Bad Things Never Die (Discont...

By _blondie09_

26.1K 1.2K 451

After the death of Y/N, everything slowly began to fall apart. It was a mystery why a ghost was yet to appear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

277 12 1
By _blondie09_

Location: The Woods


It wasn't until the sun began to set when I decided I should stop for some food. I had been riding for hours through the dense trees, following a long-forgotten mud path that wound through the forest. I'd come to the conclusion that it was an old path for traders that journeyed through the forest in search of a new location to sell their goods. I'd come up with the idea as I sat atop the horse Punz had provided me with, trying my hardest to keep myself from getting bored. I did attempt to play eye spy to begin with, but quickly worked out that it wasn't the best game to play when you were alone, so thinking about the path's lore had been the next best option.

I guided the horse through the forest for a couple more minutes in search of a clearance in the trees or at least somewhere where I could set up camp for the night. It didn't take me long to find a small patch of grass. Too hungry to continue, I slowed the horse to a halt and slipped off his back. The horse was on the tall side and completely black in colour, making him blend in with the dark shadows of the trees that surrounded us. Pulling the rucksack off my back, I began to rummage through it in search of a lead. It didn't take me long to find it and soon enough I had my companion attached to a nearby tree so he wouldn't run off while I cooked. Making sure he had enough room to move around, I dropped my bag beside him and headed off to find some wood for the fire I was planning on making.

Darkness was coming quicker than I thought it would so as I pushed passed yet another branch, I decided it would be best if I set up camp once I got back with the firewood. I picked up sticks and branches off the ground as I walked, not wanting the damage the trees by snapping off the branches even though it would've made my life a lot easier. Reaching down to grab another stick, a shiver shot down my spine. I went ridged, suddenly realising how cold it was. I don't know when the temperature dropped or how I didn't notice, but I was able to see white puffs of air every time I exhaled.

Something wasn't right.

I'm not sure if it was instinct or the sudden rush of DeJa'Vu that washed over me that made me realise the stillness of the leaves. Scrambling to pick up one last stick, I decided to head back to my makeshift campsite. Only I couldn't work out which way I'd come from. Each way I looked seemed the same and the more I looked, the more disoriented I became. All I wanted was to get away from the place that cause me so much trouble but maybe the trouble just followed me. Picking a direction, I began to walk, making sure I was aware of my surrounding to see if anything seemed familiar. It didn't.

But I continued on, burying the unsettlingly feeling that consumed me deep down in an attempt to ignore it. Yet it wouldn't go away. I don't know how to describe the way I was feeling. Scared. On edge. Like I was being watched. It was a mixture of all three. It was difficult to see. The last remaining rays of light were blocked by the thick canopy above me, leaving me in almost complete darkness. There was no wind or noise at all, just the sound of my footsteps as I stepped on some leaves. Clutching my pile of sticks close, I continued. Avoiding the low branches had become a lot more difficult since I didn't want to drop any of my sticks.

Maybe that's how I didn't notice him until he was in front of me. Maybe I was too focused on not dropping anything to notice the silhouette. How had he gotten close enough for me to roughly make out without me realising?

And all it took was for me to notice the gap between his cloak and the floor before I started running.

Many sticks were lost in my travels, but I eventually heard the wind again. That didn't make me stop. I only slowed to a walk once I was completely out of breath. Clutching my knees as I heaved more air into my lungs, I blinked. Right in front of me was the hem of a cloak. Suspended in the air. Gulping and realising I had no escape; I slowly lifted my head to meet his mask. The demented letters were already staring me down.

Before I could even comprehend that he'd said anything, he reached out a gloved hand from the inside of his cloak and shoved me. I stumbled, expecting to land on the floor but it never came. Instead, I found myself hurdling towards the ground hundreds of meters below. I was terrified. My life which I had planned to get back for months was no longer in my hands. Instead, it was in a Gods whose opinion of me was unknown. I didn't want to die. Not again. I couldn't go back to that place.

The roaring in my ears was deafening as something tightly wrapped itself around my wrist. It felt as though I had stopped, left behind by the world as it began to orbit without me. The ringing in my ears felt like it was pounding against my skull. I squeezed my eyes shut, both because I was scared to open them and because I was in so much pain. But when I could no longer feel the wind fly past me, I decided to open them, excepting my fate.

A hand was wrapped around my wrist. It belonged to a tall skinny blond boy whose blue eyes boor into my own. He wore armour which was covered in both dirt and soot. It looked like he had seemingly almost thrown himself off of the obsidian platform to catch me, leaving his torso hanging off the edge. I could only look at him, a smile threatening to pull at my lips as I looked up at my little brother.

Only he didn't seem happy. Quite the opposite actually. His eyes were dark. I could see both hatred and anger shine in them. He looked at me as if I was a villain. As if I was some sort of monster. I felt myself slipping.

"Tommy hurry..."
"I haven't saved you yet."
I was both shocked and confused by his statement.
That's what I did. I just continued to stare up at him, trying to ignore the way I felt his grip loosen slightly. He was trying to make a decision. I could see it in his eyes. That overwhelming feeling of fear was back. I was going to die. It felt like an eternity before he spoke again, but it was actually only a couple of seconds.

He smiled.

"I only caught you so I could do it myself."
My confusion only lasted a few seconds.

He let go of my wrist, letting me plummet to the ground hundreds of meters below.

My legs buckled as I landed, making me stumble slightly. A piece of rubble tore through my calf as I did so, making me wince. I stood in ruins alongside pretty much every citizen who'd ever set foot in the DreamSMP. And every pair of eyes felt like they were on me. I gulped, frozen to the spot.

"Are you coming or what Y/N?"
I frowned, staring at the masked man as he held out a gloved hand towards me. The same gloves he wore. Feeling like I had nothing to lose, I walked towards him, making sure to ignore the hand that he offered me. Someone scoffed behind me, and I could help but spin on my heels to face them.

Standing before me was my bruised brother covered completely in shiny netherite armour. He didn't deserve to wear that. Not after what he'd done.
"What? Of you go. I'm used to you leaving me for him."
It was my turn to roll my eyes and scoff. I stepped towards him, feeling angrier than I ever had. The site of him infuriated me. Every word that left his mouth. Every breath he took. He was a hypocrite and a horrible person who'd gotten away with too much. How was he able to treat people like shit? How was it okay for him to hurt people and throw them off platforms? Where were the consequences of his actions?

"You know what Tommy? I'm sick of your shit. Stop acting like you're some tragic hero. You're no better than the rest of us."
He opened his mouth to respond, but quickly shut it when he had nothing to say.
"For years, I was in Wilbur's shadow. You followed him like he was a king. Like he was your brother. You finally found a friend. Good for you. But you know what fucking sucked Tommy. The way you disregarded me as if I was nothing. It was like I didn't exist when Wilbur was around, but you'd always come running back when he got sick of you. Every. Single. Time. And I would welcome you with open arms. So what if I leave you for Dream and put myself first for once? Cause guess what TommyInnit. The world doesn't fucking revolve around you and what you want."
Taking a deep breath, I quickly composed myself. I was unsure where all that anger had come from or why I'd suddenly burst. But I knew one thing for certain. I was done with Tommy. For good.

"You know what Y/N, sometimes I wonder if I would've been better off with Wilbur as my brother instead of having you as my sister. And you've just proven me right. It should've been you that died in the war. Not him."
All I could do was smile at his comment. Finally, after years of me feeling like I was being insecure for thinking that Tommy didn't want me as a sister, I had been proven right. He had confirmed my thoughts. He had proven how much of a scumbag he really was.

The smile never left my face as I turned around to leave.
"Let's go Clay."
Yet Dream was already right in front of me. Backing up to try to get some personal space, my back hit a cold ragged wall. I felt a sharp pain tear through my torso. Quickly looking down, I saw the handle of a dagger sticking out of my lower chest. Dream sobbed; a noise so foreign to me yet I knew exactly what it was.

"I thought you were him..."
I would've rolled my eyes if I wasn't in so much pain. Of course he thought I was Tommy. I was the one dumb enough to go find Dream to see what he was planning. Fucking Tommy. Why did he have the power to ruin absolutely everything for me? Why had I let him do it for so long? My eyes grew heavy quickly and before I knew it, I'd drifted off.

Shooting up from the cold damp grass, I heaved as much air into my lungs as I possibly could. The horse made some sort of grunting noise as if I'd woken him up and that's when I realised I was back at my makeshift camp, lying next to a burnt-out fire. Had it all been a dream? The seeping cut on my leg said otherwise.

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