Out of Left Field

By time-for-a-lullaby

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After 29 years of friendship with Chris, there's nothing Sloane Taylor wouldn't do for him. When he finds him... More

Chapter 1 - This is Bad (Chris)
Chapter 2 - I Can't Do This Without You (Sloane)
Chapter 3 - Target Practice (Sloane)
Chapter 4 - Stu (Chris)
Chapter 5 - Get In The Fucking Car (Chris)
Chapter 6 - Now or Never (Sloane)
Chapter 7 - Don't Let Me Drink Tonight (Chris)
Chapter 9 - Thoroughly Disappointed (Sloane) šŸ”„
Chapter 10 - One More (Chris) šŸ”„
Chapter 11 - We Should Talk (Sloane)
Chapter 12 - That Old Tire Swing (Sloane)
Chapter 13 - So Fucking Happy (Chris)
Chapter 14 - I Just Need You (Sloane) šŸ”„
Chapter 15 - The Rest Of Forever (Chris)
Chapter 16 - Desperation (Sloane) šŸ”„
Chapter 17 - Dodger (Sloane)
Chapter 18 - Lost (Sloane)
Chapter 19 - Destruction (Sloane)
Chapter 20 - Just Help Me (Sloane)
Chapter 21 - Who Did This? (Sloane)
Chapter 22 - Caller Unknown (Sloane)
Chapter 23 - She's Going To Be Fine (Chris)
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Pt 2

Chapter 8 - Jealousy Looks Good On You (Sloane) šŸ”„

913 45 11
By time-for-a-lullaby


"Ah, fuck." I whispered, taking a shaky breath when Chris reappeared from his room just a few minutes later.

I have seen Chris in many different ways. Shirtless, pj's, swimsuits, actual suits. You name it, I've seen it.

Seeing him in the shirt i bought should have been a walk in the park. Nothing out of the ordinary. Chris used to wear freaking cargo shorts, i basically redid his wardrobe after he was drafted so I've bought him plenty of things over the years. But when he walked into the hallway, my knees turned to rubber.

I gripped the counter for support, truly not understanding this sudden effect he had on me. Maybe i didn't want to understand it. I don't know. But i was all in.

He sauntered out of his room running a hand through his newly styled hair, his biceps flexing against the cuffs of his shirt. Chris oozed confidence. He winked in my direction and my whole body warmed. Head to toe, i was set aflame from one measly wink.

But he wore the shirt i bought him.

The one i bought specifically with his biceps in mind. Because apparently, I'm doing that now.

He wore the thin white t-shirt under it, the neck low enough to show off the tops of his tattooed chest, and the pair of hunter green chinos i also purchased today.

This is going to kill me.

Once Dom was changed, the four of us headed downstairs to the lobby, the car service that Chris used was already called and waiting out front.

It was hard not to appreciate the beauty of my building whenever i found myself downstairs. I used to dream about living somewhere with a doorman and marble floors. Now every time i came home from my dream job, i walked into my dream building, greeted by Marvin and one of his terrible jokes (though i laughed every time) and a beautiful antique chandelier.

The gold accents and slight echo of my heels welcomed me home every night and i couldn't help but smile.

I worked so hard for everything i had. Sloane from 5 years ago would have buried any feeling of pride, telling myself that there was still so much more to accomplish, but as i looked around at my friends and my home, i let myself feel it.

"Miss. Sloane?"

The doorman of my building sat behind his desk near the front door, his hands folded on the counter. He smiled softly, the wrinkles fanning out around his eyes deepening.

"Hey, Marvin. What's up?"

"May I speak with you privately?"

Great. I'd bet my next paycheck that it has to do with Stu. I walked over to where he sat, Chris, following hot on my heels. "Everything okay?"

"Well," he started, his eyes flickering from me to Chris who stood so close I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. "Mr. Moore is outside. He's rang the buzzer twice already. Might I suggest leaving through the staff exit in the back of the building?"

The now familiar feeling of panic crawled its way up my throat. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I reached up, scratching softly at my neck like the suffocating feeling was from clothing or a necklace and not simply because Stu couldn't take no for an answer.

Chris huffed out something under his breath, something that was drowned out by the roar of my erratic heartbeat in my ears.

Sensing my panic, Chris's hand met the small of my back before slowly sliding around, gripping my hip softly. "Pip." He urged me to look at him, his fingers flexing against my side.

My eyes fell shut for a moment as i took a deep breath, filling my lungs completely before exhaling slowly. "Can you just have the car brought around?" I turned to face him, tilting my chin to meet his eyes. "Please?"

Chris's eyes danced back and forth between mine trying to get a better read on me. His hands reached up, gently framing my face, making my breath catch in my throat. "We don't have to leave. We can go right back upstairs." His head tilted towards Dom and Cami. "They'll understand. Even if you don't wanna tell them what's going on."

I sighed, leaning into his embrace.

The more his hands were on my skin, the less 'fake' everything felt. I was torn between letting myself dive in head first, completely vulnerable to the consequences, and guarding myself even more.

The hardest part is how natural it feels.

Nothing about standing here with Chris, his hands on my cheeks and the tender way that he comforted me, felt wrong.

And i wasn't sure if i loved or hated it.

I shook my head. "No, we should go. I don't– I wanna have a good night."

Chris smiled softly, his thumbs stroking lightly against my skin. "Okay. Let's go have a good night."

He stepped away slowly, his hands sliding to my shoulders, then down to my hands, lingering for a second before pulling away completely. A small shiver traveled down my spine and Chris smirked in response.

I. Am. Fucked.

The SUV pulled up outside of The Base Lounge, a small sports bar in the heart of Boston.

I knew that they rented out the whole bar and there shouldn't be anything to worry about with Stu, but still, an uneasy feeling settled deep in my stomach.

Something felt off, but I couldn't tell if it was a trustworthy gut instinct or paranoia.

Chris's hand landed on my knee, squeezing softly. "It's okay. He's not here. Even if he was, I won't let him get near you."

I smiled appreciatively, nodding my head. "You're right. Yeah, let's have a good night."

Dom and Cami climbed out of the car, but Chris tugged on one of my belt loops, pulling me to a stop. "We'll be in in a sec." He called out, gesturing for them to go on. Dom pushed the door shut and led Cami towards the bar door.

I turned to face Chris again, the softness in his eyes triggering a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

What is happening to me?

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, grateful that he was checking up on me. "I'm okay. Really, I just wanna have a good night and forget all about it."

Chris smiled. "You will forever be the strongest person I know, Pip."

I exhaled sharply, every little moment I shared with Chris carried a lot of confusing questions and feelings with it. I knew everything was fake. Everything was for appearances... but all of the sudden, there was a small part of my heart that desperately wanted it to be true and real and I wasn't sure what to do with that.

Everything was happening so quickly and it was terrifying. But at the same time, I also wondered if this was just 29 years in the making and whatever pace I might be developing feelings for Chris at was just long overdue.

"Couldn't do it without you."

Chris smiled in return, reaching across to push the door open again.

I started to exit the SUV, but stopped, turning back to Chris. "We're gonna have to be like joined at the hip tonight, you know that right?"

His smile melted into a smirk. "For appearances?"

I gulped at the knowing look on his face, but couldn't admit to myself, let alone Chris that I was curious about the developing feelings I had.

"For appearances." I confirmed weakly, avoiding his eyes.

"We should go inside, Pip." Chris's voice was low and husky with a challenging tone. Making me think there was a different meaning behind his words other than just being afraid we'd miss the party.


I climbed out of the car, standing off to the side and shielding my face, the bright flashes from the paparazzi making my eyes hurt. Though I shouldn't be surprised they were here, it was an exclusive event for the entire Red Sox Association.

And it wasn't like I wasn't used to them. Chris was constantly photographed when we were together, even before our "relationship" was outed, everyone wanted a picture of the 'storybook fairytale romance' we had together.

My mom has also been sending us plenty of articles since we told her the rumors were true.

Chris's hand met the small of my back, gently urging me toward the entrance. It took an embarrassing amount of concentration to walk up the steps with the heat of Chris's hand burning against the exposed skin on my back.

I walked into the small bar, the lights so dim they might as well have been turned off completely, the only real light coming from the neon signs scattered throughout the room. There were framed jerseys and autographed pictures lining the brick walls and several TVs that each played a different ball game.

It's been a minute since I tagged along with the team for a night out and ended up at the Lounge, but nothing has changed. The air conditioner was still set about 10 degrees too high, the hot, humid air still smelled of hops and peanuts.

And the bar owner, Cal, still laughed impossibly loud from his stool at the end of the wooden bar. His grey eyes found mine the second I stepped through the front doors. "No fuckin' way!" He called out, standing to his feet with a grin plastered on his face.

He walked over to me and Chris, squeezing my face between his palms and kissing both of my cheeks. "About fuckin' time you showed up around here! It's been months of dealing with these jerk offs by myself. Give a guy some warning before you pull your next disappearing act!"

I smiled, unsure of how to respond. I couldn't exactly tell him my asshole, police chief boyfriend forbid me from going to bars and hanging out with men that weren't him..

Chris stepped in, saving me from coming up with an explanation I didn't have. "Awe, don't worry, Cal. She's back and stayin' put." His Boston accent was always thick and vibrant when he talked to someone local and it made my smile widen even more.

Cal wagged a finger between the two of us. "You know, I always called this. Ask Timmy, I always asked when you guys were gonna get together. You are all over the paper, ya know?"

Boy, did I ever. I couldn't walk past a newsstand without seeing me or Chris.

"I always said if he's gonna get his act together for anyone, it's gonna be her, and wouldn't ya know it!"

It felt wrong to lie to so many people we knew so well. I knew every single one of Cal's eight grandchildren, his whole life story, where he met his wife Ruth, and the tragic story of her passing.

Cal knew everything about me.

Everything but this one secret.

As if sensing the start of my mental spiral, Chris's arm tightened around my waist. "It was always her," he stated confidently, looking from Cal to me, holding my gaze for a few seconds longer than I expected and my stomach somersaulted in response.

It was always her.

How did Chris come up with this shit? He was so good with on-the-spot commentary. Which is probably why Cami told me to basically ignore any questions from the press for 6 months.

He's always had a way with words.

Chris's smile widened, his hand patting my hip twice. "Let's get you a drink."

Cal went back to his stool and me and Chris slowly made our way to the center of the bar, being stopped by almost every single one of his teammates on the way.

I did the best I could with small talk and maybe it was the actual temperature of the bar that had my skin on fire and my brain short-circuiting, but more than likely, it was Chris's large hand splayed across my back and the way his fingers would slip under the fabric of my shirt every once in a while.

Or the way he would cup the back of my neck and massage gently with his fingers whenever someone's eyes lingered for too long.

Whenever Stu acted possessive of me, I hated it. It was always aggressive and unattractive.

But it was almost like I wanted Chris to be possessive of me. I wanted everyone to know that I was unavailable. And every time his lips feathered against my bare skin or his fingers gripped me a little tighter to stake his claim, my body melted in response.

It was also a little relieving to know the possessiveness wasn't one-sided. I've never thought of myself as a jealous person, but when Chris was involved, I found myself staring daggers at every girl that batted their eyelashes at him. Especially his 'favorite' bartender who had basically been looking at him with heart eyes all night.

I could tell that Chris was trying to be nice and cordial, but she was relentless in her attempts to keep his attention for longer than 10 seconds.

Cami leaned against the wooden bar nursing a lemon drop martini while my jaw clenched tighter and tighter with every passing second. She leaned forward and lowered her voice.  "Maybe you should take a walk."

My brows furrowed as I turned to face her. "What do you mean?"

"Chris isn't flirting back. He's been too busy fighting off everyone trying to get to you. Relax. Go to the bathroom, splash some water on your face and take a chill pill. It's all fake, remember?" Her eyebrow arched, challenging me.

"Yes. Fake. Right." I cleared my throat, patting the counter a couple of times. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

She smirked, lifting her drink to take another sip and i rolled my eyes, slipping away from Chris and walking toward the bathroom.

As much as i hated to admit it, she was right. I did need to calm down. It was fake. Chris was... platonically possessive... and I was annoyed that even with his arm around me, people still looked at me like he'd decided to bring his favorite houseplant along to the bar.

Once inside, I took a paper towel and wet it under the sink, holding it to the back of my neck while I took a couple of deep breaths.

Fake. It's all fake. Quit picturing his muscles under his shirt.

I stepped inside a stall right when the door opened, loud music filtered in and the sound of two pairs of heels against the wooden floor stopped in front of the bathroom vanity.

"Did you see they're finally together?"

I froze, holding my breath to see if this conversation was going where I thought it was.

The second woman groaned, "Yes. Like I came with Alex because he asked, but I didn't think they were actually together. I was definitely gonna try and get him alone but she's got those ugly red claws dug into him so deep he can't move."

I looked down at my cherry red nails, suddenly insecure about my favorite color. And then I felt bad for Alex. He was such a sweetheart. He didn't deserve this.

The first woman giggled, "Don't worry, Chris will realize he can do so much better. Plus, she's probably being paid after the whole coke thing. She's way too stuck up for him."

My jaw clenched and I blinked a couple of times to clear my blurry vision. I am not going to let these women get to me.

Someone popped their lips a couple of times, and a lipstick container snap shut. "I haven't even seen them kiss tonight."

"Oh, me either! That's a good thing, right?"

They both giggled, their heels dragging against the floor as they made their way back to the door, which told me they were drunk.

I stayed in the stall for a second, a storm of jealousy and indignation brewing in my chest.

It didn't matter what these women thought. Even if my relationship with Chris wasn't real, I didn't deserve their judgment. No matter how many times I told myself they were drunk words said by insecure women, i became possessed with the need to show them I was worth every second of Chris's time and attention.

I pushed out of the stall, discarding the now warm paper towel into the trash can, and squared my shoulders.

The door swung open as more people filtered into the bathroom and walked out, turning and craning my neck to find Chris in the crowd.

He stood at the bar with Cami and Dom, his head thrown back as he laughed at something Dom was saying.

Just as I started towards him, two women walked up in front of him, one with bright pink lipstick, both wearing heels.

Realistically speaking, I had no clue if these were the same two women, but the heels and fresh coat of lipstick were enough evidence for me in this moment. A spark of rage ignited in my belly and flamed through my whole body.

I locked eyes with Chris and even from across the room i could see the way his eyes darkened, his lips turning up into a small smirk.

He is mine.

Chris raised an eyebrow while his smile grew and I closed the distance between the bathroom and the bar with purposeful steps.

I pushed past the two girls fighting for his attention without muttering a word and pulled Chris close, my cherry red nails tangling into his dark brown hair. I thought about warning him, telling him I was basically about to attack his face with my lips, but then one of the girls scoffed just loud enough for me to hear and jealously flared in my chest once again.

And then... my mouth sealed over his.

Chris's hands slid around my waist, settling low on my back and pulling me even closer as my lips moved against his, hungry and possessive.

His tongue swiped against the seam of my mouth and I gladly complied, parting my lips and tasting the beer he'd been drinking just seconds ago. If he was surprised by my sudden makeout session, he didn't show it.

One of his hands moved down to cup my ass, both of us forgetting momentarily that this was a very public place, but we couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop.
His lips were soft and warm and addicting, moving in a way that made me crave more. Kissing him like this was as intoxicating as it was calming, like smoking after a long day and i gladly succumbed to the euphoric haze. I could feel the judgment from those women melting from my memory and without knowing, Chris replaced every single ugly word they said with a beautiful kiss.

He pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling gently and I moaned quietly against his mouth, his hand squeezing my ass in response.

I could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the quick rhythm matching my own.

Dom cleared his throat from behind Chris and Cami laughed quietly behind her hand.

I waited for Chris to pull away quickly, to be embarrassed by the way I came onto him, but he savored every last second. His lips lingered against mine, our chests heaving from the lack of air and the intensity of the kiss we just shared.

He pulled away, a smug grin on his swollen lips. "Jealousy looks good on you, Pip."

I bit my bottom lip, suppressing a grin. "I'm not jealous."

Chris's right eyebrow shot up. "No?"

I turned to look at the women from the bathroom, one of them seething while the other threw her drink back to finish it off.

Okay, maybe I was a little jealous.

I tilted my chin up at Chris, pulling his lips to mine one more time for good measure. He smiled through the kiss, nipping my bottom lip softly before pulling away.


I shook my head. "Nope. Not one bit."

Dom cleared his throat again and I reached behind Chris, shoving my hand into his shoulder. "Fuck off, Dominic!"

Chris shook with laughter, his hands still holding me to his body. "Do you want a drink, Pip?"

It was nearing 2am when the four of us finally made our way back to my apartment.

A part of me was desperate for Dom and Cami to stay the night so I wouldn't be tempted with Chris. Another part of me was desperate for them to leave so I could make a stupid decision completely powered by alcohol and the fact that I was so turned on I couldn't see straight.

Chris's hands explored my body all night. There wasn't a single inch of exposed skin that wasn't traced by his fingers and the more he touched me, the more I wanted to be touched by him.

Even now, sitting in the backseat of this SUV, his hand rested on my thigh and his index finger and middle finger gently stroked the skin exposed by the rip in my jeans.

It was like every nerve was exposed and sensitive, hyper-aware of where Chris was and what he was doing.

By the time we pulled up to my building, I was struggling to take a breath that wasn't ragged.

Judging by the way Cami and Dom were holding onto each other and how high his grip was on her thigh, they were not staying the night.

So me and Chris stumbled out of the car, waving bye to our friends as they mumbled their address to the driver.

The two of us stood on the sidewalk outside of our  building watching the car disappear down the street, both knowing that the second we walked through those doors, the excuses to be so close would be over.

I'd have no reason to hold him close or press my lips to his skin.

Chris cleared his throat, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips and my eyes tracked the movement carefully, remembering all too well the kiss we shared at the bar tonight.


I swallowed, nodding my head and walking towards the entrance, almost sighing with relief when his hand landed on the small of my back as he followed me inside.

I walked the short distance to the elevator, nodding and saying hello to the overnight guard before walking inside and pressing the button for our floor.

Neither of us said anything, but Chris kept his hand on my back, giving me a small spark of hope that he was just as bummed as I was that this night was over so quickly. The doors shut, trapping all of the nerves inside the elevator with us.

Both me and Chris pretended to be oblivious to the palpable tension that weighed so heavy in the air around us.

I tried to distract myself but the only thing in my mind was soothing the ache between my legs and how thankful I was for charging my vibrator before we left.

The silence remained as we stepped out of the elevator, walking a few feet to my front door. I started to reach into my pocket for the keys when Chris's hand rested on my forearm, freezing me in place.

"Pip." He whispered. His voice was deep and strained, sending a bolt of electricity down my spine and throbbing between my thighs.

"Yeah?" I breathed.

His chest was pressed to my back, one hand around my wrist, the other resting on my hip. He dipped down, his lips grazing my ear softly as he spoke. "I wanna kiss you."

I took a shaky breath, leaning back into Chris. "There's no one watching."

He let out a low chuckle as i melted into him. "That's the point."

I swallowed, trying to focus on forming a coherent sentence. "Then it wouldn't be for appearances?"

Chris exhaled softly, his breath tickling against my neck. "No, Pip. It wouldn't be."

That one sentence, spoken so softly, confirmed everything I'd been so stressed about.

Chris wanted to kiss me.

I turned around slowly coming chest to chest with Chris, tilting my chin to meet his gaze. He stepped forward, backing me into the door.

His hands came up to cup my cheeks, his blue eyes burning into mine. "I need to kiss you, Sloane."

I whimpered, my knees buckling at the desperation in his voice.
How is this actually happening?

"Please," i responded, throwing caution to the wind and giving myself over to the consequences that awaited. I could also overthink how pathetic and needy my voice sounded later.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen and I knew the likelihood that one of us was going to come out the other end hurt was high, but I didn't care.

Chris and I have known each other for almost 30 years, neither of us would intentionally hurt the other and that reminder seemed to pacify the intrusive thoughts that were circling through my mind.

"Chris." I pleaded, my hands gripping the fabric of his shirt and pulling him closer. "I need you to kiss me."

Chris's lips brushed gently against mine, my heart fluttering in my chest. This was real. I was kissing Chris because I wanted to, not because there was a camera waiting to capture the moment.

He started slow and tentative, testing the waters before diving in headfirst and I appreciated how much he cared, but my whole body ached for Chris. I needed more. I whimpered against his mouth, a quiet plea to give me what I desperately craved as I gripped his shirt tighter in my fists, my tongue swiping against his lips.

I could feel him smile, quickly gaining confidence that I wanted this just as much as him.

His lips parted, his tongue curling against mine, heat blossoming deep in my belly and fizzling through my body like a sparkler. I shivered in response, moving my hands down before sliding them up underneath his shirt, feeling the hardness of his muscles beneath my fingers.

Christ, this man was hand-carved by Michelangelo himself. There was no other explanation. Muscles like this just didn't exist in real life.

Chris groaned, one of his hands moving down to grip the back of my left thigh, lifting my leg and hooking it around his waist.

He thrust his hips forward, swallowing the gasp that left my mouth when I felt him hard against my center.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, threading my fingers through his hair, pulling gently on the short strands to keep him close.

We both came up for air, chests heaving in sync. Chris closed his eyes, resting his forehead against mine. "I think we should go inside."


Chris chuckled, his breath warming my lips. "Because I've been picturing the things I want to do to you all night and not a single one of them would be deemed appropriate for this hallway."

My breath came out shaky as I exhaled, my nipples hardening against Chris's chest as his hand ran up my side, his thumb brushing against my breast.

This was it. This was the turning point in our relationship.

When lines blur, walls are broken, and emotions can't be controlled.

Chris... my best friend of 29 years... we were about to have sex. I told myself it meant something that I was more excited to see where this went than nervous.

That maybe it was a good sign and statistics be damned, Chris was right. We aren't like those other couples.

"Yeah,"  I breathed, "I think we should go inside."

The corners of his mouth tipped up into a small smile while he separated himself from me, reaching into his pocket for his apartment key.

My heart pounded against my ribs almost painfully, the adrenaline and anticipation feeding off of each other. I was going to have sex with Chris.

He shoved the door open, stepped through the threshold, and extended his hand towards me. Both of us seemed to understand that the second I followed him into our shared apartment, nothing would be the same.

This is the point of no return.

His chest rises and falls a little quicker with each passing second, his nerves visible on his face, like he was waiting for me to reject him.

I walked through the door, kicking it shut behind me and Chris wasted no time, instantly pulling me to his chest and crowding my space.

When did Chris get so fucking big? Has he always been this tall?

If I was shaken up by either of the other kisses we've shared tonight, this one absolutely took my breath away. Chris's mouth sealed over mine, neither of us holding anything back as our lips moved together.

The walk to my bedroom was a blur of wet lips and hands on skin, neither of us knowing the layout of this apartment as well as we thought based on the amount of times elbows were rammed into drywall.

Chris pushed the door to my room open and rushed us both inside, shoving it closed before Dodger could sneak in behind us.

My fingernails dug into his skin as I cupped his neck, drawing his lips back to me, his fingers fumbling with the thin satin tie holding my top together.

The soft fabric slid against my skin as he loosened the knot, his fingertips trailing softly with it as it fell from my back. I released a shuddering breath, stepping closer and swiping my tongue against his.

Chris groaned against my mouth when his hands came up to cup my breasts, his thumbs drawing circles around my hardened nipples. He pulled away, gripping the hem of his white t-shirt, the button-up I'd bought for him was already discarded somewhere between the living room and my bedroom, and pulled it over his head.

It's like all the years I've known him, I've never really seen him.

Yes, I've seen his tattoos before, I've seen him shirtless before. But it's never affected me. I've  never seen it.
The second his shirt came off, my mouth watered and I was mesmerized by each chiseled muscle and the ink that marked it. God, i wanted to dig my teeth into his skin and mark him as my own.

I shrugged the rest of my top off, tossing it to the side then made quick work of my jeans, leaving me in nothing but a black lacy thong.

The moon cast a dim glow in my otherwise darkened room, giving me just enough light to see the way Chris's pupils dilated, his gaze reflecting nothing but pure lust as he took me in. His fist raised to his mouth, perfect white teeth biting down on his index finger. "Fuck, Sloane."

His voice hit me right between the legs. I knew i was soaking wet. Impossibly wet.

Sure, it's been a minute since I've been intimate with anything besides a vibrating inanimate object, but the way i felt right now had everything to do with Chris.
The way his eyes drank in everything about me, the adoration and desire gave me a confidence I haven't felt in a long time.

With Stu, it was like I was the "lucky" one. He constantly put me down, telling me how he could have anyone he wanted but he chose me. Like I was only special because he gave me that feeling.

Chris looked at me like he worshipped the ground I stood on. Like he was the one who wasn't enough for me.

Sex was all about Stu. How he finished... how he felt. He was part of the reason my collection of sex toys had grown significantly. He wasn't giving me what I needed, I had to get it somewhere.

He looked at me with tired, displeased eyes. i was... disposable to him.

But Chris watched me with dilated pupils, his chest heaving like he just got back from a run. I didn't feel disposable to Chris. I felt like everything to him.

He looked at me like I was the only person who existed. Like I was the only person who mattered. The feeling of being wanted and cherished enveloped me like a warm hug, melting away every relationship-related insecurity I've felt.

Chris slid his chinos down, kicking them off to the side and I gulped at the sizeable bulge covered by his briefs.

His thumbs slid under the elastic waistband of his underwear, teasing me for a second before he dropped them down. His cock sprung free, large and thick, the tip glistening with arousal.

My mouth dropped open slightly as I stared. "Chris... there's no way that's gonna fit."

He closed the short distance between us, a smug grin on his face. "It'll fit." He pulled me into him, his hardened length pressed to my stomach.

Chris reached up, grabbing a fistful of my hair and tilting my head back, granting him better access to my lips.

His mouth slanted over mine, taking my breath away with another searing kiss.

"You know how I know?" He mumbled against my lips.

"Hm?" I responded, out of breath and slightly dazed.

The hand on my waist toyed with my thong for a second before he cupped my center. Chris leaned down, his mouth brushing against my ear as he spoke.
"Because you're soaking wet for me, Pip. Fucking soaked." His hand slid up, his middle finger finding my overly sensitive clit through the thin fabric that covered me. "This pussy was made for me. You hear me? Every time my lips are on you, you taste like mine. And this—" he drew a small circle around my clit and my knees shook in response as I whimpered, "— this is no different. Fucking mine."

The last two words were spoken with a soft growl and I softened to putty in his hands.

I gasped softly, letting the possessiveness wash over me. I wanted it. I craved it. My head was spinning as I clung to Chris, drunk on nothing but him. "Chris," I whimpered again and his nostrils flared, his finger still moving in slow, teasing circles as my legs shook and strained to keep me standing.

All at once, Chris pulled away, my body reflexively moving back towards him.

"Lay down on the bed, Pip."

My pussy throbbed; the low, sultry baritone of his voice drenched my panties even more, but i happily obliged, turning and walking towards my king-sized bed, discarding my thong on the way.

Being vulnerable and exposed has always been an issue for me. Especially when working in sports law. It was a male-dominated workforce and i had to work twice as hard as them to prove my worth.

If i got angry, i was too emotional and hysterical for them to work with me.

If i cried or showed weakness, they would prey on me like a shark, waiting until i was at my weakest before going in for the kill.

I put on a tough, strong exterior for everyone except my close group of friends, and while Chris has seen through the facade i put up many times, he's never seen me like this.

I sat on the bed, inching backward as i looked back up at Chris through heavy-lidded eyes. His hand fisted his cock, pumping softly as he watched me like he was mesmerized by the way my body moved.

"On your back."

My chest heaved with anticipation, each demand coming out of Chris's mouth working me up more and more.

I did as he asked, laying flat on my bed with my arms spread beside me, wondering briefly if this was his point of no return. Not the kiss we shared in the hallway or when he almost had me coming undone with one swipe of his finger.

Me being on my bed, naked and waiting for him to take me was the moment he figured out there was no coming back from this.

He stalked towards me, a lion ready to devour its prey. "Open up for me, baby." Chris reached the side of my bed, his eyes locked onto my closed knees. "I want to see how wet you are for me."

Good fucking lord.

Chris climbed onto the bed as my knees dropped apart, opening myself up for him. He cursed under his breath, leaning forward and caging me in. "You are so fucking beautiful, Sloane."

"Are you kidding me? I haven't been able to think one single coherent thought since your shirt came off." I teased, sliding my hands up his chest and settling them around his neck.

Chris chuckled, shaking his head. "You've seen me shirtless before."

Well, he had me there. I definitely had. "But never like this, Chris."

He let out a strained groan, his chin dropping to his chest, "Don't do that with your voice, I won't last 3 seconds."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but i soaked up his words, pride swelling in my chest, unaware that i had this kind of effect on Chris.

"I am going to be so unbelievably disappointed if this lasts 3 seconds," i teased.

All of the playfulness was sucked out of the air when Chris looked up at me, his eyes dark and dangerous. He helped me scoot a little further onto the bed, giving himself more room to kneel in front of me.

I watched as Chris's body traveled further down, my breathing coming out short and shallow as his mouth neared the junction of my thighs.

"Not a single part of you will leave this room disappointed, Pip." His warm breath skated across my now bare pussy, the feeling and his words making me shiver. "Got it?"

I nodded eagerly, ready to put his confidence to the test.

Chris's tongue flicked out, teasing and wet, sliding against my slit. I gasped, my head falling back against the mattress, and another long swipe of his tongue blackened the edges of my vision.

I fisted the comforter around me, desperate for something to keep me grounded as his tongue swirled and tasted me, his pace increasing with each stroke.

Chris took his time, keeping me right on the edge as he savored every single second. He committed every moan and movement to memory, learning what each one meant.

He knew when i needed more and when i needed less, drawing out my orgasm with slow, teasing flicks of his tongue.

"Chris!" I cried out, my back arching as i felt myself getting closer, the coil in my belly wound impossibly tight, aching to be released. "Please, Chris, please!" I moaned loudly, threading my fingers through his hair to hold him in place as i writhed under him.

He gave into my pleas, sealing his mouth over my sensitive bud, alternating between licking and sucking. I chanted his name like a prayer, my eyes squeezed shut as pleasure warmed my belly and exploded through me.

I cried out, the grip on his hair tightening as I came, waves of pleasure burning through me. My vision blurred, the coil snapped, and Chris's teasing motions quickened.

His hands gripped my thighs tight, marking me with his fingertips as he held me in place on the bed.
It was like an out-of-body experience, like nothing I've ever felt before. If there was a God, this is what it felt like to meet them.

Before i could come down, Chris released his grip on one of my legs, his fingers teasing at my entrance.

He pushed his index inside of me, then another, curling them both as he sucked on my clit. Just when i started to tell him it was too much, I shuddered, quickly coming apart again.

"Oh, god!" I moaned, my thighs shaking and toes curling as I rode it out, switching back and forth between a grip on the sheets and Chris's hair. "Fuck!" My body jerked when Chris pulled away, that smug, crooked grin plastered on his lips.

The kind of grin that made me want to smack his shoulder, but I couldn't move. I didn't want to move.

To be honest, Chris earned the smug grin. I'd let him have this because he just showed me heaven with his tongue.


I tried to level out my breathing, any words or sentences i tried to form floated out of my brain before they made it to my mouth.

How have i gone 29 years without experiencing Chris in this manner?


I did the best i could and lifted my hand to point to the nightstand, silently answering his question.

Chris was one smug son of bitch as he leaned over and snagged the foil packet from the drawer next to my bed. "Disappointed yet?" He asked, his voice dripping with amusement.

I huffed out a laugh, mustering enough energy to prop myself up on my elbows. "Highly," I teased, rolling my eyes.

He ripped the packaging, tossing it out of sight before slowly rolling the rubber onto his shaft. "Guess I still have some work to do then, huh?"

My stomach twisted in anticipation. "I guess so," I responded, my voice airy and breathless.

Chris made his way back over to me, my heart pounding like a jackhammer in my chest.

Maybe this was the point of no return. Something in my heart told me the second Chris claimed me as his own, i would be gone.

Absolutely, irrevocably gone.

And maybe that wasn't a bad thing. I was a stats girl after all. Chris has been in my life longer than any other man besides my dad, and it would make sense.

It would be... easy.

It was logical.

But i didn't want something easy or logical. I wanted to be in love. The kind of love that pushed me to my limits and drove me crazy.

Is that something i could have with Chris?

My thoughts were interrupted, Chris's weight shifting the bed slightly as he settled between my legs, towering over me.

I smiled up at my best friend, reaching up to cup his cheeks as his hands gripped my thighs.

"You okay?"

My heart melted just a little as i nodded. "Perfect."

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