Lunar OwlπŸŒ™

By -_Kuneho_-

671 35 10

Read Description πŸŒ™ "𝑷𝒐𝒐𝒓 π’π’Šπ’•π’•π’π’† π’π’˜π’... π‘―π’π’˜ 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 π’”π’π’Žπ’†π’π’π’† 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒏�... More

πŸŒ™Chapter 1πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 2πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™ Chapter 3 πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 4πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 5πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 6πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 8πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 9πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 10πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 11πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 12πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™ Chapter 13πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™ Chapter 14πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™ Chapter 15 πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 16πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™ Chapter 17πŸŒ™
πŸŒ™Chapter 18πŸŒ™

πŸŒ™Chapter 7πŸŒ™

35 2 0
By -_Kuneho_-

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐄𝐥𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☕ (Kinda Long Chapter)

-Night After the Lunar got set free-

-Third Person-

Eli finally decided to go back to his home. Where definitely his brother waiting for his return. He changed back to his owl form and flew away.

Destination, Home.

. . . .

Few Minutes later

Eli finally arrived infront of the huge tree house. He lands on the landing spot above area where his room is. He slowly walk in the room , Observing his surroundings also changing back to his human form.

'Nothing change that much' he thought.

He slowly opened his door , Walking out the room slowly and silently closing it again. The house kinda feel off for Eli. In fact, his brother probably should be here already at this hours.

Eli walked in the middle of the short hallway when suddenly...


The Lunar jumped from the crashing sound of the glass. He immediately rush where the sound came from, when he finally got where the sound was, he saw a tattered long cloak man that was wearing a metal mask that was just Covering his eyes just like Lunar do. It's no other than his own brother himself, Being in range while grabbing someone's collar shirt with blood stain on it.

"𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏, 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓?!" he shouted in range , purple eyes flashes in anger infront of the man his holding, who is also holding for his dear life Right now because of the situation his in. "I-I Don't know w-who you mean! I-I swear!" The scared man replied in fear.

Eli turn his head to observe the man his brother torturing right now. It was the guy who shot Eli last time. He remembered the face and clothes of the man. A lot of bruise at him especially his face.

He turn his head back to his ranging brother , taking a deep breaths before finally spoke.  "Hunt..." The Lunar Called out for his brother, Hoping to get his attention. And so he did.

The other froze for a sec before immediately turning his head to the very familiar voice. And there it was, his bother who he thought he will lost forever.

"Lunar?" The voice of the other suddenly changed back as his usual one . Dropping the beaten man before rushing to the Lunar to hug him tight. "Oh Bloody Hell! I finally found you! Where have you been?! Do you know how sick worried I am after losing you last time?! Lunar please don't do that again.. I..." The Lunar can hear the other's voice slowly cracking. Sniffles and sobs can also be heard. "I was so scared that you died.."

The Lunar slowly kneels down , gently  leading his brother to sit down at the carpet floor and calm himself from the mental breakdown his experiencing right now. Rubbing gentle circles at the other's back while the other is just hugging the Lunar so tight that they fear to lose the other again from his watch. "It's okay, I'm here. Calm down" Eli hushing . Repeating his words until the So called Experience Huntsman finally calm down.

Huntsman just resting his head at his brother's Shoulder, too tired to move after the breakdown. The white robe was stained with red that the Experience Huntsman have at his clawed gloved hands. The Lunar feel bad for not coming back sooner even he knew that his brother will react this badly. He just really can't....

The Lunar look up to the man in the corner who is just shaking in fear while watching the two owls doing their thing. Lunar still feel pissed just seeing the man but he doesn't show any sign about it.

"S-so you're that monster's brother—" "His not a monster" The Lunar cut him off , groaning at him. Pulling the other a bit more closer to him while covering his ears.

"What do you mean not?! He kidnap me and tried to Murder me! He surely have Lots of victims judging by his looks" The man shouted.

Eli hissed at him in anger. Making the man back away more even he can't anymore. "You better shut your mouth. Don't act like you didn't started this whole thing" He groaned.

"Started this whole thing?! What the hell do you mean?! I'm just hunting peacefully as usual!" The man shouted again. "That's the point. You're hunting down some creatures. And one of the victims you got is me" The Lunar slowly lifted the sleeves of his robe, showing the scar that was left behind after the incident.

The Hunter froze, mostly confused about it. "A victim? I haven't shot any humans on the hunt." he said pointing at Lunar. Eli let out 'oh'  realizing that the human still think his just a human. "I see , So you still think I'm just a human being like you, but said monster to my brother" He said."W-what do you mean?"

The lunar sigh. Clearing his throat. "Do you remember the white Owl you shot?" He said , trying to click everything. It took the man few seconds before he finally realized what the Lunar mean. His eyes widen and look back to the Lunar Owl.

"You're that white owl?!" He look at him in shock. "W-wha.. h-how?! How the hell is that possible?!" He pointed at the both owls. "We maybe look like humans but we also can turn into other form-"

"Lunar that's enough"

Eli got cut off by his brother's voice. He look down to his brother . The Huntsman stood up from the carpet before turning his head to the hunter. "He knows too much now." He walks back to the hunter, approaching him. The Man was so scared to look to the other's eyes. His already traumatized enough just hearing his voice.

"And you know what will happen to them if they knew too much about us , Right?" Huntsman turn his head back to the Lunar.

There it was , The look that the Lunar knew. That Look... Is where everything will turn into a bloodshed. He knew what the other mean, and he understands it. Nodding slowly.

The Huntsman turn his head back to the Human , he grabbed his neck and start to raised him slowly. Suffocating the man slowly to death.

In Lunar's Opinion, his really scared that this may happen again. He finally remembered something that just happened in the past. His eyes widen as some flashbacks from the past appears in his own eyes,  body shakes a bit in fear and his vision blurs a little . This scene , it's just like the same that happened in the past.

'wait... No' The Lunar thought.

"B-brother.. wait!" He immediately stood up and rushed to his brother to stop him. Grabbing his arm and trying to pull his arms back down. The Huntsman turned his head to the Lunar , scary eyes met with the scared face.

"Please... Not again." He begged. Hands shaking while still gripping the other. The Huntsman blinked in confusion and felt the shaking of his brother's grip to him.

"Eli?" He dropped the Human from his grip and hold's the Lunar's shaking hands. "Hey , What's wrong? What do you mean again?" He asked in worried.

"Please, just let him go... Let's just erase his memories about this so he couldn't remember or something. Just- P-please don't do this again" The Lunar buries his face to the other's shoulder.

The Huntsman finally understands what the other's mean. He sigh and gently pet the other's head. Also Resting his chin on the Lunar's head.

"Humans are really troublesome... I hate them so much.." he mumble before looking back to the gasping man on the floor. "I will take him back where i took him, and about erasing his memories..." He kneel down infront of the human while staring to his eyes.

"I don't think erasing his memories is enough. He may still remember us when something suddenly clicks and say such things about our existence" He grab the human's chin and lifted his head up to face the Huntsman's Stare.

"So this is a warning for you also for the others aswell. If you told this to the others, I will make sure you won't see the light ever again. Is that clear?"
The weak hunter noded in fear, still trying to catch his breath.

"And also, Don't you ever dare try to hunt in that area , or maybe you probably just stop doing it." He paused a bit looking at the weak human. " I suggest you to just do something else than murdering creatures" the huntsman whispers before gripping the hunter's face a bit strong.

The human eyes met with the owl's one. At the end , the human suddenly felt dizzy.


"Hunt..." "Don't worry Lunar. I just make him unconscious to not know the way to our house. And also I won't end his life since I don't want to see you cry anymore..."

He Picked up the unconscious man, putting him on his own shoulder. "But then , I can't promise about ending his life if he expose our existence." He go out the messy room while carrying the human on his shoulder. "Stay in the house for a while Eli... I can't lose you again.." he said before completely leaving the room.

Lunar was left in the room. Standing at the same spot where he was left behind. He sigh and look around the room. He decided to clean the room instead of just standing awkwardly there.

'His mood changes so fast everytime...'


Next day

"Hunt , you gonna suffocate me for real"

The Lunar and Huntsman has decided to sleep together in one bed. Since it's been a while they saw eachother and have done this.

Hunt groans , pulling the Lunar more to his chest. "Hunt , I swear. I will die because of this" Lunar pushed the Sleepy Owl away from him, unwrapping the arms before immediately getting up and then glare down at him.

"Get up" Lunar start to poke his face. "Hunt , Get up" He said trying to pull up his arm. "15 more minutes "

Lunar Groan in annoyance before hitting his head, this caused the Huntsman to be fully awake. He Jolts up and hold his head , Hissing from the pain.

"Get the hell up and let's go make some breakfast" Lunar Crossed his arms while walking out the room , Shutting the door from behind.


-Time skip about making Breakfast-

The owl siblings are eating breakfast, it was a bit awkwardly silence during the meal.

Eli turn his head to his brother, Who is holding some kind of papers at his hand while the other is holding a fork. "What is that?" Lunar pointed the paper with the spoon on his hand.

This caught the other's attention, looking at the Lunar Before looking back on the papers. "Well , I probably did something without thinking.." He put the papers down on the table before sliding it to the Lunar's side.

The Lunar Owl took the paper before flipping it and take a peek what's in it. When he suddenly just spat his food in shock and dropped the Spoon then immediately looking back and forth between the papers and his brother.

"You did not-"

"I did"

The Lunar smacks the table before standing up. The Huntsman jolted a bit from the other's action.

"You . Experienced Huntsman." He pointed the Huntsman. "Have applied to get in at School Academy?! Are you out of your mind?!" The Lunar Freaks out, grabbing his brother's tattered clothes before pulling him up and aggressively shaking him.

"Why the hell would you like to go to school?!" The Lunar doesn't sound really mad nor his face. He just look really surprised about what his brother did.

The Huntsman sigh. "Lunar. Let me go and Let me explain, Okay?" Lunar sigh heavily with a groan before letting his brother go before sitting back down , crossing his arms while looking at the other.

"I don't know what happened to you but you kinda got tougher than usual." Huntsman said while Dusting of his tattered clothes where theres folds from the Lunar's grip. 

"Just , Explain"

"You went missing for so long that i can't find you around the forest. So i decided to apply to the Oletus Academy to look for you there , Who knows . Maybe I can find you there" Huntsman said before drinking his coffee.

"Brother , You know the rumors about that school right?" Lunar asked , Standing up and picking up the empty plates.

"What Rumors?" The Lunar Paused, before slowly creepily turning his head to the Huntsman with a Disappointed look.

"I don't like the aura you spreading right now Lunar..." Sweats form at the Huntsman 's face as he look to the disappointed Lunar Owl.

"You're really an idiot..."

"Not my fault"

Lunar proceed to place the plates on the sink before grabbing the knife and in one fast move he threw the knife to the other who immediately catches it.

"What the hell?!"

"Rumors about this Academy are about the mysterious of the crow's origins and existence. Who knows what's the truth behind the crows there but so far nobody got harmed , yet" Lunar explained.

"It's Either it's just normal crows that wandering around or 'He' is behind this" Lunar sighed. "Please don't tell me you still going to proceed there"

"I already bought a uniform from that school "

"ALREADY?!" The Lunar yelled in surprised.

In the blink of an eye. The Huntsman already holding the uniform up. Now that the Lunar see the Uniform, it look really familiar for him.

"That design..." He calmed and mumbled while observing the uniform.

"What's up about it?" Huntsman asked, slowly lowering the uniform, looking at the Lunar in curiosity.

"The person that saved me... They wore the same uniform your holding right now.." Lunar took the uniform and observes it more.

"How come I didn't realized he is schooling there after all of the time i spend with him.." Lunar gripped the Uniform.

"He?" The Lunar Jolted from a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me. Is this a human?" The other hold the lunar's shoulder while looking at him.

The Lunar nervously noded, he knew his brother doesn't like humans that much. "And this, Human you talking about saved you?" The Lunar noded again.

"Where can i meet him?" That question make the Lunar Froze. The voice is abit cold but soft. Eli is so afraid to open his mouth to answer.


"B-brother! Please don't hurt him! He took care of me!" Lunar immediately look back to the Huntsman. "H-he cured me . Without him I probably already dead." He panicked.

A silent between then took a while before the Huntsman pat gus brother's head.

"I won't harm him. The reason I want to know is because I want to thank him" he scratches back of his neck awkwardly.

Another awkward silence happen between them once again.

The Lunar covered his mouth, Shaking a little before bursting from laughter. The Huntsman look wt Lunar , Blushing alot from embarrassment.

"Lunnaaaarr it's not what it's look like" The Huntsman shakes his hands in panic.  "I-I'm sorry Hahaha , But i didn't expect you to have this side hehe.." The Lunar said between the laugh.


After the Lunar done laughing and everything on the table cleaned up. The Lunar look back to his brother who is holding the uniform and the paper. "So what are you gonna do now ? Since you applied to that school... And I'm already back" Lunar sat on the chair.

The Huntsman sigh and set things down. "I don't know Eli , I only did that to search for you. But since you're already here. I guess I shouldn't show up there"

A silence was formed in the kitchen, only the water that was dripping in the sink can be heard.

The Lunar take a deep breath before start to speak again. "If ... You dont want to go there now. Is it okay if..", The Lunar look down to his hands , Playing his own fingers together.

"If maybe I'll be the one who will attend the school instead?" Lunar look up to his brother slowly , Feeling nervous to get the Huntsman 's Answer.

"And what's the reason you want to?" The hunter rested his chin on his hand while tapping the wooden table with his sharp claws gently.

"W-well, Since the person who took care of me schooling there. I want to go to that school to check on him. And also..." He held his own hands together and grips it a bit. "I want to payback for what he have done to me as a Thanks.." he look at his brother with confidence, but deep inside he felt really nervous.

The Huntsman stare at him for a bit before a smug slowly crept on his face. "If that's how you give gratitude to someone I guess i have no choice but let you" Huntsman smiles.

The Lunar eyes sparks behind the golden mask . He happily smiles and went to hug his brother. "Thank you Brother!" Both of them giggles.

"But Eli... Please be safe. I don't want to lose you again like before", the Huntsman said worriedly while holding the other's hands. "Don't worry brother. I learned my lesson" the Lunar replied with a smile.

. . . .


"Eli Clark..." Paper was tossed on the table. "Very Familiar Name..."

A sound of the knock from the door was heard.

"Come in"

The door clicks and slowly opens. "Sir Orpheus. You called?" A student 's head peek out from the door, It was Martha.

"Ah Martha, I called you to discuss about the new upcoming student." Orpheus said giving the paper to Martha. The student gladly took it and observe it.

"The new student doesn't have any pictures of him , since the secretary the one who took care of this boy's info while I'm away for one day. I didn't get a chance to see his face." He took his book before start writing something on it. "Don't forget to bring him to me when he finally attended the school "



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