his final stand

By unknown_Soldier64

47 4 1

when it's all lost and there's no light of hope from all directions there was only one soul holding back the... More

The last Stand

47 4 1
By unknown_Soldier64

A ship is leaving an airstrip as another is still being loaded the sorry souls still being loaded onto the last remaining ship the cry's of children and the cries of pain and terror is in the air distanced gun fire and explosions are heard a CB.a soldier finds a hole in the fence and when he was ready to take a shot into the large crowed he was shot first in the head by a young boy.

The boy is wearing slightly large armor and is carrying a ZFL Lazer rifle with a broken scope and looks dirty he is smiling and he helps a wounded soldier to the ships loading door the soldier grabs the boy and asks him to join him but the just kissed the soldier on the forehead the female soldier had tears in her eyes.

The boy turned around and ran back to the barrier and aimed down sights at the line of enemies the female soldier looked on in sadness and dispar but as she was blacking out her last sight was the smile she fell for one last time.

With the last ship needed to leave and the enemy closing in the boy fired into the crowd of soldiers and took many out with headshots and chest shots he was taking them out left and right but they kept coming the armor he wore protected him but it wasn't enough one shot in the right spot he's gone but that thought passed he was holding for 30 minutes but it felt like days the enemy was relentless but the boy was ruthless.

The evacuation ship was finally ready to leave the ship deck hand called to the boy as he turned around a missile went pass his head and barely missed the ship the boy turned back and fired back apon soldiers the ship hand saw him wave him off told him to leave to get back on the ship and get to safety to leave.

As the ship left the deck hand saw the boy and the large crowed of enemies closing in on the boys position the deckhand looked away in sadness but he felt a sense of hope and wished he could of stayed and helped but it was then the deck hand heared the transmission on his headset that the military was sending back up to the airstrip the deck hand looked back at the boy who while the deck had looked away was falling back he had a bullet wound but he was still firing at the enemy.

The boy was panting and wensing in pain but he still smiled and his eyes shined bright he picked up his final clip and held his head high he let a finale battle cry and ran at the enemy from the ship the deck hand saw his final assault the boy ran at the enemy firing into the crowd killing four more.

His light left a mark on the world as the boy killed three more a bullet hit his exposed armor wounding him he still ran at the mass but it wasn't enough and as he was shot again he dropped to his knees he looked up at the ship leaving the planet and smiled the final bullet that killed the hero came from the commander of the army he lead CB.a where close to taking the airbase.

Not a moment later a massive Mecha landed with three more and two smaller Mecha they fired at the soldiers on the ground killing them all and successfully killing there leader the military arrived and landed ground troops the troops looked through the pile of corpses that they found only one a yellow beacon of hope in a puddle of red dispar the soldiers picked up the boy and carried him they check for a form of id to identify him.

Name: John B Williams

Race: Human

Occupation: junior apprentice

ID number: 22314976

The soldiers looked at him in awe and confusion what was this civilian doing in soldiers armor and he was a human at that they looked at each other but one found the rifle on the ground they carried him to a truck and loaded him in there when they returned to the barrier they found the bodies of many soldiers at first they thought it was one of there own squads but they where over ran before they even made it to the airstrip.

They went back to the truck they left John in and found the armor had a camera on it the light was red so it ment it still worked so they pulled the chip and found the content and what they saw was that of heroics and honor but it was a human he was not even a soldier they wanted to leave him but when they found who the armor belonged to they grabbed the body and cam to the Liberty Awakens the ship that orbits the planet.

The female soldier was looking at the body of the boy who saved her life Captian Aldean  moss sat next to the boy she grabbed his hand and cried a little he was only in her service for a few months but she felt close to him she got up and left.

Heros may win the battle but warriors kill the war.

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