I'll protect you darling~ (SC...

By Wulfston1

62.5K 1.9K 817

Note: This is NOT a love story between a mask and a child. That is pedophilea, which is NOT what's happening... More

Prologue - Welcome to the world
Chapter 1 - Kidnapped.
Chapter 2 First meet.
Chapter 3 A day spent in hell
Chapter 4 Sirens
Chapter 5 A new friend.
Chapter 6 A group of four.
Chapter 7 Intense hide and seek
Chapter 8 The finale adventure?
Chapter 9 A deal completed
Chapter 10 Revenge is sweet~
Chapter 11 A new meaning to life
Chapter 13 Humanity's need.
Chapter 14 The plan to freedom
Chapter 15 The outside. (The end)
Well then.

Chapter 12 Reality check

2K 69 48
By Wulfston1

"We're getting close to the gate." 035 said. "I'd assume around 10 more minutes until we get there."


"Well, if we don't run into anything or anyo--"



You both turned around to a MTF squad.

"Hands in the air!"

Well, before you could even raise your hands, a tendril quickly bursted out of the ground and swiped at all of the squad, causing them all to fall.

035 grabbed your hand and quickly started running.

Several screams came from behind you as well as some gunshots. Thank the lord that none of them hit you, nor your papa.

035 turned around quickly and shut the door. You both were in a hallway.

"I have a idea. Come here."

He picked you up. Then a tendril wrapped around him and lifted him into the air, and held you both at the ceiling in the corner.

"Jeez you're heavy." He commented as you giggled.

Then you both went silent when you heard footsteps.

"--spotted SCP-035 somewhere in entrance zone and SCP-035-2. Keep a look out."

You're referred as SCP-035-2 now?

Several armed people walked into the room and went straight to the next.

"Alright. I think they're all gone. You can let me down now."

The tendril slowly let you both down back on solid ground.

You let out a breath. "Yay! Now we ca--"

A gunshot.

You froze on the spot as a tendril quickly appeared and crushed the silent cadet that was behind you, killing him instantly.

You felt... cold. "Papa?" You turned around.

"Y/n! Are you alright??" 035 quickly rushed up to you and crouched down.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. What did he...?"

"That doesnt matter. What matters is that you're alright."

You leg felt numb.

A dripping sound filled the room.

You blinked, before slowly looking down.

035's shouts to get you attention failed as you noticed it.

You were shot in the leg.

Then the pain set in.

You stared at it in complete disbelief before stumbling backwards towards the wall. 035 caught you before you crashed into it head first, and sat you down.

You breathed heavily. But suprisingly, you didn't cry out. No groans of pain or anything. But tears did fall from your eyes.

".../n! Y/n, darling! Stay with me!"

You blinked as you snapped back into reality. "Papa..."

"Don't move! I'll... I'll solve this."

035 was close to putting a hand on the wound, before...

"Oh my. Quite the perdicument here, hm?"

Both of you turned your heads. "049!!" 035 said in disbelief. "What perfect timing!"

He walked up to you two and crouched down. "A gunshot wound, hm?"

"Correct." 035 already sounded calm. "Could you perhaps fix it up?"

"Of course. It is my duty to protect those without the disease."

035 nodded as he let 049 do the work.


"You may want to rest for a bit before you use that leg again, dear Y/n." 049 said as he stood up from his work. "You could tear the dressing off."

"Okay. Thank you 049." You said with a polite, but unknowingly sad smile.

"Where are you two headed exactly?" 049 asked 035.

"We were going to escape. I wanted to show her the outside world."

"But 035, you know what this breach was supposed to do--"

"I know. Which is why we should leave now before it happends."

"...If you're certain."

"Huh? What?" You quietly asked.

"Nothing, darling. We need to get you to a safe place." 035 said. "Okay, we're gonna do this slowly. Just..."

035 slowly put his arm around your back, and one under your legs, and slowly lifed you up. You sucked in a breath through your teeth. "Ahh..."

"Shh. It's alright." 035 soothed. 

035 slowly started to walk. "035?" The plauge doctor said behind you two.

He turned his head.

"There is a break room not too far from here that we passed." He pointed behind him.

The SCP nodded and carried you while 049 took the lead. 

You wiped away your dried tears and looked at 035.

He was focused on looked at where was stepping. But from the angle you looked at him...

You probably scared him to death. You... You didn't mean to! That guy just took you by suprise...

Then you realised.

Then you really realised...

You... You could die here.

You aren't a SCP with super powers. You're a normal human.

And that... chaos that 035 mentioned?

It terrified you.

"In here." 049 said that brought you out of your thoughts.

You all three walked in as 035 slowly set you down on a couch.

"What's next doc'?"

"It's quite simple, she just needs rest. Plenty of it too. The wound didn't puncture anything important, so after a good nights sleep, she'll be just fine."

035 nodded.

"But I suppose it's my time to leave. Those patients aren't going to cure themselves."


049 started walking to the door. "Oh, and before I forget, 035?"


"...Good luck."

He then left.

035 sighed, then looked at you. You looked back. "Papa?"

His stare led you to continue.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault. If anything, it's mine."

"Don't say it like that..."

"Nows not the time to be worrying about that darling. You need rest."


You tried to get at least a little comfortable without moving your leg. It only worked slightly.

You sighed and closed your eyes while using a pillow as a blanket.

"Do you recall, when you were little, that lullaby I used to sing to you whenever you were having trouble sleeping?"

You opened one eye. You thought for a minute. "...I don't think so."

You closed your eye again.

There was a moment of silence, before...

"You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.
You make me happy,
when skys are grey"

Recognition filled your brain. Maybe you do remember.

"You'll never know, dear,
how much I love you.
Please don't take,
my sunshine away...

The other night, dear,
when I was sleeping.
I dreamt I held you
in my arms...

When I awoke dear,
I was mistaken.
So I hung, my head,
and cried.

His voice was so soothing. You tried to actively fight back the sleep, but it over powered you as you laid there.

"You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.
You make me happy,
when skys are grey.

You'll never know, dear,
how much I love, you.
Please don't take,
my sunshine away..."

035 lightly chuckled. You were out like a light. Pretty much every other time he sung that song to you.

He then sighed, as he pondered on what to do while you slept.

End of Chapter 12

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