The Falcon and Winter Soldier

By cumberdelicious

16.6K 157 33

Basically just a random book of SamBucky Oneshot. (Fluff/Angst/Smut) Warning should be given in any of part i... More

Sunday Mornings Gold
Lumpy Motel Mattresses
Don't Stop
Pest and a Half
Tell Me All about It
You Have Me
You Couldn't Handle Me
Dinner Date
Time Stone
Trying to Fly Ho-Ho-Home
Just a Dream
WinterFalcon 4in1 (i)
WinterFalcon 4in1 (iii)
Is That a Lance in Your Pocket?
I Wish...
Steve's Notebook
A Treat for Every Trick
Our World
May I Have This Dance?

WinterFalcon 4in1 (ii)

389 6 0
By cumberdelicious


Sam wakes up in a strange room and discovers what The Soldier wants from him. He learns he's willing to get that information any way he can.


Sam woke feeling groggy as he looked around the dim room. The lights were tinted red and the walls were dark and looked padded, sound proofed. In the corner he could see a camera light blinking and a speaker beside it. He was laid on a bare mattress on an old creaky bed. He groaned; his sore muscles protested as he pushed himself up. What had happened to him? The last thing he remembered was Bucky advancing towards him- No, not Bucky, The Soldier. Sam tried to think, what possibly could have happened for him to have been triggered after everything the Dora Milaje did to break HYDRA's programming.

He dropped his head to his hands, he wondered what Bucky had done to him.

The speaker crackled to life and for a short time there was only static noise until an unfamiliar voice addressed him.

"How nice of you to join the world of the waking Mr Wilson," Sam frowned at the camera but didn't speak. "You possess information that we require, and we are prepared to get that information out of you by whatever means necessary." Sam looked around, frowning further, the room furniture in the room didn't exactly scream 'torture' to him, it was more what you would see in BDSM porn. He wondered exactly what means they were referring to, though worried he already knew exactly what they were. The voice continued. "Tell us Mr Wilson, where will we find Steven Grant Rogers?"

Sam's eyes widened and he laughed. They wanted Steve's where abouts? Good luck with that, he thought. He hadn't heard a word from Steve since he had handed the shield over, four years ago. He scoffed before addressing the camera.

"You got no hope there."

"We have ways to make you talk Mr Wilson."

Suddenly, Sam snapped his head towards the door, the sound of a lock opening. The handle moved slowly; Sam stood from the bed on shaky legs to face his captors. He watched, nervous as Bucky entered the room, closed and locked the door and stood as though waiting for instructions.

"Last chance Mr Wilson, where is he?"

"I don't know where he is," Sam responded.

"Suit yourself Mr Wilson." The voice suddenly switched languages to something Sam wasn't familiar with, likely to address Bucky. It gave sharp and precise instructions. Bucky's eyes settled on him, blank of emotion, and nodded. The speaker died and Bucky began advancing towards him. Sam pressed himself against the wall, gasping as he realised the plug was still situated inside of him, unsure whether or not to be grateful for that. Bucky stopped, his face inches from Sam's own and without a word began pulling at Sam's clothing, trying to get it off. Sam resisted, but Bucky was stronger than him.

"Bucky, Buck, no, don't do this," he pleaded, but his pleas were ignored. Unable to get his loose button down off, Bucky tore the front, the buttons scattered. Sam tried to fight back but Bucky turned him and pinned him against the cold wall, using his shirt to bind his wrists tightly, his chest bare.

The speaker crackled in the background, "You were warned Mr Wilson, feel free to volunteer the information at any point to make it stop."

"I don't know where he is," Sam ground out.

"Have it your way." The voice spoke in the unfamiliar language again and the speaker died.

Bucky's hands left his arms and reached around the front of his jeans and pulled open the fly and began dragging them down Sam's leg along with his underwear. Sam felt his cheeks heat up unexpectedly as Bucky paused, his face level with Sam's ass.

The plug.

Fuck. Sam thought.

Bucky chuckled and touched a finger against the base of the plug. Sam gasped as he pressed against it, sending the tip against Sam's prostate. Sam cursed, his hips thrust forwards and his cock grew heavier between his legs. Sam groaned as Bucky chuckled again. Suddenly he was pressed, hard, against Sam's back, his groin pushing the toy back against the prostate. Sam bit his lip and tried suppressing a moan.

"Look at you, it's almost like you knew I was coming," Bucky murmured in his ear, taking Sam's earlobe between his teeth he gave it a teasing tug. Sam whimpered and screwed his eyes shut, his hips were trapped between Bucky's groin and the wall, so he couldn't escape the pressure against his prostate. His arms were being held tightly; his wrists crossed on the small of his back. Bucky stepped back, relenting the pressure, "kick off your pants, nice and slowly and we'll see if we can get some answers from you. If you even think about fighting back, I'll snap your arms like twigs, and they'll stay that way until we get the information we want. Understand?"

Sam swallowed slowly and nodded a lump appearing in his throat.

"Answer me."

"I understand," Sam replied, his voice shaky and uneven.

Bucky pressed back against him and said softly in his ear, if they were back home, Sam could have mistaken it for a loving gesture, "Good, now don't move while I get something to keep your arms together, then we'll have a little fun," unfortunately for Sam, his body didn't register the distance and his cock continued to harden in anticipation of Bucky's words. "Looks like you like the sound of that idea," Bucky added, Sam could hear the smirk in his voice as he snaked a hand around Sam's body to squeeze his cock. Sam cursed in his head as his body betrayed him. Sam knew this wasn't his Bucky; but his body knew no different.

What had they done to him? How had they gotten him reprogrammed, but also like this? Or was this just Bucky carrying out a mission?

He heard Bucky moving around the room preparing things, but Sam didn't dare turn to look and see what it was he was doing. Bucky's footsteps returned and Sam felt his shirt pulled off of his wrists. Bucky posed his arms, so they were crossed behind his back and looped a thick woven rope around his forearms, securing them together. Sam gave an experimental tug, but they weren't going anywhere.

Bucky's hand gripped his shoulders, "let's get a little more comfortable," he guided Sam to turn around and move across the room to a large chair. Sam eyed it, cautiously, trying to stop to regard it but Bucky pushed him forwards. Bucky positioned him so Sam's arms were behind the back of the chair and made him sit down. "Now, how to get answers out of you?" Bucky wondered aloud. Bucky moved behind him and Sam tried to follow his movements, but couldn't, due to how he was tied up. Bucky returned to his side and fixed something to either side of the chair he was in. Bucky's hand wrapped around one of Sam's ankles and raised his foot, placing his heel in a holding. Sam realised his feet were being placed in stirrups. His ass was pulled to the front of the chair and his ass and dick were on full display. Bucky wrapped a strap around his heel for good measure to keep Sam in place and stood back to admire his handiwork.

Bucky nodded, walked around Sam and went to a draw. From the draw, he pulled a tray with some items on it. The items rattled with the movement, some sounded metallic, some other materials Sam couldn't distinguish. Bucky set it on a high table, preventing Sam from seeing the contents. He turned back to Sam.

"Now, I'm going to ask you what we want to know, and when I hear an answer I don't like, I'll punish you, so, where is Steve Rogers?"

Sam fought the urge to roll his eyes, "I already told your boss that I don't know."

Bucky tsked at him and reached blindly towards the tray to pick up an item. "I didn't like that answer," Bucky told him as he approached. In his hand he held a short, flat, leather, paddle, which he slapped against his hand to show Sam. Sam swallowed as Bucky held it up to show him. The paddle was slowly dragged from Sam's right knee, the corner trailing teasingly along his inner thigh before being lifted and slapping down against Sam's flesh. Sam inhaled sharply; he hadn't expected the sudden impact, it stung at first but dulled to a tingle quickly. "You want to try again?"

Sam glared up at him, though he doubted he looked any more threatening than a kitten. The paddle slapped against his other thigh. Then both of them as he still refrained from speaking. He gritted his teeth as his cock ached. Every slap of the paddle echoed in Sam's ears as the smacks went from teasing to hard and back again. The position of the slap varied though often crossed over impact sites due to the size of the paddle.

"Nothing? Not a word?"

"I. Don't. Know." Sam gritted out, earning himself a much harder smack which dragged a surprised sound from his lips.

"I can see we're getting nowhere fast," Bucky said. He put the paddle back on the tray and picked up a small item in each hand. "Let's see how you do with these shall we?" He didn't wait for an answer before walking over with the items. Sam recognised them immediately.

Nipple clamps.

Sam let out a low groan as the clamps were attached to his nipples, pre-cum oozed out of his cock as he breathed and adjusted. The clamps had a charm dangling from them that tickled Sam's chest when he moved. Bucky simple watched him, Sam could've sworn he could see a smirk that belonged to his Bucky for a moment as he whimpered and panted, but if it was ever there it was gone in a flash. Bucky returned to the tray and picked up a jewellery-like chain with clips on both ends which he brought over and attached to the clamps. As he did, he spoke, "feel free to volunteer that information at any time Sam. Where's Steve?"

Sam growled that, once again, he didn't know through grunts and groans as his nipples were tugged on by the addition, but it was no use. Bucky wasn't believing him. Bucky hooked his finger under the chain attached to Sam's nipples and raised it slowly, "where is Steve Rogers?"

"I don't know," Sam gasped as Bucky tugged on the chain gently.

Bucky's eyes dipped lower to Sam's weeping cock, "You're such a slut Wilson, I'm interrogating you and you're hard, is that what you want in return for your information? A cock? I'm sure we can accommodate your needs here." Bucky said to him and walked around him to the back of the room where Sam couldn't see him. He returned with three knives and stuck on the end of each knife was a piece of fruit. He held the three of them out to Sam. "But first we have to keep you sustained," he muttered. Sam looked at the three fruits, one was a strawberry, one was a piece of mango and the third a slice of a green apple. Sam leaned backwards, not trusting him. "If I poisoned you I wouldn't be able to get information out of you," Bucky reminded him. Sam huffed, he didn't know how long it had been since he had last actually had something to eat, if this was what he was being offered, it would be wise to take it. He leaned forward and took the apple slice between his teeth, pulling it from the knife. He chewed it slowly and swallowed. Bucky took the other bits of fruit away and Sam whined. "Sustained, not well fed," Bucky told him, returning from putting them back where he had got them from.

Suddenly, as though Sam weighed nothing at all, Bucky lifted Sam's chair and carried him over to a table with a machine on it. Bucky left him facing the curious machine to rummage in another draw. When he returned, Sam watched him affix a long, slender dildo to an extended arm on the machine. Sam's eyes widened and he swallowed, nervously. "Looks like you're all excited for this," Bucky said reaching between Sam's legs to stroke his cock. "But we should get you ready before we play," Bucky said getting to his knees in front of Sam.

Bucky's fingers wrapped around the base of the plug still inside of Sam and twisted it, moving it around. He slowly pulled it out, teasing Sam's rim with the stretch of the toy before letting the toy sink back into Sam. With his other hand he played with the chain teasing Sam's nipples. Sam's cock was rock hard against his stomach and weeping. "Is this what you want in return for your information? A bit of fun?" Sam could only moan in response as the toy was pulled free from him only to be replaced by a wet tongue.

Bucky's tongue lapped at his entrance, pushing inside and making him wet. Sam tugged on his restraints, his hips thrusting involuntarily towards Bucky. Sam moaned as a finger slipped inside of his ass along side Bucky's tongue. Bucky's finger curled inside of him and brushed against his already charged prostate. Sam cried out and Bucky raised his head.

"I wonder if I should make you cum just like this," he wondered aloud. "Then again, that would be going back on our deal, fucking in exchange for information," while he considered he continued to tease Sam who was moments away from pleading for release. "We should probably keep to the deal," he decided pulling out his finger.

Sam panted to catch his breath while Bucky moved the machine so the toy was level with Sam's ass before disappearing from Sam's view. He returned with three more pieces of fruit, a green grape, mango and a slice of red apple. Sam chose the mango and Bucky returned with a bottle of water and fed him sips from it. Five minutes later the water was taken away and more fruit was brought, Sam ate the grape and Bucky returned with a bottle of lube. Bucky slathered lube over the toy and lined it up so it was prodding at Sam's entrance.

"Now, you cum, you tell me what we want to know," Bucky said, giving Sam no time to reply before turning on the machine. The appendage with the toy extended pushing into Sam. Sam moaned as the toy stretched him open, fucking him. He was already close from all the teasing. Bucky's hand sat on his chest over his hammering heart, a finger stretched and looped the chain around it and slowly wagged. Sam felt his balls draw tight as heat coiled in his belly until he felt like he was going to burst.

His vision whited at the edges as pleasure crashed over him like a wave in the rough surf. He came hard against his stomach, splattering his release over his chest. Sam let out an incoherent string of sounds, the machine still fucking his ass. The machine slowed to a stop, Bucky wasn't touching him, and Sam had a moment to catch his breath.

"All right, now whenever you're ready to talk, my bosses are listening, so tell us, where is Steve Rogers?"

"I already told you, I don't know where he is," Sam answered, still short of breath. Sam watched as Bucky straightened up, his eyes going dark.

"So you take advantage of my generosity, I let you cum and you lie to me? I don't like liars. I think this calls for a punishment."

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