Takumi41's Lost-In-Time Stori...


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I had been debating about what I'd do with some story ideas that I did plot out but never got to writing them... Еще

Sayu's Padded Break
Baby of the Team
Fire Emblem Dragon Daycare
Flandre's Locked Room
The Great Ashley Mishap
The Special Bear Padding
Father-Daughter Bonding
Baby Sitter Regression
Shared Babysitter
Wittle Girl Simulator
The Little Genius Skips To Pre-School
Wittle Witch

Daycare Accidents

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Title: Daycare Accidents

Series: Original

Perspective: First?

Toning Down: Low

Note: I had part of this whole thing written up years ago. Unfortunately, I lost interest in finishing it. I actually did write up several parts than it being plot points. But never finished it. Also, to mention the not so grammatically accurate with any checks.

Arc 1:

Day 1:

Part 1 The morning:

The bedding sheets for the short full size bed was pink. Much like several stuff located in the mid-sized room large enough for a growing kid, there was a bit of pink. Stuffed animals placed here and there with cute decorations on the desks.

These were the room's decal thanks to me, a girl of the age of twelve. Most my friends told me my room was either adorable or too cute. Many of them had moved on from enjoying cute things, but I for one cannot do that.

"Mewody," voiced a very young girl. One of my biggest joys in life so far in the last four years is my younger sister. She's only four, but I take pride in being her older sister. And plus, who can hate her adorable face.

"Yes Melanie sweetie?" I answered back. It appeared she took my answer as an invitation to enter my room. Which is no big deal, as I grew to enjoy her company and so my door is always open to her.

"Hehe good mowning," Melanie ran in. She was rather short given she was four, but her light blonde hair reached her tiny shoulders. A pink skirt wrapped around her with a unicorn shirt perfectly described my cheerful sibling. If you needed to know the definition of adorable you could find her picture in the dictionary.

Staring into her green eyes I answered back, "why good morning to you too." She reached up meaning she wanted to be held or wanted to sit on my lap. I could tell it was the former so I helped her up onto my bed where she sat on my lap with the brightest smile the world could see. If there was ever a way to win an argument, you'd bring her smile along. I almost can never say no to her.

However I knew since it was morning, I should check up on one of her issues. "Have you gone potty yet sweetie?" She was four now, so my parents have been potty training her for less than a year. So far she's been doing rather well and rarely has many accidents. But I wanted to help her as much as I could.

Having my door open did leave many times I woke up to a wet bed only to find it came from my sister. But I never minded, I always adore my sister and hope she can continue to smile. That's why I've had many fun tea parties, drawings and doll adventures just so I could join my sister.

Melanie pouted her face, "Hmph, I fine." Potty training was probably Melanie's most touchy subject. She never liked to mention much on it, especially if she has an actual accident. I remember the last time she wet in my bed--she wouldn't leave my side nor apologizing for an entire day. I only wished I could help her be more okay with it all. That accidents were okay sometimes, and that she shouldn't feel bad for how much she tries.

I have tried to think back to when I was potty training, but unfortunately come up short in that memory. A small detail from that could potentially help her out, so I feel bad for not being able to remember. But my parents said I started potty training closer to five, which would have my sister starting more earlier.

"Aw, its okay sweetie," I stated. "I was only trying to make sure you made it alright."

"I made it, sowwy to wowy you."

"Nah its fine! I'm glad you made it though!" After saying that I hugged her in my arms. This caused her to smile. "See all better."

"Hehe," my sister giggled.

I placed her down so we could go down stairs and eat breakfast with our mom.

Once we found ourselves at the decent dining room table fit for a small family, our mother greeted us with a smile.

"Oh my you two are cute," stated my mother. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and often times sported an apron. She may seem the essence of a classic mom, but she's always cared for the two of us very much. Plus I heard she won our fathers heart by her cooking.

Our father was more on the dirty blonde side with green eyes in which both Melanie and I shared. He was the main money maker, but was away for business trips. I heard he's made a rather huge plan starting to come together as the projects leader.

"Melody sweetie can you help me set the table," my mother asked me. I started to gather all the plates necessary for our breakfast. It was a nice early breakfast given it was only around 7:30 in the morning. But we had some plans that was going to happen in the day. Thankfully I was on summer break so I didn't have to worry about school for now.

"Melody that is such a cute look, you really look like your sister," my mother smiled. She was mostly correct on the similar part because I wore a light blue shirt with the pink skirt wrapped around me. Though my blonde hair went slightly below my shoulders given it was tied in a ponytail with a red ribbon.

"Hehe thanks," I couldn't help but giggle. It made me rather happy to be compared to how adorable my sister was. "I thought it'd be a good idea to sort of match for today."

"I'm glad you decided that because I agree with you. Just remember after we finish eating breakfast we should get going."

"Kay," both Melanie and I stated in unison. We then proceeded to eat our pancakes. I helped Melanie cut her pancakes given she was still a small child in the booster seat. It helped a lot given she was always near me even if she was in a booster seat. Thankfully unlike her potty training problems, she didn't mind me caring for her in this manner. But it did sometimes have me wish we could play together at a similar age giving both of us care. Though I knew I should probably start thinking more on my actual age.

The pancakes we had was wonderful. Melanie's face indicated she also agreed. "Thanks mommy," Melanie stated.

"Yup I'm glad you liked it," our mother smiled with pride. "But we should get going now since they are expecting us at eight."

Melanie and I nodded and we walked outside. Our vehicle of choice was a sleek black Subaru which made it nice with the amount of us. Given it was only the three of us, I still sat in the back with my sister who barely needed a car seat.

"Alright girls," our mother stated. "I know you will be good but please be on your best behaviors alright."

"Kay," Melanie and I stated in unison.

"Don't forget to follow all the rules alright"


"Alright mommy loves you girls." With that stated we drove off to our destination--smiles daycare.

Part 2 The initiation:

Smiles daycare was the only daycare in the area. I heard it was a really well loved daycare that accepted up to girls even my age. So I thought to help my sister feel more comfortable I'd dress like an adorable young girl just like her. Not to mention even I thought I was rather cute.

Our main reason for having to go to a daycare though was due to mommies family. They were having some troubles mother wouldn't state, but it also meant she didn't want to bring us along to it.

She was considering letting me babysit Melanie given our reputation for being very close. Though I think mommy still likes to baby me a little. Even though I don't mind that and somewhat agree I might not be responsible enough, it has lead us to getting several babysitters.

Our usual babysitter was gone for the month, and mother knew just how well we liked her so she felt bad hiring a different babysitter. That's when she learned about Smiles Daycare.

It was a little odd for someone my age to attend a daycare especially since they do nap times, but I thought it wouldn't be bad. Plus it might be a good idea for my sister to meet other girls her age. So rather think about myself, I thought more about what would be good for Melanie. Though I won't deny being able to play more with my baby sister.

The building itself looked pretty cute. It wasn't the size of a single house but about double the size. They even had a playground out in the back which I could picture Melanie and I having fun. And the main design in the door had a cartoonish smiling young girl.

Once we walked in the entrance looked adorable. I could see there were several young children playing about already. But we were then greeted by a woman who looked younger than my mother. She had s sort of uniform that comprised of a black shirt and a black long skirt. Only the front was covered by an chocolate colored apron with the letters spelling Smiles Daycare. She was also slightly shorter than my mother who wasn't too tall to begin with. But had light brunette hair that was almost orange, brown eyes and a pair of black glasses.

"Oh you must be Mrs. Rhymes," the gentle woman spoke.

"Yup that's us," our mother spoke.

"Okay, that must mean these two young girls must be Melody and Melanie," she looked and talked to both of us in the tone you'd just speak to Melanie.

"Hehe," both Melanie and I couldn't help but giggle at our acknowledgement.

"Hi, my name is Teresa and I'm sure we'll be having a wonderful time together." She was awfully cheerful, so I took a liking to her already.

"I'm sure you guys will," our mother answered. "Thanks for accepting us Ms. Teresa."

"Oh you can just call me Teresa. And it's our pleasure. I can tell your two daughters are just darling."

"Alright, I'll be leaving them in your care. Remember to do what Teresa says okay. And I'll be back to get you around 5pm."

"Kay," we said in unison.

"Alright love you!"

"Love you too mommy," Though Melanie sounded more like wove. But our mother took off leaving us in the daycare with Teresa.

"Well now you two why don't you follow me around so I can show you the place," Teresa looked at me. Perhaps she's wanting me to act like the big sister and help my sister.

On our short little tour, we were shown different play areas, the nap room, the restroom which had a big changing table in, a movie viewing area and a kitchen. It seems like this would be more standard equipment for a daycare, but it looked rather pleasant. I could see the look my sister gave that she was already getting ready to jump on board. However Teresa didn't quite let us go just yet.

"And that concludes our tour," Teresa said with a smile. "So before I let you free to do what you want, we were informed of your potty training Melanie and we'll need to put you in a pull-up for the time being."

I had a feeling they wouldn't just let my sister go free given she has been potty training still. However Melanie hasn't worn pull-ups for a while now, so I could see her taking this rather difficult.

"But I fine," Melanie exclaimed. I knew she was going to be fussy about this right after Teresa mentioned it.

"You may be doing excellent but it's just our little rule that all kids who are still potty training wear pull-ups."

"I-I," I could see Melanie possibly beginning to cry. This really wasn't going to end well, I only hoped I could help convince her it was alright. Though this has been a working project of my own to help my sister.

Unable to see this happen any further I began to speak, "Um Teresa, would it be okay if I talked to Melanie about it for a few minutes."

"Oh sure, you can talk in the restroom if you'd like," Teresa agreed. "There shouldn't be anyone needing it anytime soon so you should be free to talk there."

With the okay, I took Melanie's hand and took her to the restroom. "Aw sweetie I know you've been doing good lately but rules are rules."

"I don't wanna," Melanie pouted.

I knew this was one of Melanie's touchy subjects so I decided I should try from a different angle. "It's completely okay for you to wear a pull-up. I won't think of you any different as you'll always be my super adorable sister. Plus everyone has accidents, so pull-ups are even made for girls like me." I knew it was true seeing different commercials with kids at different sizes, so I was certain that even a girl my age can also have troubles.

"Reawy?" Melanie questioned. I nodded in response. "So it okay for Mewody to wear pull-up too?"

Since I did state it girls my age had protection of their own and that is okay, I didn't hesitate to respond. "Yup, it'd be okay for me to wear one too."

"Kay," Melanie responded.

I wasn't sure if she was okay with wearing a pull-up or not now. "So you'll wear a pull-up then?"

"Yeah," Melanie smiled. Seeing her smile made me feel very relieved. It made me feel she was a step closer to accepting it. "We can be pull-up sibwings!" Despite what I heard, her face brightened up even more. However, she just told me to wear a pull-up with her.

"Um hold on a second, I didn't say I'd wear one."

"But you said it okay for Mewody to wear pull-up." I saw then the errors of what I mentioned. "It not okay for pull-up?" She started to give me the worst case of puppy dog eyes. These eyes are the sight I cannot go against anything Melanie says.

"So you'll wear a pull-up as long as I do?"

"Yup," Melanie smiled.

Reluctantly it appeared my decision was made. "Alright, I'll wear one with you then."

"Yay!" The only downside to agreeing to her plan meant I was going to somehow have to explain this to Teresa. I'm really not sure if she'll be fine with letting me wear a pull-up let alone have one in my size. But I suppose it's worth trying now that I have Melanie agree.

Walking back out of the bathroom, it was hard to not notice Melanie's smile. Teresa came over to me delighted to have seen the results. "So Melanie will be alright with it then?"

Now was for me to announce the results of our short conversation. "She will be, just on one request."

"That is?" Teresa asked.

"She says she'll be fine wearing a pull-up...as long as I'm wearing one too," I said nervously.

"Oh I see," Teresa stated. "Did you agree to her request?"

I thought I might as well be honest here. "Well, if it helps her I'd be willing to go with it."

Unsure of how Teresa was going to take it, and the next second I see her smile in awe. "That's certainly sweet of you. She's sure got to be glad to have a sister like you. I'm rather happy you agreed."

"Wait, so I'll be in pull-ups too then?"

"Yup, that is what you agreed to after all."

"Well, I wasn't sure you had any in my size."

"Nonsense, we have plenty for a girl your size."

"Oh, really?"

"Yup, so it won't be any trouble after all." Melanie must have over heard us talk as she was even more delighted than before. Most likely she was about to get me wearing a pull-up. I really wasn't sure how this was going to work out, but wearing a pull-up for a day can't hurt.

With a smiling expression, Teresa took the lead in front of us. "Okay girls follow me into the bathroom." We marched right into the bathroom where Teresa stormed off straight to the changing table leaving us at the entrance. Once she got back she held a pull-up with Disney princesses on it. The size was most likely for Melanie.

"Alright let me help you okay sweetie," Teresa said with a smile. Teresa then lead a smiling and complying Melanie into the bathroom stall. "Now let us get this on you okay." I only could hear whatever Teresa said now. "A one and a two, all done." Sure enough Melanie came bursting out of the stall with a smile. I suppose the experience was a positive one.

"Now it's your turn Melody," Teresa said returning from the changing table already. "You can go on now Melanie, you'll get you sister back soon."

"Kay," Melanie said leaving me alone with Teresa in the restroom.

Teresa now fully back from the changing table had a pull-up in hand. This time it was also pink like Melanie's, but it had a different Disney character on it. However, it was unmistakable that the size of the pull-up would easily fit someone like me.

"It's only fair I'd give you the same treatment like your sister," Teresa smiled. She took my arm leading me into the stall closing it on us. "I'm honestly happy you are okay with this, you really are a great sister."

"Well, if it makes her happy I'll be fine with it," I stated again. "But I feel like I've had a hard time getting her to accept some things."

"I see. Well you got her to accept this time."

"I suppose that's true, but..."

"You don't have to feel bad about it, I can see you try your hardest for her and that's reason enough she's lucky to have you. I'm certain things will work out on their own eventually, you just have to give it time."

"I guess so." I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that.

"But for now, let us get you in a pull-up. So don't mind me okay." I nodded and she already put her hands under my skirt and making quick work on my underwear. Almost without looking Teresa had my Underwear down below my knees as they slid to the floor. "Alright, now to sit for a second so I can slide this up on you." I sat on the toilet seat where Teresa then began to fit the pull-up between my legs. Then she pulled me to stand up so she could pull it all the way up. "And done! How's it feel?"

It was a different feeling than wearing regular underwear that's for certain. They were similar in a way, but the pull-up felt a little more securing, and not to mention soft. "It's not that bad if I have to honestly answer."

"Well that's great then!" Teresa beamed. "I guess that means you won't have any trouble wearing it for the day then."

"Hehe, yup," I couldn't help giggle. In a way, I was happy to make this decision. Not only will it be good for my sister, but it's not so bad for me either. This will definitely give us something to share together though.

Part 3 An accident:

Walking back out, Teresa then held my pair of under in her hands. "Don't worry about these, we'll make sure to give them back by the end of the day."

I didn't feel worried about them, but still was good to know. "Thanks." After stating that I walked outside the restroom to find my sister with the most curious expression. She wasn't saying anything other than looking at me, and I think I knew exactly what she was wanting. "Are you curious if I'm in a pull-up or not?"

"Are you?" Melanie asked. Her look became more puzzled.

"Hehe, I am," I giggled. I quickly grabbed the front of my skirt to raise it enough for Melanie to see the pink pull-up I currently wore.

"Oh, it just like mine," Melanie looked delighted.

"Yup, it's just like yours. See its okay to wear them." I hoped stating that would make her more comfortable to the idea of wearing a pull-up.

"Yeah, you wight," Melanie smiled. And with that said I thought that was one victory for the day. Now it was time for us to find something to do.

"Alright Melanie, what should we do then?" I asked. I often enjoyed letting Melanie say what we should do even though it did lead us into some form of infants play. Though those activities are fun to play.

"Hmm," Melanie was thinking. "Lets go there." Melanie pointed over to a desk that had several crayons and markers. Most likely a drawing center.

"So you want to draw now?"


"Alright let's go over there then." After stating that, we walked over to the table.

We weren't the only one's at the table though. There was another rather young looking girl sitting alone drawing. She had dark brunette hair and a white dress with the skirt being a little short. Suitable clothing for an infant though as I couldn't help but notice how adorable she was.

"Hey," I said to the young girl. "Do you mind if we draw here too?"

"No, I don't," The young girl responded. At this time I thought this could be a good idea to introduce Melanie to other girls her age.

"My name is Melody, I'm twelve and this here is my sister Melanie and she's four. Can ask for your name?"

The young girl looked at me with a smile, "It's Sara."

"Why thanks Sara, it's a pleasure to meet you right Melanie?"

Melanie took a look at Sara, "Yup." She didn't say much but she did smile at least.

"I'm currently three now," Sara exclaimed. So she was a year younger than Melanie but she was still about the same age.

"Well lets draw something nice then okay," I stated to get us all pepped about it. The two girls had smiles so it appeared to have worked. That's when we took crayons in hands and a paper in front of us to draw on.

While drawing I couldn't help but overhear Melanie and Sara talking to each other. They shared drawings and what they were drawing. Most the time Sara drew different animals you'd find on a farm while Melanie tried drawing her family. I couldn't help but smile at the thought Melanie found herself a friend.

They quieted down as they both concentrated on what they were drawing. The next thing I notice is Sara stop drawing and stood up with a squat. Knowing this position for a child it was an easy guess as to what Sara was doing. That's when I noticed underneath Sara's dress was a diaper—a similar but different protection than a pull-up. That's when I realized Sara must not have been exactly potty trained yet. However the position Sara was in just looked very natural to me. Like there was something to it I couldn't quite put to words how to describe it.

Sure enough after Sara got back to her drawing I could smell what she had done—pooped her diaper. Sara quickly took a notice to me, "Oh I sowwy." The little girl was trying to apologize after having done her business in her diaper. Though I felt she had no need to apologize.

"Ah no, you don't have to be. It's okay for you to have done that," I stated in hopes to helping Melanie see in others that it's okay to sometimes have accidents. Though a poopy diaper may have been difficult to push on, but I decided to try nonetheless. "It's okay for accidents to happen."

"Hehe, well that is what my diaper for," Sara giggled. And I couldn't help but notice Melanie smile. I thought for certain this was the next step to helping her.

Teresa then stopped by and checked Sara's diaper. "Oh my looks like someone could use a change." Then she checked Melanie. "Your still clean, good girl. Just don't forget to ask when you need the potty okay? Now if you'll excuse me, I have some dirty business to take care of." Both Sara and Melanie couldn't help but laugh, so I joined in laughing as well.

Sara had returned and we were drawing for a bit when I started to wonder if Melanie needed to use the potty or not. "Hey Melanie, do you need to use the potty?"

"I uh-I," her face went bank. "I tink I had an accident." Her face fell with shame.

That's when I knew I had to help her out from there. "Oh it's fine Melanie. It's okay to have an accident. You don't need to worry about it. Even girls my age still have them."

"Yup," Sara chimed in. You're wearing a pull-up anyways, it's made for you to use it." I didn't exactly agree with Sara but was happy to see her help.

"See, you don't need to feel sad about it. Accidents happen, just be happy you were wearing some protection."

"With protection like a diaper you never have to have any potty wowwies. So it okay for you to use your pull-up." I was starting to think either Sara's comments actually helped or lead her down the wrong cause. But it did get Melanie to smile.

Melanie picked her head up and smiled, "Hehe, its okay for me to have an accident."

"Yeah, so no needing to worry about it," I smiled back. All I could see was Melanie looking very elated. It made me very happy to see Melanie like this rather than being sad. So in a way I have to thank Sara as well for helping.

We continued drawing for a little longer when Melanie looked at me holding her paper up. It was a couple of stick figures with blonde hair and a pink blob around their waist. Judging the size differences I figured it was her and I.

"Oh did you draw me? How sweet of you," I smiled.

"Hehe," Melanie giggled. "It's us wearing pull-ups." I see now what the pink blob was supposed to be.

"Ah yup, since were both pull-up sisters right now. Thank you again it made me happy."

From that delight I began to feel a tingle grow stronger for myself. Not a good tingle but one that meant I needed to pee pretty soon. Given I was wearing a pull-up, I wasn't planning to make any use of it like Sara thinks it's for. So I stood up and was going to walk to the bathroom.

Before I could even take a step though I heard my sister, "Where you going sis?"

I answered her honestly, "Oh I needed to use the little girls room."

"But you said it okay to have accident." She started to look at me again with those eyes of hers. I decided against heading to the bathroom now before making Melanie feel any worse. I'd just have to find my opening I suppose.

So I sat back down, "Well I suppose I can hold it longer." This was true but I wasn't sure for how long.

"Hehe, it okay to have accident in pull-up," Melanie giggled.

Sara then chimed in, "Just use pull-up." I saw then that Melanie seems to have accepted the fact she had an accident in her pull-up, but it seemed more like she's following Sara's footsteps of just accepting not using the potty. I'll have to try and keep track of her bladder needs from now on.

However for my own bladder needs, my urge continued to build but I didn't want to go against my sister on this. She's at a rather happy state now so I'd rather not disturb her from it. Well, I guess I should just follow Sara's advice then and just use my pull-up. I mean what could having one accident hurt. I'll be going to the potty from now on anyways so it doesn't matter if I have one or not now.

With that in mind I began not caring to hold it any longer. However at first I couldn't get myself to just start going despite how much I felt like I needed to. Before I knew it, it was taking all my concentration on just trying to pee in my pull-up. It's okay, remember its okay to have accidents. I started to repeat to myself again and again. Soon I felt a bit starting to spout out into my pull-up. However it was short lived as I had stopped. I didn't quite realize how hard it was going to be just to have an accident.

Soon I got myself rather relaxed that I got it to trickle out slowly until it started to stream into my pull-up. The feeling of peeing right here on the spot in front of my favorite sister and our new friend was immense. I had never experienced anything like it before. It was like just doing something I'd have to do as a common chore sometimes and now having it done right here was very different.

My pull-up I could tell was changing rather drastically. It was growing ever so slightly warmer and warmer as I continued to pee. It also felt like it was expanding in weight as well which I suppose makes sense.

In mere moments I had gone from a dry pull-up to a rather soaked one. It didn't feel bad at all and I didn't have to get up from the table. Overall it just felt rather unique but rather pleasant. But most importantly, it was okay for me to have had an accident.

Now that I had just done my deed, I thought I might as well show it to Melanie. "Melanie," I started. This got her attention. "Remember how I said it's okay to have accidents?" Melanie nodded. "Well it so happens that your big sister just had one."

"Huh really?" Melanie smiled.

"Yup!" Melanie smiled standing up. She lifted her skirt once again showing off her discolored pull-up underneath.

"Hehe, it did it job," Sara exclaimed. I nodded in reply.

"So Mewody have accident too?" Melanie asked.

"Yup, I had an accident," I replied.

Melanie then smiled, "It's okay, it okay to have accident."

"Yup, see I said it was okay."

"Hehe," Melanie giggled and came to hug me. "We both have accident in pull-up."

"Yeah, we both certainly did."

"We both still potty training," Melanie smiled looking up to me. This felt to me another chance to make her accept her potty training far more than she had before. So I decided to give her a little false information.

"Yup, we both potty twaining," I said in a babies voice. At this I could see Melanie just beaming through her face. It made me feel super happy to see her this happy—especially about potty training. She's never felt this happy before about potty training. It seemed a little wrong to me to throw in the baby lingo, but honestly it just felt right.

"See it okay for accident cause we potty training," Melanie stated.

"Hehe," I giggled back. From now on though since I finally managed to get her to accept it this far I'll have to do my best to get her to use the actual potty. Not to mention make sure I get to the potty myself.

Part 4: A decision

Teresa checks on Sara and Melanie diaper/pull-up and finds Melanie wet

Melody confesses she too had an accident

Teresa feels happy about Melody's honesty and will reward them with a treat

During the clean up Melody's accident puts her out of exceptions and onto being a potty training kid list which entails her to a point system of 3 points equals diapers for the week taking a break from potty training and to have her pull-up checked, she can't go use the potty without asking for help and with the accident she had already counting as a point

Melody is fine with the results thinking she'll just not have another accident

Lunch time happens

After lunch Melanie has to use the potty in which Melody took notice

Sara says it's just okay to use her pull-up in which Melody agrees but states she should try to use the actual potty

Melanie then ends up having another accident in her pull-up

The girls try to comfort her but she was already fine with it and only made her more happy about it

Melanie then sits in Melody's lap with Sara leaning up against her

Melody then has to pee and tells the girls she needs to get up

Melanie pouts and doesn't want to with Sara telling her to just use her pull-up

Given the face Melanie gives, Melody gives in and reluctantly wets herself again

Teresa comes to check on the girls in which all are wet so Sara gets changed first with Melanie who leaves happily then to Melody

Given Melody's second accident she would be one more away from wearing diapers full time the rest of the week

Teresa gives her a plan that she could just suspend potty training for the day and wear a diaper the rest the day and go back to potty training the next day or try her best still.

Melody thought about the diaper plan but decides to continue potty training

Now it is nap time

After taking a nap Melody finds Melanie walking to the kids who get a change line up

Melody began to panic because that'd mean Melanie was going to have to wear a diaper the whole rest the week. But Melanie showed off her wet diaper indicating she got the same deal but chose to go with it instead

Afterwards it was movie time and Melody finds herself needing the potty

Rather than wetting herself she takes this as a chance to use the potty so she asks for Teresa to help her out

Teresa helps her to the potty in which Melody makes it; after she tells Melody her plan for the diaper is still in effect if she choose to take it which Melody doesn't take on again

Now with the movie done the trio go to play with some dolls

While playing with the dolls, Melody kept seeing the diapers under the young girls skirts and started to feel left out

Melanie squats down in which Melody could only guess that meant her younger sister was pooping her diaper

Teresa comes by to check on the girls in which Sara was wet while Melanie was messy while Melody was clean

After the clean up the two girls were giggling happily looking free in a diaper

Melody started to feel jealous and couldn't help not feeling like she was similar to her sister given her pull-up quite wasn't a diaper

Melody states she's going to aks Teresa about something which they let her go

There she slowly starts to ask about the diaper plan and Teresa gets what she's wanting before even mentioning it

Teresa asks if she does want this and Melody says yes which proceeds to Melody being put in a diaper for the day ceasing her potty training

Teresa mentions now that she's wearing a diaper she doesn't need to worry about whether she pees or poops because all is fine now and for her to enjoy feeling free

Melody now feeling happy about it returns to the girls

Part 5: Carefree times

Melody returns and then shows she's currently wearing a diaper

Melanie enjoys her sister being diapered thinking they are both babies

They continue to play when Melody feels a need to pee; however is different because she's wearing a diaper so it's okay for her to just let it go

Teresa checks on the girls only to find Melody wet and so she changes her

The girls proceed to playing once again

Melody soon feels a new urge sturring inside her--a need to poop

She imagines they wouldn't quite want her to do it in her diaper so she should hold out; then she remembers Teresa stating it was okay for her to just use her diaper even for poop; but she feels off about it so she decides she should hold off until she gets home

Then Melody looks at both Sara and Melanie who both have already pooped themselves during the day and they both looked very natural during the process

Melody decided that it was her time to make a poopie diaper then; so Melody proceeds to squat down and poop in her diaper

Melody felt rather happy as she continued to play with the girls even though she smelt a bit

Teresa came by and gave Melody a change

Part 6:

Soon it was time to leave and their mother returned

After being informed of the accidents, the mother had the notion to buy the girls pull-ups for them

The girls were then secretly changed out of their wet diapers and into a clean pull-up before leaving

The mother dropped the two girls off before running to the store to buy their pull-ups (and secretly their diapers as well)

She then tells the girls to try their best to make it and it's okay to have accidents even for Melody

Melanie and Melody then play some stuff together in which Melanie ends up having an accident

Melody plays along with the baby act with Melanie who was far accepting of it now

Melody soon feels an urge to pee but decides it should be fine for her to have an accident

Their mother come to check on them only to find both of them wet; however she helps them change happily with a smile

They have dinner

Melanie and Melody began watching a film

Melanie told Melody she had another accident with a giggle

Melody felt like she could go, but decided she'll use the potty instead

Melody goes and asks their mom for help and then she uses the potty

Their mother then helps clean up Melanie and her wet pull-up

Late in the evening near bed time, Melanie was sitting ine Melody's lap and has another accident

Melody plays the babies act again telling her it's okay that they were potty training after all

Melody feels an urge to pee herself and decides that some accidents are okay to happen and wets herself

Their mother stops by before getting them ready for bed and helps change them; Melanie helps comment that it was okay accidents happen as they were both potty training after all

The two drift off to sleep together in Melody's bed

Day 2:

Melody wakes up to find Melanie next to her; she notices Melanie's diaper is wet

Melody has a need to pee but decides she'd like to use the potty and goes to find her mother

Her mother was currently sleeping given Melody woke up slightly more early so she decides she'll just have to have an accident then with her sister

The two girls are dropped off at the daycare who meet with Sara once again

Melanie ends up having another accident in her pull-up

Teresa comes by to help change Melanie and Sara

Once Melanie comes back, Melanie apologizes to Melody that she's not potty training at the time and shows her diaper

Melody says it's fine to take some breaks every now and then which Melanie giggles telling Melody it's okay if she did take one too

Noticing the two diapers already, Melody began to want a diaper herself

Just in time she felt a need to pee and began not caring to have an accident just as long as she could get into a diaper like her sister

Teresa finds Melody in a wet pull-up and goes to change her in which she was about to change her into a clean pull-up but Melody stated she wanted a diaper like her sister and Teresa complied saying its okay to take a break from potty training after all

The rest the day Melody and Melanie never made it to the potty given they wore diapers

Once their mother was going to pick them up she was indicated they had many more accidents, in which case it seemed Melanie was getting worse and even Melody as well

At home the two girls continued to enjoy their evening together but continued to have accidents in their pull-ups

Their mother then mentioned how it was okay as they were still both potty training after all

Melody was shocked to hear that from her mother but accepted it as it was true now given the many times she's had an accident now

After the day Melody realized she hadn't used the potty in over 24 hours and thought they should probably try better

Day 3:

Upon waking up Melody found Melanie again in a wet pull-up

Melody went and found her mother to help her go to the potty

At the daycare early on Melanie has an accident

Melody tries to ask Teresa to help her with the potty more times

Melanie ends up having another accident after lunch

Melody then wonders what would happen if one were to accidently poop in a pull-up

Teresa tells Melody if she had just pooped or if she need to tell her she needed to go in which case Melody states she's just curious

Teresa replies that it's a 3 point system for diapers so a #1 is 1 point and going #2 gives two points

Melody during the film decides to just enjoy it and wets herself

Melanie had another accident during the film in which case lead her to having 3 full points worthy of a full time diaper for the week

Melody wonders if Melanie is feeling bad about it in which case she's more happy about it; that she's sort of giving up on potty training for some time

While playing together, Melody starts to feel an urge to pee but accidently starts going without fully realizing it

Before going Teresa tells their mother about Melanie and Melody once again but more importantly about Melanie's diaper situation

Once at home Melanie has another accident

Their mother goes to help change her (which asks Melanie if she's rather just not potty train for the time being and going back to diapers in which Melanie agrees)

Melanie joins Melody with a cute smile and they happily play stuff

Soon Melody finds Melanie squatting down again and she pooped herself

That's when Melody finds Melanie in a diaper and not in a pull-up

Melanie aplogizes again that she's no longer her potty training buddy

Melody says it's fine cause she probably needed to take the break regardless

That's when Melody starts to think it's a step back but a step forward in accptance at least for Melanie

Melody also begins to wonder if she should just go back to diapers and join her sister as well

So Melody uses her pull-up for all her urine breaks for the night never once using the toilet; a couple in which actually turned out to be real accidents

On one of the clean ups, Melody's mother asks if she'd also like to take a break from potty training. Melody doesn't accept it though

Day 4:

Melody wakes up to find Melanie's diaper wet

At daycare early on Melody decides to have an accident in her pull-up not really caring as much

Melody began to think if she should continue trying to potty train or go back to being a diapered baby alongside her sister

Melody pretended to have fun and act the baby role but she couldn't help imagine herself without the diaper on

That was when Melody realized she didn't want to potty train anymore and wanted to go back to wearing diapers

However for her to go back to wearind diapers she knew she'd need 3 points which would be 2 more given she had an accident already

After eating some lunch the girls had their fun playing stuff

Melody felt an urge to poop once again

She thought to herself remembering her question the day before that if a kid ever had a poopy accident it'd count as two wettings

With this in mind Melody decided that she wanted this herself after all to wear diapers so she might as well just stop potty training then

Melody proceeded to squat down and poop right into her pull-up

Teresa helps change her into a diaper and telling her she will be in diapers for the week

Before going home, Melody feels a need to pee and just uses her diaper.

Melody's mother walks in in which Teresa tells her about the accident she had

This leads her mother to check all "diapers" instead of being "girls"

She's already fine with Melody wearing a wet diaper and goes to help her change.

She then asks if Melody would rather take a break from potty training like the day before

Melody felt happy and accepted which then lead her to wearing a diaper

Note: I never did get to finish planning for the fifth day. Also, I did think of having a second arc for Melody to spend time with her friend Sally. But since Melody wore diapers, it'd been a secret she may have wanted kept or shared.

Day 5:

Arc 2:


Sally's parents have a change of working hours. In order to cope with the change Sally has to go house with her friend Melody until the week after. The next week she will be appointed to the same daycare as Melody. But during this time she learns of her friends secret and takes a liking of it.

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