You're Busy Drawing Hearts...

By ChloeLouiseT__

18.7K 623 178

((Sequel to This Love Was Out Of Control)) "We're about to have a baby!" I scream at him, obviously frustrate... More

Chapter 1: Another Tour?
Chapter 2: Girls Night
Chapter 3: "Babe?"
Chapter 4: Milk
Chapter 5: Come Back
Chapter 6: Ew
Chapter 8: Blood Boils
Chapter 9: Our Baby
Chapter 10: Other Woman
Chapter 11: beLIEve
Chapter 12: Had Enough
Chapter 13: Missing You
Chapter 14: Waves Crashing
Chapter 15: Good Morning, Darling

Chapter 7: Home Sweet Hell

1K 37 15
By ChloeLouiseT__

Nicole's POV
*Hour Before Concert*

I add a little bit of mascara to complete my look. I haven't seen Tony for two months and I am barely doing anything to look good. He says I look beautiful anyway and I guess I started believing.

My make-up is basic. My outfit is ready for the very hot weather but it is still comfortable - a Pierce The Veil t shirt that is somewhat big, light blue skinny jeans, and plain o' converse. My hair is down and scrunched so it can be curly. I sigh and put a hair tie on my wrist, just in case.

I turn of Chasing Ghosts by The Amity Affliction so I can call Valencia. After a few rings, she answers.

"Oh my God! I think I'm overly excited for this. I don't know. I just, fuck." She is calmer then I thought she was going to be, actually.

I laugh, "You're going to have a lot of fun."

"I've never been to a concert." Valencia admits and I can hear her shaky breath.

"Just wear comfortable clothes. It gets pretty hot backstage." I advise her as I spritz my Love Spell Victoria Secret perfume.

"A band shirt and shorts with fish nets under?" She says it like a question, checking to see if it is appropriate.

"That sounds fine. Why the fish nets?" I ask.

She hums, "To hide things."

"Yeah it sounds okay." I know what she means and I also know she has stayed clean since I met her. "What shoes are you wearing?"

"My purple combat boots." Valencia giggles. "They are my favorite boots ever and they match my Collide With The Sky shirt."

"Those work." I chuckle and then realize I am wearing the exact same shirt. "Oh and we're matching, sort of."

"I'm matching Nicole Perry, holy crap." I think she's crying now.

"I'll stop by your house in about ten minutes and then to the Sexicans we shall go." I make sure I look decent one last time.

Valencia squeals, "Yay! Okay. Um bye."

I shake my head and hang up. I grab my keys and anything else I would need - aka money. I slowly walk down the stars and feel this strange pain in my stomach. I hold my stomach and groan. Then, it comes again. It doesn't hurt as much this time. I feel it on my hand and smile.

It's the baby.

It's kicking.

I know as early as thirteen weeks the baby can start kicking. I happen to be fifteen weeks early. Most woman begin to feel a baby kicking or growing around twenty-five weeks. This is kind of exciting. My appointment is tomorrow which makes everything better. Tony will be with me too.


I check the time and realize I have to go, like right now. I quickly walk down the stairs. I make sure everything is locked in the house before exiting the building. I go to my car and hop inside. I get Valencia's address on my maps before starting to drive over. Her house is just a few streets down but the concert is like forty minutes away. It's at the House Of Blues.

I grab the CD case as I pull up to Valencia's place. I text her to let her know I am outside. She comes running outside within seconds of the text. I giggle and she hops into the passenger seat.

"This is really happening. Oh my..." She trails off before seeing the huge case of CD's.

"You chose, honey." I begin to drive to the venue.

She looks through the big case and pulls out an Evanescence CD - Fallen. With a squeal, Valencia puts on Hello.

"This is going to be the best day ever." She smiles before the music starts.

Playground school bell rings again
Rain clouds come to play again
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
Hello I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to

Valencia sings along and I glance at her quickly, astonished about how freaking amazing she is. She sounds like Amy Lee, except her voice is deeper and has more vibrato. Wow. I wouldn't have expected that.

"What do you want to be when your older?" I ask her once the song changes.

"I really don't know. I kind of want to be a poet. I love writing poems and stuff. It makes me happy, as does music. I just get lost when I'm writing. You know?" She says the words very fast to where they are rambled, but I understand what she is saying.

"That's very interesting." I nod. "Can I read something you have written?"

"I actually memorized one." She clears her throat before reciting it.

A/N I wrote it and i know it sucks but lets pretend it's good for the sake of the story XD

"I sink in the water
Where everything begins to get darker
My demons hide inside my mind
They will hold me close until the end of time
The happiness sears and it leaves me in tears
Will I ever get out of this darkness
Or will I be stuck until I die?" She finishes with a sigh.

"Wow." I take a deep breath. "That's deep."

"I wrote it about a year ago. It was after my dad tried to..." Valencia stops speaking and I see the tears in her eyes.

"Hey." I pull over and look at her. "No more sadness tonight, okay? We are going to be backstage at a concert. You're going to have so much fun. Everything is going to be okay."

She nods and I smile. I wipe the tears from her eyes. We don't talk for the rest of the ride. Evanescence pours through the speakers as we continue on our journey to the House Of Blues.


We arrive at the venue and Valencia is like freaking out. She's hyperventilating and squealing. I remember when I used to do that over Jon Bon Jovi. It didn't help when Jaime took me to a Bon Jovi concert for my sixteenth birthday. I got to meet Jon and everything. I still have the vinyl he signed for me somewhere...

"Do I look okay?" She messes around with her straightened hair.

"You look beautiful, sweetie." I smile. "Just take a breath and let the rest come easy. They are normal people just like everyone in that crowd tonight."

"I know but" She bites her lip. "Okay, don't tell the guys or their girlfriends or anyone because it is a little embarrassing. I am in love with Vic. Well, he's Vic and it's probably just me fangirling but damn I want to touch his arms."

I can't help but to laugh so hard that I snort, "Honey, he's an old man."

"He could pass for like twenty." She shrugs.

"I was just like you. Except with Jon Bon Jovi, Axl Rose, Bret Michaels..." I stop before I get into too many of my secret not-so-husbands.

"Yeah." She laughs. "It's just fangirling isn't it?"

"No I believe you love him, but not that you are in love." I say honestly.

"I still want to touch his arms." She chuckles.

"He has very nice arms." I whisper as if someone could hear us, making her laugh very hard.

We get out of the car and begin to head backstage. We have to go through a lot of security. After all that, we finally make is backstage just as PVRIS goes on. I hear the intro to White Noise.

I grab Valencia's hand so that I do not lose her. I look around to find the boys and I see them in the dressing room areas. I see Vic, Tony, Louise, and Jaime only. I motion to Valencia to stay quiet. I grab one of the cold water bottles from Sleeping With Siren's dressing room. I open it carefully, so that I don't make any noise. Then, I hear screaming coming from the other room.

"I can't lose you Andy!" Freedom Lynn screams loud enough to where the crowd could hear.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Andrew yells back at her.

Freedom's sigh is loud, "Your addiction is getting worse!"

"I'm not addicted!" Andy denies.

"Cigarettes will give you lung cancer and lots of issues! I don't want Daniella to wake up one morning and find out her father has fucking cancer!" She argues with him.

"I'm fine, Freedom!"

I bite my lip and just drink the water instead of using it to pour down Vic's shirt. I give a small apology to Valencia. I wish she didn't have to hear that. As I turn to look at her though, she's staring at Vic as if he's the only man on Earth. Oh, fangirls.

I run up behind Tony, attacking his cheek with a multitude of kisses. He turns with a grin and kisses me roughly.

"It's been too damn long." He grabs my face and the power of the kiss caused the other guys to gag.

"You guys are gross." Jaime jokes as his arm hangs off Louise's shoulder.

I chuckle, "Guys, this is Valencia. Valencia, I guess you already know them."

"Hey girl." Vic snaps his fingers and flips his hair.

"H-Hi." She stutters with a very shy wave.

"Oh question." Tony turns to Valencia. "Can my daughter be named after you?"

"Uh." She turns ghostly pale. "Y-Yeah."

"Yay!" He claps.

"God, you're such a child sometimes." I tease him.

He smirks, "You like it."

"Correction." I hold my index finger up. "I love it."

"Kiss me dammit." He begs.

I shake my head as our lips connect. The guys gag again and as I am about to pull away, Tony only deepens it. Vic might make himself throw up here in a minute, but I could care less. I missed him and am very, very happy to have him back.


After dropping Valencia off at her house, Tony and I decide just to go home. We are both exhausted. He drives as he hold my hand. Some random music plays very softly. The ride is relaxing up until we get to the house.

I see Daniella on our front porch, crying. I jump out of the car as soon as he parks. I run over to her and remember Andy fighting with Freedom Lynn earlier. Oh no.

"Sweetie..." I pull her into my lap as she cries into my shoulders.

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't want to go home." She questions with big puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, baby." Tony comes up just in time to unlock the door and let us inside.

We walk inside and Daniella goes to sit on the couch. I go to get water for her. As I get the water, I text Freedom to let her know that Daniella is with me for the night.

Freedom: OMG thank you so much. I thought she ran away for good. I'll pick her up in the morning.

I don't text her back and bring the water to Daniella. She sits on the couch with her layered hair covering her face. I set the water down on the coffee table, taking her into my arms.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." I tell her as I stroke her hair.

She nods, "I'm tired."

Danielle thanks both Tony and I before grabbing her water. She goes upstairs into the guestroom. I hear the door shut and my heart hurts for her. It reminds me of when I was younger.

"She'll be okay." Tony tries to cheer me up.

"I hope so." I continue. "They were arguing over Andy smoking. I never even heard her complain about that. They have been married for longer than we have."

Tony sighs, "Andy was warned by his doctor that if he didn't stop smoking, or at least cut down, he would have cancer."

"God, that's terrible." I look down at my lap.

"Andy would do anything for Freedom. He would even quite smoking." He pulls me close to him.

"I hope so." I look up the staircase.

You can hear her crying from the room.


Oh my God this took me forever to not be too lazy to write this. I am exhausted and about to fall asleep in math class. Anyways, thank you @ptvdanii_ for giving me this idea.


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