Short Stories Collection

By Jmarie_Freiberg

479 138 3

Welcome to my short story collection. My collection of short stories includes contests and random short stori... More

1. Fairly-tale Battle
2. Second Chance
3. French Coffee Kiss (Short Story Letter)
5. Olympic Dream..
6. The Legend of Salem (Halloween Short Story)
7. The Secret Life of Queen Bee (Short Story)
8. The Curse of the Ouija Board (Halloween Short Story)
9. Golden Christmas (Christmas Short Story)
10. A Summer to Remember (Summer Short Story)
11. Opposites Attract (Short Story)
12. The Girl with a Rare Disease (Short-Story)
13. The Missing Photographer.. (Halloween Short Story)
13. Warm Blood (Halloween Short Story)
15. Christmas Coffee (Christmas Short Story)
16. Magical Snow Globe (Christmas Short Story)
18. The Unknown Crown Prince Assassin Attempt
17. Soccer Girl Forever
19. Halloween VS Chirstmas
20. Claws vs Fangs (Halloween Short Story)
21: Vampire Blood Bank (Halloween Short Story)
22. The Black Cat (Halloween Short Story)
23. Hunted Nightmare (Halloween Short Story)
24. Bonfire (Halloween Stort Story)
25. Spies Love
26. Halloween Night (Halloween Story)
27. Secret Tail
28. Coffee Love
29. Grace's Flower
30. The Curse of Eternal Loss
31. The Bewitching Costume
32. Falling Leaves
33. Ski Resort
34. Love at a Cafe

14. The Halloween Killer (Halloween Short Story)

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By Jmarie_Freiberg

One of your friends invites you to a Halloween party at their place. When you reach the venue, all you can see is a graveyard and a person covered in blood waving at you.


When your town has a serial killer known as "the Halloween Killer," each Halloween with a full blood moon, he finds his next victim, and some say he has a list of his next victims, while others say it's just random. No one really knows why, but there are a lot of reasons and rumors.

Kinsley is the daughter of the chief of police, who happens to stick her nose in classified cases of the "Halloween Killer." She has an unhealthy obsession with finding clues and leads to help close cold cases, just like her dad. Some people say she will be the next chief of police if she follows in his footsteps.

Halloween should be a fun night filled with having fun, like having a party, trick-or-treating, being with friends, watching horror and thriller movies, eating candy, or carving pumpkins, but not standing in an open graveyard with someone else covered in blood waving at you.

It was finally October, my favorite season and time of the year. Why, you might ask? It's because of a number of reasons, like watching horror movies, reading or writing spooky stories, going to pumpkin patches, drinking some hot apple cider or even pumpkin spice drinks, and of course eating all the best fall treats like caramel apples, pie, and many more. One of the reasons I love October is because it's my birthday month, and I get to celebrate my birthday on Halloween. Some people say being a Halloween baby is a curse because bad things can happen, and another group of people say it's a blessing, like having a superpower like raising the dead from graveyards. I just think people say these types of things to scare me, especially when I know how much I love watching horror and thriller movies and, of course, reading and writing some spooky scary stories. This year I thought of going out for my birthday to a Halloween party at one of my friends' houses instead of staying inside and just watching horror movies with my family.

A few weeks before Halloween, my best friend asked while we were by our lockers in school:

"Hey Kinsley, have you heard the best news yet?" She said this while struggling to get her books into a pile and adding more books to the pile of books in her arms.

"No, I haven't heard the news yet, but I did hear there was going to be a big Halloween bash at Eric's house." My brother said it was one of the biggest parties of the year, and he said there should be an invitation to the party coming soon. I told her and took a few books out of her arms before she fell to the ground.

"Hopefully we get an invite this year; last year it was at a top-secret location that no one knew about, but there were some clues like a map or something." "I wouldn't know I wasn't invited, but hopefully I will this year," she said as she slammed her locker, which made a ringing sound in my ears and made my head hurt.

"Hey, I wasn't invited either, but I hope I get invited too," I said as we turned around and started walking to our class.

As we walked to our last class of the day, I saw my brother Greyson walking down the hallway towards us with his group of friends, laughing about last year's Halloween party, which I couldn't go to because I was a sophomore and the party was only for the popular kids, plus I wasn't even sixteen yet.

"Hey asshole, are you coming home tonight or are you going to go sneak off somewhere and make out with a girl or probably smoke some weed or something?" I said this as I looked straight into his eyes.

"Hey bitch, you know stalking your brother is creepy, and well, you know I have football practice tonight, and then the guys and I are going to meet up with some girls for food afterwards." He said this and laughed while throwing a football back and forth from one hand to the other.

"You know, you guys are the weirdest siblings I ever knew; I mean, your sibling relationship is like a cat and dog who either love each other or hate each other." Allie said while looking at my brother and then at me and shrugging.
"Yeah, but either way, we'll always be each other's pain in the ass and well, sibling, no matter what happens," I said as I fixed my bookbag strap on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we might be weird, but hey, just remember you love us no matter what," Greyson said as he looked at Allie and gave her a smirk.

"Yeah, I know, so, hmm." "Are you going to the big Halloween party even though you promised to watch Halloween horror movies and eat lots of sugary snacks with us, or are you going to the party again like last year?" She asked nervously and shyly.

"I am not sure, but I might go to the party or something," he said, looking at me, then smiling.

"Well, if you don't go, you know where to find us, or maybe we will see you at the party—who knows?" I told him and chuckled.

"As long as you don't come and scare us while we are in bed and watching a horror movie, unlike the last time you scared us half to death, I still have nightmares from that movie," Allie said while looking down at the floor and trying not to feel embarrassed.

"Well, see you later, dumbass, and mom said don't be late for dinner; we are having your favorite meal, which is steak with mashed potatoes again," I yelled as he walked past me in the hallway to get to his class.

"I will try not to be late, and, oh yeah, did you know you are the school's favorite slut?" He yelled back and laughed.
"Did he just call you a slut like one of the popular girls like the cheerleaders?" "I heard they can't keep their legs closed every time they see a hot guy or even in the air doing their damn tricks," she said, then laughed so hard that she almost had an asthma attack.

A few weeks later, I got a weird-looking black envelope just like Allie's; the strangest part is that we don't know who gave it to us or how it got in our lockers in the middle of the school day. We were both standing there next to each other with the black envelope with sliver writing on it that said our names. We looked at each other and knew what was inside. It was an invitation to the biggest Halloween party at the high school that had an unknown location; sometimes it was deep in the woods or at a random barn on someone's property that no one knew about until the day of the party, which just happened to be on Halloween night.

"Are you excited, King?" Allie asked and smiled.

"Ali, you know I am, and we definitely need to go shopping for a killer dress after school, and you know what this means?" "We can actually go to the mall and be a normal girl teenager for once instead of being nerds stuck at home," I told her.

"Does this mean Greyson has to come with us, or can we just go by ourselves since..." "Well, uh, the Halloween Killer can be anywhere, and he might be watching?" Allie said and jumped on my back.

"Ahh, Ali, don't do that; I almost pissed myself, and we can go by ourselves; in fact, we are big girls." "Oh, that reminds me, my dad has a present for us, and you know what that is." I told her while trying to catch my breath.

"Let me guess: a Taser, pepper spray, and whistle again," Allie said with a smirk.
"Ding. Ding. Maybe this time we get a switchblade," I joked, knowing that my dad will probably give us one too.
"Your dad is so cool for giving us weapons, and if my dad wasn't best friends with your dad, we wouldn't be the best friends or even like sisters," she said and smiled.

"Yeah, and I wouldn't have a better crime partner like you." Speaking of our dads, do you know you will be the fire chief and I will be the chief of police? "Who knows this town will be in our hands, and we can actually run the town?" I asked her.

After school, we walked into my house together, planning what dress or costume we would be wearing at the party, and we turned the corner and saw our dad yelling at the TV while watching a football game.

"Hey dad and hi uncle Eric, I see you both are watching the game; now who is winning?" I said.

"Hi, sweetheart, and as you know, our college football team is winning by a few touchdowns, and well, there were definitely some good hits too," he said while his eyes were glued to the TV.

"Yeah, and a football guy got kicked in the balls by another guy, and it was priceless," uncle Eric said, laughing as he saw my dad's expression.

"Oh, we got you some gifts today, and well, it's almost Halloween too; here you go, and don't worry, this year you get a switchblade too," my dad said as he gave us some boxes.

"Ha, I told you we get blades this year, and at least my dad is cool with you giving me this type of stuff to stay protected," Allie said and laughed while opening her box.

"Well, I prefer my girl to be safe than be hunted down by a stalker or something worse," Eric said, grabbing another beer from the fridge.

"Sweet thanks, dad, and so when it's time to get a gun and start learning how to use it," I joked, knowing that saying that can get you into trouble.

"Oh ha-ha, very funny King, maybe when you are 18 or maybe sooner," her dad said and laughed.

"Oh, dangit, it would be kind of cool to pull them out if someone I was trying to hurt was like, "Sticky it up your asshole, then watch them run away while screaming," Aillie said and laughed.

"Oh, Alie, you know that if you do, then you will be in jail and I will have to bail you out, but it wouldn't be fun if I didn't join you," I told her.

"Yeah, you're right, and our dads will have our mug shots hanging up on the fridges and be proud," I said.

"I better not see you in a jail cell for anything like that or you will be grounded for life, and you are damn right, I will have your mug shots on the fridge and maybe hang them up in our offices," my dad said.

"I would even put it on t-shirts and then wear it when we pick up for parties and stuff," Eric said and burst out laughing.
"Well anyways, we should probably go to the Halloween store and the mall to find some killer outfits that make the Halloween Killer take a double take at us hot bitches," Allie said, quickly grabbing the keys to her car.

"Yeah, we better go it loose, like our dads are going to kill us for saying that," I said and ran out of the door, following Allie.
When we finally arrived at the mall, we found some cute dress stores and a Halloween pop-up store that only comes around once a year. We decided to get her hair and nails done. Once we are done looking around the mall and looking out for some hot guys to flirt with, we see Grey flirting with the most popular girl at school, and she is like the wicked witch of the whole school because she has to be the center of attention.

"Hey bro, I see you still flirting with this flugy slut who can't keep her legs closed, unlike when she does in cheerleading," I joked.

"Oh, Kinsley, you know better not to pick on her, especially since she will be my date to the Halloween party," he said, kissing the girl's cheek.

"Yeah, you better be nice, or I will get you invited to the party," she sneered.
"Oh, whatever princess you are, shouldn't you be in your castle and act like you're the center of the world or something?" Allie said it and grinned.
"Babe, we need to go check out Victoria Secret; I bet there is some cute, spooky, sexy lingerie for you to see," she said, grabbing his hand and tugging him away from us.

A few weeks passed, and it was finally Halloween, where a lot of kids were getting ready to go trick-or-treating, and us teenagers went out to the biggest and most hunted party there was in town. Allie and I chose to be FBI agents and detectives since we didn't want to dress up as slutty girls like other girls who would be at the Halloween party. In fact, our dads would drag us back home and make us charge if they saw us dress like that. Anyway, as we got ready to set out for the party, we stopped at a local restaurant to eat some food just in case the catering at the party didn't taste good or was burned to a crisp.

The crisp fall night, the full blood moon shining down on the old town cemetery, the gate flew open in a swift swoosh, the music blaring from a distant speaker while the lights filled up the sky. As we walked towards the center of the graveyard, I got a chill down my spine and a wired feeling like something or someone was watching us. I grabbed Allie's hand because, knowing her, she still gets spooked when it comes to being scared during Halloween, and I told her it would be okay. A few minutes later, we saw a group of teenagers in the middle of the corn field with heaving blasting music, the big wood platelet fire, a few tables with food and drinks, and lots of cars with their lights on. We walked to the fire and heard people talking about the Halloween killer.

"One long time ago, on Halloween night in this town, there was a killer who walked the streets looking for a victim to kill and drink his or her blood." Apparently, people say the killer was either a vampire, werewolf, or something like that that makes your skin crawl and sends a chill down your spine when you see or hear about it. Some people say the killer picked the victims weeks before Halloween, and others just say it's just random. Over the years, the killer comes back to town or comes out of his haunted house near the old town cemetery. People say he works at the town morgue, and others say he also works at the hospital, but no one really sees him at those places. Anyway, one night he saw this beautiful girl walking along the street alone, and he thought she was pretty, so he followed her to her car and pretended to ask for help finding the hospital. The girl had this creepy feeling, and he said, "Um." "The hospital is down this street, and take a left at the cemetery," she said, looking away for one second. All of a sudden, he grabbed her in seconds, covering her mouth so she couldn't scream or call for help. He dragged her into a white van with no windows and drove away, leaving the scene of the crime with no one watching, so he thought. "He killed her that night in the creepy old cemetery behind the church, and people say this was the spot where she took her last breath of air," a guy said who was telling the horror story.

All of a sudden, a guy jumped out from behind the hay bales and yelled "Boo!" so loudly that it made everyone scream bloody murder, and some of the teens ended up spilling drinks on them. The guy had a scream mask like in the movie Scream, in which the killer has an obsession with Halloween movies and other horror-thriller movies. Allies' face was pale as a ghost, and it looked like the blood drained from her face, like she was going to pass out at any moment. Luckily, in seconds, her color came back, and she was back to normal. I asked her if she would like to go for a walk and get some fresh air to help her feel better since she hates pop-up scares.

As we walked away from that party, all of a sudden I felt a chill run through my spine; the hair on the back of my neck began to stand up, and I knew something wasn't right. As I walked, I turned around and noticed that Allie wasn't walking next to me; she somehow disappeared in a split second. I started freaking out and having a panic attack. I started running towards a light in the far distance and thought if I made it to the old cemetery, I would be okay. As I reached the cemetery, I noticed a dark, heavy fog covering the headstones. I looked up into the sky and noticed the full blood moon shining in the dark night sky. As I walked a little further into the graveyard, I saw a person holding a knife who was drenched in blood. As I starred to get a better view, I noticed who it was, and it was my best friend Allie standing over the dead body of the "Halloween Killer," and she was having a panic attack. She saw me, stopped panicking, waved at me, and whispered, "We did it!" "We finally got the Halloween Killer, and this was the best Halloween party I ever planned." Finally, I closed the cold cases that hunt us every Halloween. Maybe I should be a deputy fire chief instead of a fire chief. "It's a good thingy family that owns this land, and I knew he would come to the party and here after spending time reading all the cold case files."

At that moment, I knew my best friend Allie was something else, like she had a whole different personality that scares me, but I knew she had to stop the Halloween Killer after getting weird text messages, phone calls, etc. I didn't figure it out, but she was the Halloween Killer's next victim due to being the fire chief's daughter; apparently, the killer had a grudge against her father and wanted to get revenge.

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