Naruto: Legacy of the Flash

By Theghost_ofthesenju

28.6K 568 81

Discription- Naruto was abandoned at birth and everything comes to light after the Wave Mission. Will Naruto... More



2.2K 46 5
By Theghost_ofthesenju

Disclaimer-This story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.

Konohagakure no sato

Next Morning

Konoha Hospital

Naruto opened his eyes groggily, and found himself covered head to toe in bandages. The events of last night rushed back to his mind, and the boy couldn't help but wince from his memories. He had known for sure that he was going to die. But alas, he remembered his grandfather figure coming to his rescue, and taking him to the hospital in his arms right after saving him. He smiled stupidly as he thought of the man who was essentially his grandfather - he really was a kind, old man. Suddenly, the door to his room opened, and a nurse walked in with a clipboard and looked at him, obviously surprised to see him awake.

"Ah! You're awake already?!" she squealed happily. "How do you feel?!" she asked him. Naruto tried to move his arms around to flex out his muscles, and smiled at her. The nurse, seeing him move so freely after such injuries, was surprised at the unreal rate he was healing with. Hiruzen had only chosen his personally selected staff of medics for Naruto's care. He had only selected those few who didn't resent the kid, and those who did had been threatened to be trialed on grounds of treason should they attempt to do anything wrong with the child - the latter order had quickly shut off any weird ideas from blooming in their minds.

"Can you undo the bandages?" Naruto requested softly, "It's starting to irritate my skin…" he mumbled, embarrassed. The nurse giggled at his awkwardness, and nodded before unwrapping his bandages only to blink on seeing him healed up completely on the inside. Naruto, oblivious to her staring, thanked her and she smiled at him before ruffling his hair.

They were so soft!

"I'll go and tell Hokage-sama that you are awake." the nurse told him, "He told us to inform him as soon as you wake up, he really cares for you little one! Now, I'll go and bring you some breakfast too - I'm sure you're starving." she said knowingly. Naruto had the decency to smile sheepishly at her actute assumption and she laughed as she walked out.

At the Hokage Office

Hiruzen sat in his office, furious beyond belief at the handiwork of those orphanage workers. Ibiki had just handed over his detailed report, and the man had managed to crack out nearly everything out of every possibly suspect overnight while Hiruzen had already had them executed, and their bodies burnt for treason to their village before even the crack of dawn.

Hiruzen was presently waiting for Hiashi to speak with him on the matter. Last night, apparently, the Hyuga heiress had been attempted to be abducted from her house. Hiashi had killed the abductor in defense of his daughter, even more so to save the unsealed Byakugan from falling into enemy hands. He was waiting for the man to speak to him about last night's attack on Naruto, and if he had anything to do with it. They had already discussed the events of the attempted kidnapping last night due to the emergency meeting called by Hiashi Hyuga himself. Hiruzen was broken out of his thoughts as Hiashi walked in.

Hiruzen motioned him to a chair, "Have a seat, Hiashi." he offered kindly.

Hiashi nodded, "You summoned me, Hokage-sama?" he asked curtly.

Hiruzen nodded, "Indeed I did. Last night, there was an attack on young Naruto's life from three members of your clan. I arrived just in time to save his life, but he was badly injured." Hiruzen flatly stated, and Hiashi was shocked to the core that they would do such a foolish thing and disgrace the Hyuga name - all for what - a demon brat?!

"I apologize for the actions of my clansmen," Hiashi bowed his head politely. "I was completely unaware of it. Do not worry though, they will be properly punished. I'll see to it, personally," he promised.

"There's no need for that," Hiruzen interjected. "They have already been executed for treason against the village, and their bodies have been burnt. Anyone who does anything like this to another fellow citizen of the Leaf will be met with the same fate, I've decided to make an example out of them." he said calmly.

Hiashi stood up in outrage, "What?! You can't do that!" he protested.

Hiruzen's eyebrows shot up to his hair, "Excuse me?"

Hiashi rambled on, "You executed three of my clansmen, j-just for that thing?! How could you do that?" what he couldn't say was that Hiruzen had made an example out of them.

The Hokage narrowed his eyes, "You will not take that tone with me, understand?" Hiruzen reprimanded sharply. Before Hiashi could even begin to apologize, "You should realize who you are speaking to, Hyuga. Do not question my authority, ever. You are just a clan head, and a shinobi under my command. I am the leader of this village. Know your place." Hiruzen added coldly. Hiashi sat back down, his anger all but gone from his mind. He wiped the sweat off his brow, as he was brought back to earth to realize just who he was talking to.

"I apologize for my outburst, Hokage-sama. I was out of line." Hiashi apologized profusely. "Last night has been pretty stressful for me, as I'm sure you could imagine." he added as an excuse.

"Apology accepted." Hiruzen lit his pipe, unimpressed by the man's lies. "Remember this the next time though, I may not be this forgiving then." he warned him calmly, and Hiashi nodded shakily.

"If that is all," Hiashi sighed. "May I take my leave, Hokage-sama? " he asked.

Hiruzen nodded a,nd watched as Hiashi left when suddenly an ANBU appeared in his wake.

"Hokage-sama, Naruto Uzumaki is now awake." he informed dutifully. Hiruzen nodded and waved him off, himself vanishing in a shunshin to go to the hospital and see his grandchild in all but blood. It was Hiruzen's turn to make apologies now, the man thought despairingly.

At the Hospital

Naruto's Room

Naruto idly sat in his bed, gazing out of the window to see some birds in a tree with a stupid smile. Suddenly, the door to his private ward opened and in walked Hiruzen, completely silently, to his bedside and sat by the chirpy looking boy's side who was currently too lost in gazing at the birds to pay any heed to his presence. It was humbling to see the change in behavior towards him, if only in a child; if Hiruzen were to be perfectly honest.

"Glad to see you awake, Naruto-kun." Hiruzen said. Naruto was startled, yelped, and tried to curl up in a ball. But seeing Hiruzen, he relaxed a little and a small smile lit on his lips.

"It's good to see you jiji!" Naruto whispered timidly, and Hiruzen's heart broke in two seeing his involuntary reaction, and the loss of his cheerful shout whenever he previously saw him. His eyes still held their innocence within them, but Hiruzen could see them darting them every which way - the boy was fully alert - on guard.

Hiruzen's heart ached in agony seeing the little boy putting his guard on like a veteran shinobi, and a feeling of shame and regret crossed his face for it. Hiruzen pulled himself back against the pillow right besides Naruto, and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He brought the boy's face to his chest, and smiled when Naruto snuggled into it. He was honestly glad that Naruto still trusted him enough to accept an embrace, and he would be damned to make sure he kept that trust intact, as unwarranted it may be.

But then he asked something that stabbed Hiruzen right through the gut.

"Jiji, am I a demon…?" Naruto whispered solemnly. Hiruzen tightened his arms around the boy, and closed his eyes in shame. He knew what those damn Hyuga's might have told him, Ibiki was really thorough in the reports he made, and he had made a small note that after Anko had found out what they'd done to Naruto; she had been extra tender with them. Hiruzen had physically shivered at the thought of an overprotective big sister, as sadistic as Anko, slicing and dicing her victims. Since she shared a special bond with Naruto after taking care of him when he was a little baby, Hiruzen couldn't blame her for it. Hiruzen bowed his head in shame at the fact that he had let this crime happen in the first place.

"No, Naruto." Hiruzen shook his head sadly. "You are not a demon, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! I am the Hokage, and if I say you aren't a demon, then you aren't. Alright?!" he asked. Naruto sniffed in his chest and nodded before breaking away from the hug. Hiruzen wiped his moist eyes with his sleeves just as the nurse came in with Naruto's breakfast in tow. Both ate silently, since Naruto was kind enough to share some with Hiruzen, and the man smiled at Naruto's kind gestures while ate with him. The ANBU in the shadows protecting him couldn't help but smile at their interactions

"Jiji, can I ask you a question?" Naruto asked quietly.

Hiruzen placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded.

Naruto said nothing, shaking his head in negative. "Alone." he whispered.

Hiruzen looked at him confused, unaware as to what he meant by that. But just as Naruto looked up at the right corner of the ceiling, right towards the hidden ANBU, all of their eyes went wide. Hiruzen signaled them to leave, and as soon they were alone, he saw Naruto relax a bit more. Apparently, the boy had known of his 'guests' the whole time - intriguing.

"Well," Hiruzen started. "How did you know that they were there, Naruto?" he asked.

Naruto looked at him awkwardly and whispered in a scared voice, "I could feel them there." he admitted softly. "But I am not a freak or a monster, really!" he insisted, tugging on Hiruzen's sleeves desperately. Hiruzen, though, was shocked that he was a natural sensor just like all the Uzumaki's before him, and could sense even an ANBU's presence without concentrating too much.

"Naruto," Hiruzen asked, dread coiling in stomach like a snake. "Why do you keep saying that you are a monster?" he asked dismally.

Naruto looked down, "The wardens at the orphanage said so when I told her about it, and then everyone started teasing me, saying that I was a freak who didn't belong with them." he said sadly. Hiruzen, though, was furious. Those damn civilians really were idiots he made them out to be, and he was glad that Anko was having her fun with them even now!

"Naruto," Hiruzen caressed his whiskers kindly. "What you have, is a very rare ability which only very strong shinobi possess, and it helps them immensely throughout their lives." he explained. Naruto, in a turn of mood, looked at him happily, and smiled widely.

"Really!" Naruto chirped. "Did the Fourth have it too?!" he asked excitedly.

Hiruzen chuckled, he was still the same Naruto alright. "Yes, Minato too was a natural born sensor and he used it immensely in his battles." Hiruzen confirmed. Naruto had twinkling eyes just thinking about him having the same abilities as his idol had once possessed.

"He considers you his idol, and looks up to you so much that it is almost painful. He forgot all about his pain as soon as you were mentioned - I really do wish you were here, Minato…" Hiruzen thought in fond nostalgia.

"Well, Jiji, I want to ask you another thing." Naruto tugged on his sleeve.

Hiruzen looked at him curiously, urging him to go on, "You see," Naruto fidgeted nervously. "Last night, when those men threw their knives at me, I was suddenly able to see everything really clearly - like crazy sharp! And I even saw those kunai move in slow motion -ttebayo! Is that a normal thing all ninja have too?" Naruto asked with all his innocence.

Hiruzen, meanwhile, was sweating bullets on the inside. He had sealed his Sharingan last night, and made sure that no one knew about it except him. The Hyuga's - who were dead, and Ibiki and Anko - as the Hyuga had spilled it out to them - were the only ones to know. The latter duo had been sworn to secrecy, and Hiruzen trusted them enough to keep their word. How could he tell Naruto, though, that he had the almost extinct and feared Namikaze bloodline and heritage coursing within him.

Hiruzen wondered how to go about it without revealing too much. "Well, Naruto-kun, you have a special power that is very rare and very strong." he explained to a wide eyed Naruto. "It is almost lost to the world, and you are probably the last one to ever wield it in this day and age." before Naruto could break in a squeal of glee. "But I have sealed it for the time being," Hiruzen dashed his hopes before they got too big. Naruto looked at him in surprise, but held no amount of doubt or fear in the man.

"Aw." he pouted. "Why would you do that, jiji?" he wondered innocently.

Hiruzen smiled and a put a hand over his head, patting the happy boy's head for the abject faith he had in him. "Because, Naruto-kun, your powers are very rare and many people on the outside as well as the inside will stop at nothing to take it from you. They might even do bad things to you for it, just like last night. That's why, I will keep it sealed until you graduate from the Academy and are ready to reveal it to everyone in the world." Hiruzen told him in kind.

Naruto giggled, "Alright jiji, I trust you enough with that. But what is it?" he asked curiously.

Hiruzen smiled at his enthusiasm. "I'm sorry, Naruto. But that's a surprise you'll find out, after I have unsealed it. Until then, you must not tell anyone about it, or I won't teach you anything about it in the future." Naruto furiously bobbed his head left and right. "Speaking of surprises though, here you go." Hiruzen smiled, handing Naruto a beginner's scroll for chakra theory, and some practice kunai and shurikens for the start of his training.

"There's your birthday gift," Hiruzen told the boy. "Use them wisely to become a great shinobi, and make me proud. Carry on the will of fire with you. My blessings are with you, child." Hiruzen pressed a palm on his head to bless him, and Naruto hugged him happily and tightly.

"Old man, what's the 'will of fire'?!" he asked innocently, and Hiruzen smiled.

Today would mark the day he would start molding Naruto into the shinobi Minato had aspired his son to be.

Hiruzen wouldn't make the same mistakes he made with his previous students, he promised to himself.

"Well, Naruto-kun, it is a belief that the First and the Second Hokage shared - a belief upon which they built this village. They believed in their hearts that the true strength of a shinobi comes when they protect something precious to them. They wanted this village to be a place where people came together, putting aside their differences and lived together peacefully. Everyone would consider this village as their precious home, and protect it. That was their vision, and that is the will of fire that has made all of the Hokage's the strongest shinobi in the world - and the Village Hidden in the Leaves the strongest village." Hiruzen said in a wizened tone. Naruto hung onto his every word, if this was what made the Hokage's so strong - even the Fourth - then Naruto too would try and protect everyone precious to him as well.

"Then, I too will protect everyone precious to me, and carry on the will of fire with me!" Naruto jabbed a proud thumb on his chest. "I will surpass all the Hokage's before you, even the Fourth. Just you watch, jiji!" he said, pumping his fist in the air ,and Hiruzen chuckled at the boy's enthusiasm with a nod.

"Yes, Naruto-kun, the will of fire burns brightly in you. I have no doubt that you'll make a fine Hokage some day, and a finer man even still." Hiruzen ruffled his hair. Naruto pouted at the man, thinking he was joking and grew even more determined from Hiruzen's laughing.

"But, jiji, what does it mean to be a shinobi?" Naruto wondered with a finger to his lip. Hiruzen turned to the boy in surprise, throwing a leg over the other to make himself comfortable. That was a very tough question, and might even become Naruto's ideal in life. So, Hiruzen thought about it hard for a few moments, and pondered on how to go about explaining it.

Naruto kept looking at him curiously, awaiting an answer, "A shinobi is one who endures to achieve their goals, no matter the circumstances. He never falters down his path, and is willing to endure anything to protect what's precious to him. That is the path of a true ninja. That is what makes a shinobi so revered, in my opinion." Hiruzen explained, and Naruto looked at him oddly for a few moments before grinning stupidly with a happy nod.

"What do you wish to achieve in life, Naruto?" Hiruzen idly wondered.

"It's simple, jiji!" Naruto chirped. "I want to protect everyone precious to me, and surpass the Fourth Hokage!" he said cheerfully, and Hiruzen smiled.

It seemed the former had been added just now. Hiruzen too believed in him just as Minato had once believed in his son.

"I believe you, Naruto. Now go to sleep, and tomorrow you can return back to the orphanage." Hiruzen patted his head.

Naruto frowned, "...the orphanage." he mumbled uncertainly.

Hiruzen looked at him, confused, "Does he not want to go back to the orphanage…?"

It was a possibility he had been foreseeing anyhow.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" he asked dreadfully.

Naruto looked at him sadly. "I don't want to go back to the orphanage, jiji." he dropped the bomb on this poor, old man's heart. "It's nice living there and all, but everyone is mean to me. I don't like it there. It hurts. It hurts so much." he whispered solemnly.

Hiruzen frowned, and thought about the problem. When nothing came to mind, "Well, sleep for now, Naruto-kun and come to my office tomorrow morning. We'll talk about it there and try to solve your problem. Is that okay with you?!" he asked. Naruto smiled and nodded, hugging him.

Hiruzen patted his head one last time, and tucked him in the comforters and stayed by his side until Naruto fell asleep, his exhaustion finally taking over his senses. Hiruzen smiled and left the hospital to go back to the Hokage Tower, and continue on his work *cough* paperwork.

Next Morning

Naruto walked to the Hokage tower, but was sad seeing the usual cold glares he felt at the orphanage still haunting him here. He kept up a fake smile to not let anyone see his sadness, and walked through the hallways in a breeze. Just as he was about to walk past the secretary, she shouted, but Naruto kept on jogging to Hiruzen's office, paying her no mind and with the Hokage marked name plate in view, he grinned.

She caught up to him just as he was turning the doorknob and shouted, "Hey, you brat!" she exclaimed, "Hokage-sama doesn't meet anyone without an appointment. Especially things like you!" she hissed venomously. Naruto ignored her, and tried walking in regardless while she ran up to him in a jiffy.

"Hey, jiji!" he chirped happily, and Hiruzen smiled behind his desk seeing his grandson.

But the secretary came in, and started dragging Naruto out roughly by his collar, "You runt! How dare you enter this office without the Hokage's permission? And call him old man?! Who do you think you are?! His highness doesn't concern himself with trash like you." she snarled viciously as she continued dragging him and Naruto kept resisting her equally stubbornly.

"Let go of me!" Naruto whimpered softly.

"Stop it!" Hiruzen roared, furiously slamming his palms on the table. The secretary stopped, stunned, and looked at him with frightened eyes. Hiruzen was rarely got angry, instead he was always kind and calm like people casually made him out to be.

"Leave him be," he commanded gravely. "Naruto is allowed to meet me at anytime he wishes - even without an appointment. And you better treat him like you would any other citizens of the Leaf, or I'm sure Anko would love to have coffee with you some time." he warned menacingly.

The secretary paled, stuttered out a 'sorry' and ran out - closing the door behind her. Naruto looked at Hiruzen, confused as to who this Anko fellow was, and why was his secretary so afraid of him. He was pretty sure though that he had heard that name somewhere before, but he shrugged it off for now.

"Have a seat, Naruto," Hiruzen offered with his grandfatherly smile.

Naruto plopped down on the couch without further ado, "So, Naruto, what do you want to do now?!" Hiruzen said, getting straight to the point. "Do you want me to find you a different orphanage?" he suggested, avoiding the second outcome if possible, but his relief was short lived.

"No, jiji," Naruto shook his head. "If it's possible, I would like to stay on my own from now." he said resolutely, and Hiruzen sighed.

This was exactly what he had been afraid of, "Naruto, it is very difficult for you to live on your own." Hiruzen tried to talk some sense into the boy's head. "You are only five years old, and living alone will get very lonely for you, really quickly. Try out another one, it'll be better this time, I promise!" he desperately tried to sway the boy's decision.

"I can live on my own, jiji!" Naruto chirped, sinking Hiruzen's heart along with it. "The orphanage taught us how to cook, and we had to help sometimes in the household chores there too. So, I know I can take care of myself!" Hiruzen tried to butt in, "And anyways, no one ever wants me around there anyways, so it'll be nice to live alone!" he admitted sadly. Hiruzen sighed, he did not have any counter to that argument. He had already prepared himself if something like this happened, however. He took out an envelope from his drawers, and handed it to Naruto who took it, and instantly tore it open.

The envelope contained a lot of money, and some keys in it.

Naruto looked at him confused, "What's this, jiji?" he asked.

"Those, Naruto, are the keys to your new apartment." Hiruzen explained. "And with that is the money you'll use to buy the necessary supplies for your home. You'll get your money from me directly, every month - as I will visit you regularly. If you ever run out of money, then come to me directly! But do not waste any of it alright!" Hiruzen said in warning tone. Naruto nodded happily. Hiruzen smiled. If that's what it took, then Naruto could be made independent a bit sooner. Even though, he wanted him to live in the orphanage until at least six, but it was fine if Naruto himself was happy since the other option was always open for him as well.

"Let's go see your new apartment, Naruto." Hiruzen said. Naruto walked happily with Hiruzen throughout the village, and grinned as they came to the residential area of the village, all the while while Hiruzen guided him by his finger. Most of the upper echelon in Hiruzen's shinobi forces lived here, and so, it was a secure and safe place for him to be in. They walked up to a big apartment complex, and kept walking up to the fifth and top floor.

Hiruzen put in the key to the door, and the duo stepped in.

It was a two bedroom, fully-furnished apartment. The living room had a couch, and a table with a TV. Hiruzen showed him the kitchen with a counter-top to eat on, and it also had a dining table for four to the side. There were two rooms with double beds, dresser tables, a desk and a closet. It had a single nice bathroom with a bathtub and a shower.

Naruto was ecstatic that the apartment was so good to live in, and he had it all to himself!

But then, he realized, he would just be alone in this big apartment and no one would come his home anyways as they didn't want anything to do with him.

Hiruzen, seeing his depressed state, decided to cheer him up.

"Hey, Naruto!" Hiruzen called out from balcony. "Come here. I'll show you a surprise, and tell you why I chose this apartment for you." Hiruzen said. Naruto walked with him to the bedroom, and Hiruzen slid open a tempered glass door and walked out with Naruto in tow. As Naruto gazed out of the small balcony, his breath got caught in his throat. He had a perfect view to the Hokage Monument with the Fourth's face being the closest to see!

He watched Hiruzen smile at him, and rushed to hug him when the man chuckled.

"Um. Old man. Not that I mind it, but isn't this apartment a bit too expensive?" Naruto justly wondered. "I don't think I'll be able to pay the rent, and won't there be people living nearby object to me living here. I mean, people don't really like me -ttebayo!"

Hiruzen put a hand on his head, "There's no one in this entire building except for a caretaker of the building who sees it's maintenance. So, you don't have to worry about anyone." he eased the boy's worries. "And as for the rent, you don't have to pay anything- as I own this entire building." Hiruzen smiled as Naruto looked at him happily. and nodded.

Well, Hiruzen had lied a bit.

Actually, it belonged to Naruto himself, and Hiruzen was just it's guardian for the time being. It was a property Minato had bought under the Namikaze family name, and Hiruzen had never rented it out to anyone fearing Naruto one day might need it for himself, and boy was he was glad that he had made that decision. The Namikaze family owned several properties nearby the residential district, and the shopping district apart from the clan compounds they owned in the most prominent clan grounds. The compounds were huge, and had a few houses along with the clan head's house alongside open grounds. The Namikaze were relatively small in their primes, but a rich, highly knowledgeable, and respected family nonetheless. Their libraries were bigger than even the Daimyo's and the Sarutobi's, and still held their vast knowledge accumulated over the years. Hiruzen was safekeeping it for now, keeping it well maintained until he handed it all to Naruto. The bank accounts were also flourishing from their properties and investments. And with no one to use them, they were promptly collecting dust. That's how he was paying Naruto his monthly stipend and fees to the orphanage, mind you. Minato had left everything to Naruto, but Hiruzen had to make sure that the boy valued things and never got arrogant with all the material things being showered over him to do as he pleased.

Hiruzen had promised Minato as such, and he would make sure to keep it intact.

"Well, Naruto," Hiruzen murmured with a nudge to Naruto's shoulders. "Do you like it?" he asked slyly. Naruto jumped at Hiruzen almost instantly, and wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face in it while Hiruzen caught him in his arms with a chuckle.

"Thanks, jiji. I love you," Naruto whispered so softly that Hiruzen had almost missed it. "You are one of my precious people that I wish to protect -ttebayo!" Naruto said honestly.

Hiruzen smiled as he placed him down on the ground. "You know that I love you as well, and that you are my grandson in everything but blood, don't you, Naruto?" he asked. Naruto wiped his wet cheeks and nodded with a tearful smile. Hiruzen ruffled his hair and the boy giggled as Hiruzen took his small hand in his own, and both started walking towards the door to exit the apartment. Hiruzen locked it behind him, and took Naruto's hand again as he started walking with him through the streets. Everyone was staring as expected, and were rightfully wondering why the Hokage paid so much attention to the demon brat. But not a single one had the courage to walk up and ask Hiruzen and Naruto that to their faces.

Naruto, wondering where they were going, decided to ask Hiruzen upfront, "Where are we going?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Hiruzen smiled "Well, you do wish to be a shinobi," he remarked offhandedly. "Don't you, Naruto?"

Naruto nodded "Then you would need the equipment to train properly, and will also be in need of some clothes as you will now live independently from here on out. The ninja equipment we use is expensive for you to afford on a monthly stipend, as big as it might be." Hiruzen murmured the last part to himself.

Shaking his head, "You would need advice on what to use, and what not to use as you keep growing up and increase your training. I am taking you to an old friend of mine who owns the biggest shop of shinobi equipment in Leaf where you can go and buy stuff. I will fund your equipment personally till you become a genin." Naruto's childlike eyes made Hiruzen grin playfully. "Since we can't hamper the growth of a shinobi who will one day surpass the Fourth Hokage now, can we?!" he questioned equally playfully.

Naruto grinned. "Of course you can't -ttebayo!" he pumped up jovially. "I'll definitely surpass the Fourth, and become an awesome shinobi." he said enthusiastically. Hiruzen chuckled as the hoardings to the store came in sight. It was aptly named the 'White Dragon'.

Coming inside, Naruto looked on shelf after shelf, amazed at the weapons lined up on the walls in stacks and rows. He ran off in a hurry, gazing at every little weapon with metaphoric stars in his eyes. Hiruzen smiled and held him from reaching out for a broadsword twice the size of his own and laughed at Naruto's pout. Watching the weapons had never been this fun, he thought as they duo walked up to the counter.

There was a tall and large overly muscled man standing there, flicking away on a magazine.

Both elders smiled at each other. "It's been a long time. Hasn't it, Haru?" Hiruzen whispered nostalgically.

Haru nodded, "It sure has, Sarutobi. And I see you've brought me a new permanent customer to make up for it." he pointed to a wide eyed Naruto staring at the swords section in childish awe.

Hiruzen chuckled, "Yes. Indeed Naruto-kun here will be coming to you from now on for his books and equipment." Hiruzen pushed a slip to Haru. "As I know, you do understand that he wont exactly be welcome in the public library." Hiruzen muttered bitterly.

Haru nodded, gazing sadly at the boy. He trusted the Fourth's skills in sealing enough and knew the boy was no Kyūbi - he was merely the container. "He has started living independently at a complex nearby, and I want you to help him get things he wishes to learn or the things he might come to need for his training." Hiruzen stamped the seal on Haru's register to start a new tab.

Haru nodded, "Hiruzen, you do realize that it would be too expensive for an orphan living on a monthly stipend to afford things in my shop right?" he asked without an ounce of patronizing in his tone. "He can't buy everything he needs from here like the children of elite clans, or kids with civilian merchant's parents can. You know that, and yet you show him such high hopes?!" he wondered what the sly old coot was playing or smoking at.

Hiruzen turned to him with a smirk. "Let me take care of the money. Put everything he buys on that account, and let him buy whatever he needs. I'll take care of it." he said off-the-cuff, handing him the Namikaze Family account details. Haru took the details in, and his eyes went widen seeing the initials. Haru gazed at Naruto, then to Hiruzen, and then back to the paper. He repeated it two times, all the while Hiruzen watched him with an amused smile.

Mere moments later, a fond smile broke free from his shock, and Haru chuckled.

Hiruzen looked at him, confused, "Now I see why the Fourth chose him to carry the burden. But why is he still here?" Haru asked, putting two and two together. "Did his so-called 'family' abandon him?" it wasn't out of the realms of possibility for a family to abandon a jinchuriki, and Hiruzen's sad nod only made Haru wince.

Haru was one of the few people that Minato had once trusted - personally. The trio had forged a strong bond during the Third Great Shinobi War and it's following events. He trusted him with his heritage and knew he won't tell a soul unless he told him to do so.

"They too viewed him as a demon, and blamed Minato's death on him. Minato made me promise to take care of Naruto, and guide him to become a great shinobi. I'll honor his last wish even if it's the last thing I do." Hiruzen said with steel in his voice and Haru nodded.

"Does he know?" Haru asked and Hiruzen shook his head in negative.

Haru looked at him questionably. "Minato left me specific instructions on when to reveal the truth to Naruto, and I intend do it myself when he's ready." Hiruzen told him.

Haru smiled, "Don't worry, Sarutobi. His secret is safe with me." he assured Hiruzen. "Minato was a dear friend of mine, and his legacy deserves to live on. I'll help Naruto with everything I can. Don't worry, I'll guide him good." Haru promised. Hiruzen nodded, smiling as both walked towards the little excited ball of sunshine hopping along the shelve lines.

"So, little one! Let's get you some clothes now, shall we?!" Haru clapped. Naruto broke out of his trance and awe and nodded chirpily. They walked him into the changing room with stacks of clothes, and in the end, agreed on three shirts. Each with a lightning bolt concealed in a circle on it's back. Naruto took an off-white, blood-red, and a lacquer black T-shirt with him alongside matching black pants and black shinobi sandals. His insistence on getting some cool orange clothes had been put down pretty quickly by them both.

Hiruzen and Haru looked on with smiles as they saw him seeing himself happily changing from his clothes and trying them on in front of the vanity mirror. "That symbol looks good on him, doesn't it?" Haru whispered out of Naruto's earshot. Hiruzen could do nothing more than nod. That was the symbol of the Namikaze clan, and no one really remembered it now since the clan members dwindled down to really few in number and even fewer wore it. It was forgotten by nearly everyone except a select few who had been to the Namikaze clan compounds personally - where the symbols were engraved everywhere.

[ The Namikaze clan symbol]
[ The Picture above is not mine and belong to its respective owner]

The Namikaze clan were exceptionally skilled at sealing, second only to the Uzumaki in their hey day, and were specialists in speed-based Taijutsu and Lightning based Ninjustsu - thus, their symbol marked a sealed bolt. Both elderly men were glad to see someone don the Namikaze symbol again with pride after nearly a generation. Minato always wore the symbol somewhere on him somewhere it wasn't very visible to keep it under wraps from prying eyes.

"Maybe, Naruto will make everyone remember the Namikaze symbol again?" Hiruzen thought as they checked everything out and the bill was added to the accounts. Hiruzen took Naruto to the nearby departmental store, and bought him his basic supplies like meat, bread, milk and the rest. The people at the store glared at Naruto, but did nothing as Hiruzen was there with him. And the neighbors themselves were furious when they learnt that he would be staying in the nearby apartment complex from now on. Hiruzen warned them of his laws after sending Naruto into the store to get some more things, and told them to treat him as they would anyone else lest the ANBU report to him otherwise and Hiruzen be forced at the closing of the store. The people at the store had paled, and said he was welcome here twenty four/seven and that they won't do anything to him to him.

Hiruzen had nodded his pleasantries and left with Naruto to go back to his apartment.

"Alright, Naruto…" Hiruzen sighed as the sun began dipping into the horizon. "You are on your own from now on and will live independently. You can go to that department store earlier to get your supplies, and to Haru-san will help you with anything related to your shinobi equipment or requirements. Come to me if you need anything else, and I shall see to it that it gets done." Hiruzen knelled down to wrap Naruto in a tight embrace.

"Thank you, old man!" Naruto whispered honestly. "This means a lot to me, thanks." he thanked him again. Hiruzen smiled and patted his head as he took his leave. Watching happiness return to Naruto's eyes had been endearing. He deserved so much more. Hiruzen knew the council would raise hell over his absence tomorrow, but he could care less about what they said right now. Naruto was living with what his father left for him to inherit.

They could do nothing as no one other than Hiruzen himself knew what became of the Namikaze's family accounts and of it's properties. He had kept everything they owned a secret to keep those fools from his old team and those leeches from the Civilian Council away from sniffing around too much around it. All they knew was that he was keeping watch on it until someone claimed it, which in their minds would be inherited by the so called 'Uzumaki Princesses of the Leaf' after they returned. And Hiruzen intended to keep them under that illusion right until he revealed everything about Naruto to the world.

They had put their noses in others issues for far too long, and now he would be the one pulling them around in a circle by their ears, were Hiruzen's thoughts as he returned back to his duties at the Hokage Office.

"Don't you worry, Minato. I'll make sure that your son gets the things you wanted him to inherit even if I have to pull out some lies and deception within the council itself. Your son will be fine - I'll make sure of it - and you can rest in peace, old friend." Hiruzen thought.

The orange skies made Hiruzen think that some orange in Naruto's wardrobe might not be such a bad thing, after all.


AN- I am once again telling you that this story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.


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