Long Lost Sister (One Directi...

By KymWilliams

127K 2.6K 249

(COMPLETED) Jessie's life will change forever but will it be a happy change or one that will get destroyed by... More

Long Lost Sister (One Direction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 24

2.1K 53 4
By KymWilliams


It has been a week since Jessie lost her memory and nothing has changed. She is still in the hospital with no memory of who we are. The paparazzi are everywhere and surround the hospital everyday and every night. The newspapers and magazines are filled with Jessie and Zayn and everything. Zayn's mum came down Saturday and was heart broken when she found out that Jessie doesn't remember her.

"Here is a picture of when we were on the plane to Bradford to visit mum. Does it seem familiar? Anything coming back Jessie?" Zayn hold a picture in front of Jessie. She looks at it and shakes her head. She really is trying to remember something of us I can see it but she just can't do it. A frustrated tear slides down her cheek. Zayn quickly wipes it away though I can tell he is barley holding it together himself.

"Hey, its okay there is no rush Jessie. If you need a brake just tell me and I'll see if I can sneak you in a muffin or something." Zayn smiles softly at her. A few days ago when we came to visit Jessie, Zayn explained to her that he is her brother and she said she would do everything in her power to remember who he is though she is still wary of us she tries not to show it. Jessie nods thanking him and he gets up and walks out.

"How's your ribs? Does it still hurt to breathe?" I ask her. She nods.

"They feel better from last week and I mean it hurts to eat and breathe and talk but the few things I do remember are the pain and his face haunts my dreams. I learned to cope with the pain." She shutters at the thought of her father beating her daily for the last eleven years of her life.

"I really do want to remember. I want happy memories of my brother and you and whoever else I had happy memories with. I need to remember but I can't!" Jessie balls her good hand into a fist though she can't do much more than that without hurting herself.

"I promise you will remember Jessie. It will just take time. When you are allowed to go home I promise we will take you everywhere to help get your memory back."

Zayn walks back in hold a muffin out for Jessie. He hands me a coffee and I thank him taking a sip. She isn't supposed to eat anything with sugar but Zayn has been secretly giving her a muffin every day. Jessie eats the muffin silently enjoying every last bite as if it was her last. She winces every now and then when she swallows. For a few more hours, Zayn shows Jessie a bunch of pictures as visitors came and went. Their mum came by a while ago and started helping Zayn though nothing worked. The paps are everywhere and won't leave the hospital though many of the patients are getting pissed.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow." Jessie's nurse walks in. She is quite the bitch but we can't do anything about it. Zayn sighs and gets up along with Trisha.

"Get some sleep, Jessie. We'll be back first thing tomorrow." Zayn kisses her forehead and we leave. He hates leaving her there alone but he has to.


I hate this bed. I can't move and my ribs are killing me. What Zayn and everybody else is doing for me is nice, but I still can't remember a thing about any of them. My nurse, Ava sticks the IV in my skin harshly after changing the medication bag thing. She doesn't like me much for some reason I have no clue. My mouth moves with me realizing it.

"Why don't you like me? What did I do to make you hate me like this?" I ask. It sounds familiar as if I've asked this question before. I have asked this question before. When I was ten. A small but terrible memory of my ugly past. I had asked my father why he hated me, what I did to make him hate me so much. He answered me with a punch to the nose and a kick to the side. The nurse glares at me and sticks another IV in my arm harshly.

"You are a lying little whore. You say you can't remember anything but your oh so horrible past with your father beating you but all along you could've just fought back and then you suddenly appear to be the Zayn Malik's  sister? I call bull shit! And now you sit in this hospital bed pretending you don't remember anything and are soaking up every last bit of attention, you selfish bitch." She sneers. I don't even know what to say to that. Am I a selfish bitch? Am I just soaking up all the attention I can? No.

"I-I do-don't know what you're talking about. I-I wo-would never d-do that." My voice breaks. Ava walks out slamming the door behind her. I sit there in complete and utter shock. Tears run down my face and I cry in pain but I ignore it. My body aches but the one pain that hurts the most is my head. My brain threatens to spill every memory I have left of my father and the painful words he said to me.


Zayn holds the door on its hinges as Niall screws it on. Everything that was broken Zayn replaced after cleaning it all up. All of us bought Jessie a welcome home gift (most of them being stuffed animals) so on her bed is a huge ass teddy bear from, Harry because he had to get the biggest most expensive stuffed animal he could find. . . It isn't obvious at all! Please note the sarcasm. Though we are all sitting in Zayn's house and having a good time laughing we are just stalling for the talk we have to have. Sooner or later somebody has to bring it up and its not going to be easy.

"Do you think Jessie will like it here? Do you think it will feel like home to her as it did before she lost her memory?" Louis asks. And there it is. The conversation nobody wanted to talk about. Zayn looks at his feet not saying a word.

"She will get her memory back. I will make sure of it." Zayn mumbles. Harry sighs.

"What if she doesn't get her memory back, Zayn? What then?" I speak up. Zayn gives me a warning look though I already know its a touchy subject but I have to say something or nobody else will.

"She will get her memory back. If she doesn't, I don't think I'll ever have the same Jessie as I did before but I will try as hard as I can. I can't lose my sister again."

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