REBEL GIRL | Robin Buckley

By PsychicLavender

139 10 21

"In her kiss, I taste the revolution!" Maeve Mayfield knew something was wrong with Hawkins as soon as her fa... More


i. the ice cream issue

31 4 15
By PsychicLavender

Maeve Mayfield was in a predicament. In her job at For The Record, the cashier's desk was located by the store's display window, providing a perfect view of the food court below. Thus, giving her the perfect view of Scoops Ahoy Ice Cream Parlor, and its two teen workers clad in nautical-themed uniforms. Maeve sat with her hand supporting her head and her elbow against the glass case they used as a check-out counter, staring in a daze as she watched the two brunettes sling perfect scoops of ice cream out to their gluttonous customers.

"How long do you think she's been sitting like that?" Beatrix asked the long-haired metalhead that was standing next to her.

"At least twenty minutes," Eddie nodded, "give or take a few..."

Maeve watched as the ice cream shop employees bickered, probably about Steve's constant need to stop and flirt with every female in his age range. There was a lull in customers, probably due to it being mid-morning, and the only customers they would get then were snot-nosed kids begging their parents for a cone, and those were few and far between on a Monday. She watched as young ladies lingered outside of the shop's storefront. Hoping to catch the ice cream man's eye.

"You know, things would go a lot faster if you just bucked up and talked to him already," Cyrus, her coworker, and Beatrix's brother, said as he came back behind the counter with a stack of vinyl records in his arms.

Maeve jumped at the sound of his voice. She looked at him and her two friends who stood planted in front of the counter with wide eyes, Beatrix and Eddie staring back at her with shit-eating grins.

"Hi," Beatrix said, lifting her hand to wiggle her fingers to give a teasing wave. Her box-dyed blonde hair looked like it hadn't been touched up in weeks, or at least since Maeve helped her dye it in the mall bathroom. The blonde stood at a mighty 5'4", sporting piercings and a jagged mullet. Her whole look screamed, "I'm not one to be fucked with."

"How long have you two been standing there?" Maeve asked them.

"Long enough to see you drooling over Steve Harington," Eddie Munson said with an equally impish smile. His long brunette hair cascaded down in contrast to his blue denim battle vest. Although it was summer, Eddie braved the heat in traditional metalhead fashion, wearing dark pants with chains hanging from his belt loops. Under his vest, he wore a Metallica shirt that was well past its prime, "Standards, Mae. You need standards."

"Oh," Maeve chuckled at his comment, "That's rich coming from a guy who got so drunk he-"

Eddie's eyebrows raised in shock as he held up his hands in protest, "You promised not to talk about that!" He lowered his hands and let out a breath, composing himself, "I'm just saying. You can do a lot better than Ice Cream Boy."

Maeve let out a sharp breath from her nose, looking through the stack of vinyl that Cyrus brought up. It was all new records that needed to be displayed. Perfect, she thought to herself, she had found a way out. "Cyrus, will you watch the register while I put these up?" Maeve asked.

"Of course, Maeby," Cyrus nodded with an understanding look in his eye. If Beatrix's looks screamed, "don't fuck with me," Cyrus's look said the opposite. With curly brown hair, an inviting smile, and an outfit that could match the Flock of Seagulls album she held, it surprised her that Cyrus seemed to be considered an outcast. Back home in California, his bright and slightly eccentric personality would have fit right in.

"Thank you," Maeve sighed, grabbing the heavy stack and moving her way toward the new arrivals section. Her acid-washed, high-rise jeans folded over at the top, revealing her baggie Siouxie and the Banshees t-shirt. Her black Doc Marten boots thudded against the checkered tile floor with purpose; the aglets of her yellow laces bounced against the leather as she walked. She cherished those things; she had worked for months just to earn enough for them and the postage since they had shipped from England.

She put the records in their crates alphabetically, making sure each one went in its place, "C'mon Maeve," Beatrix began as she lingered behind the redhead, her hand found its place in Eddie's, dragging him along too, "Just go down there and talk to him already, he's going to find out you like him eventually. Word spreads fast around here, right babe?"

Eddie didn't seem to be paying attention, his eyes lingering on the metal section of the store, but he hummed in agreement.

And there lay Maeve's predicament. All her friends thought she was drooling over Steve Harrington's charming smile and dark flowing locks. It was better for them to believe that than to learn the truth. In actuality, Maeve was staring at the other brunette working the ice cream counter.

Robin Buckley.

That name had crossed her mind over a thousand times. Her freckled face, witty humor, and raspy voice, everything about her was so attractive it made Maeve want to scream. She wished she could just run down there, jump over the counter and kiss her until the mall closed. But this was Indiana, where the mere mention of lesbianism brings a hush to the room. She would become even more of a social pariah if people knew.

She had told some of her friends back in California about her sexual preferences, and they were so accepting. She hadn't told her family, and she wouldn't dare tell her stepdad or Billy. So she bit her tongue and kept herself in the farthest depths of the closet.

When Cyrus first caught her staring down at the Parlor, she panicked. So, now Steve Harrington was her crush, but she really wanted Robin.

"I just want him to hit me over the head with that metal scoop and put me out of my misery," Maeve groaned, "I hate being like this."

"All lovestruck and gooey?" Bea clarified and Maeve nodded, "Yeah. That really tanks your uber feminist, 'no man can hold me down' persona, don't you think?"

Maeve gave her a look, "I can be the change in the world and still have a crush on a guy. Need I remind you how you acted about Eddie?" She leaned towards the blonde and said the last bit as Eddie strayed toward the cassette tapes.

"Okay, point taken," Beatrix sighed, "But, Jesus Mae, you've been like this all summer. Please, grow a pair and try to talk to him before we start school."

"I will," Maeve said through gritted teeth, "now, can we please stop talking about it? Mitchel trusted Cyrus and me alone in the shop today, and I want to keep that trust," She continued to slot the records into their correct spots.

Beatrix nodded, "Sorry, my lips are zipped," she made the motion of zipping up her lips and tossing away the key, "Eddie and I were just stopping by on our way to Rick's," the girl checked her watch and noted the time, "We should probably get going anyway."

Maeve watched as Eddie rejoined the blonde, "Ready to head out?" He asked Bea, and she nodded in response.

With her stack of records depleted, Maeve waved goodbye to the leaving couple, "I'll see you guys later," She called after them. Beatrix lifted her free hand in response, shouting back a goodbye as she and Eddie swung their held hands back and forth.

Maeve joined Cyrus back at the front desk, and the two watched the couple retreat deeper into the mall, "What do you think about that?" Maeve asked, meaning the two's relationship. The two of them had just started dating this summer, before that it was just casual flirting and teasing.

"I don't know how to feel," Cyrus answered and wrinkled his nose, "I mean, he's my friend and she's my sister. I just don't want them to crash and burn, and mess everything up," He rested his chin on his hand and let out a sigh, "But, she's happy, so..."

Maeve put an understanding hand on Cyrus's back, "They're really into each other, and I don't think either of them is the type to go out in an explosive, friendship-wrecking breakup. I mean, as you know, Bea can get a little-"

"That sneaky bitch," Cyrus said suddenly, cutting Maeve off. Mae furrowed her brows in confusion at Cyrus, "Look!" He said, pointing out the shop's window.

Mae followed Cyrus's gaze to the food court, where Bea and Eddie stood at the Scoops' ice cream counter. Steve stood chatting to the two of them, while Robin leaned against the back counter, her arms crossed. Maeve watched as Bea said something with a grin, then pointed up towards the music shop. Eddie stood behind the blond, his hands in his jeans pockets. He looked up towards the shop window, and his gaze met Maeve's firey one. He gave a look of apology, holding up his hands in a way that said, "I had nothing to do with this."

Steve looked up toward the shop with a smile, and Robin rolled her eyes. Maeve saw red. No, this wasn't happening. Beatrix was ruining everything. If Bea told him that Maeve liked him, Robin would think she was just as vapid as all the other girls pining for Steve's affection. She wasn't pining for him, she was pining for her! Maeve set her head down on the glass countertop, putting her hand over her mouth and letting out a muffled scream.

"What is she doing?" Cyrus furrowed his brows, staring out the window. He began to rationalize the situation, "It's okay, she probably didn't tell him anything about you. She wouldn't do that, Mae. Just relax, alright?"

Mae lifted her head slowly, resting her hands on either side of her temples, "I am going to kill her," the ginger-haired girl groaned. She looked down to the food court as her two friends left with their ice cream.


On her lunch break, Maeve made her way down to the food court. She made a beeline for the ice cream parlor. Standing in line, she watched as Robin handed the couple in front of her their ice cream cones with a blank stare. The girl seemed to perk up when she saw Maeve, which made the redhead's heart flutter, "Hi," Maeve said, fiddling awkwardly with her bracelets.

"Hi," Robin responded.

"My friends Bea and Eddie were down here earlier, and I just wanted to tell you that whatever they said to you and Steve, it's not true," She explained, exasperated, "I have no idea what they told you guys, but-"

"So mall employees don't get a discount at the music shop?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow. Maeve could tell she was trying to figure out why she was so worked up.

Maeve looked like a deer in headlights, "Huh?"

"That's what Bea said, that she was bummed that mall employees get all these discounts," Robin gave a smile and narrowed her eyes, "What? What else could she have said?"

Maeve let out a chuckle in relief, "Oh, no. Only we get discounts, not other mall employees."

"Guess I can kiss that Cure album I was eyeing goodbye, then," Robin put her hands on the counter, holding herself steady as she leaned forward, a slight smirk on her face.

A smile slowly spread to the redhead's face, "You like the Cure?"

"I love the Cure," Robin corrected her.

Maeve nodded, a blush blooming across her face as she simpered, "I might be able to pull some strings," she told her, "maybe make a few exceptions," She continued, slowly backing away.

"I might take you up on that offer," Robin said, the smirk still on her freckled face. It made Maeve want to jump over the counter. She didn't know if the tension she felt between them was real or just in her head. The smile stuck on Maeve's face until she turned and nearly bumped into Mike Wheeler.

"Hey, Mae!" Will Byers said with a smile and a small wave. Lucas Sinclair said the same thing as he passed by, Mike didn't say a word. That's when Maeve spotted her sister, Max, in the group.

"Hey," Maeve responded to them, "Another movie?"

"Yep," Max responded, she almost looked bored standing with the group of boys. Maeve knew Max didn't share interests with other girls her age; there; there was nothing wrong with that. In fact, Maeve encouraged her differences, as they proved that women come with all different interests and personalities. Still, Maeve wished Max had a girl she could talk to that wasn't just her older sister.

Maeve dug in her pocket, pulling out a few dollars, "Here, get you and your friends some snacks."

"Thanks, Mae," Max said as she took the money. The air was slightly awkward, as it is when you see your sibling with their friends in public. She got the memo and tried to make the interaction as brief as possible, to not embarrass Max.

Maeve nodded, "No problem, let me know how the movie is," She lifted her hand at her side to wave to the group before turning back to the food court to get some food for lunch. As she was leaving, she heard Mike begin to ring the bell at the front counter.

That little shit.

After finishing her lunch, Maeve lingered in the food court. She chewed on the straw of her soda as she people-watched. She looked around the tables, seeing families eating together, teenage couples swapping spit, and department store workers trying to make the most out of their breaks. Her eyes stopped on a man sitting alone, it looked as if he had hardly touched his food. He was holding his ear and speaking in a hushed tone to himself. He looked up and his eyes met hers. Maeve quickly looked away, turning red.

"Mind if I sit here?" A voice asked. A familiar, raspy voice.

The redness stayed on Maeve's face as she looked up to see Robin, standing at her table with a tray of food. Now that she was out from behind the counter, Maeve could see Robin's work uniform in its full glory. It would look stupid on most people, but somehow she pulled it off, from the sailor's cap down to her scribbled-on Converse,  "No, I was just finishing up," Maeve said.

"Thanks," The girl said simply, sitting down and popping a fry in her mouth.

"I like your shoes," Maeve commented, "I have a pair just like them, but they're hightops." 

"Thanks," Robin smiled, "I like yours too," the brunette sipped on her drink, "What do the laces mean? I know that's a punk thing, but that's about how far my knowledge goes."

"Oh," Maeve stuck her shoe out from under the table, looking at her laces as if the fact that they were yellow had escaped her mind, "It depends on where you're at and how they're laced, but yellow generally means anti-racist."

"Cool," Robin nodded, "that's good to know. I'm sorry, you're Maeve, right? Maeve Mayfield? You moved here last fall?"

"That's right," Maeve nodded, "and you're Robin Buckley, we had AP Bio together."

"That's it! You were partners with Drew Reed," Robin grinned as she remembered.

Maeve let out a groan, "Don't remind me. How that nimrod got into AP Bio is beyond me."

Robin let out a chuckle, "Oh, god I know! I swear it looked like you wanted to strangle him every class period."

"It's a miracle that boy is still living," Maeve joked before realizing what Robin had said. Had she been looking at her too? She heard the small beeping of the alarm she had set on her watch. Her lunch break was over, "Shit, I've got to head back to work," She grabbed her trash from the table and stood from her seat, "I'll see you around, alright?" 

"See you later, alligator," She watched as Robin's face scrunched after the words left her mouth, "I didn't say that. Forget I said that."

A small smile danced on Maeve's lips as she turned to throw away her garbage and head back upstairs, "In a while, crocodile," she called back, lifting her hand in a wave, but not turning around.

She felt herself getting giddy as she rode the escalator back up, "Turns out I don't have to kill your sister after all," Maeve said with a grin as she walked back into the shop with some pep in her step.

"Thank god, I would hate to have to explain away murder to my mom," Cyrus grinned as Maeve made her way back behind the counter, "You're in a good mood now. What happened, give me all the juicy details."

"She didn't tell Steve that I liked him," Maeve explained, "She just made up some bullshit about all mall employees getting a discount here. Maybe to bring him in? I dunno, but if you see Robin come in, point her my way. I owe her a discount."

"Ah, see you're smart," Cyrus nodded, shaking his finger as he talked, "Get close to the coworker, get closer to the man. Good idea, Red," He smiled.

"Yeah, totally," Maeve nodded, he had no idea how close to Robin she wanted to get.

"Hey, are you staying late tonight?" Cyrus asked her, "Rick's having a party and it'd be great if you'd help me wrangle around Bea and Eddie."

With her mom and Neil always fighting, her boss had given her an extra set of keys to the mall doors so she could stay after closing and work on organizing the store and setting out new stock. Maeve was grateful for the quiet, it gave her time to be alone with her thoughts, "I think I've been through enough stress today. I'll catch the next one."

"Yeah, no problem," Cyrus nodded, "If you change your mind, you know where to find us," He told her, turning back to the cassette tapes he was organizing. 


Maeve hummed along to her walkman radio as she sorted through the stacks of records, re-alphabetizing them. The mall was dark and quiet, the only light coming from the safety lights and the lights of the music store. Madonna was a guilty pleasure of hers, she'd only bop along if she knew she was alone. 

It was getting later in the evening, she promised herself that after she'd finished this stack she would head home. As the song playing in her ears ended, the station abruptly filled with static. She let out a small his in pain as the loud noise filled her ears. She began to fiddle with the tuner, trying to find anything but static. She paused a moment when she heard it, the quiet sound of a man's voice.

She tried her best to get it as clear as she possibly could, the words sounded unfamiliar, foreign. The man had a heavy accent and spoke with a clear, stern voice. This was Russian, she didn't know any words in the language but she could tell by the way it sounded. As soon as it came, it went, and the radio DJ was back in her ears, telling her what song was coming next. She took off her headphones and let them rest around her neck. 

Maeve was creeped out, the mall had seemed even darker and the silence was more unnerving than before. She abandoned the stack she was working on, setting it back in its crate before deciding she wanted out of there. She grabbed her bag and her skateboard and locked up everything before skating the hell out of there. 

The words couldn't leave her mind, she couldn't help but think about how strange it had been. But nothing could prepare her for how strange it would get. 

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