Remnant's Guardians (Disconti...

By Darkdecade97

91.4K 1.2K 723

Jaune was expelled from Beacon due to Goodwitch. Jaune left Beacon and formed a team alongside SSSN, who befr... More

Jaune Bio (Updated)
Team SSSN Bio (Updated)
Team ABRN Bio (Updated)
Team NDGO Bio (Updated)
Team BRNZ Bio (Updated)
Team FNKI Bio (Updated)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

2.9K 54 155
By Darkdecade97

Jaune: At least it's busy here now.

As Jaune looks at the map of Vale in his Office as Zavala informed him that multiple Teams of Guardians are scattered all around Vale.

Nebula: Yup, with the help of Ozpin we were able to convince the Council to allow the Guardians to clear out the Grimm in the entire Kingdom.

Flynt: But what they don't know is that we are setting up outposts all over the Kingdom to search for the Hive.

Arslan: And no doubt this will spread to the other Kingdoms and they'll ask for our help eventually.

Brawn: We still need to keep tabs on Atlas though.

Sun: Yup, with Ironwood here. No doubt he'll try something.

Jaune: We have no reason to attack Atlas, the Guardians won't attack unless we have a reason to.

Brawn: Well what would happen if Atlas became lootale like when we fight them they all drop Engrams.

Jaune: Then their is a reason to fight them. If that ever happens, then every Guardian would book it to Atlas and start massacring.

Nebula: No doubt the Hunters would do that.

Flynt: Can you imagine if you kill Ironwood, Schnee and the Ace Ops you get rewarded with a Legendary Engram.

Brawn: Then every Guardian would be gunning for their heads.

Sun: Hmmmmm, maybe we should ask Zavala or Ikora is we cut turn Atlas into a lootable city for the Guardians.

Arslan: We are most certainly not doing that.....

As everyone deadpans at her.

Arslan: Okay, we are going to try to find a way to do that. But still do you think Zavala or Ikora would agree to that.

Jaune: They will, the minute they arrived here they found Ironwood to be very annoying, egotistical, and demanding.

Nebula: If Cayde we're here, he would make a very snarky comment and piss him off.

Flynt: That he will.

Just then they got a call from Neptune.

Jaune: Hey there, Nep. What do you got for us?

Neptune: Another one of Ozpin's request.

Nebula: Oh great, and what request does he have for us this time.

Neptune: It's actually something simple, just a tour of our base.

All of them were confused by this.

Flynt: That's it.

Neptune: Yup, he said he is bringing in the Beacon Staff and a couple of other people.

Sun: Like who exactly?

Neptune: That homeless dude and sadly Ironwood, the Schnee and teams RWBY and PNR.

Arslan: That's great, just what we needed more drama. Why of all people did he have to bring them?!

Sun: Ironwood would most likely request to join and Ozpin must've gotten annoyed by it and decided to allow him to go, the same can be said for Jaune's former friends.

Jaune: It doesn't matter, let's get this over with. We have a lot of work to do and I don't want Ozpin or any of them disturbing us.

As Jaune and the Team leaders left to inform their teammates of this.


Team Remnant is waiting in one of the many Hangar Bays of the Guardian's Base as they see the Bullhead making it's way to the platform.

Scarlet: How about a bet saying that the minute they land, a fight will start or Jaune aims his gun at them.

Bolin: 10 bucks you're on.

Octavia: Same.

Roy: Me too.

Arslan: Come on guys, I'm sure you know.....that Jaune.....actually nevermind I'm game.

Jaune just rolls his eyes at this as he sees the Bullhead land in the platform and it's occupants exit, being Ozpin, the Beacon Staff, Qrow, Ironwood, Winter, and Teams RWBY and PNR.

Jaune: Let's make this quick Ozpin, us Guardians have a lot of work to do.

Ozpin: Of course Jaune we understand, after all. You and your Guardians are doing an excellent job in dealing with the Grimm.

Qrow: You got that right, I heard rumours that your Guardians want to find ever stronger Grimm to kill.

Sun: Oh their is a reason why their doing that. Let's just say we found a way to make the Grimm drop Engrams, so we're basically looking for more high level Grimm to get Legendary Engrams.

Qrow: What the hell are Engrams?

Ironwood: And what do they do?

Jaune: That's classified.

Ironwood was about to say something but Ozpin told him to leave it. But their is one thing that Jaune notices and gets angry by it.

Jaune: Ozpin, please explain to me why these insects are here.

As Jaune went inside the Bullhead and pulled out the Patriarch and Matriarch of the Arc Family.

Ozpin: Actually they weren't even here when we boarded. I believe I know one person who knows why they're here.

Ozpin looks towards Goodwitch for answers.

Goodwitch: Fine, they wanted to see where Jaune and his band of Guardians are staying at.

Jaune: And why is that?

Nicolas: It was because-

Nicolas was silenced as Jaune slaps him with the pistol as he falls to the ground, before he got up Jaune aimed his pistol at him. He can also hear his teammates giving each other money because of the bet.

Jaune: Now, let me make it very clear to you. You have no authority here, you can't make demands or force me out as you know I am no longer an Arc. Also, I want you to not even try to steal anything here or else I'll blow your brains out.

As Jaune presses the pistol on Nicolas's head.

Jaune: Good, now then. Shall we?

As Jaune gestures to Ozpin to get this show moving and nods. Their they all went inside the base.

Once they are inside Jaune and Team began explaining to them the parts of their base. Flynt and Brawn were keeping a close eye on Ironwood and Winter while Nebula was keeping an eye on the Arc Parents.

Jaune: As you can see we have multiple Hangar Bays where our Guardians can land their ships and do repairs. We have a lot of Guardians here so we need the space for it.

Winter: And where do these Guardians go?

Arslan: All around Remnant and even up in space. Turns out there are other planets around here that haven't been explored.

Flynt: And since you guys don't have the tools to even go to space. It's our job to do it for you.

Ironwood: If you only you and your people-

All of them aimed their guns at Ironwood.

Jaune: And let me repeat what I said. Atlas. Will never. Ever. Get our powers.

Sun: And if you try to experiment on us you can't kill us. Also you need a Ghost to get said powers and that's impossible to create.

Arslan: Come on let's continue the tour.

The group ended up in different parts of the base, such as the training grounds, the Crucible, the stalls where Guardians can do business. The Team made sure Ironwood and Nicolas didn't stay there for long, the armoury, they had to restrain Ruby as they ain't letting her look at their weapons. They also head to the Tower where they met with Zavala and Ikora as well as Empress Caiatl.

Now the group is at their final stop.

Jaune: Alright. This is our last stop, Flynt take them to the Lab.

Flynt nods and then takes everyone to the Lab.

Flynt: This is our Lab

Jaune: 'What the fuck? Why do we have this here? Was this suppose to be some sort of pun?'

Then Flynt opens the door that leads to their Laboratory.

Flynt: And this is our Laboratory.

As Flynt shows everyone the Laboratory, they were all amazed by the equipment the Guardians have. They can see the materials and tools they need to create Orbs as well as new weapons.

Ironwood is green in envy, Weiss wants to see the material they use to create all of this, and Ruby wants one to make Crescent Rose better.

Flynt: So this part of the base is where we create and test out new versions of our Orbs. The Guardians will need these kinds of powers for the fight agaisnt the Hive and the Grimm.

Ozpin: And what is the progress of this project as of now?

Flynt: We're almost to the point where the Orbs can past for around 5 minutes, we are planning to perfect it so that once a Guardian uses said Orb, you can deactivate it on ommand.

Neptune: And we're are creating it so that you can combine and use three or more Orbs at the same time.

Sun: Kinda OP if you think about it.

Nebula: Why do you think Zavala banned the Orbs from Crucible, alot of dirty plays will happen if the Orbs were allowed.

Ironwood: And can't these Orbs work on Huntsmen?

Flynt: No, we actually tried it but it turns out you need the power of the Light to be able to access these Orbs.

Ironwood just grumbles, he would need to find a way to get the power of the Light.

Ruby: And are those the new Orbs you created?

As Ruby points at one of the cases filled with Orbs.

Neptune: Yes, actually. Those are our next generation of new Orbs. Those things are still in it's prototype stages so it can be dangerous to use them.

Jaune: And don't even try Ruby, you are not using them to put on your weapon.

Ruby just pouts. But Arslan and Nebula notices something or someone. Nebula elbows Dew and to basically tell her if she is seeing what they are seeing and see nods.

Nebula: Hey, what on earth do you think you're doing?

Everyone looks and sees Nicolas was about to steal a case full of Orbs.

Jaune: It's quite obvious what he is doing, he is stealing our equipment for himself.

Ozpin: Nicolas, please tell us what you are doing? And if you don't reply, I'll have the Guardians kick you out or worse punish you.

Sun: And there are a lot of people that hate your guts and they'll make sure you suffer.

Nicolas just stands there like a deer in headlights as everyone and I mean everyone stopped what they're doing and looked at him. Juniper decided to break the silence by telling the truth.

Juniper: Goodwitch brought us here to see what Jaune and his friends are up to!!

Nicolas: Be quiet!!!

Goodwitch: Be silent Juniper!!!

Juniper: We were suppose to sneak in the tour and take note of any info we can get about the Guardians and to send these to Ironwood. We were even tasked to steal any of their weapons.

Ozpin: James!!

Qrow: Of fucking course.

Ironwood: Look Ozpin, I can explain!

Ozpin: Explain what?! I told you numerous times that their power is impossible to acquire!! I will not allow you to experiment on them or even kill them!! You are only doing this to make Atlas become powerful!! Their is no protecting all of Remnant, you are only protecting Atlas!! You are willing to let us get overrun by the Hive and lift Atlas all the way up!!

Ironwood: That's not true!!

Qrow: Bullshit!!

Jaune: Enough with this! Tour's over, get everyone out of here and make sure the sperm donor didn't steal any of our equipment!

Sun, Brawn, Nolan, Kobalt, Neptune, and Sage went up to Nicolas, Juniper, and Goodwitch and searched them to make sure they didn't get anything. Nicolas and Goodwitch tried to resist but they beat them up of they didn't complied.

Jaune: Flynt, check the Tin Man.

Flynt nods and was about to go to Ironwood went Winter stopped him.

Flynt: You have no authority to make demands here. Tell me, are you willing to let all of Remnant die to the Hive and Grimm just so Atlas can live.

Winter sees every single Guardian is aiming their guns at her.

Neon: Make your choice Winter, would you really die for his cause? Are you willing to leave everyone behind, even your sister?

Ironwood: Don't listen to them Winter!!

Winter looks around and has to make a choice. She looks down and drops her weapon.

Ironwood: Specialist, what are you doing?!

Winter: Making the right choice, your getting obsessed by this power Ironwood it will lead us and all of Atlas to our deaths and I'm not willing to serve someone like you any longer.

Ironwood: How dare-

Ironwood was silenced when Flynt fired a Pistol at him as Ironwood is kneeling in the ground in pain.

Flynt: We'll make sure those egotistical Atlas pricks are gone from this world, count on it.

The Guardians placed Aura Cuffs on him and took his weapon, they dropped it in the ground and stomped it into pieces. Jaune then proceeds to Goodwitch as Sun and Brawn brings her to him.

Jaune takes a good look at her as Goodwitch merely spits at Jaune's face.

Jaune: So be it.

Jaune then started pistol whipping Goodwitch in the face and one hit brought her to the ground as Jaune kicked her in the stomach multiple times and gave one final kick to her face as she was knocked out.

Jaune then moved on to Nicolas as the Guardians brought him up towards Jaune.

Nicolas: What, you going to beat me up like what your little friends did? Huh?!

Jaune: No, I have something much better.

The Guardians dropped Nicolas to the floor as they all got into a line formation. All of a sudden it was quiet, as the Guardians all stared at Nicolas.......then Jaune, Sun, Neptune, Scarlet, Sage, Arslan, Bolin, Reese, Nadir, Brawn, Roy, Nolan, May, Nebula, Dew, Gwen, Octavia, Flynt, Neon, Kobalt, Ivori all unloaded their weapons at Nicolas.

They continued firing as each of them reloaded their weapon until their primary weapons were all empty, so they switched to their pistols and fired until their ammo count is zero.

The aftermath was body parts everywhere and there is nothing left of Nicolas.

Qrow: Well.....that just happened.

Then all the Guardians aimed their Rocket Launchers at Goodwitch.

Jaune: Have something to say, you brought him here and told him to do this.

As the Guardians have their fingers on the trigger and waiting for Jaune's cue.

Ozpin: Actullay I don't think blowing her up is a good idea.

Jaune: You're right, we just got this Lab cleaner and I don't want to make a mess again.

Ozpin: That's not what I-

May: I have one! How about we feed her to the Hive?

Sun: That's a great idea!!

Sage: A fate worst then death, to be killed and mauled brutally by the Hive.

Ozpin: You are not doing that!! Jaune do something about this

Jaune: Actually that might be a good idea.

Ozpin: NO!!!!


Salem is in her Throne Room as she sees Hazel returned from his mission.

Salem: Hazel, please explain to me how Cinder failed so miserably? Watts told me here that an unknown player has entered this war and stopped Cinder's plan of attack.

Tyrian: Guess she wasn't so useful after all.

Watts: Indeed, her arrogance was her downfall.

Salem: Silence. Now Hazel.

Hazel: Of course, when I arrived in Vale. Those people established a base just by Beacon and Vale, it's size is bigger than Atlas.

Watts: So you're saying their base is a floating city?

Hazel: Yes it is, and from what rumours said about them. They have been dispatching all the Grimm in Vale and are planning to head to the othe Kingdoms soon.

Watts: And what of Cinder's two other lackeys? What have you heard from them?

Hazel: I have not seen them since the Battle of Haven, they have probably fled to Haven to meet up with Lionheart.

Salem: I see, Watts be sure to contact Lionheart and inform him to bring those two here. I'll make sure to get my answers from them.

Watts nod and was about to leave when all of a sudden they hear the doors of the Throne Room being slammed. Salem was confused and angry about this and was about to head towards the door when it burst opened revealing them to be the Hive.

Salem: What?!

Tyrian: Mistress get behind me, I'll protect you!!

Once the Hive breached the Throne Room, a swarm of Thralls sprinted towards the group. Watts used his weapon to kill them, but it barely did any damage as the Thralls overwhelmed him as Cursed Thralls appear and went to Watts as an explosion happens and he dies.

Salem: Hazel! Tyrian! Deal with this!!

Salem tries to flee but stops as she sees a bunch of Wizards. They fire their magical projectiles at Salem, she was shocked that these things used Magic, she fires her Magic at them but the Wizards produces a shield.

Salem hears a roar behind her as she sees a group of Orges surrounding Hazel as he got engulfed by the Orges, eye blasts and gets disintegrated.

She can see Tyrian with blades all over his body as the Hive Acolytes fired their shredders at him. Then the Hive Knights used their cleavers to kill Tyrian as he gets chopped to pieces.

Salem was about to escape the Throne Room but gets stopped as she felt a barrier all around the room. She then sees all the Hive stopped moving and notices a winged figure landing in her Throne.

Salem: And who are you suppose to be?

Savathun: I am the Witch Queen, Savathun and this land is ours now. Leave this place or die by my hands.

Salem then started conjuring black Orbs and hurled them towards Savathun as she merely blocks them.

Savathun: So be it.

Savathun fires blue fiery projectiles that sent Salem back, she tries to retaliate back but Savathun summoned a burst of lightning as it comes crashing down on Salem.

Then the Hive began to swarm her, she tries to her best to fight agaisnt them but her Magic can only do enough damage to push them back. But the Hive are relentless and she can't even summon her Grimm to her aid.

Savathun appears in front of Salem and charges a blast and hits Salem as she crashes at the wall of her Throne Room.

Salem looks at her injuries and at her opponent, she realizes that this is a losing and has no other choice.

Salem: I have no other choice.

As Salem produces a portal and quickly heads into it, it closes before the Hive could get any closer. The Grimnlands are now swarming with Hive as all the Grimm are being killed by them. Savathun approaches Salem's Throne and destroys it as she takes in the view of the Grimmlands.

Savathun: This will do.

Back at the Guardians Base, everyone is still dealing with the aftermath of the Guardians annihilating Nicolas out of existence and Ozpin is still arguing with Jaune on them feeding Goodwitch to the Hive, when all of a sudden a portal appeared out of nowhere. All of the Guardians aimed their guns at it, waiting for whatever is going to come out and they see who or what came out of it. Ozpin was shocked when he took a good look at what came out of that portal.

It was Salem.

Roy: Holy shit what is that?!

Neptune: It's a Grimm but's it's a human!!

Gwen: It does look like a human!!

Neon: Should we kill it?!

Reese: Yeah kill it!!

Kobalt: We should, maybe we can turn that thing into a gun!!

Nadir: Yeah, let's do that!!

Ozpin: You are not doing any of that!!

Sun: WHY NOT?!?!

Ozpin told all of the Guardians to stand down and to not even fire their guns at her. He then approaches Salem, he can see that she is injured and safe to say by the way she looks, he feels like he will be surprised and not surprised on what she is going to say.

Salem: Ozpin, so glad to see you again.

Ozpin: Enough with the pleasantries Salem, what are you doing here and what happened to you? And how did you even get to their base? How did you even know where we are?

Salem just sighs as she has no other option but to ask something from Ozpin.

Salem: Ozma. I need your help.

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