A hero in the Light & the Dark

By AziTheFallen

19 2 0

In the world of My Hero Academia we see heroes, villains, and vigilantes. Let's see how the world of my hero... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

2 0 0
By AziTheFallen

3rd POV

As the entrance exam had just finished Azi made his way back home to enjoy some peace until the moon sets so that he can start making the villains and scum fear him whilst also making sure to help out people in any way he can by just being there and being there to talk to. Well anyways enough of the boring narration from me, how about we see what is going on with Azi and who knows maybe something interesting could happen.


We now see Azi just walking through the city making his way home, he hears a scream in the distance fearing what might happen he quickly dives into an alleyway to get out of sight so that he can shapeshift into the outfit of, Blackout.

"To think I would wear this during the day well there is a first for everything and who knows maybe it would be a good thing for the people to be able to witness their hero in the dark." States Azi as he makes his way onto the roof of the building in an assassin creed kind of way, this then allowed him to quickly make his way to the scream he had heard moments ago.  To his surprise when he made his way to the alleyway he saw a woman standing over a young girl about to rip off her clothes to commit who knows what.

Azi's POV

You have got to be shitting me to think there would be a dumbass stupid enough to attempt this during the day and at least after I stop this I can get rid of the stupid thing that only a man can rape someone. Well then let's scare the shit out of her, "Well, well, well what do we have here to think I would witness sheer utter stupidity in broad daylight." And yes folks the sass in this statement was needed. "Oh yeah and who are you supposed to be, go be a hero in public if you want some publicity, and leave me to my fun, unless you want to join in?" Can't say I didn't expect that response well let's make sure she regrets that oh yeah I should probably create my sword now can't use the same spear as I did for the exam.

(Sword for when he is blackout)

Now with my sword in hand, I run towards the bitch and cut her left arm off. "I'm sorry man but whoever said I was looking for publicity I'm just a vigilante who works at night but heard this and decided to get to work early, you've probably heard of me the names Blackout." When I turned around to look back at the woman I saw the face of complete fear which I enjoyed witnessing so much on the people I stop, "Please just let me go I'll promise to never do this again I'll go to the police and give myself in just please don't kill me." After hearing this I decide to contemplate between killing and letting her go but then I realize I've never killed anyone before, just left them with permanent scars like her loss of an arm. "Fine I won't kill you but if you don't give yourself in you'll lose your other arm as well, now go." I witness the women run out of the alley faster than some people with a speed quirk in the direction of the police station, it then dawns on me about the girl behind me whose life I just saved, as I turn around I see a young girl around my age with pink and white hair who seems to also have white angel wings on her back.

(here is a reference image)

"Are you okay young lady, that must have been a very traumatic experience?" This was said in the best voice of worry I can muster as I am a massive dousche, "Y-ye it was thank you for saving me Mr. Blackout." "No problem, mind if I ask your name as I do like to know about the people I've saved?" And no readers this is not me asking for her name because I think she's pretty so shut up (Are you sure about that? Yes I am sure, voice in my head.) "Ye sure the name is Iria Hikari and I am going to be a first-year student at UA." Hmm so she has a quirk that gives her angel wings and her last name means light, nice and she is also going to UA I swear to whatever gods there are I'm going to be pissed if this was planned by some fate bullshit. "Well I must be off Young Hikari wish you luck at UA and who knows you could meet the kid I trained for UA he uses a spear also if anyone asks what happened to you say I saved you, see ya." with that I left towards the rooftops and to my surprise, I see walking steroids aka All Might.

"So you must be Blackout it's nice to see you, but don't you usually work at night?" surprised he isn't just punching me straight away good to see he has some brain cells. "Yeah I usually do but I heard the young lady down there scream so I had to take action quickly lucky enough I had my suit on me." Complete bullshit just there can't let any link to me being Azi through. "Ah, I see well I must say thank you for your hard work, and no I won't turn you in as  you haven't done much wrong in my eyes." One surprise after the other props to you captain bravo but how about I give you one in return, "Thanks All Might because you've done this for me how about I help you out with your protege, tell him to limit the output of his quirk and spread it throughout his body." I look up at his face to see some shock in his eyes. "I will tell him that but might I ask how do you know about that?" "Oh yeah my protege was on his daily run and saw you talking to a kid he knows named Midoriya and he did the entrance exam for UA and saw him break his arm from one punch, also my protege is Azi Orpheus, but don't worry all I did was train him in martial arts and other stuff to help him out as he can only shapeshift, but I must be off goodbye." With that, I left not before seeing a news chopper catching me and All might talking on video, well that's a problem for the future who knows maybe some good could come from this.


And that's the chapter folks was it some sought of fucked up mess, yes but when isn't anything in this god-forsaken world.

But anyways see ya in the next one.

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