wear this at all times then,” she answered lightly,
her grin growing.
“Sassy girl,” I replied, and she dipped her head, trying to hide the blush that
had come over her cheeks, but I had seen it anyway.
“I’ll have to handle that later, remind you who is really in charge here,” I
added, lowering my voice. The thought of having her bound and naked to
my bed was especially alluring at that moment.
“Sure thing, boss,” she grinned, turning toward me, her eyes sparkling with
both amusement and desire. She winked in my direction.
“You’re going to regret that, little girl,” I warned her, my tone light.
“I look forward to it, sir,” she smiled before she climbed inside the car.
It was time to rock and roll.It was already dark outside when I pulled into an abandoned factory about a
block away from Mancini Security headquarters. Hidden inside, I powered
down the engines and turned back to Sofia.
“You sure you want to do this?” I asked her, giving her one final
opportunity to pull out. If we were successful tonight in taking out her
father, it was something she could never take back. I knew what losing a
parent felt like and I needed to make sure this was what she truly wanted.
She turned to me, her eyes bright, and nodded.
“Let’s do this,” she said. There wasn’t even a sliver of doubt in her voice.
My brave little kingpin’s daughter.
“Let’s move then,” I replied and the two of us climbed out of the car.
We moved silently through the streets, slinking from one shadow to the next
until we entered into a side alley that led to the service entrance of Mancini
Security. It was unguarded and only had a single camera that pointed in the
wrong direction. It was probably just a sham. When I got closer, I saw wires
sticking out of the back of it, connected to nothing at all. Hell, the USB
ports still had the plastic coverings on them. As expected, the back door
was only secured with a simple key lock. Long ago, I’d learned to be
efficient with a lock-pick set and the doorknob clicked open in less than ten
seconds after I’d begun.
I glanced at Sofia and she was smirking, likely thinking of something sassy
she wanted to say about my skills. She opened her mouth and a quiet crash
in the alley we’d just emerged from echoed around us. I lifted my finger to
my lips, and she closed her mouth, saying nothing. I moved back into the
shadows, leaving the door open just the slightest bit behind us.
For a long minute, everything was silent, and a quiet hiss reverberated in
the dark and dirty alley. A furry small creature ran out from behind a
dumpster, followed by a second and Sofia snorted quietly beside me. Just a
pair of alley cats enjoying the night to themselves.With a shake of my head, I grinned and winked in Sofia’s direction.
The two of us crept along the back wall of the building until we approached
the entryway of the door once again. I opened the door, waiting for signs of
anyone close by and heard nothing. We snuck inside, sticking close to the
wall and remaining cloaked in the shadows.
There was no one around.
The hallway was dark. At the end was a single lightbulb hanging from the
ceiling, lighting another doorway that led into the office area of the
business. Along the hallway were various doors that opened to utility
closets, storage for extra technology and cleaning supplies, everything that
a normal security business would need. I had noticed one questionable
room that was much larger than a closet on the architectural blueprints I’d
acquired, and I took a moment to grip the knob and open that one door.
It was an interrogation room with a single chair in the middle, a drain right
beneath it. Along the walls were a series of different knives and other
various tools of cruelty that had no doubt tormented many individuals over
the years. I crinkled my nose as the pungent scent of bleach came over me
and took a step back. This had been freshly used. From the blueprints, I
knew the walls were thicker, likely reinforced with sound-dampening
The floor was still wet.
This room had been utilized today. Maybe even just hours ago.
I pressed my lips into a firm line, carefully shutting the door and moving
down the hall toward the back offices. Leonardo and his mafia buddies
weren’t due to arrive for another hour, but both Sofia and I had agreed that
we needed to get inside and in position long before they arrived.
I knew the place would be guarded. I knew where a number of them were
stationed in the building, but the security footage had been lax. There
weren’t as many cameras here to hack as there were back at Mancini’s
mansion, so I only had so much information. Sofia’s plan had many blind
spots, but an opportunity like this wasn’t going to happen again. We’dlikely have to fight our way through and be exceedingly careful about
stopping the raising of any alarm, no matter what that meant.
Sofia and I had taken on the mission together.
Leonardo Mancini was going to die today.

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