Hate the Feeling; Mattheo Rid...

By sailorgurrrrl

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"SNOW, SNOW WAIT! Please, you know I love you. You feel it too, you told me!" His eyes had a pleading look to... More

Chapter 1: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 2: Tyler
Chapter 3: "That's my name Sweetheart."
Chapter 4: Avada Kedavra
Chapter 5: The Deal
Chapter 6: That's hot
Chapter 7: The Duel and 1st Task
Chapter 8: Do you think I'm stupid?
Chapter 9: Hogsmeade
Chapter 10: Detention
Chapter 11: The Egg
Special Chapter: Cho Chang
Chapter 12: The Yule Ball
Thank you!
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Just friends
Chapter 15: The Second Task
Chapter 16: Beer
Chapter 17: IT'S YOUR FAULT
Tyler's POV: Not important just if u wanna read
Chapter 18: STFU
Snow Aesthetic
Chapter 19: Stormy Night
Chapter 20: Six Feet Tall and Super Strong(Kind of)
Chapter 21: Bad Move
Chapter 22: Not like I have anything better to do
Chapter 23: Sure
Chapter 24: Risky Moves
Chapter 25: Red Handed.
Chapter 26: Blood and letters
Chapter 27: Bad News
Chapter 28: Mattheo's dorm
Chapter 29: Sirius
Chapter 30: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Chapter 31: Butterbeer
Special Chapter: Harry's POV
Chapter 32: The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 33: In this situation again
Chapter 34: Monday
Mini Chapter
Chapter 35: Plans ruined
Chapter 36: Please
Chapter 37: It's not what it looks like
Chapter 38: Final Dance
Chapter 39: Interesting News
Chapter 40: Pensieve Part 2
Chapter 41: Last Day
Chapter 42: The Third Task
Chapter 43: Portkey
Chapter 45: The Dots
Chapter 46: Cedric's Goodbye
Chapter 47: Hate the Feeling
Book 2

Chapter 44: Voldemort

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By sailorgurrrrl

"It's a portkey," Cedric said with fascination. He smiled in amusement as he looked at it. I looked around us. 

"Is this part of the task?" Harry questioned. He too was looking around. 

"It shouldn't be." I stand up and begin observing the graves around us. Some of the names appear to be of relatives at our school, but one particular name catches my eye. 

"Tom Riddle," I read aloud. Cedric and Harry's face snap to mine. "This grave, it's Tom Riddle's." 

"That's not creepy at all."  Cedric stood up and came next to me to observe the grave. "Guess you and your boyfriend hadn't had the uncomfortable parent talk ay?" 

"There's nothing to talk about." I keep staring at the graves around us when all of a sudden I feel a stinging on my scar. "AGH!" I scream out. I look over and see Harry clutching his head as well. 

"What's wrong? You alright?" The pain was becoming unbearable. I was almost collapsing to the floor. Cedric put his arm around me and assisted to next to Harry. 

"O..our scars. They're hurting," Harry manages to croak out.

"That means danger is nearby." Cedric realizes and his eyes widen. The wind suddenly stops as we hear noises behind us. I notice Cedric's eyes widen with worry. He stands up and holds his wand out. 


The next thing me and Harry hear still haunts me to this day. "Kill the spare." The voice sounds so powerful yet so childlike. 


"NO, CEDRIC!" Harry yells out. I look at Cedric's dead body in horror. 

Before we even get a second to process what just happened, me and Harry are pushed to a statue, ropes binding us. Our wands have been discarded to the side. I look own as I my breathing picks up and see Peter Pettigrew, Ron's mouse from last year. 

"PETER?" My breath slows down, but the horrible feeling of panic settles down in me.  

The cauldron in front of me and Harry is boiling. Peter drops a small figure into it. My scar begins to ache horribly. 

"Bone from the father, unwillingly, given." Peter's voice shakes. I convulse in disgust at the cauldron. The bone drops into the cauldron with a splash as the cauldron begins to steam.  

"Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed." I never thought Peter would maim himself, he seemed like too much of a coward. His screams rang in my ears and my scar hurt to the point where I almost felt blinded.  

His face snapped to me and Harry.  

"Blood, of the enemy, forcefully taken." He first made his way to Harry and cut some blood from his wrist. His screams of pain horrified me. Then he came over to me and cut mine too. It was so painful. He went over and poured it in the cauldron. I felt faint. 

"SNOW? Snow, hang on there." I nodded weakly and tried to stay conscious.  

"The Dark Lord, shall rise, AGAIN!" This time the pain was unbearable for me and Harry. His screams and my screams melded into a horrible melody.  

The pain slows down a bit as we're forced to watch a horrible, green like figure transform out from the cauldron. I've never seen such a horrible sight in my life. A figure stands up and I can't believe what I'm seeing. The killer of my parents, the one who ruined my life, he's standing right there.

Interesting way to meet your boyfriend's father. I think. Suddenly however, I think to Mattheo. Fuck him and his stupid lies. This was another one of his manipulations. My trust broken, once again, except I don't know if it will come back this time. Harry looks at me, as if he knows what I'm thinking, before shifting his attention back to Voldy. Harry really was right. I can't think about that now though. 

"Ah yes. Back here, with everyone." He turns around and meets Peter. I can barely hear what they're saying. I only take notice when he gets the dark mark. I feel like throwing up. 

"Oh.. poor boy, he said," kicking Cedric's face with is foot. 

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Harry said. 

"Ah, I almost forgot about our dear guests. Harry Potter, Snow Potter, how lovely to see you again." I give Old Voldy the meanest stare I could muster, it was all I could do at this point. 

"You know it was real smart of your filthy, mudblood mother to protect you with such a spell. I didn't even think about it-" 

"DON'T CALL HER THAT!" I was in a fucking outrage. 

"Nonetheless, I couldn't touch you without hurting myself, but.... I can touch you.... NOW." His fingers pressed to me and Harry's forehead. It felt as if burning dumbbells were placed on my head. He finally removed it and walked to the middle of the circle. Many people began whooshing down into the circle. Death eaters, no doubt.  

"Welcome, welcome friends. It has been far too long. All of my fellow death eaters." His seemingly calm demeanor quickly changed to anger as he lashed out of them over stupid loyalty or something.  "CRABBE, GOYLE, not even you, Lucius." 

Well fuck, looks like Voldy Moldy Soldy ungodly lost his bolties has anger issues and Draco's dad who also has anger issues are hand in hand, just fantastic.  

"I seem to keep forgetting about our guests.... Harry and Snow, how lovely of you to join us-" He motions behind him to the death eaters. I can't help but scoff in disgust. "Snow got the traits of your father? He was a real fighter. That will make this next part all the most interesting." Me and Harry fall very suddenly to the ground. "Get your wands, come on, get up you two." We quickly grab our wands without hesitation and face him. "Now, we'll duel. First.... we bow." When we refuse to he says, "Oh come on, Dumbledore would be disappointed if you forgot your formalities, I said... BOW!" He has the strongest imperio curse ever as me and Harry's backs twitch in pain as he forces us to bow.  

"Right now.... CRUCIO!" 

This shit again. It's been so long since this curse has been used on me. I drop down on my knees alongside Harry.  


"PROTEGO!" I manage to use my shaking hand to cast a weak protection spell against me and Harry. We both stand up and give each other a look. I see inspiration sparkling in his eyes. I know exactly what we're gonna do. 


"EXPELLIARMUS!"Me and Harry say at the same time. We immediately create a line between us two. I see sweat gleaming on Harry's forehead as the both of us try to fight against Voldemort's insanely dangerous and powerful spell. I try not to lose concentration but it's becoming increasingly difficult.  

I'm so focused into that I don't notice the blue figures coming out of the spell. 

"KEEP FOCUS A LITTLE LONGER!" I turn around while still maintaining the spell. 

"Is that Dad?" Harry nods at my question. Harry really does look like him.  

"We'll try to hold them off but it's up to you!" I feel my eyes heating up. No, I can't cry, I have to keep focus. 

It isn't just our father that's there, but also... I think that's our mother? Many other people too, including Cedric! 

"Take my body back. Take my body back to my father please." I almost cry, I feel myself losing focus. 

Harry nods in response and focuses back on the spell. 

"You're ready now my children! Let go, LET GO!" Me and Harry end the spell which sends me, Voldemort, and Harry flying back. Before too much time is wasted, I run as quickly as I can to Cedric, Harry not trailing too far behind.  

He holds onto Cedric and me so we can teleport together before yelling, "ACCIO CUP!"  

Boom. Back in front of the maze, hearing the trumpets and cheering... and Harry's crying. Harry leans over the body and is racked in sobs, which makes everyone stop clapping and cheering. I don't cry but I hug Harry from behind. I look up and meet Mattheo's eyes. They are full of guilt, sadness, and shock. We meet eyes for a moment, and it's as if his eyes are pleading for forgiveness. I look back at Cedric's body. 

He knew. Mattheo knew this whole time. I was just another piece in his game. That's why he was so hesitant to this. All those months I wasted being his friend and then boyfriend, hugging him, kissing him, giving him gifts. All of it, wasted.  

"MY BOY!" I look up, the scream snapping me out of my thoughts. I almost cry at the sight of Cedric's father horribly crying over the death of his son.   

Moody comes up and lifts me and Harry off the ground. 

"Come on both of you." I look behind me when I hear someone calling my name. I turn and see Mattheo running down the stairs and towards me. 

"SNOW! SNOW GET BACK!" I turn back around and don't look back. I really have no one to trust now. 


Word Count: 1563

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