
By freshassembly

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This is a mortal Percabeth story. Percy is the most popular kid at Goode high and the school heart throb. He... More

The New Girl
Worse Than Hell
I Need a Plan
The Proposal
Truth or Dare
The Story
Et tu Brute? Et tu?
Welcome Home, Dad
Twenty Questions
The Search


431 7 3
By freshassembly

POV: Annabeth

I was surprised when Percy called. I was also absolutely terrified and confused as to why.

When he called I could barely see his face and the connection wasn't very good, but I could hear the pain in his voice. And the way in which Grover reacted I knew it was more than he fell down the stairs or has a terrible hangover.

I rushed to meet Grover and the rest of the group was there already. Grover took control and had us wait outside with much protest, while he rushed into the apartment building. I didn't even know that this is wear he lives. The building was practically falling apart.

We were all waiting in tense silence.

10 minutes later Grover came out with a pale, bloody Percy. Grover couldn't carry him, so Percy's arm was draped over Grover's shoulder. Calypso screamed and ran towards them. Jason following close behind. Jason helped Grover with Percy and Calypso tried to keep Percy awake and tend to his wounds.

His wounds.

His shirt was drenched in blood and his face was as pale as a ghost.

The rest of us just stood there in shock. Too bad Will wasn't here, his dad's a doctor.

Tears were streaming down Calypso's face as she struggled to keep Percy awake. She started barking orders at Jason and everyone else.

"Does anyone have a sweater that they don't care about? Hell, take your goddamn pants off I need to stop blood. We need to get him to a hospital."

Percy was just lying there motionless, but at the word hospital he seemed to react. "No," he croaked "no hospital" Calypso began to protest, but Grover gave her a look.

Percy slowly sat up and began tending to his own wounds. "You guys all shouldn't have come. It's unnecessary. Grover will take me to his place an you can just forget that this happened."

I scoffed "Perseus Jackson, there is no chance in hell that we will just forget that this happened. We will all take you to Grover's house and take care of you. Then once you are feeling better you will explain to all of us what happened, so that we can help you and fix things."

A small bitter smile appeared on Percys face. "Help me? Fix things?" Is all he said before closing the car door and having Grover drive him away.

The rest of the group met up at Grover's house a few hours later.

The color in Percy's face had returned and he seemed to feel better. We all gathered by his bed and demanded to know what happened.

He kept it vague. He told us that when he opened one of his cupboards a knife fell out and grazed him. Not exactly the best excuse. Calypso refused to believe it. She knew he was lying. We all knew it.

"So, what, your mom or dad didn't notice that their son had been stabbed by a knife and let you run into the hall?" Leo asked confused.

Percy sighed and grabbed some aspirin and water. "My dad's dead, Leo." he said relaxed, like it was no big deal. Most of the group looked shocked.

"What do you mean dead?" Leo asked.

Percy groaned "Well, Leo, my father is dead. He is in the realm of Hades, or Heaven, or whatever. He's worm food. He's 6 feet underground," Percy face iced over and his jaw clenched. "Or  underwater." I heard him mumble.

"What about your mom?" Hazel asked timidly. If Percy's face wasn't already cold and upset now it definitely was. The mere mention if his mom made his face red "What are you guys still doing here anyway? I told you what happened. You should all just go."

Finally I had enough of all of his evasive shit. "Oh yeah? Percy how come you have so many bruises and cuts on your face if a knife just fell on you? And if you don't live with your mother than who do you live with? You're a minor you can't live alone. We are concerned, Percy. Some people in this room have been there for you your whole life. Some of them deserve the truth." He just stared back at me.

"Thank you guys for helping me, but you don't understand my life. I'm very grateful that you guys came to help me and I'm fine. I'm surviving. I'll see you all at school on Monday." As annoyed I was at his answer I could tell that I shouldn't push any harder. But the way he went from "I'm fine" to "I'm surviving" gave me goosebumps.

None of us wanted to stay any longer and I don't think that we were welcome either. I went back home and tried to push all of the thoughts about Percy out of my brain.

I opened the door to the smell of chocolate and guilt. My dad's shoes and coat were gone and his car was no longer in the drive way. He was gone. No goodbye, no note, not even a stupid text. And the smell of chocolate was pity food. He almost always said goodbye. I was glad to see that the twins' shoes and coats were there which meant he likely said goodbye to them and Helen. I walked to the kitchen dragging my feet and disappointed with myself that I didn't see this coming. When Helen noticed me she gave me a pity smile. I tried to smile back, but I couldn't bring myself to. I sat down on one of the bar stools and banged my head against the counter. She put down a plate of heavenly smelling brownies in front of me and I grabbed one and shoved it in my face.

"Did he at least tell you to give me his regards or some shit?" I looked up at her and I knew that her silence meant no. He had forgotten about me entirely. I nodded blinking back tears. "He said goodbye to the twins though, right?" She nodded sadly and grabbed a brownie too. "And you?" She nodded again guiltily taking a bite. "Good. That's good."
I finished my brownie and grabbed another. She didn't push me to say anything else she just let me be upset, which I was grateful for.

After a while of comfortable silence I went upstairs to the twins' room. Bobby was already fast asleep, but when I walked in Matthew was sitting upright with a book in his hands. He's started to learn how to read an he loves it. I crawled into bed with him and read the book to him softly making sure not to wake Bobby up. When we finished the book and slowly started dozing off I heard a small little sniffle.

"How come daddy is never here?" It broke my heart to hear him say that. I always hoped that they didn't notice and were just happy when he was around. I guess it was naive if me. I didn't want to be too honest and I decided to sugar coat it no matter how much I knew my dad didn't deserve for his son's to worship him.

"Daddy is working so hard and he misses you all the time. He loves you so much and can't wait to come home again." I hoped what I said was true. Matthew snuggled into me and fell asleep. Tomorrow was Sunday, so I fell asleep too not bothering to go to my own bed.

I woke up the next morning and carefully climbed out of bed. I didn't want to wake the twins up. I could already hear rummaging downstairs which meant Helen was already awake. I change into my robe and walked downstairs to help Helen with whatever she was doing. We made breakfast for the twins and even bonded a little. We didn't talk about my dad, though. I could tell that she was also hurt that he just up and left.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly. I'm not proud of it, but I spent part of it eating brownies and ice cream wallowing in my "daddy issues". There is no other way to put it other than I'm wounded. I'm hurt.

The other part of the day I spent reading and tidying up the house. I tried to keep as busy as possible, so that I would think about my life.

My dad didn't call or text an apology or a check in. I mean, it's not like I was expecting it, but I held out a small bit of hope.

I was dreading going to school tomorrow, so I stayed up super late. Not exactly good logic, but it's what I did. I had a dream about my mom. How she left and how amazing she must be doing without the burden of a child or a family. I wonder if my dad is sometimes jealous of her that she escaped. That she got to life a glamorous, child free, workaholic life without any guilt. Although, I don't think my dad feels any guilt.

I sometimes wonder if she ever got out of her workaholic mode. Maybe after a while of traveling around the world did she settle down. Maybe. If she had it would be in Athens, Greece. She always told me how much she wanted to live there. I bet she does. I don't think she has a family, though. I have a feeling 9 years of boredom is her limit.


Helen drove me to school today, so I wouldn't have to walk in the cold. I also have a math test that I have been studying for nonstop and it was nice to study a bit in the car.

I said goodbye to Helen and started to walk to the door when my books were snatched from me. I was about to tell when I noticed the sea green eyes and trouble maker smirk.

"Hey, Wise Girl." He grinned at me.

"Hi," I said and tried to keep walking. "What are you doing here? You've just been stabbed."

He playfully rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. I promise." I didn't believe him, but I nodded anyway.

"I would put my arm around you, but I can't really raise my arm too high." He chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck and immediately winced. I held in a laugh, but went back to serious after that.

"Are we still doing that?" I asked.

He gave me a confused look. "Doing what?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fake dating, Seaweed Brain."

He looked surprised by my question. "Of course. I mean, I've given up on the whole making Calypso jealous thing, but if we were to break up then Luke would be all over you. We'll stick it out till the end. It's also kinda fun. We'll just say we went through a rough patch, but are back on track now. I nodded choosing not to ask questions about what we'll do when people ask questions about him and Calypso. He did technically profess his love for her in front of the whole school.

Percy snapped me out of my thought process by grabbing hold of my hand. We walked into the school right as the bell rang and rushed to class.

Nobody seemed to care about our relationship much anymore. They all just thought it was normal and if they didn't they didn't say anything or show it. I felt bad for Calypso even though she didn't seem too bothered. Maybe Percy told her it was all fake. If he did I  wouldn't mind. They have a special bond and have gotten closer again. I don't think they'll date anymore, but they still really love each other.

By the end of the day I could tell Percy was in a lot of pain. He went to football practice even when the whole group told him not to, but Percy is just so stubborn. He also insisted on walking me home.

I got home and when to bed a lot happier than I did the night before.

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