In search of the goddess who...

By Stefan240219

81 19 1

The story begins 2500 years ago when a comet froze the entire planet, and the main character decided after 1... More

Introduction into this world ENG
The Bloody Twilight / The Goddess I Love ENG
The hurricane and the demon
What i am? God or Demon? 1/5
What i am ? God or demon ?2/5
What I am ? God or Demon ?3/5

What i am ? God or Demon ? 4/5

4 3 0
By Stefan240219

Considering the bad luck of our main character AKIHIKO, of course he ended up anywhere but home.AKIHIKO had arrived at the top of a frozen mountain and among the clouds that were hitting him.

AKIHIKO - Another world? Again? Ok, so let's try another one.

AKIHIKO tried again to move between the worlds but it didn't work. Apparently this ability cannot be used several times consecutively, it has a certain duration of reactivation.

AKIHIKO - That's what those old people forgot to mention to me, so now what's next? Flying camels? Man-eating platypuses? Or is it just an uninhabitable world?

AKIHIKO began to investigate that mountain, meanwhile in the middle of the mountain, a humanoid creature would find out that someone had arrived on that territory.

The Void - Chiyo, someone is trespassing on our sacred lands, you know the orders. Get rid of that insect.

Chiyo - I understand!

AKIHIKO in the meantime explored the mountain, he arrived in a cave where there were some drawings, with the help of his god eyes he managed to decipher the meaning of those symbols and those drawings.But what he deduced was incredible, at the end of the wall it was he who discovered the cave and deciphered the drawings

.AKIHIKO at that moment decided to be vigilant, observing that the drawings constantly appeared on the cave walls.Noticing that the drawings copied exactly the movements he was making at the moment, unfolding in real time, but at some point the drawings began to light up intermittently and began to fade.

AKIHIKO at that moment felt a sinister presence, suddenly he was hit and marked with 2 purple marks. Projectiles appeared from above him and almost hit him.

AKIHIKO dodged in time, but he didn't have time to rest, a shadow quickly approached him and attacked him again with those projectiles and hitting him full force.

AKIHIKO - Ah! Healing magic, (I really feel this, what am I facing?)But when he had time to think from behind him, the same light hit him and marked him, but that time there were 4 signs.

AKIHIKO - Wait! This is not good, I think I will suffer something if more appear!

AKIHIKO at that moment activated his god powers, his golden eyes shone in the darkness of the cave, his wings were in evasive positions, the perfect defense for critical situations let's say without organization or time for strategies,

Chiyo - Hmm, I need one more sign, and I can immobilize and kill him, but what is that presence? Those eyes make me tremble, all my instincts tell me I'm in danger, and those wings? Is there any lost angel? It doesn't matter what it is, the void has ordered me to kill this being, I must do it.

AKIHIKO had enough time to rest to be able to maintain his defensive position and to be able to activate his ability.

AKIHIKO - Lightning Dragon destroys and illuminates everything in my path!At that moment the sky darkened and the lightning dragon descended from the clouds, throwing a huge bolt of lightning directly into the cave.

AKIHIKO - I don't feel that presence any more...dragon, I untie you, (this is the command to return to the land of the heavenly dragons so as not to stay in the invoked locations)Chiyo was among the ruins.

Chiyo - What was that sound? How did he manage to hit me when I'm invisible? Ah, I have no choice, I will teleport to the signs.

AKIHIKO - I think I've killed that shadow, I don't think there's any need to be on the defensive anymore... and a knife straight to the back.

AKIHIKO is thrown and hit by the walls, it seems that that being teleported behind him and hit him as hard as he could, but it is not enough to kill AKIHIKO, after all he is a god.

Chiyo - What? But I touched your vital areas! How are you still standing? Are you immortal?

AKIHIKO - Immortal? It's not enough to describe me...

Chiyo - What?

At that moment AKIHIKO's golden eyes turned red, his glorious wings retreated and were covered by a black presence with purple tints.

AKIHIKO realized that with the powers of a god it is not enough, so he calls for destruction.

Chiyo - Aren't you an angel? are you a demon How is this possible? It's impossible!

AKIHIKO got behind her and paralyzed (When an enemy is intimidated by the presence of the demon lord it paralyzes)

AKIHIKO - So, what exactly are you? How did you allow yourself to attack me considering that I did not provoke anyone?

Chiyo - Me... Just .... (she was overcome with fear and could not express herself)

AKIHIKO - Was it that easy to intimidate you? A few moments ago you were attacking me from all sides and now you are stiff.

Chiyo - I...


Chiyo - I will seal you!

AKIHIKO - What? At that moment from his back where he was hit by a last sign, hands started to come out of the signs and neutralize AKIHIKO.

Chiyo fell to her knees coming out of the paralysis caused by AKIHIKO. Chiyo - Once I have marked you, you have no escape from my seal, I will neutralize and decapitate you... and then I will take your head to my master, AKIHIKO, realizing what was going to happen, decided to clone himself, so that his original body would hide for a while and the clone would be the decapitated one.

That's exactly what happened, the clone was immobilized and decapitated and that woman left with the clone's head, AKIHIKO started following her from the shadows masking her presence.

The Void - Chiyo did you complete your task?

Chiyo - Yes sir! This is the head of the specimen that entered our territory.

VOID - Hmm? A humanoid? But how is it possible? I thought I swallowed the whole world and every being....

Chiyo tell us what kind of humanoid was this, did it have abilities specific to our world? Chiyo - I am ashamed to confess to you, mistress, that copy almost killed me...

The Void - What? To kill my own daughter? You are the most powerful predator after me. What possessions did that being have?

Chiyo - More precisely in the initial phase when that specimen went on the defensive, it showed a pair of white wings, of an amazing sparkle and it had a look... its eyes were golden and beautiful. It gave me the feeling that I couldn't penetrate his defensive position...

The Void - Hmm, so those damn gods thought that if they also sent a bitter angel he would be able to defeat me to free this world from my sub control. Chiyo - Gods? Have they intervened before?

The Void - That doesn't matter, that was long before you were born... Chiyo - Yes sir, but that's not all.

The Void - What? Chiyo explains what happened and that she was close to death but she was lucky that she used a seal otherwise she would have been the one decapitated.

The Void - Angel in defense, demon in attack? What kind of being was this humanoid? But what else matters, it matters that it was destroyed, otherwise we would have had big problems. A

KIHIKO - I am the father of all gods! The ruler of all the worlds of the dead! AKIHIKO - I am the destroyer! I am the light of those who follow me! I am everything! AKIHIKO - And everything will be mine! At that moment AKIHIKO summoned a gigantic being, it had the head of a dragon, the wings of a pheonix, the tail of a scorpion, and the back of a turtle. AKIHIKO - Hmm, what mother did I invoke here?

?- Creator, I bow before you

AKIHIKO - Yes? Well, I like that you are loyal to me. But what exactly are you?

?- My master, I notice that you do not remember, the orders of the one before you were not to remind you of what you did in your previous life.

AKIHIKO - Ah, I understand... But can you help me?

?- Lord, I order and I will destroy any world, time line or universe.

AKIHIKO - I don't want you to do anything like that, a strange woman was going to kill me, and apparently she is controlled by something called the void in this world.

? - Void? I understand, sir if you allow me, that's all I can inform you, one of your previous orders was "If ever that power called VOID reaches the world where I will be reborn, destroy it or at least stop it

"AKIHIKO - That sounds a bit like scum that you couldn't destroy immediately... but if I couldn't deal with something like that myself, I don't think I will be able to do something like that myself.

?- Master, with shame please don't say something like that again... The past master was a peaceful person who didn't want to fight because he knew that evil would overtake him when the time came and that's why we heavenly beings appeared, as alternatives.

AKIHIKO - Sounds logical. So what can we do?

?- As far as I can see from the information that the timeline of this world transmits, that woman is the daughter of the Void.

AKIHIKO - Girl huh? It doesn't really seem fair to me to make your children fight to the death with opponents like me..

?- The void I see is somewhat frightened by the idea that someone was going to kill the only humanoid being that he could leave with his power.


?- The girl of the void is the only one who will be able to continue without being tied to a world that she licks, and if the void is defeated, he will retire with his daughter.

AKIHIKO - Does this void not have a body?

?- The void is not a being! It is a power that wants to stir everything!

AKIHIKO - Okay? And if he withdraws into his daughter, can't he do what he has done so far??

?- No, because the humanoid body can host pure power and pure feelings, not negative power.

AKIHIKO - A bit too strange, why would he keep a child who could not carry on his legacy.?- Maybe the void has realized that his only heir may have a different destiny than the one he himself has

AKIHIKO - Are you saying that he is thinking about the child or living a life different from the one he himself had?

?- Exactly.. I know it sounds quite strange coming from a power that just wants to swallow everything.

?- But your old man is the one who takes the gift of the void.

AKIHIKO - So am I to understand that my past self, instead of fighting the void, gave him a daughter?

?- Yes, not really, I sent him a woman who would have been a perfect container to carry a pregnancy that could manifest the power of the void.

AKIHIKO - Ok, and what should I do now? I wanted to kill that woman, but now I couldn't... I have a strange feeling towards her..

?- I think that the feelings of the one before you reach you through this line of time.

AKIHIKO - You say?

?- Master, I think all you have to do is go to where the void and the girl are, and expose yourself to them as you, the god of all and the lord of all worlds.

AKIHIKO - Do you think it's not a better idea to have you destroy it?

?- Master, another order from the old one was to convince you the current one to do this.

AKIHIKO - So I have no choice? So why should I do this exactly?

?- Because if there is someone who is afraid of the void, it is me, the guardian created by you so that he cannot overcome this world, and if there is someone who is grateful to him, it is you, but if you want him to recognize you, he must feel your presence from millions of years ago,

AKIHIKO - Millions of years?

?- Yes, millions of years have passed here since the last conversation between the void and the master.

AKIHIKO - Does that mean the girl is that old too? Eww

?- What concerns you now... Remember here, time does not work in mortal terms, as long as you have strength, your body will remain in its strongest state, that is, young and agile, you will not grow old.

AKIHIKO - Pew, I thought that if I took that girl here she would turn into a baba.?- Take it?AKIHIKO - Yes.. I don't know how to say this... but I think that girl is special, even with my abilities she could touch me and almost kill me.

?- Do I understand that you are fascinated that there is someone who is perhaps as strong as you?

AKIHIKO - As strong? I don't think it's even 1 percent close to my power as a demon lord, but when it comes to god powers, it surpasses me.

?- Exactly, in the end the void defeated many angels and gods, only those of the same nature as him can defeat him, is a demon.

AKIHIKO - And this is where I intervene, right?

?- Yes, well, master, I'm retiring, please don't summon me unless the void ends up attacking a world other than this one.

AKIHIKO - I understood, but I didn't invoke you in particular, those words just came to my head pure and simple.

?- Ha ha, so your old man whispered forcefully in your ear what to say, typical of him.

AKIHIKO - Ha ha, I think I understand what you are saying.

The creature retreated back into the sky, AKIHIKO then descended towards the center of the mountain where the void and his daughter were.

But this chapter ends here.For more, wait for the next part of chapter 5.

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