Undeserving Love

By Friolecaffee

37.7K 981 110

Isabella De La Rosa Pascal an impressive name for an impressively talented and brilliant young woman knowledg... More

Now or Never
Tainted Obligation
Before Amor y Paz
Salud y Holidaze
I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked
El Stado de Amor y Confianza
Valentine's Day Massacre
Sympathy for the Parents
Hello Baby Boy Sloan
Shinny Happy People
Sanctuary. Death and all His Friends
That's Me Trying
What happens at Emerald City Stays in Emerald City
It's a...
This is how we do it... or so im told.
Una canción abajo de la canción
Mmmh hombres.
The names Sloan.. Chief Sloan.
Hermoso Cariño
Por un Amor
Child please...
Cut it out...
Did we just..
Almonds Dipped in Honey
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good
Sugar Daddies and Mommies
It's spooky szn
Tell me Pretty Lies.
We are strong. We Survive.
Healing... and All That Crap.
Sex, Pain, and Betrayal Just like a Novela
No Tears Left to Cry
So it Begins
Betrayal and All His Traits
Save Me Before I Cry
Me and the Devil
Going, Going, Gone.
Mi Hermanó Mio
Los Pollitos y Patitos
Welcome to the Life
!!!The Lonely Hour!!!
The Loneliest
All That and a Bag of Chips
Let it Snow... Let it Snow... Then Let Them Go
Adiós Amor
Love You Still...
I'm With You Till the End of the Line Pt.1
I'm With You Till the End of the Line Pt.2
Time of Death 18:22
From You and I to Us.
It was all a blur
Surgery equals Battlefield
I am Isabella De La Rosa Sloan-Pascal
Yes. Yes God Yes!
Protective Papa Mode
Professor Bell to the Rescue
I Was Lost, But Now I'm Found
The Love that We Deserve
It's Out!

Amor y Paz

1.1K 25 0
By Friolecaffee

Season 06x05

~When I was a niña I was taught "con paciencia y fuerza gañas todos." With patience and strength you win it all. I took it to heart it got me to were I am today. Made me the woman I am today. It's Hard growing up a plus-size Latina in highschool younger than everyone and also bisexual it is not easy living this life but it is easy for people to bully you. But im here to tell you now don't let them take you down.because at the end of the day its not them living your life.~

3rd person POV:

Callie is working in the ER. When Bailey walks up to her. "Did the gentleman from the waiting room ever find you?"

Callie looks up at her confused. "What?"

"It's the gentleman who could possibly be your father." Bailey looks at her unfazed

"What?" Callie says surprised as Bailey points with her head in the direction her dad is currently in Callie peeks into the waiting room and sees her father. She enters the room."Daddy." She says with a sad tone.

"Calliope." Carlos says with a sad yet happy tone as he spreads his arms out before quickly putting them back down.

"What... What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." A sad smile graced the older mans face


"Calliope, we used to talk. Every Sunday, we used to talk. I'd wait for your call, and you'd tell me everything, all about your crazy adventures. Even when you were in trouble, you'd still call, and we worked it out. We'd always work it out, mija. Hmm?" Callie chuckles and hugs him.

"Daddy. I'm sorry. I'm ... I'm sorry things got so ... Sure. But the fact that you came... "She stops smiling as she then sees a priest smiling at her from another seat and recognizes him as father Kevin."Daddy, is that father kevin?"

"Hello, Calliope."

Callie is shocked to see him there. "Wh ... are you t ... Two here to ... You think you can pray away the gay."

"We can just sit and talk." Her dad try's to coax her.

Callie starts to walk out as she shakes her head. "Oh, no. You can't pray away the gay."

"Calliope Iphegenia Torres!" Her dad starts to raise his voice.

"You can't pray away the gay!" Callie yells at her dad. She walks away.

Isabella's POV

While I was looking for supplies, Callie is frustratedly telling me what happened between her and her dad. "The man flew 3,000 miles to make me straight ... With a priest. I'm lucky they didn't March into the E.R. Swinging incense, All ... all hepped up for an exorcism."

I looks around the shelf. "Are you done yet?"

"Am I ... no! He came here to disinfect you and other women from my life. You don't find that abhorrent?" She says upset

"I do, but..."

"There is no "but," okay? Oh, what, you're gonna ... You're gonna tell me you get where he's coming from?"

"Maybe amor you should try and talk to him. Help him understand."

"I have nothing to say. If he wants to throw away our relationship after 30 years, Then that's his decision." She is upset and I see it in her eyes I hate seeing her like this but in order for her her to understand I'm gonna have to be blunt with her.

"He hasn't done anything here. You're the one who changed the game. You have to understand that."

"Y-you didn't expect a little understanding when you came out to your parents?" She looks at me with disbelief."

"Uh ... You have to understand I was an awkward kid but advance for my age I knew what was happening how I felt. My papi and mama were opened minded people living in LA you have to be, I always was very open about finding women every sexy and attractive so it wasn't news to my mama and papa When I brought somebody home named Penelope. But you, you dated men your whole life. You loved men. You even married one. You want to talk about 30 years of a relationship? You know, he's been consistent for 30 years. And all of a sudden, you're a whole new women. So ... Cut him some slack. Sit down and have a conversation. Give him room to be a little shocked. He is your papa remember la amor es fuerza."

"I hate you."

"No you love me 'cause I'm right and I'm amazing."

3rd Person POV

Callie and her father are in a conference room with father Kevin. "Hmm. All right, fine. I-I get it. I sprang this on you. It was a lot to take in. And ... You feel like you don't have much experience with gay people, Even though uncle berto hasn't been single For 60 years for no reason."


"It's still an adjustment. That said ... You should've adjusted by now. I mean, you're supposed to love me no matter what. That's ... What a parent does."

"I love you with all my heart. But with all that's going on with you now, it's ... Look, I'm scared for you. It's an abomination. It's an eternity in hell."

Father Kevin speaks up. "Let's not start with words like "hell.""

"Oh, that's why you flew 3,000 miles, to tell me I was going to hell? I thought you came here to apologize." Callie is shocked at what her father is saying.

"I can't apologize, Calliope. I don't understand what happened or where I went wrong."

"Where you went wrong?"

"Okay, leviticus. "thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a female.""

"Oh, don't do that, daddy. Don't quote the bible at me."

"it is an abomination." "the outcry of sodom and gomorrah is great, And th-their sin is exceedingly grave.""

"Carlos, this is not what we ..."

"Jesus ..."a new commandment that I give unto you That you love one another.""

"Romans,"but we know that the law ...""

"Jesus ..."he who is without sin among you, Let him cast the first stone.""

"So you admit it's a sin?"

"Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy" ... Jesus. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see god" ... Jesus. "Blessed are those who have been persecuted "for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Jesus is my savior, daddy, not you. And Jesus would be ashamed of you for judging me!" Callie's voice breaks. "he would be ashamed of you For turning your back on me. He would be ashamed." Callie storms out with tears in her eyes."

Isabella meets a crying Callie in a lounge. "Didn't go well, huh?"

"Well, at least now I can move on with my life. Stop entertaining any thoughts of actually getting back together with my family. Whatever. I don't need a father. I don't... Not one who won't accept me." She breaks down crying.

Isabella comforts her as she breaks down. "Ay amor te tengo. I got you."

Isabella joins Callie's father in the hospital lobby. Carlos looks at her and then turns back to the window. "I don't know you well enough to talk about her. We're not gonna do that." She nods her head and looks out the window beside him they sit in silence for a minute.

"I come from a latino-catholic house hold full of army men and women. It's not easy growing up in a household like that living the lifestyle that we live. We didn't chose to love who we love señor and we don't do it to spite you. So I understand if you don't accept it trust me I get it. Pero don't worry she is my best friend the one that welcomed me with opened arms. I love your daughter in our own little way, and I protect the things I love. Not that I need to. She doesn't need it. She's strong, caring, and honorable." Her voice breaks. "And she's who you raised her to be." Isabella smiles and walks off to give him some time and space.

Callie and Isabella walk out of the hospital joking and laughing when Carlos catches up to them "Calliope?"

"I can't do this anymore. You'll, you know, see me in hell." Callie sates starting to walk faster away."

"Amor let him talk." Isabella looks at her with pleading eyes.

"Listen to me, please. I have to catch you."


"Your whole life, you... you've always been on a bridge, Calliope, Ever since you were a little girl. And you don't just walk on it either. No, you climb on the railing and you're... you're ready to leap. And when you do, when that happens... I have to be there, I have to catch you."

"You don't have to catch me, dad." She says sorrowful. Isabella smiles at the beautiful interaction between daughter and father.

"Yes, I do. It's my job. Listen, if this works out between you and whoever... is there a chance that maybe you'd, uh... give your mother a wedding?

"If a woman or man wanted to spend the rest of their life with me? Yeah, I'll put on a big white dress and dance down the aisle."

"How... how about grandkids?" Carlos ask eagerly a smile that reaches his eyes. Isabella can help but giggle at the man

"Yes, I would imagine ... When the time came ... There would be kids." A smile spreads across her face.

"Mm-hmm. Does she make you happy?" He ask pointing at Isabella. She smiles and waves awkwardly at the pair.

"Yes, dad." She chuckles. "She makes me very happy." They hug.

"Oh. I love you. You know that?"

Carlos laughs and then turns seriously. "She's not a vegetarian, is she?" Pointing at Isabella again. "Because I-I don't know how much more I can take."

Callie giggles. "She's not a vegetarian."

"I feel very old." They hug again. Isabella laughs at them

"Señor I am very much not a vegetarian si puede I am having a family dinner at my home if you like to come and join us I'm making aqua chiles and pollo con molé and a flan for dessert. Please join us." Isabella looks hopefully at the older man as Callie nods with a smile.

"Mija I would be honored, thank you." With a smile they all walk to Isabella's car and on their way to her house they went.

Isabella's POV

As we arrive at my humble casita I hear a loud and I mean loud gasp from the back. Callie is star struck, I love it she has not been here yet no one has so this is going to be a fun night. I have been planing tonight for a few days now wanting to grow the friendship between my colleagues. So I invited the very close circle group that I have come across its like they are the main characters or something.

"ISABELLA WHAT THE HELL!!! All this time I've known you and you have not brought me out here before?!?!" Callie yells at me as we get out of the car. Her dad and I laugh at her reaction.

"Mija she properly has a reason." He looks at me then her. I nod at his response and then look at her.

"Most of the time was because I wasn't done packing and then the others your apartment was close and quicker to get to after work so now that I'm down with everything I wanna show off my little home." I say with a smirk as I open the house and we all walk in I connect to the Bluetooth and play some cumbia and begin to serve them some drinks. "Papacito do you want cerveza or something else?"

"A cerveza will fine thank you." He says with a chuckle at the nickname.

"Ok, here you go." I hand him one than open a bottle of wine. "Amor here is your wine." I give Callie her one as she walks around looking at everything I have in my house. Until she stops at a tank by the window.

"Ok, WHAT you have a snake." She turns around shock as she snatches the glass from me. I giggle and then look at the tank.

"Correction I have two ball pythons one dark green with a golden band on its head I call him Loki and I decided that I should get his brother a golden one and if you can guess I named him Thor." I giggle at my childish thoughts.

She laughs with me. "Of course you did. I always forget how old you are, still a baby." She smirks and laughs at me as I roll my eyes at her and walk away to the kitchen.

I start to get everything that I need to start cooking. Mr. Torres asked me if he can help and I said of course we make the food while Callie watches us we all wait for the guest to arrive. We talk laugh make jokes and listen to music. Everything is marinating and simmering on the stove Mr. Torres invites me to dance and we get everything on track until we hear the bell ring.

Everyone starts to pile into my home. It was amazing I've never seen Dr. Webber and Bailey laugh so much. I will also like to say how adorable little Tuck is. Cristina did the bowing thing again as Owen laughs. Derek and Mark came without the girls do to Meredith donating her liver to her dad and Lexie stayed with her. Food was ready table set it was time to eat. I stand and tap my cerveza with a knife.

"I will like to thank you all for coming to my casita as well as welcoming me to the Seattle Grace family. It has been a real honor and treat. You guys are my becoming my second family away from my own in Los Ángeles. So again thank you for coming I hope you guys enjoy the food that Mr. Torres and I have prepared for you guys I also hope it's not spicy because we like it spicy here gracias y Salud!" I smile and raise my glass.


~Find them and keep them. The memories, the people, yourself. Those are the most precious things you could ever have there like diamonds in the sky the monarch butterflies that guide you to your path. Because Amor y Paz even if its only for you is worth it. Love yourself.~

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