Bad Romance || Hope Mikaelson

By sophiip

140K 5K 765

❝I don't wanna be friends.❞ Fallon Ignacio was unlike any other creature; alluring, mysterious, and seductive... More

Part One
Cast I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Part Two
Cast II
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Part Three
Cast III
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Part Four
Cast IV
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven

Chapter Eleven

2.4K 88 28
By sophiip



Fallon walks through empty halls, after school hours, humming as she heads towards Dr. Saltzman's office to study for an upcoming exam. Hope had fallen asleep a few hours ago, and She figured it was empty, so she might as well use it.

When the doors to his office come into view, she waves a hand, the doors opening at her command.

She walks through, expecting the room to be empty, only it wasn't.

Landon jumps at the sound of the doors opening, scrambling files, as he tries to gather himself.

She chuckles, before shaking her head.

"Little bird, going through Doc's files?" she starts, a smirk on her face.

"What a great way to win him over," she joked, the scared look on his face made her want to laugh.

Landon clears his throat, rolling his eyes, he seemed irritated, Fallon liked that.

"What do you want?" he asked dryly, continuing to look through files.

She hums, her heels clicking as she walks, a seductive air about her, Landon hated it.

How attractive she was, and just how effortless it was.

Everything she did was without effort, without care, she had no kindness in her heart, and Landon knew that.

So why didn't Hope?

She takes a seat on the desk, looking towards the papers scattered on it.

"Well," she starts, her sharp eyeliner making her look deadly, as she pierces him with her gaze, like she could cut him with just a glance.

Landon knew she probably could.

"I wanted to study, but it looks like you've got a theory on your hands," she continued, picking up her own file.

"So tell me, little bird, what vile accusation have you built against me?"

Landon freezes, slowly looking up from the file's on the desk to the one in Fallon's hands.

She quirks her head, a teasing smirk on her face, no fear in her eyes.

Landon wanted her to fear, not him, or what he could do, but what he could ruin.

He wanted to ruin her, destroy her, to admit her true colors to Hope. So she could see that Fallon is a monster through and through.

That love would never change that.

He forces a smile.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he answers with a small shrug of his shoulders.

Starting to put away the files.

Fallon lifts an eyebrow.

"Your heart skips when you lie," she laughs, leaning towards him dangerously.

"Don't gaslight me, little bird, perhaps I'll give you the answers you want," she teases, enjoying the pitter patter of his heart, and how fast it beated.

He gulps, unable to hold her stare, he looks away.

"As if I would believe anything you say," he spat, putting space between them as he stood abruptly, forgetting the files.

The only one he cared about was the one in her hands.

He went to leave.

"You want to prove I'm a monster," she begins, stopping him with her words. "To Hope," she continued as she began to approach him, his back facing her.

"Except, she already knows, little bird, infact she's in my bed, right now, sleeping off the sex."

He whirls around, face red, his lips curled in rage.

"She doesn't know shit about you!" he snarled, his finger coming up to point at her aggressively.

She rolls her eyes, smacking his hand away with the back of her hand, uninterested.

"Everyone here is a monster, Landon, Hope is a monster," she finishes frowning at him mockingly.

"Don't tell me you didn't know that already," she teased him, a laugh falling off her lips, as she looked at him.

He huffs, shaking his head.

"Hope is a hero," he starts, a look of hatred as he stares at her, slowly approaching her.

Fallon stands her ground, a sassy smile on her face as she watches him.

"You are not, she will never choose you over her friends, her family, any love she has for you, will die, when she has to choose them over you," he continued, a fierce look on his face as her smile faltered.

"You will always be the villain, the monster, the selfish beast, who will never be selfless! You will never be able to love her the way she deserves to be loved," He finished, breathing heavily, he was closer now, barely a foot away.

Fallon looked at him darkly, a malignant smirk on her face.

"And what of you? What can you do for Hope? What can you provide? We don't even know what you are," She began, stepping into his personal space, she ran her tongue over teeth.

A hungry look in her eyes.

"Poor useless Landon, wanting so badly to belong," she tsked, fauxly frowning.

"Don't you know, orphan, nobody wants you, Hope doesn't want you," she mocked, a slight laugh to her voice, enjoying the angry tears that gathered in his eyes, the fists at his side shook, he looked at her menacingly.

"Fuck you," he spat.

She giggles.

"That's the best you have? All this-" she motions to the mess he'd left upon the desk and between them. "-and for what? Trying to get a rise out of me? Trying to prove your own point?" she questions her voice hard and angry, dripping with venom, just like her eyes.

"I thought you smarter than this, I really thought you had me for a second," she joked, laughing as she watched his tears fall.

"Aww, don't cry, little bird," she soothed, reaching up to wipe his tears, he'd noted how warm her hand was.

Warm hands, cold heart. Fallon was cold, cruel, and devious.

She pushes the file into his chest, he reaches for it.

Fallon smiled fakley at him.

"You can have it, there isn't anything useful in there anyway," she said honestly, there really wasn't, she'd been through her own file many times.

Grieving, loss, ect. It was really the same as anyone else; anything Landon had hoped to find didn't exist.

Landon goes to leave, Fallon stops him roughly, her hand gripping his forearm.

"You're right, I am a monster, I am selfish, but at least I can admit that. Unlike you," she admitted, siren eyes shining viciously with hatred.

"Hope will never want you, you will never be strong enough for her. You will always be weak, You will always be nothing,"she continued, enjoying the rage that'd begun to take over his face, shaking in his own shoes.

"My defenseless, little bird, you will never be the hero, but I will enjoy watching you die trying," she finished, smirking.

"Don't worry, I'll protect her, safe travels, little bird."

Fallon turns to leave.

"He hasn't decided yet, there's still a chance," he spoke up, looking at her determinedly.

She hums continuing to leave.

"I doubt that."


"Would you like to explain why I found my office in disarray this morning?" Alaric questioned Fallon, who smiled amusedly at him.

She licks her lips, her head tilting sassily.

"That depends, are you going to believe me?" she countered, lifting an eyebrow challengingly.

Alaric actually smiled, chuckling as he sat back in his chair comfortably.

"You just so happen to be the most honest person I know, Fallon, I'm learning to trust you, as I hope you are too," he acknowledged, his voice was light and compassionate.

She hadn't anticipated that, but nodded, a look of appreciation crossing her face.

Fallon uncrosses her arms, leaning back and crossing her legs.

"It was Landon," she confessed, her hands clasping in her lap.

A look of briefe shock crossed his face.

He trusted Fallon enough to admit the truth, but he found it suspicious.

"And what were you doing in my office?" he asked calmly.

Fallon blushes involuntarily, "I wanted to study," she replies, shrugging lightly.

Alaric lifts an eyebrow.

"And what about your room?" he countered, his lips curling slightly in amusement.

Fallon purses her lips, her eyes slightly narrowing.

He was enjoying this and if the roles were reversed she would too.

Fallon smirks playfully.

"I could tell you all the juicy details of my sex life or I can tell you what Landon was doing in your office," she smirked enjoying the blossominging blush on Alarics face.

He clears his throat, an awkward smile making its way onto his face.

"Landon will do just fine," he slightly laughed.

Fallon hums, nodding, trying hard to suppress her smile, before sighing, her lips curling into a frown.

"He was looking for my file, Dr. Saltzman," she admitted worriedly.

His eyebrows crease, a look of confusion taking over his face, he opens a drawer at his desk, looking for Fallons file, which he did not find.

He sighs, closing his eyes briefly, as he believes Fallon's words.

"Why would he do that?" he questions almost to himself.

"Hope likes me more," she shrugs, answering him.

Alaric chuckles, shaking his head. "Teenagers," he sighed. "I'll deal with him later, but as of right now... feel like interrogating a Dryad?" he questions.

Fallon lifts an eyebrow in shock, she leans forward excitedly.

"Hell yeah."


Dr. Saltzman and Fallon make their way into the cabin where the dryad had been trapped.

Alaric closes the door behind Fallon, ignoring the look Dorrian had thrown his way.

"Uh, anything yet?" he asked him.

"Just some light judgment," he answered with a scoff. 

"You're a dryad, right? Living spirit of a tree. Uh, it says here that, uh, dryads were gentle creatures who lived among humans. Well, we're not your enemy. We're just looking for answers," Dr. Saltzman explained.

The dryad shakes her head looking at the two humans pointedly. "Humans are known to lie."

"So are monsters," Fallon smirked, making her presence known, walking towards the edge of the barrier the dryad was trapped in.

The dryad tilts her head like she had sensed something about her.

"You are strong," she says, rising from her seat, joining her at the edge.

The dark haired girl smirks, "Very," she hums.

The dryad smiles, green eyes twinkling with hope.

She breathes, looking towards Alaric.

"There is a man I cherish named Oliver. If you bring him to me, I will believe that you are trustworthy, or what passes for it among your species. Only then will I answer your questions," She stated as she looked towards Fallon again.

"Whoa, we're not negotiating, right, Ric?" Dorian questioned.

Alaric smiles softly at the dryad, answering Dorian's question indirectly. "Uh... What should we tell this Oliver?" he asks, standing next to Fallon.

"Show him this ring. It belonged to him. He will come with you," she assured as she took a necklace off, a ring dangling off a silver chain, and she held it out to Fallon.

The ravenette takes it, eyeing the tree spirit suspiciously.

"I will give no further answers until he does," she finished, taking a seat.

"What if we don't take the deal?" Fallon questioned sassily with an arched eyebrow.

The dryad smiles.

"Trees are patient. Humans are not."

Fallon nodded her head in agreement.

"Right, but I'm not human. What exactly is stopping me from taking what I want?" she spoke amusedly, walking around the barrier, grinning mischievously.

The dryad smiles.

"Your magic is strong, little one, but I am old, your dark magic shall not affect me," she states, peacefully sitting, and staring out the window.

Fallon smirks wickedly, magic manifesting itself around her hands, flarining beautifully.

"Wanna bet?"

"Fallon," Alaric called, a hand gently placed on her shoulder, he had a soft smile on his face as he pulled her back.

"Do you know how to contact Oliver?" he asked.

Fallon's eyes narrow, a brief look of annoyance crossing her face.

"Of course I do," she scoffed, her arms crossing.

"But, I could pluck the memories out of her head," she shrugged lazily.

Dr. Saltzman hums, looking from Fallon to the dryad. "Would she be okay?" he asked her.

"That would depend on how buried the memory is," she answered.

Dr.Saltzman eyebrows furrow.

"Would she live?" he questions.

Fallon purses her lips, a look of uncertainty.

"I don't know," she responded honestly.

Alaric nods. "Find Oliver."

Fallon groans, rolling her eyes.

"I'll need a few things," she called out as Alaric walked away.


Fallon sets candles up in a circle.

"What magic have you employed to search for my Oliver?" The dryad questioned Fallon and Alaric.

"It's a new spell called 'cojate'," Fallon replied sarcastically.

"You're mocking me."

"I am," she said amusedly.

The dryad only stares blankly, looking back towards Dr.Saltzman.

"Will you open the window? I would like to feel the breeze," she requested softly.

The pepper haired man shakes his head.

"Until I know the full extent of your power, I'd rather not."

The tree spirit sighs.

Fallon rolls her eyes lighting the last candle, ignoring their voices as she begins drawing symbols with a piece of chalk, her mind wandering over to Hope, wondering what task Alaric had forced upon her, if she was as annoyed as her, she wondered about her mother, if she was doing better now, and if she knew the secret plot her father had.

Fallon wondered about him a lot.

The only man she had ever come to love, the first person she had ever loved, if it was rash to have killed him. Perhaps she misunderstood when he said 'killing you.'

It was too late for what if's.

Fallon wished it hadn't been. That there had been another way.

"I feel your pain."

She looks up from her symbols curiously.

The dryad curled her head to the side as she looked at her.

"A great pain in your heart, spreading viciously into your soul," she said softly, green eyes sympathetic.

Fallon frowns, glancing at Dr. Saltzman, who spoke quietly with Dorrian.

"Yes, you've lost someone you loved deeply, someone who made you better," she finished.

White chalk slips from her fingers, cracking into two as it hits the ground, her eyes narrowed.

"My father didn't make me better, he made me worse, his ambition was greater than me, than himself, and in the end it was his downfall," she started her nose scrunching in anger. "That's the thing with men, they never know when to stop dreaming," she said bitterly.

"You are wrong, your fathers love made you stronger, now he is gone, and you are scared to find strength elsewhere, you are scared to love and be loved," she spoke thoughtfully.

"You must release this burden, allow yourself to find strength in others, and share the weight you carry on your shoulders."

Fallon hums, a scowl taking over her face as she gracefully brings herself to her feet."If I wanted unsolicited advice from a talking tree, I would ask, but since I haven't, how about I take your tongue instead?" she said snarkily, her arms crossing in irritation. 

Alaric freezes mid sentence noticing dark shadows bleeding off the walls of the cabin, his eyes falling on Fallon, static buzzing through the room, and the hair on his arms stood up.

"Is your anger helpful in avoiding your pain?"

Fallon snarls, taking a step forward, gripping her neck tightly. "No, but killing you will do."

The dryad smiled bravely at her.

"Fallon!" Alaric shouted his eyes widening in concern as the dark haired girl crossed the boundary spell that contained tree spirit.

It should have been impossible.

"Fallon," he tried again. "Let her go."

Fallon growls, squeezing her neck violently, before letting her go, her nose twitching angrily as she backs away, glaring viciously, purple wisps trailing up her fingers, shadows dripping off the wall, Fallon bites back another growl before the shadows swarm the boundary, covering the dryad in darkness.

Alaric places a hand on her shoulder calmly.

She flinches, turning to look at Dr. Saltzman frustrated tears swelling in her eyes.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Dr. Saltzman smiled softly, taking the dark haired girl into his arms, hugging her.

Fallon stills, her heart furiously beating in her chest, she holds back a sob as tears freely fall down her face.

"It's okay," he reassured, rubbing her back soothingly.

Fallon sniffles, slowly hugging him back.

And for a measly second she was reminded of what it felt like to be loved by her father.

What it felt like when he held her.

She missed him greatly despite what he had done and said, she still loved him greatly.

Pushing aside her guilt she relished Dr. Satzman's comfort, his fatherly affection, and she would remember the kindness he had shown her, for not only welcoming her into his school, but for welcoming her into his life.

He wasn't perfect but neither was she.

And for once she let it be okay.

Fallon pulls away first, shakily, wet cheek and a reddened nose.

"Thank you," she said lightly.

Alaric nods, smiling gently at her.

"I'll finish the spell, but could I go home after?" she says.

Dr. Saltzman nods.

"Of course."

Fallon half smiles, before walking away towards her circle of symbols. She lays the necklace in the middle, then steps outside of the circle, her hands spread out at her sides, wisps of magic threaded between her fingers, eyes pools of blood.

"Vocare," she casts, the candles lighting themselves with purple flames. The symbols on the ground glowed brightly, blinding the only two humans in the room.

They stared on curiously as a figure appeared.

"Oliver?" she questioned, wisps of magic disappearing.

The hazel eyed man nods in confusion.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" he asked softly as he looked at the people through the room.

Fallon smirks magically drawing the necklace to her, she holds it out to him.

"I'm Fallon, handsome, and this is for you."

He takes the necklace, looking at uncertinaly. "Am I supposed to know what this is?" he questioned hesitantly.

Fallon lifts an eyebrow staring at him curiously. "Do you?"

The man shakes his head and Fallon sighs, she turns away from him and faces the two older men.

"Well now what?" she asked them.

Alaric rubs his face, slight irritation filling him.

Fallon sucks on her teeth and rolls her eyes, she brings the shadow barrier around the dryad.

The tree spirit stands from her chair quickly, green eyes warm with love. "Oliver," she breathed.

His eyebrows pull together. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Fallon stifles a laugh and looks away from the interaction, walking away and sitting on a nearby coach.

She sighs curiously looking around the room before settling on the dryad, she was starting to think the dryad had no useful information, and if she would upheld her part of the bargain. The dark haired girl nibbles on her bottom lip and closes her eyes, letting her mind and body relax, she then secretly enters the tree spirit's mind.

Fallon flips through memories, viewing them as if they were her own, she skips the love story, searching for what happened after. She sees an attack, but no monster, no person and then there was only darkness.

Fallon pulls away from her mind, her eyes fluttering open, instincts screaming at her. She rises from her seat, moving towards the hazel eyed man. And before anyone could speak, Fallon clasps his neck, forcefully entering his mind.

Every memory where the dryad should have been was shrouded in darkness, as if they had never happened in the first place.

She pulls away, glancing away from his bleeding eyes and towards Alaric who watched in concern.

"Somethings wrong," she breathed. "Very wrong."

"What have you done to him?" the dryad questioned

Fallon faces her, stepping towards the edge of the barrier, she frowns.

"In the clearing next to the river. Where the bed would blossom with daffodils every spring," she started watching as the tree spirit soaked in her words. "He proposed to his wife there," she finished, her voice sympathetic.

Tears well in her green eyes, turning towards Oliver. "You are married."

The hazel eyed man looked at her, puzzled by her sadness, she was hurt. "Yeah."

The dryad takes a breath, nodding her head. "I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I thought you were someone else."

Oliver's eyebrows pull together, he goes to speak.

"Nunc dimittis," The dark haired girl casts, sending Oliver back from where he came.

Fallon frowns, pity swimming in her eyes as she calls shadows over the dryads barrier.

Fallon turns to the two older men.

"What was that?" Dorrian asks, confusion settling in his mind, he'd been watching the dark haired girl, baffled by her powers, and what she could do.

Fallon sighs.

"A sort of magical head dive," she answered honestly.

Dorrian nods, still confused. "What spell did you use?"

Fallon's eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't use one," she shrugged.

The dark skinned man hums, his mind whirling with theories and possibilities, he throws a look towards Alaric, one that said they'd talk later.

Alaric subtle nods, before his attention falls on the dark haired girl again. "What did you see?" he questioned her.

Fallon sighs. "A foggy memory of an attack and...."

"...Darkness," she breathed. Her arms coming around herself, fear swimming in her eyes.

"Just darkness."


Fallon sighs, her heart heavy, the weight on her shoulders had become obvious, forcing itself to be felt, to be seen, and after the day she had, she felt a little heavier.


Her lip curled, a small smile taking over her face as she turned around.

"Hope," she breathed, relife flooding through her as ocean eyes looked up at her.

She could see her reflection in her eyes, beautiful ones sparkling like diamonds, like the stars that shone above them.

The auburn smiles, pulling the taller girl into a hug.

Fallon hums, securing her arms around the girl, finding peace in her embrace.

She breathed in her scent, vanilla and lavender, she smelled like home.

"I missed you."

Fallon chuckles, pulling away from the hug, her hands taking Hope's face gently.

"So have I, baby," she replies, her thumb caressing her cheek. She really had missed her, even her body responded to her in a way she hadn't known it could.

Fallon searched her face, memorizing the details.

The way her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks, the slope of her nose, and the way her mouth curves into a smile. Rosey lips that she adored, and ocean eyes forever engraved in her memory.

Turquoise and cerulean mixed together into the most extravagant blue she had ever seen.

Hope was devastatingly beautiful, and she would remain that way forever.

Fallon only hoped to be a part of that forever, no matter how small.

For however long she lived she longed to be a part of Hope.

Hope smiles shyly, her cheeks warmed with a blush, Fallon looked at her fondly, like she loved her, and Hope basked in it.

The auburn stands on her tiptoes, her nose grazing Fallon's.

"Show me," she commanded, her hands tangling themselves at the nape of her neck.

Fallon licks her lips, a playful smile on her face.

"Your wish is my command, princess," she whispers, before capturing her lips with her own.

Her own hands wrapping around her waist, picking her up so they were now the same height, enjoying the giggles that escaped Hope.

The auburn deepens the kiss, moaning into the taller girl's mouth, her tongue peeking out and asserting dominance.

Fallon groans, a slight gasp leaving her. Hope wins, and she wasted no time exploring her mouth, every kiss like the first time, always leaving her knees shaking.

They pull away and she sets her back down, giggles bouncing between them.

The ravenette leans down kissing her once more.


The girls pull away, looking in the direction of the new voice.

Fallon rolls her eyes.

"Little bird," she says disdainfully.

"What could you possibly want now?" she spat dryly, annoyance crawling up her spine.

Landon glares, focusing on Hope who clung to Fallon, watching both of them in confusion.

"Landon?" Hope murmurs, confusion taking over her face, they'd spoken a few hours before. A heartfelt conversation where he promised to never abuse her trust again.

He ignores her, walking over to the both of them, slamming a file into Fallon's chest.

Fallon takes the file, eyes narrowed in irritation.

"Were you raised in a barn?" she says sassily. "Absolutely mannerless."

Landon rolls his eyes, his arms crossing over his chest.

"You were wrong," he started looking from Fallon to the file in her hand.

"It was useful," he finished, looking at Hope one last time before attempting to leave.

Fallon's demeanor darkens, her face calm, but eyes angry, she throws the file with unnecessary strength, hitting Landon in the back of the head.

Hope swallows, attempting to pull Fallon back, her instincts screaming at her, but Fallon shrugs her away.

"Then why are you running, little bird, afraid it isn't enough?" she mocked, stepping away from Hope, whose eyes don't stray from the scene in front of her.

Landon whirls around, his jaw clenched, eyes filled with animosity.

Meeting her in the middle.

"I'm not scared," he snapped.

Fallon smiles, taking a threatening step towards him.

"You are," she replied, her head tilting as she listened to the pitter patter of his heart.

She places a hand over his chest, where his heart would be.

"Like a scared little rabbit," she taunted.

She uses her magic to squeeze his heart, purple energy surrounding her hand and his chest.

He grunts.

"I could kill you easily, Landon," she whispered sinisterly to him.

"Fallon, dont."

The dark haired girl turns to Hope, who had a scared look on her face, she looked between both of them.

Fallon looks away.

"I want to," she revealed to him, Landon's pain stricken face brought her pleasure, She wanted to rip his tongue out, and rip him apart limb by limb.

Fallon pulls her hand away from his chest, and he falls to the floor, panting.

"You can leave here today, knowing the reason you are still breathing is because I let you," She spit, her voice hard and deep.

"Do not mistake this for an act of kindness, or mercy," she started, kicking him violently across his face.

Hope gasps, her hands covering her mouth.

She bends down picking his head up by his hair, he grunts.

"I will kill you, Landon, know that it is inevitable."

He laughs, his face bloody, as his hand comes up to clutch her's, hoping for relief.

"I don't doubt that," he admitted.

"You are afterall a murder," He hissed.

Her nose twitches, her eyes narrowing.

"What is he talking about?" Hope questions, speaking up, she walks over to the pair.

"He's delusional, probably concussed," she evaded.

"Your father," he started, looking from Fallon to Hope.

Fallon visually shook with anger, her magic manifesting itself.

"You killed him," he finished.

"How dare you?!" she responded fiercely, a fire in her eyes burning.

"You pathetic cunt! Framing me my fathers death to spite me?" she started, her voice thunderous.

"I'm not trying to spite you," he admitted shakily. "I just want Hope to know the truth," he justified.

She scoffs.

"If that were true you would have personally told her, not make a show of it."

"You did this for you, for your own pleasure, you want me to hurt the way you do," she spat.

Landon glares.

"You murdered your-"

Fallon cuts him, slamming her forehead into his, silencing him.

She growls, her eyes burning rubies as she advances on him, climbing on top of him, and beating him relentlessly.

Hope screams, begging Fallon to stop.

But her cries fell on deaf ears, the only thing she could hear was her own blood in her ears.

"Ad somnum!"

Fallon drops Landon, whirling around to look at Hope, her lips parted with hurt written across her face.

Hope's eyes widened, shocked that her spell hadn't worked.

"I-I, you're hurting him, Fallon," she explained, tears running down her face.

Fallon's lip curls angrily, glaring viciously at Hope, who takes a cautious step forward.

The auburn had seen that look before, but never directed at her.

"And he hurt me!" she shouts bitterly.

Hope nods as she reaches her.

"He did, and I am so sorry, but you can't kill him, Fallon," she spoke softly, she wasn't justifying Landon's actions, but she was choosing his safety over Fallon's satisfaction.

Fallon wanted to hurt him, to silence him forever.

If he knew, then both of them could keep her secret, but only if one of them was dead.

And she much preferred it to be Landon.

For him to be buried six feet under the ground.

"You're wrong," she sighed, looking back at Landon who began to crawl away.

"I can kill him," she smirked wickedly at Hope, her bloodied hand wiping her tears away.

The auburn's lip wobbles, as she cries again, shaking her head no.

"Ad somnum," Fallon casts Hope's eyes fluttering closed, Fallon catches her, gently placing her on the ground.

She turned back towards Landon, a look of panic crossing his face.

"And I will."

He backs away from Fallon, before sprinting away, fear clutching at his heart.

She growls gruttarly, the sound vibrating through the earth, and into his own body.

The sound bounced through the woods he was attempting to escape through, and it was terrifying.

Tears ran freely down his face, his survival instinct screamed at him to run and never look back.

Fallon chases after her prey, her footsteps silent as they hit the ground, eager to kill.

Landon stumbles, tripping over an exposed branch landing a handful of feet away.

She chuckles darkly, a hungry look in her eyes as she looks down at him.

"If only you weren't flightless, little bird," she mocked snarkily.

Her claws had extended and so had her canines, sharp fangs glistening in the moonlight. .

Landon pants, his heart beating furiously in his chest, and dread began to consume him whole.

And he dared to think that this would be his last moment.

Fallon crouches next to him enjoying how harshly he flinched, and the whimpers that escaped him.

A clawed hand wraps around his throat cutting his air supply, he cries, as he claws at her hand.

"You should know," she began, a malevolent ambience about her, shadows darkening the area around them.

"I did kill my father," she admitted, smirking as she began to draw blood.

"You were right, little bird."

Landon cries, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as his face goes purple, his legs kicked.

"But you were also wrong, I may be a monster but I am still capable of love and grief. I loved my father, and he betrayed me. He threatened my life. It was me or him."

"I chose me."

"I will always choose me."

Fallon throws him violently into a tree, many bones breaking upon impact.

He spits blood out, groaning as he turns his body to look at her fearfully.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispers.

"I'm truly s-sorry, Fallon, I crossed a line."

"Hmm," she hummed, a sinister look in her eyes.

She tilts her head.

"Is this the part where you plead for your miserable life?" she questions tauntingly, drawing closer to him.

Landon visually shakes, fury in his eyes, and fear in his heart.

But fear was a great motivator.

He lunges, taking her by surprise he knocks Fallon onto her back, he scrambles, his eyes darting through the dark in search of a weapon, of some sort of advantage.

Some way to live.

To survive.

Fallon laughs as she brings herself back to her feet, amusement gleaming in her eyes.

As if his life was nothing but a mere game.

Her eyes burn red, glowing viciously in the dark.

She growls her bones beginning to break in and out of place, she towers over him, black fur erupting from her skin, darkening it.

Until a beast stood in her place.

She roars, deafeningly, the very sound maleficent.

Landon cries, his head shaking as he begins to blubber, backing away, he goes to run.

Fallon snarls, pouncing on him, her claws burying themselves into his skin as she slashed.

She digs her claws into his back relishing in his screams, dragging him closer.

She rips her claws out, fangs tearing into his shoulder, blood bursting into her mouth, tendon flesh, and muscle sculching in her jaws, and down her throat,

He cries louder, his scream burning in his throat as they escape.

"Please! Fallon please! Agah!" he wails, his body bloodied.

She released her grip, turning him around so he now faced her.

He recoils, pushing himself further into the ground beneath him.

He shakes as he cries, barely able to look at her.

Fallon growls, red eyes glaring down at him, burning into his soul.

Landon knew now he would not survive.

That he would never truly win against Fallon.

The beast growls animalistically, before clawing into Landon's chest cavity, screams filling the woods. His blood gushed as his ribs broke, his stomach ripped open, his intestines spilling out, and she continued her assault feraly, blood pouring from his mouth; gurgling on it, before she devoured his heart.

She continued tearing into him, his eyes lifeless, and his heart gone.

Fallon mauled him until he was unrecognizable, until she was satisfied.

Landon Kirby died alone, screaming, gruesomely, and the last thing he'd ever seen was a monster tearing him apart.

Fallon's bones pop back into their human places, fur escaping underneath her skin, returning to its olive tone.

She was still on top of Landon, his whole chest cavity exposed.

Bone, muscle, and flesh had been torn apart.

Blood drenching both Fallon and Ladnon, who now lay dead.

Fallon pulls away, her heart beating loudly in her ears, she breathes.

Her breath formed clouds and she was covered in blood.

She smiles as she looks up at the heavens, serenity blossoming in her heart, and she laughs.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ what'd y'all think? Now please do be honest lol I really need to know what you guys thought of this chapter and what you thought about Fallon murking Landon? haha.

Until next Thursday my loves!

As always thank you for reading and as your writer I earnestly and unashamedly ask you to please:




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