Pokémon; Journey Through Kanto

Por pokepal14

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Yuki, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a word famous Pokémon Master and Coordinator who travels... Más

The Journey Begins
Route 1
Viridian City
Viridian Forest
Pewter City
Mt Moon
Cerulean Cape
Cerulean City
Pokémon Tech School
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!
The Lighthouse
Vermillion City
S.S Anne
Beauty and the Beach
Tentacool and Tenatcruel
Maiden's Peak
Saffron City
Lavender Town
Happy Halloween!!
Celadon City
Drowzee and Hypno
Breeder's Lane
P1 Grand Prix
Gringy City
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!!! 2024
Fuchsia City
Pokémon Ranch
Valentine's Day!!
Pokémon Preserve
The Safari Zone
The Bridge Bike Gang
Stone Town; The Eevee Brothers
Dark City
Question 2
Kanto Pokémon Fossils
Author's Note
The Mystery Egg Hatches
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!!
Princess Day
Admission's Exam


670 13 3
Por pokepal14



The gang is traveling through a mountain forest.

"We have come a long way," Willow commented.

"Yeah, we had tons of adventures, seen new places, new friends & new Pokémon," Yuki smiled, looking at Raiden, Terra & Tsuki.

"Once we pass these mountains, we should find Fuchsia City," Brock said.

Suddenly, an explosion happened and made the ground shake.

"Nya/Bone," Tsuki & Terra whimpered and nuzzled into Yuki's chest.

Raiden was hanging on Yuki's shoulder.

"What was that?" Willow gasped.

"It came from the other side of the hill," Yuki said. "Let's move."

The gang ran to the top of the hill and saw a dozen trucks destroyed by landslides and holes in the ground.

"What a wreck," Willow said.

They ran down the cliff and towards the trucks.

"I can't take it anymore!" A construction worker shouted as he got out of his truck & started hitting the ground.

"Are you okay?" Yuki asked.

"I'm fine, but the Diglett are destroying everything!" The man shouted.

"Diglett?" Brock said.

"Over there," the man pointed to the side.

They looked where he was pointing and saw a horde of tiny brown Pokémon.

Yuki scanned them

Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. Diglett are raised in most farms. The reason is simple— wherever this Pokémon burrows, the soil is left perfectly tilled for planting crops. This soil is made ideal for growing delicious vegetables.

"Diglett Dig," A bunch of Diglett appeared out of the ground and smiled, "Diglett Dig. Diglett Dig. Diglett Dig."

"Aw~ cute!" Willow giggled.

"Happy little fellas," Yuki smiled.

"Pika/Cubone," Raiden & Terra waved at the Diglett.

"Diglett," Diglett smiled.

"I hate those damm Diglett!" The man shouted in frustration.

"Excuse me, but why do you hate Diglett?" Brock asked.

"Because those Diglett keeps on construction work," the man answered. "My men and I are trying to build a dam, but those Diglett keeps getting in the way."

Suddenly, some cars, trucks & buses came up the road.

"Ah, at last they've come," the man said happily all of a sudden.

Brock blinked, "They?" 

"I've asked some Pokémon trainers to help me get rid of the Diglett," the man answered, "and if you want to help, you're welcome too."

"I don't want to attack the Diglett," Yuki decided. "I'm sure there's a reason why they're doing this." 

"Neither do I," Willow said.

"Me either," Brock added.

Then Yuki saw a very familiar red convertible, along with cheerleaders, in front of them. A familiar trainer popped out of the car. It was Gary Oak. 

"Oh why," Yuki groaned.

"Well if it isn't Yuri," Gary said in a superior tone as he noticed them. "What brings you here?"

"I'm on my way to get my sixth badge," Yuki answered, calmly.

"I've already got my sixth badge," Gary said, arrogantly.

"I don't care," Yuki muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Pikachu Pika. (What an arrogant brat.)" Raiden growled. 

"Well, I'll be," Gary said, noticing Tsuki. "You actually got yourself a cool Pokémon." He then noticed Terra. "This one takes after you... a loser."

Terra looked down sadly at that comment.

"That was rude," Willow whispered to Brock.

"Yuki is not going to let that one slide," Brock whispered.

Suddenly, the air got cold and everyone turned their attention to Yuki, the source of the cold air.

"Listen to me, Gary Oak! You have been nothing but a pain since we were kids & now you dare to insult my Pokémon?! Nobody, and I mean nobody, insults my Pokémon or any Pokémon that is in front of me. I wouldn't let you near them with a 10ft pole. Are we clear?" Yuki snarled, a dark, evil aura around her as she ended with her demon voice.

Gary froze and paled as he walked off to join the other trainers.

"He deserved that," Brock said.

"Uh huh," Willow nodded.


The Workman explained to the trainers that they needed to get rid of the Diglett.

"These bugs cause nothing but trouble!" He shouted through a speaker.

Gary raised his hand in the air, "Excuse me, but Diglett are Ground Type, not Bug Type."

"I don't care what type they are!" The Workman shouted angrily, "I just want them gone!

"I'll handle them," Gary declared as he kissed one of his Pokéballs and threw it. 

But what happened next was weird; Gary's Pokémon came out and then went back into the Pokéball. 

"What?!" Gary exclaimed.

A Diglett returned Gary's Pokéball.

Gary bent down and took the Pokéball, "Oh thank you. Wait!" He shouted.

Gary tried again with another Pokéball, but the same thing happened. 

"Argh! I'll try every Pokémon I have!" He shouted angrily and threw out all six of his Pokémon.

The other trainers tried to call out their Pokémon, but like what happened to Gary, they refused to come out. 

What was stranger was that the Diglett would give the Pokéballs back to the trainers.

"Oh, thank you," All the trainers thanked the Diglett for returning their Pokéballs. 


"They're smart little fellas," Yuki said, amused.

"At least they're polite," Willow said.

"And unstoppable," Brock added.


After trying five times, Gary gave up and left in his red convertible. The other trainers decided to leave too, since their Pokémon refused to come out. 

The Workman got so angry, he pulled out a sledgehammer and shouted angrily, "Youuu DIGLETT!" 

He tried to whack the Diglett with the sledgehammer, but the Diglett easily dodged it.

The gang sweat dropped as they watched the workman trying to whack a Diglett. 


The gang spent the night in the hot spring's inn. When morning broke, they relaxed in the hot spring baths.

"This feels nice," Willow sighed in bliss.

 "Guys, I think the Diglett are destroying the construction site because the workmen are building the dam on their home," Yuki said as she was watching the Pokémon play.

"You think that's the reason?" Willow asked.

"Yes. Remember what happened at Porta Vista with the Tentacool and Tentacruel?" Yuki nodded.

"That makes sense. Pokemon won't attack unless their home is being threatened. So the Diglett must be doing the same thing," Brock nodded.

"Diglett Diglett Dig. (We live here. It's our home.)" Diglett said as it popped up in front of the Pokémon. 

"Pikapi Pika Pikachu. (Yuki, the Diglett live here and that dam is built on their home.)" Raiden said.

"I see," Yuki translated to the gang.

"So it is like the Tentacool and Tentacruel," Brock said. 

Then more Diglett popped up and started to move. The gang immediately got the baths, changed quickly & went to follow the Diglett. 


The Workman was still trying to whack the Diglett with his sledgehammer. It was a funny sight for them, but they didn't have to stop. 

They followed the Diglett to a mountain range and saw a lot of Diglett and three Digletts sharing a single body.

Yuki scanned them

Dugtrio, the Mole Pokémon and the evolved form of Diglett. By working together, the triplets that make up a Dugtrio can dig sixty miles into the ground. No one knows what this Pokémon's body looks like because only its heads show above the dirt.

"Wow, this place is beautiful," Willow awed.

"I see," Brock said. "The Dugtrio plows the ground and the Diglett plants trees. This whole mountain range is like their backyard."

The Workman saw the mountain range as well and realized his mistakes, "If my men and I build the dam, we would not only destroy this mountain range, but also the home to countless Pokémon. I'm going to cancel this project and leave the mountains and forests alone." 

"Alright," the gang smiled at each other.

"AHAHAHAHAHAH!" Laughter was heard in the distance.

It was Team Rocket with their usual motto and they wanted to capture all the Diglett and Dugtrio.

"You three again!" Yuki shouted annoyed. "First Gary and now you losers. Don't you lazy crooks have something better to do?"

Jessie and James smirked, "Ha! Our Pokémon are different!"

Jessie sent out a purple cobra-like Pokémon.

"Chabok," it hisssed.

James sent out a Weezing.

"Wee Weezing," Weezing said.

Yuki scanned them

Arbok, the Cobra Pokémon and the evolved form of Ekans. The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes while they are frozen in fear.

Weezing, the Poison Gas Pokémon and the evolved form of Koffing. Weezing alternately shrinks and inflates its twin bodies to mix together toxic gases inside. The more the gases are mixed, the more powerful the toxins become. The Pokémon also becomes more putrid.

"They never learn," Yuki grumbled, placing her Pokédex away. " Aiden, I choose you!"

"Growlithe," Aiden appeared.

"Go Aipom," Willow said as she sent out Aipom.

"Aipom," Aipom appeared.

"Arbok use Poison Sting," Jessie commanded.

Arbok fired purple darts.

"Weezing use Sludge attack," James commanded.

"Weezing," Weezing fired brown sludge from its mouth.

"Aiden use Flamethrower," Yuki countered.

"Growl!" Aiden fired a stream of flames from his mouth which overpowered the Poison Sting and hit Arbok directly.

"Aipom use Swift," Willow ordered.

Aipom's tail glowed and fired multiple yellow stars from them which overpowered the Sludge attack and hit Weezing directly.

"Grr. Arbok use Crunch," Jessie growled.

Arbok's teeth glowed yellow and charged at Aiden.

"Dodge and use Iron Tail." Aiden dodged the attack. Then his tail glowed a metallic color and slammed his tail into Arbok, making it cry out in pain.

"Weezing use Tackle," James ordered.

Weezing charged at Aipom.

"Double Team." Aipom glowed white, created multiple copies of himself & dodged the attack.

"Arbok, use Dig!" Jessie called out. 

Arbok dived underground with Weezing right behind him.

Right after that, they heard Diglett and Dugtrio's voices under the ground & not long after Arbok and Weezing were thrown out of the ground, unconscious. 

"Arbok," Jessie said in horror.

"My poor Weezing," James said in horror as well.

Diglett and Dugtrio popped up from the ground.

"Let's finish this! Aiden use Flamethrower!" Yuki orders.

"Aipom use Hidden Power," Willow orders.

Aiden fired Flamethrower, Aipom fired a light blue ball of energy and the Diglett and Dugtrio helped out by using Hyper Beam at Team Rocket, sending them flying.

"Yes!" The gang and the Pokémon cheered.


The next morning the gang headed to Fuchsia City. They noticed the construction plan had a large bold sticker that read 'CANCELED!' in its place. 

"That's good," Brock nodded.

"Diglett," a Diglett said behind Brock.

"Huh?" Brock turned around. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Diglett," Diglett nodded.

Brock smiled as he took out a Pokéball and caught Diglett. 


After saving the Diglett and Dugtrio's home and Brock capturing a new Pokémon, the gang continued their journey.



Yuki's Pokémon:

Pikachu (Raiden) (M)

Shiny Charmeleon (Adeen) (F)

Pidgeotto (Skye) (F)

Shiny Gyarados (Triton) (M)

Meowth (Meowzie) (F)

Happiny (Galen) (F)

Butterfree (Hesper) (M)

Shiny Beedrill (Vespa) (F)

Nuiluna (Aruna) (F)

Sandslash (Tarrin) (M)

Clefairy (Stella) (F)

Nidoran (Lin) (M)

Nidoran (Reina) (F)

Skitty (Tsuki) (F)

Bulbasaur (Jarylo) (M)

Shiny Oddish (Flora) (F)

Shiny Growlithe (Aiden) (M)

Shiny Vulpix (Wisp) (F)

 Seel (Mesi) (F)

Hibitrix (Posy) (F)

Jerblitz (Corin) (F)

Squirtle (Blast) (M)

Krabby (Leo) (M)

Shiny Eevee (Nova) (F)

Jolteon (Thor) (M)

Flareon (Enya) (F)

Vaporeon (Mizu) (F)

Espeon (Celeste) (F)

Shiny Umbreon (Eclipse) (M)

Leafeon (Ivy) (F)

Glaceon (Glacia) (F)

Shiny Sylveon (Titania) (F)

Horsea (Spirit) (F)

Pink Butterfree (Sakura) (F)

Cubone (Terra) (F)

Haunter (Sly) (M)

Primeape (Tyson) (M)

Shiny Magnemite (Static)

Brock's Pokémon:

Onix (M)

Geodude (M)

Zubat (M)

Weepinbell (M)

Rhyhorn (M)


Machoke (M)

Growlithe (M)

Sandslash (M)

Vulpix (F) 

Diglett (M)

Willow's Pokémon:

Marill (F)

Butterfree (F)


Eevee (F)


Apiom (M)

Vulpix (F)

Ledyba (F)

Buneary (F)

Smoochum (F)

Shiny Butterfree (M)

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