Seven - Power Rangers S.P.D...

By AlexNeko_990

5.2K 125 36

Seven (Ongoing)⏳️ --- In the not-too-distant future, Earth has become a haven for all alien races who come fr... More

Meet Hunter Cruger
Chapter One: Beginnings I
Chapter Two: Beginnings II
Chapter Three: Confronted
Chapter Fours: Walls

Chapter Five: Dogged

521 16 3
By AlexNeko_990

[Rogue Alsatian]

I was holding a bunch of stuff and making my way towards my quarters. I walked by a room, and heard Syd.

"Look out!" Syd shouted, both her and Bridge ducked out of the room.

I saw a toast being tossed in the air.

"Toast, done!" The computer said.

"Are you two okay?" I asked.

Bridge and Syd stood back up.

"Never better." Bridge said. "What was that for?" He asked Syd.

"Toast?" Syd said. "I thought your computer is gonna explode."

"Why would it do that? I just amped it up to make toast." Bridge said. "Want a piece?" He asked.

"No, I just came by to give you this." Syd said, and hands him a magazine.

"You want a piece?" Bridge asked me.

"Sorry, I can't. I'm busy." I said. "Maybe next time."

Suddenly RIC came towards us.

"Leave me alone." Syd said, and the RIC stuck with her.

"It was delivered to my room, I figured it must be yours." Syd said.

"Finally, my new issue of Extreme Upgrade." Bridge said. "Boom and I are gonna upgrade his computer with a super processor, maybe even a waffle iron."

I chuckled.

"So, there's a whole magazine about customizing your computer?" Syd said. "How can I get a subscription."

"Oh, you can just borrow mine, when I'm done with it." Bridge said. "Wait, that's sarcasm wasn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah." Syd said.

"Can I borrow it?" I asked. "I love to read on Extreme Upgrade but I can't always get the newest issues."

"Sure." Bridge said. "It'll be yours when I'm done with it."

"Hey, Rogue. What's that your holding?" Syd asked.

"Oh, these?" I said, as I look down at a bunch of broken electronic parts. "I was just gonna head back to my quarter, to see if I can salvage these, and made something new. I swear, if I wasn't a part of the Canine-Squad, I would've been an engineer."

"Bye." I said, and begin making my way towards my quarter.

"Bye." Bridge and Syd said.


[Hunter Cruger]

All of us are in the Command Center, as Father was briefing us.

"There have been several missing person in the industrial district." Father said.

R.I.C. imitates a horse neigh.

"Good boy." I said, an pet RIC.

"Not now, RIC." Father said. "I want you to investigate."

"I could check out the area, and ask some questions." Syd said.

"And we'll monitor for any signs of alien activity." Sky said.

RIC went towards Syd.

"What is your problem? Rust Bucket?" Syd said.

"Aw, he likes you." Z said.

"Go away." Syd said. RIC spilled oil on her uniform. "Stupid robot. Look what he did to my uniform." She said.

"Get out of the way, RIC." Father said, and RIC backs away towards him, and peed on his feet.

"Don't worry, it's coolant." Bridge said.

"He almost really like you, Commander." Jack said.

Jack, Sky and Bridge were holding in their laughter.

"Why do we even keep that malfunctioning beast around?" Syd asked. "He's useless. Not to mention, totally annoying."

"Unfortunately, RIC's technology is practically obsolete." Father said. "It won't be long until he would have to be deactivated."

"What? Commander, are you kidding me?" Bridge asked.

"Well, if you ask me he's been ready for the scrap heap for a while now." Syd said.

"Syd, that's pretty cold, even for you." Z said.

"You heard the Commander, he's outdated." Syd said.

"Okay, RIC may not be perfect, he's still part of the S.P.D. Family." Bridge said.

"It's a machine, it's not a pet." Syd said. "It's broke, so we'll replace it. If it's a matter of money, I'm sure my father would be happy to write a check." She said. "Whatever people, I have work to do." She said, and left.

As Syd left the room, Rogue and Seth came in.

"Hey, Alpha." Rogue greeted.

"Hey, Hunter." Seth greeted.

"Hey." I greeted back.

"What are you doing here?" Bridge asked the both of them, but it was mainly at Rogue.

"We're here to help for our assignment." Rogue said.

"Right." I said, and handed both Rogue and Seth their assignments. "Try to find our target, if you get into any trouble call for help." I said. "Seth, you know what to do."

"Yes, sir." Seth said, and he put his hand on Rogue's shoulder.

Both of their animal features disappeared, and they now look like humans.

"Whoa! What happened?" Sky asked.

"That's just my ability, I called it Disguise." Seth said. "It allows me to be able to hide any feature of anyone, and I can also change our outfits." He said, and he appeared in a Trench coat, while Rogue appeared in a Purple Suit.

"Awesome." Jack said.

"What do you think, Bridge?" Z asked, and got no answer. "Bridge?" She asked, and saw him frozen, while looking at Rogue. "Hello, Earth to Bridge." She said, as she waves her hand in front of Bridge.


We arrived at the area, Morphed.

"Looks like trouble!" Jack said. All of us got off our vehicles. "Come on!" He said.

"Hold it right there!" All of us said.

"Who's gonna make me?" Rhinix questioned.

"One! S.P.D. Red!"

"Two! S.P.D. Blue!"

"Three! S.P.D. Green!"

"Four! S.P.D. Yellow!"

"Seven! S.P.D. Black!"

"Meet my friends!" Rhinix said, and a bunch of Krybots appeared.

"Gear up! Rangers!" Jack said, and all of us got out our weapons. "Let's do it!"

All of us begin fighting the Krybots.

"There he is!" Z said.

All of us went towards Rhinix.

"Not so fast!" Rhinix said, and he threw something at us.

We ducked, and Jack fired at it.

We tried to fight Rhinix but we got attacked and fell.

"You'll never stop me!" Rhinix said, and left.


I am now back at HQ, and with Father and Kat.

"Hmm. Interesting." Kat said, as she scans it.

"What is it, Ms. Manx?" Father asked.

"Have you found something?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." Kat said. "Some sort of Petroleum-based Energy fluid, but there are definitely traces of human DNA." She said.

Syd came into the room.

"Well done, Cadet Drew." Father said. "This could help us find those missing people."

"I would have never been able to bring it back, if it weren't for RIC." Syd said. "How is he?" She asked.

The three of us look at each other.

"I'm afraid the damage was extensive." Kat said.

"And most of his parts aren't even made anymore." Father said.

"What are you saying?" Syd asked.

"It was a difficult decision but we had to deactivate him, I'm sorry." Father said.

"What? No! Hunter, you can't let him deactivate him." Syd said.

"Sorry, Syd. But like Father said, most of his parts aren't even made anymore, so it'll be impossible to fix him." I said.


[Rogue Alsatian]

I was in the room, with Bridge and Boom, as the both of them were doing a handstand.

"Remind me again, why this is the best way to solve a problem?" Boom asked.

"Gravity causes ideas to go downward to your head, that way your brain can soak them up better." Bridge said.

"Oh, okay." Boom said.

"I don't think, that's how it works." I said, as I was hanging upside down on the ceiling.

"What do you mean?" Bridge asked. "I get my ideas, like this." He said.

"For you, maybe." I said. "Plus, you're way more athletic than the both of us." Referring to me and Boom. 

"Says the one, who's hanging upside-down on the ceiling." Bridge said.

"Yeah, but I don't have an athletic body, like you." I said.

Syd came into the room.

"Bridge, get off your butt." Syd said. "Or your head." She said. "I have a project for you guys."

I jumped down, and landed on my feet.

"What? What's going on?" Bridge asked.

"How would you, Rogue and Boom, do the ultimate Extreme Upgrade?" Syd asked.

And just like that the four of us worked on upgrading RIC.


[Hunter Cruger]

All of us except for Bridge were gathered in the Command Center.

"Many more people have disappeared." Father said. "This has become a city-wide crisis." He notices Bridge was not here. "Where is Cadet Carson?" He asked.

Boom, Bridge and Rogue entered the rooms.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Boom said.

"And the solid extraterrestrials." Bridge said.

"And hybrids." Rogue said.

"May we present." Boom said.

"RIC version 2.0." They announced, and RIC came in.

"Yay! I knew you guys could do it." Syd said.

"Oh, you have no idea." Boom said. "Check out his mad new skills."

"Okay, we got your basic DVD Player, a projector, a refrigerator." Bridge said.

"Amusing new additions. I'm sure he would be great fun at a party." Father said. "But he isn't an asset to S.P.D."

"Oh contraire mon, Commander." Boom said. "I amped up his like, weapon systems."

"I upgraded his surveillance capabilities." Rogue said.

"And I installed new tracking software." Bridge said. "His sensory capabilities could be off the chain."

"Than he can help us find more of this stuff." Syd said, taking out the slime substance.

"Uh, yeah the thing is, we haven't really have the chance to test the new program." Bridge said.

"Come on, RIC." Syd said, and let RIC sniff the slime. "Find it."

RIC barked, and rushed out of the room, breaking the door in process.


All of us are now in our vehicles, and followed RIC.

"Don't lose him, Z!" Syd said.

RIC sniffs the ground.

"There he found something!" Syd said. We got off our vehicles. "Good job, boy!" She grabbed a shovel, and begin digging. She continues to dig, and made a bigger hole.

"Come on, Syd. Give it up." Jack said.

"Few more minutes." Syd said.

"I hate to say it, but he obviously wasn't able to trace the scent." Z said.

"We're not sure of that yet." Syd said.

"I told you, Syd." Bridge said. "We didn't have enough time to test the program." He said. "I think he's still kinda buggy."

RIC barked.

"But he seemed so sure." Syd said.

"There's no use in all of us wasting our time here." Sky said. "Come on, guys." He said, and they left.

"Come on, RIC." Bridge said, and RIC left with them.

"I'll help you." I said, as I was holding a shovel.

"Thank, Hunter." Syd said.


Syd and I were still digging, we stopped a bit, as the hole was filled with rain water.

The ground suddenly shakes, and we fell into a cave.

Syd and I saw a bunch of the Energy Fluid.

"Oh my goodness." Syd said.

"Creepy." I said.

"I knew it, RIC was right." Syd said.


Syd and I climbed out of the hole.

"I'm so going to the spa, when this is over." Syd said.

"I'm gonna take a shower, twice." I said.

"You're so not going anywhere!" Rhinix said, as he appeared.

"Okay. We're filthy, cranky, and my new shoes are trashed." Syd said. "Do you really want to mess with us?"

"S.P.D. Emergency!" Syd and I shouted, and we Morphed.

"S.P.D. Pink!"

"S.P.D. Black!"

The both of us begin fighting Rhinix, and we were kicked off the hill.

"Time for some back up!" Syd said, as both her and I took out our Morphers.

"Forget it!" Rhinix said, and he attacked us, making us dropped our Morphers.

"Looks like your on your own!" Rhinix said, and he attacked us.


[Rogue Alsatian]

We were at HQ, and RIC started moving.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Z asked.

"His senses must probably be all messed up." Bridge said.

The alarm blared, we saw Syd and Alpha on the screen.

"Sydney needs help!" Jack said.

"And Hunter!" Sky said.

RIC rushed out, and broke the doors again.

"I just had that fixed." Commander Cruger said.

"I'll fix it again." I said.


[Hunter Cruger]

Syd and I fell.

"You Rangers, are useless!" Rhinix said. "Why don't you just give up!"

"Everyone thought RIC was useless too!" Syd said. "But he came back strong!"

"If he can do it! So can we!" I said.

We got out our weapons, and begin attacking Rhinix. We got attacked again, and we fell.

"Time to finish this game!" Rhinix said.

RIC barked, and attacked Rhinix.

"Didn't see that coming!" Rhinix said.

"RIC!" Syd and I said.

"Who invited you?" Rhinix said.

RIC barked, and attacked Rhinix.

"Deltamax Blaster!" Syd shouted.

"Delta Daggers!" I shouted.

The both of us attacked Rhinix.

"Horn Needle! Fire!" Rhinix shouted, and fired at us.

We dodged it, and attacked him. We broke his horn.

"My horn! My beautiful horn!" Rhinix exclaimed.

"Oh get over it!" Syd said.

"Good job, boy!" I said, and we petted RIC.

The others arrived.

"I'm not finish yet!" Rhinix said.

"I've got this one!" Syd said, as all of us group up.

"Hold on, Syd! Why don't we let RIC take it form here?" Jack asked.

"What?" Syd asked.

"RIC! Fetch it, boy!" Jack shouted, he threw the thing into the air, and RIC caught it.

RIC changed into a cannon, and we caught him.

"How cool is that?" Bridge asked.

"A Canine Cannon? I love it!" Syd said.

"You'll pay for destroying my horn!" Rhinix said.

"I think its you who's gonna pay!" Syd said. "Let's see what the judgement scanner says about you!" She said. "Judgement Mode!" She shouted, and Rhinix was being judge.

"Guilty!" Syd said, as the Judgement Scanner shows a Red X.

"Let's do it!" Jack said.

"Canine Cannon!" Syd shouted.

"Fire!" Jack shouted.

We fired at Rhinix, and destroyed him.

All of us transformed civilians escaped the tunnel.

"Hey, let me out!" Rhinix said, as he was in the containment device.

"Not a chance!" Syd said. "Power Down!" She shouted, and de-morphed. She went towards RIC. "I guess that makes us even, huh? RIC?"


All of us are now back at HQ.

"Another brilliant case solved by the B-Squad." Jack said.

"I knew, RIC would come through for us." Syd said.

"But don't forget, you came through for him too." Z said.

"Power Rangers! Report to the Command Center immediately!"

"Now, what did we do?" Jack asked.


All of us gathered in the Command Center, even my Canine Squad was here.

"Extraordinary service in line of duty." Father said. "A special commendation to our, Robotic Interactive Canine: RIC." He said. "A most valuable member of the S.P.D. team."

All of us applaud.

"RIC 2.0 is great." Syd said. "But you know, I kinda missed the old RIC."

"Well, we didn't change all of his programming." Bridge said. "There's still some old programming in there."

"I can verify that to be true, Cadets." Father said, as he was stepping on coolant.

All of us laughed.

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