Jaune the Gauntlet Hero (Risi...

By Ashley_Jolts

9.3K 291 74

Jaune x Harem. One day while in Vale. Jaune was bumbed out. He had broken his Family Airloom and his Father i... More

Chapter 2: Trauma
Chapter 3: 4v1?
Chapter 4: A dinner to remember
Chapter 5: Forever Falls
Chapter 6: The Horde
Chapter 7: The Truth

Chapter 1: Work out

1.4K 45 5
By Ashley_Jolts

Jaune walked to the places.

"Alright Jaune..what do you feel like doing, to begin with? We will all join you depending on what it is that is" Yang asked

"Well... I already got a plan for working out.." he said a bit nervous.

"What is it?" She asked

"100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10km run and 30-minute shadow boxing," he said. Ruby, Weiss and Blake all look at him as if he was crazy but Yang grins.

"perfect! Though we should start simple" she said but Jaune shakes his head.

"I'm determined to do it," he said

"Then go right on ahead. Weiss. What do you have planned for teaching?" Yang asked.

"While we are Doing pushups or sit up we will be doing written work every few sets that way we can pace ourselves. While we are running or doing squats we will read and well for You Jaune. While you are shadowboxing, I'll read out questions, you gotta answer" Weiss said and everyone nods

"sounds good. Let's get to training" Ruby said as they decided to do push-ups first. Jaune and Yang knew better than to Tucker themselves out straight away unlike Ruby and Weiss who wanted to get it done immediately. Blake just does them at her own pace. Jaune, however, did have a small blush as he realised he was the only guy there with 4 girls but he shakes his head and continue his work.

He looked down at the book and wrote down answers that he thought was correct before he continued to do his pushups. He looked over to see Ruby and Weiss on the ground panting as they got through it fast but they both were tired.

"So Jaune" he heard Blake ask and he looked over. "What's up with the gauntlets?" She asked

"Yeah, I wondered that as well," Yang asked.

"It was a gift from someone I saved when you found me and well. I like them" he said as he continued the pushups.

"Hey, Jaune. I just realised. Why are you shirtless?" Yang asked, Jaune tilts his head and looked down to see himself shirtless and he blushes

"U-Uh. I didn't even realise" he said blushing as the 4 looked and had small blushes.

"L-lets not focus on that" Jaune said as he finished his Push-ups and so did the others. "What next?" Jaune asked

"how about we do the squats? Maybe give Jauney boy a show~" Yang teased as Jaune blushed and goes to a corner

"You girls can do that over there. I am not gonna be called a perverted cause of you Yang" Jaune said looking at the wall as he sets up a history book in his hand and does his squats.

"Yaaaang. Look what you've done" Ruby said with a pout. "no he will feel uncomfortable around us"

"She has a point, Yang. As much as I don't want him to stare at our asses while we do the squats, he'd at least feel included" Blake said

"It was meant to be a joke," Yang said sheepishly

"Yang, your jokes usually are trash," Weiss said and Yang gasps.

"We should get the squats over and done with," Ruby said, a little sad that Jaune didn't feel included.

Jaune did well over the number of squats required as he wanted to finish this history book and cause he heard the 4 chatting as they do their squats. He didn't dare look over as he didn't want to face the wrath of them for being a pervert so he went on about his time before he finished the entire book which only felt like it lasted 10 minutes.

"Jaune?" Ruby asked

"Yeah, Ruby?" He asked

"You've been squatting and reading for an hour now... You can stop. We can physically see your legs straining themselves" she said worried as when Jaune stopped he felt them clench and cramp

"Ah! Fuck!" He curses and falls forward, hitting his head, face-first into the wall and holding his legs. Ruby got increasingly worried as she tries and thinks of what to do.

Yang tossed Ruby a Hot towel "put that on his leg, it will help" Yang said and Ruby does so and Jaune pants as he thanked them both.

"Why didn't you stop after 100?" Ruby asked.

"I lost track so I kept going until I finished the history book," Jaune said.

"Said book had 1000 pages in it Jaune! Did you learn anything from it?" Weiss asked

"I'm not sure... It was a book about Minstrel civil war so maybe." He said as he recites one of the pages words for word before he heard himself and he blinks "That's odd..." He muttered

<unique skill>
<Photogenic memory>
<You now remember everything with great detail, down to the ink dot or slight curve. Though you do have the ability to forget things>

Jaune rubs his head "I remember that entire book but how? I don't remember a lot of things well?" He said playing dumb.

"Maybe that head Injury you got knocked something in your head and you are remembering everything," Yang said

"Maybe, speaking of head injury," Weiss said grabbing a face washer from her gym bag and holding Jaune's nose and leaning him forward "you must have given yourself a blood nose from hitting that wall," she said as Blake grabs a seat.

"Thanks," Jaune said taking the face washer and holding his nose and wiggling it until they all heard a loud crack. Jaune howled in pain as he realised he broke his nose and more blood rushed out of his nose.

Blake holds her ears as the other three looked a bit worried. The hit wasn't that bad to cause his not to be broken. Was it past injuries? They had no clue as they stay there for Jaune who looked to be in pain.

After 10 minutes Jaune pulls the face washer from his nose, big pools of blood covering it. He scrunched it up carefully and threw it in the bin "I'll get you another face washer Weiss.. that one is unusable no matter how much you wash it" he said wiping his nose.

"W-whats next," he said putting on a pained smile.

"Rest. We are done here for today" Yang said and Jaune grunted

"No... I need to keep going" he mutters

"Why?" Yang asked.

"Cause I refuse to keep being this weak Timid pushover! I don't care how battered and bruised my body is. I will do this workout for as long as I can until I physically can not" Jaune said.

Ruby looks at the group who look back "Jaune..." Ruby says until she sees him getting up on his feet which he grunts at as he makes his way to the treadmills with a limp and started it up.

"Jaune!" Yang yelled until Jaune gets on the treadmill and started to jog, gritting his teeth with every step.

"Why are men stubborn," Weiss asked with a sigh

"He has something to prove," Blake said getting beside him "and I don't think it's any of our concern to stop him. he won't grow if he doesn't push himself," she said walking over "what book are you gonna read now?" She asked

"None. Describe a type of Grimm, I'm to try and guess what it is, weak spots, locations and ranking" Jaune Siad

"I can do that," Blake said getting a Grimm studies book. "This Grimm is deadly by itself and tends to stay alone but when they group up they are really dangerous. The younger this Grimm is the more dangerous its attacks are. It has big claws and multiple eyes, what is it?" Blake asked

"DeathStalker, C rank Grimm, they are heavily armoured but the cracks between its armour are its weaknesses. This Grimm is found all around remnant but is mostly found in hot sandy areas and dense forests" he said as he ran.

"Good job." She said, hoping this will help him forget the pain. "Shall I continue?" She asked

"Actually, can I ask you something?" He asked

"Sure," Blake said

"Do you happen to know anyone in Menagerie as Jessie Mainstone?" he asked and she looks surprised.

"How do you know of the Shrine Maiden?" She asked

"It was the girl I saved." He said

"You know that makes a lot more sense now," Blake said looking at the gauntlets.

"Yeah. Thought I'd better ask" he said as he kept running. Pushing himself going 24km/h hoping to finish this running part as he Huffs and puffs with every step. The girls could see his leg tense up and cramp again and he hops at the 25 km/h mark before forcing his leg to cooperate and continue the run. It soon got to 10km and he slowed down as his legs give out but he catches himself and walks off the treadmill and stumbled to the wall until Yang gets in his way and holds his shoulders.

"Jaune. You need to rest. You are gonna kill yourself if you don't rest" She said worried as Jaune kept trying to walk until Yang punches him in the stomach. Jaune gasps and coughs up saliva and falls to the ground holding his gut.

"I said to calm the fuck down Jaune! You are going to destroy your body if you keep going! Then you'll be a weak little bitch you don't wanna be!" Yang yelled as Ruby comes to Jaunes aid. Jaune makes himself stand up, despite his body's protest. "I will beat you to a pulp to prove a poi- *thump*" Yang was saying until she got punched in the face by Jaune causing her to stumble. Jaunes Aura started to flare as he started to heal himself a bit, just enough for his body to not wanna die.

"I didn't want to have to use my aura but you are pissing me off Yang" Jaune said as a menacing aura appeared and she rubs her Jaw.

"Ring... Now" she said menacingly and both go to the ring where they get their fists into position.

"Remember Jaune. You are still a beginner at this. You will lose" Yang said.

"Shut up and come at me you Bimbo," he said and she starts to get enraged and charged at him only for him to dodge some punches, he did take some but he does roll out of the way of a deadly punch. He sports some jabs to her side before she punches him in the face but he grabbed her hair and dragged her towards his fist and hit her face.

Yang groans and starts to punch him with anger but he punched her again but this one seemed to do a lot more damage and flings her to the ropes before Jaune tripped her and she fell onto the ropes. Jaune pants and got up as she used the ropes to climb up. Yang's mouth was bleeding and her eyes looked swollen as Jaune was still paining from the punches. Yang used her aura to heal herself but Jaune grabbed her and suplexed her causing her to groan as her aura broke causing her to pant and she fell asleep.

Jaune pants as he was surprised he won. But the critical hit must've done some real damage. Jaune groans and picked Yang up and laid her down on one of the benches. Weiss had made some ice to put on the wounds but Jaune hobbles over to the wall to begin his sit-ups.

<Complete 100 Pushups>
<Completed 100 (474) Squats>
<Complete 10km Run>
<Fight Yang instead of Shadow Box>
<Complete 1 History Book>
<Complete a Grimm Study>
<Answer 5 Verbal Questions>

Jaune chuckled weakly as he works on his sit-ups 

He soon finished so he goes ahead and finishes the written questions to get them out of the way before his gauntlet gem started to glow which caused the girls to look over.

<"Daily Quests Complete, Teleportation to the Dragon Continent is no longer imminent">

"Jaune, what the hell was that?!" Weiss asked and Jaune chuckled quietly.

"Um... I'll tell you in a bit... right now I wanna sleep. I can't feel my muscles" Jaune said as he lay on the ground and slowly fell asleep

<Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom have increased]

<New Strength Skills Aquired>

[Heavy Punch]

[Quicker Jabs]
[High Kick]
[Low Kick]
[Mid Kick]
[Any other Punches or Kicks can also be created]

<New Combo Unlocked>
[Jab + Jab + Heavy Hit = Power punch]
[Jab + High Kick + Heavy Hit =Throw Person]
[Low kick + High Kick+ Mid Kick= Kick Combo]
[Jab + Jab + Mid Kick= Power Kick
[Jab, Jab, High Kick = Launch]
[You can make your own combos to see if they work]

<New Dexterity Skills Acquired>
[Beginner Parkour]
[Sleight of Hand]

<New Intelligence Skills Acquired>
[EXP Boost]
[Minor Weak points]
[Beginner potion crafting]

<New Wisdom Skills Unlocked>
[History Buff]
[6th sense]

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