Johng and Gargfeld

Par blueskiesonly

153 19 1

Johng and Gargfeld have many wacky adventures. Plus

the sixth part
Number 8
The ninth piece of the story
Chapter the 10th

Part 11

5 1 0
Par blueskiesonly

One day, Johng's friend Limeln awoke with a great pain all over his body, and an awful headache.
He tried to stand up, but could not.

Just as Gargfeld began to panic, johng walked by and muttered.
"One kidney, one liver, a pancreas, a gallbladder, two testicles, an eye, 4 toes, 6 fingers, an ear, a lung, a spleen, 11 teeth, and last but not least, a sublingual gland."

"What have you done to me?!?" Limeln said with a great deal of pain.

"You lost the drinking challenge against me." Johng said.

"What drinking challenge!?" Limeln asked.

Johng walked up to Limeln and whispered in his ear.
"There was no fucking drinking challenge, I put you under and stole your organs to sell on the black market and pay off my debts. You fucking piece of shit. I never was your friend. I was just was just waiting for you to die so I could steal your organs to sell. Because I knew that they would be so young fresh and healthy. You were just enough of a fool to believe my act. Now you must die."

"Why... would... you do... this?" Limeln managed to whisper before Johng shot him in the head with his lucky Beretta M9 pistol.

The FBI busted down Johngs door and forced him to the ground.
It was all over for Johng.
Gargfeld never got all of Johngs payment from him, and he was arrested many years later for Illegal arms dealing.

Yet still, organs and guns were still sold by Odae, who managed to never get caught and put on death row, just as his two colleagues had.

It wasn't over yet.
The fight must still rage on.

After years of investigation and being called insane, the rogue FBI agent was praised after seeing that there was another criminal that the team had managed to miss.

About a month later the FBI made its move and went to the suspected location of Odae Arbrickle, yet when they arrived he was already dead from suicide.

The FBI made its celebration later that night but about an hour into the party, the building exploded into bits from several bombs planted around its outside.

The dead Odae was a fake.
The real was still alive, and still selling arms and organs.

What happened next is still unknown.
Where did he go?
What did he do?
It seems as if he just vanished from the face of the Earth.
But my investigation us not over yet.
I will search until one of us dies....

Continuer la Lecture

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