Broken To Fixed Kiri X Reader...

By Bokugo_the_uke

318K 9.2K 7.8K

Y/n is a student at UA, and shes a good one. She's smart, kind, and practically a model student. She doesnt h... More

Part 1
4.....time to run
5...Shattered again
6.....the truth is out yourself up
8...trying to find a new normal
10....out burst
11....the aftermath
12.....what now?
13.....Degrading over time
14....losing the fight
15....No way out
17.....Just you and Jin
18.....slightly broken bond
19....The new (old) feelings this ok?
23.....No clue
A/n (please read)!!!
27.... I get it
28....(not sure what to name this one)
29...."We'll see"
31....The hero you needed
32... Withdrawals
33....another lie
34.... Ready broke our promise
Please read
36.....Moving forward
37...........Why him!?
Not a chapter
38.... back to the dorms
40....A brighter future
41..... Im back
42... Courage
43... Brawl

39.....You dont know me

1.5K 38 13
By Bokugo_the_uke

[Your pov]

"Here we are," Aizawa said. He got out of the car and opened the door of the car so that the three of you could get out, despite the fact that you were all very capable of doing it yourself.

Kirishima was the first one to get out and you followed him through his door, while Jin, being Jin, opened the other door himself and got out that way.

You looked over at him nervously and he just returned the look. His voice rang through your mind.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... it's time for us to start over."

The three of you are led to the doors by your teacher. In the lobby the three of them enter the elevator but you hesitate for a moment....a long moment.

"Hey let's go... it's okay," Jin grabs your hand and leads you to the elevator. You let him guide you, but it feels as if your legs are going to collapse.

"Now when we get up there I'll have Kirishima show Jin to their room, and Y/n you can come with me to Principal Nezu's office, where we will give you the details of the program that you will be enrolled into."

You let out a small sigh but you just nod your head, "Okay... that sounds fine."

You feel a hand squeeze yours. You look over at Kirishima who gives you a smile.

"I'm so glad you're going to come back to school again."

"Yeah... me too."

The elevator doors open and luckily there isn't anyone there. Just an empty commons area.

"And this is where we part ways," Kirishima said. He turned to Jin, with an attitude of course, "Okay dude, lets go."

Jin rolled his eyes and followed Kirishima. "Tell me how it goes," he said. You Gave him a nod.

"Well then, are you ready," Mr. Aizawa asked.

"No." you answer bluntly, "But I'm going to act like I am."

"Atta girl."

[Jin's pov]

"And this is where we part ways," Kirishima said. He turned to me, with an attitude and a grimace, "Okay dude, lets go."

I rolled my eyes at him and followed.

"Tell me how it goes," I called back to Y/n. She nods and gives me a wave as I see the elevator doors close again.

I look back over at Red and he's already making his way into the halls. I look around and notice how weird things look. The room just seems like it's built strangely. The small and low stairs that lead up to a taller hall with rooms, just seemed tacky. The wall is a gross color and the lights are gross. Damn I miss my homie little apartment. I miss all my shit too. A nice blanket, bed, good food.

"What?" Red says in an annoyed tone.

I look up to him and see him giving me an irritated look.

"Nothing. Jeez, just looking," I spit back. I bet some of these things lying around are worth some money.

"Okay Masuda---"

"Jin." I say sternly, "It's just Jin."

"Whatever," he shakes his hand, "this is my room." he says stopping in front of the door that says his name on it.

"Wow, really? How incredible." I say. He glared at me and I sent back a cheeky smirk.

"We're gonna have rules. One. Don't touch any of my stuff," he says holding up his finger, "Two. you will get half of the closest, and my spare dresser." he held up another finger as I rolled my eyes again. "And three," he said, getting close to me. The height difference making me want to laugh, "Just because we share a room doesn't mean I'm going to tolerate any shit you try to pull."

"The hell are you talking about Red?" I ask him, taking a step forward, our chests almost touching now.

"I don't want anything in my room that shouldn't be. Remember you're still under close surveillance so any substances you try to sneak in here will be---" he starts. I glare at him and Grit my teeth.

"Oh I see how it is. You're going to assume that just because I've been in some trouble means I'm a total drug addict and a straight up dirty fellon, huh?" I say with a smile of anger.

"You're just a poor sheltered little boy aintcha? Never been out in the real world all by yourself. Don't know what it means to not live off of your parents money, right?" I say in a low tone.

His face changed and he looked almost taken aback.

"Listen here Red." I say poking a finger into his chest and pushing him to the wall, as I looked down on him, "You have no idea who the fuck I am so don't at like you do. You don't know a goddamned thing about me or my life, so I recommend that you don't jump to any crazy ideas like you have been the entire fucking time you've learned of my place in Y/n's life."

"I didn't make any---" he starts.

"Like hell you didn't." I interrupt, "Tell me," I start, "You ever been on the streets before Red?" he looked at me and didn't say anything, "That's what I thought. I've been out in the big bad world for a real long time, and I did what it took to make ends meet and provide for myself. All. Alone." I hissed. "I wasn't dealt a good hand like you. I had to claw my way back up from the dirt and start from scratch when I was a kid. Don't you dare push your judgments onto me when you don't know what my story is. Because I did what I had to do to survive."

He gulped and looked away, "Whatever."

I took a step back and scoffed at him. He turned and opened the door and stepped inside. The sight alone was enough to make me puke. So I naturally made the judgiest face I could muster.

"What now?" he asked.

"What the actual fuck are those curtains. And that fucking clock. What are you 12?" I say walking in.

"If you're going to stay here you're going to learn to like my decor, or else you can sleep in the freaking hallway."

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble looking around at this guy's horrible decorations, "My brain cells are dying being in a room this hideous."

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