Rose petals

By Cotton_Candy_Fantasy

47 1 3

This is a story about a girl, Rose, she was born with powers. But she knew something that her family didn't k... More

~Chapter 1~ Rose's birth
~Chapter 2~ Unknown man
~Chapter 3~ Niece and nephew
~Chapter 4~ Miss perfect
~Chapter 5~ Just a normal day
~Chapter 6~ A relation ship?
~Chapter 7~ The painting
~Chapter 8~ The leave
~Chapter 9~ Unboxing
~Chapter 10~ I'm tired, 'Sis'...
~Chapter 11~ Bed time
~Chapter 12~ Sister, aunt or niece?
~Chapter 13~ Bandages
~Chapter 14~ Gone...
~Chapter 16~ Announcement and chapter
~Chapter 17~ Wraping
~Chapter 18~ Miranda's cake
~Chapter 19~ Miranda! Wake up!
~Chapter 20~ Why?
A couple words.

~Chapter 15~ Quiet

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By Cotton_Candy_Fantasy

I gave Hans his food first, because he is the youngest and needs to grow more. Maybe also because Miranda wanted something else and Hans's food was more easy to make.
Then Miranda's food was done and they ate as if they hadn't ate for a year.

You could only hear the chewing feom the kids.

_This is an anouncement_
<The times may be a bit messed up. That's because I can not find all of the time's that I use.

Tommorow is Miranda's birthday, a week after that it's Hans's birthday and today Hans will go to the eye doctor.>

I checked the time and saw that me and Hans needed to go to the eye doctor.

'Hans, Miranda, we need to go!' I said standing up and running to the door.

We didn't even walk, we ran towards the eye doctor. It wasn't that far.
A 5 minute walk, so we where there in 4 or 3 minutes.

We said that we where here for his appointment and we where aloud to go to the doctor.

After half an hour it turned out that Hans his eyes where not the best and that he needed glasses.

We got some advice for where the best place is for kid glasses.

We walked home and there me and Hans spoke about when we should go.

He had said that he wanted to go two days after Miranda's birthday.

I had forgotten about her birthday!!!

I grabbed my phone and bought some Barbie's, and I was in luck, because the store is really close and they can bring them quickly.
The gifts would be here at 10pm.

Hans and Miranda went to her room and started playing with their toys.

I on the other hand, didn't want to play with my toys.
I wanted to read.
Sounds weird but I just started reading.

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